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Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 04:23:49 No. 458177
The sound you hear from Columbia University is the sound of not having to listen to college kids screaming at you about how you're killing the planet because you ate a steak, or how you shouldn't be allowed to drive, or how you need to be locked to within a 15 minute walk from your house. No more stupidass bullshit about how cars are tools of the patriarchy. No more whining about how you have to let some college kid tell you what you're allowed to eat. No more smarmy ass know it all lecturing you about how we need to ban farming. I've never felt freer in my whole life.
>>458177 Even those weakling spineless cowards are naming the jew. And yet still you do not. A broken clock is right twice a day. Finally they protest something meaningful and yet you continue to mock. No commiecat obsessed tranny lover, in the end I think you have misjudged this event. Though its the vest time of my life watching the left circle near the jq and get the shit kicked out of them. Now they see. I am vindicated.
>>458177 Also 2 things 1. Get new pictures you fucking jackass 2. Try the .se address, liveposting is back!
>>458178 They see nothing. They are college kids of the administrative class that get a hard on at the thought of dictating other peoples' lives to them. In a fight between them and the jews, I will make like Norm Macdonald and say that it is my sincerest hope that everyone involved in this conflict should die.
>>458180 Uh huh sure whatever. Try .se
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Commie thread needs more swastika
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Death to Communism
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Post swastika to prove you aren't a kike, or be ignored.
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>>458203 Yeah, I don't give a shit about the jews, but it's never not fun to see commies get steamrolled.
Can somebody tell me what the hell OP is talking about? I recognize commiecat but have no context for whatever events they're referencing.
>>458228 I'm talking about a bunch of students from Columbia University getting rolled over by the police.
>>458235 Did they at least watch skibidi toilet before dying 🥹

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