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Marcus Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 17:33:29 No. 457429
here we talk about the teachings and philosophy of Stoicism and all of it's importance in the modern age.
>>457429 Step 1. Don't be a whiny bitch.
>>457430 ...yes!
>>457431 Step 2. Do not talk about your feelings.
>>457432 that isn't possible, everything we do is based in feeling
>>457433 You are too weak for stoicism.
>>457434 the 'logic' parts of your brain are young, and impulse goes through the older parts of your brain first, the older parts are for 'feeling' how something will make you feel, while the logic parts only make sure you aren't going to fall out of the tree if you take this path kind of agree, a group of people will always prefer men to have no feelings, so they can better be disposable, and thus make the group more adaptive however that only goes as far as the group is part of the man's phenotype, and men are always going to have feelings, they should base everything they do off those feelings first before considering other people
>>457435 You are a narcissist, and a weakling. Do not speak to your betters.
>>457437 the only reason all people don't kill themselves is due to narcissism
>>457429 I twisted my dick in a knot and shilled to strangers the health benefits of donkey semen in order to help water conservation.
>>457440 Only faggots kill themselves and the modern human is a turbo faggot. In nature you either kill or be eaten alive. Most modern humans forgot that was the original way to living but due to the advent of agriculture and later the industrial system everyone is like a docile herbivore (cattle) who is willing to sacrifice themselves just like a lemming. Essentially prey. Also most tribes did a lot of sacrificing and canabalism. I suppose since that threat isn't around anymore people willingly sacrifice themselves due to the modern world promoting "safety" and "cleanliness" but doing so just ended up with a sterile prison. Tldr the agriculture revolution was the worst mistake in humanity to occur.
>>457469 More like you work together with your kin to allow your phenotype to endure but sure agriculture, no you can still have selection under agriculture and agriculture makes people come together in towns and cities allowing blessed diseases to come and make the ethnic group one step closer to eusociality Industrial revolution, yes that was a mistake
>>457470 You ignoramus diseases nor do viruses exist. All of it is a byproduct of the terrain/environment. Furthermore ancient societies were nomadic and were mostly raw carnivorous. It was only until the neolithic era were people started to learn how to farm and then later a population increase. I posted 🪐 because everything stems from the occult worship of that planet. The god of harvest,time. And "Jews" worship this crap to no end hence why you can see it in the medical industry and hermetic cults. Literally everything luciferian demons told about health is bullshit. All vegetation that is regarded as food is poison. All of it, that includes wheat. It's the same reason why the kikes banned raw milk. Without agriculture the industrial revolution would not exist. The over abundance of seeds allowed for oils and other products which later is now the cornerstone of all ultra processed garbage. And then you have pesticides because PLANT CRAP was not meant for human consumption!. It was meant for insects and other animals. Also let's go further shall we. Eugenics was promoted heavily by satanic "Jews". In fact the only reason they look "white" is due to race mixing with europeans in the past. It's a benefit to them because they can blend in while they promote their black magic rituals from behind the scenes. Same goes for genital mutilation as some of them still eat human flesh via foreskins. All of it is a trick.
>>457472 agriculture is why we can eat eggs and meat like we can, we feed what we grow to the animals then we eat them, agricultural is not synonymous with vegetarianism, and the reason we stopped being nomadic is because agrarianism is more stable and predictable so women selected to be with the men that farmed rather the ones that hunted and gathered because women love stability and everywhere outside of Africa is a harsh yet stable ecology so farming is just better if you're trying not die You're supporting the physiology and behavior patterns of niggers from Africa, just saying, they are the ones best adapted to the life you are supporting
>>457440 The naval gazing opinion of an idiot.
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>>457440 now now, theres also hedonism
>>458230 >that right hand Ball fondling or prostate stimulation?
>>458236 The later genius
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Stoicism is what gives you LARPing otherkin kids like Commodus.
>>458254 How the fuck did they get the hands to do that?

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