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fattest place in the world Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 19:34:23 No. 456844
fuck I fucking hate Americans
Shut up and give us your Hungary dollars, you killed our fat woman
>>456844 poor women. I feel bad for her children that lost her mom.
>>456852 that bitch probably cannibalized her children because she would be too unreal otherwise
>>456844 When I see someone like this, I only feel disgust and a feeling of shame that people like this exist to begin with. I cannot imagine living like that and being okay with it.
>husband This disgusting bitch was married. I never want to hear about "male privilege" ever again.
We hate you, too, buddy.
>>456844 Freedom ain't free you pussy
When you get that fat it's usually just trying to suicide gradually, like alcoholics or people who use fentanyl.
>>456909 No one uses fentanyl people use other drugs that have fentanyl in them. Moron.
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Feeling is mutual
>>456844 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>>456970 save the rage for fat people and kys
fuck, I hate America
Lol you're complaining about technology you bitch niggers there wouldn't be fat or unhealthy people if we didn't have medicine to keep people alive past their natural expiration date. These very fat people and also very old or very sick people are kept alive artificially. I hope they keep eating all your food lol
>>458920 You're right but not in the way you are trying to be Infants are kept alive due to technology This is a problem because human populations needed that high mortality to remain genetically healthy, the longer those conditions are maintained the worse the health of the population will get and more people will be fat and liberal Being liberal will be selected out due to the nature of liberals but being fat and having a really low IQ will not until the ecology collapses
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I'll get that hedgehog!
>be American >die in Hungry
>>456844 >buried in Hungary Can't coffins be shipped in the cargo section? I'm not even trying to be a shitposter, here, I just don't understand why she couldn't be shipped home.
>>459005 They could have incinerated her too. After a week or so, the fat would have stopped burning and the resulting ashes would have been easily planed home

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