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Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 17:48:30 No. 457188
We only have either democrat or republican presidents because you faggots refuse to vote for third party candidates, then you whine about “only” having a two party system. It’s like how women whine about domestic violence because they choose to only date shitskinned normalniggers instead of neurodivergent boys who never laid a finger on them. You faggots elect presidents about as well as women do.
>>457188 >Voting matters Good luck with that efficient system, friend
not my problem
The media, news, entertainment and now social media on every medium, for decades have been saying voting for third party is throwing your vote away. They will also say, if you vote third party you will just get (insert candidate here) elected. They will reinforce these ideas subtly for the most part, and have pushed this idea and thought in everything from comic books to movies and random episodes of many programs. It works, you'll hear those two phrases repeated verbatim, whenever you talk about the issue.
>>457189 There is no alt-right revolution, you can say all the good arguments against democracy but it will always prevail.
>>457194 Keep hoping that's true. Maybe you will be able to sleep at night.
>>457195 No shit happens.
>>457194 nigger what? This is biology, a species under dysgenics in an artificial ecology maintained by itself will collapse inevitably, they will simply become too stupid to know or figure out how to maintain it, and with the ecology goes your inefficient political systems that are a point of decadence before that tho there will be a breaking apart affect, and whites conservatives that are pro-white will have an opportunity to form an adaptive super-organism there doesn't have to be a revolution if the empire will crumble under it's own inefficiency I hate liberals but I want them to 'win' at this point in time as it will speed up the collapse and thus the recovery, and that is impotent for the survival of the white phenotype but you and your liberal ilk do not high enough reproduction to be of any consequence to the future, so your compulsion to try to propagate systems based in equality and safety will go with you, please remember this when you try to babel on with your disillusion rhetoric papa nurgle only helps those that want to live, and you guys don't
>>457197 >collapse inevitably You keep saying this for years and no shit happens. >so your compulsion to try to propagate systems based in equality and safety will go with you No, it will be more lasting than any empire known to man, this is a century old plan that has conquered everything relevant, you can complain all you want, you can obliterate anyone whatever physical or intellectually and that cant stop shit.
>>457199 Your desperation drips off you like anxious sweat. Who are you trying to convince? Me, or you?
>>457197 >a species under dysgenics in an artificial ecology maintained by itself will collapse inevitably curious that you didn't try to respond to that little bit, your ideas won't be in the future because they are maladaptive, and the only reason they were able to take hold now was the ecology that exists due the technology long dead far better white people made, technology that we can't advance and will not be able to maintain In short; fuck you im going to sleep
>>457201 Sleep is for the weak lcp.
>>457200 I don't need to convince anyone because it will happen.
>>457202 >summoning me over this bullshit you wouldn't catch me dead playing identity politics. I'm no more concerned over the "survival of the white phenotype" as I am the survival of whats left of the neanderthal genetics we raped our way into obtaining hundreds of thousands of years ago. I have no deep longing to rekindle my inner neanderthal as I'd imagine anyone hundreds of thousands of years into the future will give a shit about rekindling the tiny fraction of their genetics that's european. it's just utterly irrelevant tribalist categorizing that never ends which is why even after genociding every other humanoid species on earth we've just moved onto separating our own by subspecies.
>>457203 You hope. >>457205 Look at this hippy dippy star trek bullshit. Nigger. Make no mistakes, this galaxy is ours.
Awake >>457205 >People won't care about kith and kin in the furture because im a libcuck and thus want to work with outsiders to try to gain power thus have no feelings of group orientation That is cool The world isn't the way you want it to be, and all you are is evolution trying to correct an evolutionary mismatch
I voted for Roque De La Fuente Guerra in 2016 instead of crooked Hillary or Zion Donald. Can’t blame me for the shit show.
>>457206 The most powerful people of the world want this and you try to stop them with memes.
>>457227 why do you cucks think you what powerful people want? they want more power, and to be able to hide in their bunkers when shit hits the fan, they don't really care about your gay shit
>>457227 And we are winning.
>>457236 No we're not we lost control of our retards and now they're trying to stop us from being degenerates
>>457188 most americans dont vote at this point so the unofficial third party of no confidence wins quite often

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