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Oldschool Minecraft! Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 17:49:33 No. 460049
Let's play Alpha / early Beta Minecraft, /b/
>>460049 K. Post a build then.
Who is hosting? And whats server info. I wanna play
>Want to play Oldschool Alpha / early Beta Minecraft from early 2010s? The Minecraft version is b1.1_02 1. Download MultiMC https://multimc.org/ (Use 7zip or Winrar to open the zip file) 2. Open & right-click white background to "create instance". – 3. Under "Filter" in the Create Instance window, check "Betas" & "Alphas". (I do version b1.1_02 as an old beta) … 4. Go to settings → Account – and add your Mojang or Microsoft account … 5. Right-click your instance → do "edit instance" → Go to "Version" → Then on the side, click "add to minecraft.jar" → and add the AlphaPlace Client as it is zipped. (do not unzip it). … 6. Also on "Edit Instance" go to Settings and enable java arguments and paste -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=betacraft.uk This under Java arguments^ to fix skins + sound + crashfix … 7. Go to "Servers" under Edit Instance, add a server, & set for address alpha.place OR alphaplace.net Here is the Alphaplace client zip to put in the "add to minecraft.jar" Alphaplace client zip https://files.catbox.moe/52p2xr.zip
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If commiecat poster wants to join, this is the commiecat skin.
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Im gonna Grief your shit like Team aVo griefed Rice think...
Why not just play Minetest with VoxeLibre instead?
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Here is my build.
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Best way to play Alpha Minecraft multiplayer: 1. Find random friends or bring in 8moe anons to form a town community together. Make a restaurant and town buildings, name the geography like forests, rivers, hills, etc, a bit of light RP. >Townie play is the most fun to do with randoms or friends in old Minecraft <Do not: Make a ghost town with no player houses or players living there 2. Build a big, big home. Try to get creative with floor patterns and windows. Have a kitchen, dining room, pool, dungeon, library, sight-seeing area, a garden, bedroom, a place to go fishing, basement, storage room, bedroom, archery range, a maze, a prayer room or altar, an arena, a player registry or place for players to put their signs up + the time of date when they 1st visited. Throw house parties or invite people to give them a tour of your Minecraft home. >A big house will do more for investment + a player board for 1st time visitors is fun to have them leave up signs. <Do not: Make a small, easy-to-build house that is done too quick, then you'll barely get much out of the game itself. 3. Visit other people's houses. >This way you can visit other people's houses and get ideas for your own builds. <Do not: Stay alone or isolated. 4. Choose your biome wisely. >Snow biome is nice, but in Alpha the snow doesn't regenerate: ideally, in a snow biome, build and place torches carefully not to melt the snow. Best to dig in the side of a mountain or try not to melt any snow: otherwise you will need a mod to replace the snow for you. >I recommend doing render distance as Short for snow biome because the fog looks aesthetic with the snow. But snow biome does get bleak after a while that I almost regret not settling in a forest or sandy beach.
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In Alpha, you definitely have limited options: Alpha Minecraft Building Mats: Wood logs Wooden planks + wood fences Stone blocks Cobblestone + Mossy Cobblestone Stone slabs Glowstone Netherrack Soulsand Iron + Gold + Diamond Blocks Snow blocks Wool Wooden stairs + cobble stairs Signs + Wood & Iron Doors Bookshelves + Jukeboxes Dirt + sand + gravel + leaves + red & yellow flowers + sugarcane + Cactus Obsidian Bricks (& I think clay blocks) Pumpkins + Jack o' lanterns TNT blocks Paintings (They don't work on the server, unfortunately) Alpha Minecraft Food: Apples (Golden Apples?) Bread Fish Porkchop Mushroom Stew Milk (kinda useless RP item at this stage) Alpha Novelty Items Fishing Rod, Clock, Compass, Flint n Steel, Saddle (to ride pigs), Music Records, Boats. You also have to design your own bed.
