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crystal cafe Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 09:50:35 No. 457114
tell me about this place
i dunno op
>>457114 That place still exists?
>>457124 of course they dont have incels or pedos
Isn't it like shitchan's /r9k/ board but with reverse genders?
>>457159 /r9k/ will sometimes have actual women there because it's a great place to gain simps. Cringe.cafe on the other hand is just self-hating troons acting like they aren't troons and other males that are stealth posting. Femcel isn't a real thing as much as the two places want everyone else to believe.
>>457160 How about lolcow farm?
>>457162 That place is probably a mix of all sorts of shitty people. Knew of some fat bpdemon that said she liked going there, but she wasn't any better than the people she made fun of.
>>457162 wizchan's admin is a mod in it's cytube clique and likely, on the site too. that's all you need to know
you can find a thread on him in particular on /cow/.
>>457160 >Femcel isn't a real thing as much as the two places want everyone else to believe. femcels do exist but they are lame landwhales and whores/hookers. also feminists. none of those use chans, so ur stuck with weak psychos trying to ruin mentally weak people lives through the internet to gain some quick buck/mentally ill girl/access to likeminded chat for themselves
They ban everyone they don't like permanently for unspecified reasons, likely being a "moid" upon their wild guess.
Next time just admit that no, you don't talk about anything else.
>>459138 Did you delete the post?
>>459139 Fuck yes. It breaks Local Rule 1. Don't do that.
>>459141 I was literally just pointing out what's in the OP screenshot. That's not fair game either?
>>459143 Not here. Nothing even slightly pedophilic. Although when lcp isn't in the middle of spamming the board theres a little leeway. Right now he is. So bad timing.
Can I get a gf if I go there
>>459159 No, radfems are incels for the same reason Andrew Tate redpill types are: they have an irrational degree of hatred for the opposite sex A lot of them are also trans women pretending to be misandrist cis women for whatever reason. Ever met a trans guy? A lot of them are strangely misogynistic. You see the same in reverse on crystal cringe. Dunno what that's about, some internalized hatred being projected outwards? There are definitely still hardcore mentally ill chicks on there, make no mistake about that.
>>459161 >>459159 remember that all women, even "femcels" will get more action than you ever will in your life
>>457282 >femcels do exist but they are lame landwhales and whores/hookers. also feminists. so it's just a mockery of incels.
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>>459163 >even so-called femcels will spread their legs for anyone Is that supposed to be an insult to the femcels or to anon?
>>459303 Whores aren't "cels," idiot. That's the point. The only femcels are volcels, but that's not what people imply when they say femcel. They're trying to imply they're incels, and they're not. Also, female volcels are incredibly rare. Almost every one that says she is is lying in order to try to trick people because she's learned that whores gross everyone out.
>>459161 Andrew Tate redpill types aren't incels because of "an irrational degree of hatred for the opposite sex." They take the redpill (which is an unintentional, involuntary action) upon realizing they're involuntarily celibate, and this leads them to have a (usually perfectly rational) hatred for the opposite sex. Women just hate the opposite sex because feminism tells them to and they lack the critical thinking skills to see the plain fact that practically every reason given is objectively false.
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>>459452 Both.
I went to the site a while back and one of the posters claimed something along the lines of "men psychologically manipulate their female family members into exploitation and sexual abuse"
>>459480 I mean, there's obvious physical manipulation/blackmailing but this is the first time I'm hearing about psychological manipulation
>>459481 I am mad at femcels for not dating me but I agree with them that most men are bad because post people are cattle tier and are bad people, great animals, bad people. Most men psychologically manipulate and most women are self destructive because they go along with the manipulation.
>>459482 Does that mean I can program a woman into not making me pay child support and alimony? How?
>>459482 How does the manipulation even work by the way? I can't imagine that stuff working and in the modern day unless you're a very high value man (at least in the eyes of the woman)
>>459483 I don't want to tell you how if you're a cishet mansplainer but I can mansplain to you how it works if you're not cishet. Women are greedy, and immature, they have very poor judgement regarding danger, their pain tolerance is extremely high (needs to be for birthing) and so they often injure themselves if they attempt anything manly like sports or whaling. A woman can easily convince herself that a man has money, and is willing to share it with her, they are literally that stupid and greedy, they put themselves in situations where they get gangraped because they're like the monkey from Aladdin when he got hypnotized by that ruby and just haaad to take it, causing the whole cave to fall apart almost killing him and his closest friends. Women will convince themselves of anything as long as it goes along with their preconceived notion of what reality is. She will never be tricked by a man dressed like a bum because in her perception of reality a bum has no value, but if she saw that same man dressed well she would convince herself that he can be an avenue to getting what she wants, which is goods and services. Once you learn this about women you learn that they are like children, not in mind or body but in spirit, they have not been challenged in the way males have been, that is not to say they have not been abused. Dress the part, get a haircut, rent an expensive car, go out, watch how many bitches won't leave you the fuck alone, and people will say those are prostitutes, no duh, nearly all women are prostitutes, they sell themselves, their bodies, their company, their time, not all women so don't get mad at me. It's a cultural thing and women don't have to be this way. They love ultra aggressive hyper violent men (even though they as women don't comprehend actual violence) but only when she believes the man can be an avenue to what she wants.
