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Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 19:58:43 Id: 5477c3 No. 458923
The bear
the bull
The dog
(423.55 KB 400x300 hype.gif)

The Cunts
Fuck off Ulysses, i still have no idea what youre talking about.
(5.37 MB 1106x720 escuchen.webm)

>>458928 >Expecting a nigger to make sense
(2.08 MB 1280x720 Main Theme.mp4)

>>458924 the bear
I FUCKING HATE THE LONESOME ROAD YOU CAN'T EVEN ____ ED-E insert whatever you wish into blank
>>458932 I want to headpat ED-E and put a cowbow hat on him, like primm slimm.
>>458932 I want to leave them, I fucking hate companions, always get in the way and make the games too goddamned easy.
>>458932 >>458935 This. Except the stealth suit
>>458936 Dont be rude to the best girl.
>>458937 But that's what I'm saying. That's the only follower that's worth wearing. >>458938 Heck yeah, saved nice gap she (they?) have
Oh shit, we're on /b/ now. I thought I was going crazy with the CSS change
>>458941 God help you now. ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE
>>458940 >That's the only follower that's worth wearing. Anon, do not wear your friends!
I hope Latex works on /b/ I the stealth suit >>458943 I will though.
At least push it to /vb/, OP was obviously referencing Ulysses in Lonesome Road
>>458946 Fun is not allowed on /v/.
>>458946 /vb/ is a direct contender to /v/ because it is more FUN and more FREEDOM. Pushing a FUN and FREEDOM thread to /b/ instead of /vb/ DILUTES the boarsd CONTENTS and WEAKENS the /vb/ supremacy
>>458948 Video games is a /b/ topic because fucking EVERYTHING is a /b/ topic. So no go fuck yourself and your shitty b2 board you communist board splitting jackass jew kike nigger lover.
>>458951 WHAT? ... WHAT?
>>458948 Considering vamp admitted he was praising /vb/ in the /v/ meta thread to stir shit i find it hard to make a reply, but /vb/ is a contender for shit of exactly the same reason every alt-/v/ board failed: it's not /v/. If it was /vg/ or /vp/ then people would stick around because it's a 4chan name they recognize and most people are retarded enough to stick to a routine. Also, you know, it's kikeboy's flipflop dumping ground, his limp-wristed response to threads he won't deign to have on his pristine, perfect board but doesn't want to delete outright because people keep yelling at him for being a faggot. So, he made a version of /trash/ or kohlchan's /m/ to justify himself in every direction while ultimately doing nothing of note or value.
>>458963 Oh. Uh. Really? I can never tell with that guy. Err. Sorry then m8
>>458923 You are, for whatever reason, on a hike through the woods. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that you have startled a large ... thing next to your path. Would you rather it was a black bear, or a black man?
bear go brrrrr
(28.86 KB 290x475 1567148.jpg)

>>458977 Bear. All day every day. I'd take Shardik over that.

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