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In oldschool Minecraft, dungeons are also squares found underground in caverns or sometimes the surface.
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Here are some restaurants to give an idea what can be built in this version.
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They have McDonalds here.
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Here are tutorial screenshots for using multimc Tutorial + Alpha Client: >>460052
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If not MultiMC, I believe betacraft is also viable. This video related has 2 tutorials for using betacraft. Betacraft Launcher - https://betacraft.uk/downloads MultiMC: https://multimc.org/ As a launcher, you'll have to add the Mojang / Microsoft acct to use MultiMC-- But MultiMC as a launcher is safe, imo, and I've used it for years no problem. If anyone is worried about those things, these threads talk about this issue: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/discussion/3134405-is-it-safe-to-login-with-microsoft-in-multimc Do your own research, if you must: but I've used MultiMC & I'll testify it's safe & good to use.
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Ok, I looked into playing the cracked version without a microsoft account or buying Minecraft: If you want to play a cracked version for free and play Notch's old Minecraft alpha for free and without a microsoft account--, follow the instructions here How to play Alpha Place without a MS acct: 1. Go to https://betacraft.uk/downloads 2. Do "Download Latest Windows Version" or the other one. 3. Do "Select version" and select b1.1_02 4. Enter whatever name in the login -- it doesn't matter -- no account is needed. 4.5 To login to Alpha Place, write in the Multiplayer login: alpha.place 5. OPTIONAL --If you want to find a skin, the skins come with names: https://namemc.com/ You can browse skins here^ with the names for Login. 6. OPTIONAL --This tutorial video will also give you extra details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKsLLNLhUbs This is the version of Notch's day before Microsoft.
It might ask you to install the latest java btw.
I should add, you just enter any name on the betacraft launcher and hit play* ... Now every anon may play Oldschool Alpha Minecraft w/o any hassle.
Now that this is out of the way. I see no reason why anons can't play Alpha Minecraft. >fuck Microsoft This version of the game is pre-Microsoft & Notch era Minecraft. It has no association w/ Microsoft. In fact, they denounced Notch and removed references to him in the game. >I don't have Minecraft or a Microsoft Account We have a cracked version >>460098 here. You should be able to play it via the betacraft launcher for free. It is fairly ease to use. >What about skins? Well, I don't think you can use your own skin with the cracked version, but you can find a name with a skin by using this website-- https://namemc.com/ Find a name with a skin you like, use that name. >Linux or MAC I think the betacraft launcher can support these? Maybe it's the universal launcher JAR. >you're a shill I'm just lonely and wanted to get anons to play Minecraft. I assumed pretty much everyone had the game because of its high sales and abundant popularity + being bundled with Windows computers. I forgot about the controversy with Microsoft's acct transfer bs. >Well, ur a cunt anyways Ouch, anon. I guess I am a cunt.
I guess the server itself is a bit rulecucked. Rules such as: >No stealing >No griefing >No RDM killing >No hate symbols >No dick statues But imo I bet you could get away with having a swastika or dick statue if you hide it underground like a secret altar or somewhere people won't see. I doubt this rule would be enforced if they don't see it -- I could be wrong. >no griefing? Tbh, I think that is a preferable way to play Minecraft. Servers like that are too boring because nobody socializes and hides in their little corner of map. Minecraft is better played sociably with randoms instead of hiding from them.
I have my doubts playing Alpha Minecraft can work for anonymous community. The more I'm digging into this, the more unpalatable it seems for anons to get into. I'm not for certain you'll have to do this, but you might have to get whitelisted in order to play as a cracked user. But if you are a cracked user & want to play on the server w/o having Minecraft or a MS Acct, I think you'll have to get whitelisted. https://alpha.place/how-to-join/ There is a Disc0rd invite on their website^ https://discord.gg/alphaplace-564540443929346050 I think whitelisting works by choosing a random username & making a login for the server when whitelisted, but I'm not sure. There is a whitelist section at the Alpha Place discord. I know anons hate Discord, so this is probably not viable. I don't think you have to use a phone number for Discord, but you could make a throwaway account.