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>>459485 >I don't want to tell you how if you're a cishet mansplainer but I can mansplain to you how it works if you're not cishet.
>>459485 What the fuck kinda gay do you have?
>>459476 >ur dumb! >explains something i already knew anyways without seeing i was merely hinting to how absurd 457282-kuso's unasked of explanation was nigger
>The identity of socially awkward women is solely based on hating men Will never not be fucking hilarious that I make women butthurt just by existing.
>>459501 I meant to quote the same guy you were quoting, but accidentally quoted you. Please forgive my idiocy.
>>459523 you're forgiven, it's fine
>>457114 its exactly r9k but females, 1-to-1 mapped. They are losers who don't go out, dont workout, terminally online, hate others because they think they're judging their looks or actions but instead have low self esteem. There even are girls who had sex and cry he never loved her, there are no-lifers who cry they were abused, no one loves them, Im boo hoo depressed life sucks gonna kill myself, there are gay incel lesbian who preach how good lesbiancy is, there are few sane women who give good advice and are called "pickmes". So exactly like fem/r9k/
Apparently some femcel from that site found us and is now spamming our obscure and dead board. Her audience of six people will be trolled hard from this maneuver.
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>>459594 now now, it could just be a tranny faggot who thinks his gaping fleshwound between his legs is his period and all the blood-soaked bandages he has are signs of his femininity
>>459594 To be honest actual women wouldn't use a obscure format like a chan to communicate, they probably use things like Instagram or one of those fanfic sites, also actual women-only spaces would be personal and not public access
>>459562 Well no, they aren't incels. You even said there are some that had sex. They're volcels. There are no female incels. So the difference is that /r9k/ is full of people who are losers among losers. Crystal Cafe is full of women that have everything handed to them but say it isn't enough. They are actually what they try to say incels are, which is just spoiled brats. As usual, women project and are unable to empathize with others.
>>459621 I used to have incredible empathy so much that I could feel others' pain as my own. Now I can't feel much empathy because of the red pill. I imagine that was how women were, but in the past they could express some empathy I think, but nowadays they seem less prone to giving into negative, sad emotions that real empathy requires. They live a solipsistic life for their own preservation because they want everything for themselves. Sorry to tell it to you, but the cause for the lifting of the veil was the red pill and Nazism and Trump. When they put all their heart and soul into defending down-and-out people like blacks, trannies, LGBT, disabled, what have you, and then Nazis and Trumpers turn around and start attacking autistic children and everyone else who's a minority, women turn 180 degrees and nope the fuck out of becoming emotionally-invested in who they were defending.
And in actuality, the spring-loaded contraption of the incredible empathy displayed by women towards minorities followed by men revolting and expressing hatred towards minorities fills them with glee because it recalls a sense of drama. They build up these feelings of heroism and replace them with villainism. They laugh when men try to take the reins again and become evil, but they were at least fighting against their evil inclinations, whereas the men just confirmed to them that their thoughts they were fighting against were valid. That's not to say their new gleeful emotions are right, it's that they're evil.
>>459624 villainy*
>>459594 wheres the spam
>>459627 There have been three periods in the past year that the site has been filled to the brim with scat porn by some vigilante femcel who hates misandronists.
well either way women and society are speedrunning towards the good ol' days of wifebeating and religious repression which is what all of them secretly seem to want by the looks of it and this time any revolutions after that will probably be met with brutal force rather than the leniency and ambivalence people showed previously too bad we're caught in the transitional period with whores and mental illness when women hear tha above they'll just call you an incel virgin (lol) and bring up the five people (four of which are black) that do rape and domestic violence in first world countries each year, and then proceed to completely ignore just how good they have it compared to anywhere else because it's never enough for them and can't be grateful this is just their way of trying to shut you up because you bring an opposing point to their deluded worldview
>>459627 Deleted, evidently. It was just gore images with captions about period blood or something.
>>459629 Thats just soyjak spam. It's complicated but basically we got beef. Just report and ignore it.
>>459635 lol they even have to make the spam with bitching about themselves
>>459639 Did the teens really get their site shut down for real? What it's the history of that?

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