>>460112 Didn't you already post this? Err maybe you changed some grammar. Anyway yeah I was aware of the issue when you first made the thread, but what can you do?
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From what I have tested tonight, I think it is possible to make a throwaway Disc0rd account. I tried protonmail and protonmail wouldn't get any verification email from disc0rd, so I tried another email– Tutanota or Tuta Mail Tutanota or Tuta Mail did work for me. but 1. I had to verify the email + I had to skip the fbi.gov tutorial / tips to make it work. >(Had an issue where I couldn't click on the whitelist button until email was verified + I skipped the tips / tutorial exlamation points and orange glowing tutorial on Disc0rd) 2. When you join Alpha Place to get whitelisted, you should also test to make sure you can log in the name first? I had this strange message when trying to join with the test account that the max number of accounts was reached. 3. I'm not sure how long it will take to get verified in whitelisting, but make sure you can log on with the name first – then get -that- name whitelisted. … I'm tempted to delete this thread, b/c I don't think this can work. … Tuta Mail doesn't require a phone number + I think you can still use Disc0rd without a phone number (but it will require email verification & skipping the tutorial). At least enough to get whitelisted. … Make SURE the name you pick https://namemc.com/ Here^ Can log-in to the server at the very least or doesn't say "you have enough accounts 3/3" … The last stepping stone to this whole process is that I'm not sure how long it will take to get whitelisted. You should get direct messaged (or DM'd) with a message about whitelisting sometime AFTER you write the Name you chose from namemc.com. … But I fear this is too much effort for anons to play Alpha Minecraft, let alone making a Disc0rd, even if it is throwaway and without a phone number using Tuta Mail.
>>460119 Yeah it's basically impossible. Which is a shame, because I like minecraft, and I like you. So this sucks. I wanted to play together.
I talked with a moderator and they said that it takes 1 to 3 days to possibly get whitelisted. --I don't think you have to give a phone number to use Discord to get whitelisted, so it is possible to make a throwaway email with Tuta Mail / Tutanota & then a throwaway Discord without using any phone numbers. --BUT you will have to get the email verified + skip the Discord tutorial. ... The error I was having with "you have enough accounts 3/3" the moderator said was because you can only have so many accounts per IP or something like that -- and the test account I made apparently the name I chose was already a registered name on Alpha Place, so you might have to talk with the mods to find the right name.
First you use that Betacraft launcher. ... You can use Tuta Mail to make a disposable email: https://tuta.com/ Verify the email + skip the Disc0rd tips / tutorial by dismissing the orange glowing exclamation points... ... I don't think you have to download Disc0rd to use Dis0ord, but you can use Disc0rd on your browser. Make a throwaway Disc0rd with that Tuta Mail and join the Alpha Place server discord under v General Chats & #cracked-user-whitelist. ... Submit a name from namemc.com https://namemc.com/ The name you submit under the Whitelist -might- already be taken, so you might have to check with a mod like GG (gavin) or Windows7Ultimate or Noggisoggi later to get whitelisted. Whitelisting could take 1 or 3 days, so be patient. ... Voilà, you can play Minecraft Alpha without giving a phone number!
I think Discord as of now doesn't require a phone number for early accounts, but that servers can set themselves to high verification requirement. Which from what I've seen isn't the case with the Alpha Place Server -- you can Whitelist there without high verification besides verifying the email & skipping the tutorial so it shouldn't be an issue. I tried testing it without a phone number and it was mostly successful.
Team aVo is COMING GET OUT the WAY
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Oh hey, I used to play that when it was in alpha and you just played it as a java applet in your browser for free. I don't even recognize the game these days. So I'm glad you guys are keeping the old one alive. I don't want to play it anymore but you guys have fun for me

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