/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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request Anonymous 08/03/2022 (Wed) 00:50:14 No. 3292 [Reply]
does anyone know this couples name?
I couldn't find a name, but its origin appears to be interracial cuckolding shit Sorry, OP
>>3292 looks disgusting
>>3293 Even better.

Anonymous 01/21/2022 (Fri) 04:10:58 No. 2604 [Reply]
Is this the most popular chan/board for this sort of content? 4chan doesn't really have something like /cm/ but allowing 3D, I hate the culture there anyway... Is this the most active board/chan or its type? clear net or onion is ok.
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>>3541 >shave every week Imagine having to shave every single day to not look like a neanderthal, couldn't be me.
>>2761 >>2762 >>3050 4ch is superior
>>3059 this is a lie

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Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 21:18:48 No. 3566 [Reply]
How to keep messaging someone I am interested in who lives far away and keep the flame burning? I've met a cute boy who lives about 7 hours drive away from me, what should I message him and how often should I message him to keep him interested in me enough so we can finally meet when he thinks he's ready for it? I like to travel and drive, so driving to his place is no hassle at all, it doesn't even register as an effort to me. Not sure if it's relevant, but his personality is INFP and I am an extroverted ENTP. I've offered to drive to him but he said he's not ready yet. Introverts are usually like that, so I don't know how to keep him interested without rushing him to meet me. How often should I message him? What should I ask? What should I talk about to always have something to talk about with him?
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>>3612 We are still chatting and even exchanged nudes, but no idea if we are ever gonna meet.
>>3614 any update?
Get a real boyfriend retard.

Anonymous 08/20/2022 (Sat) 04:25:26 No. 3326 [Reply] [Last]
How do I become a gay bottom? I'm tired of being straight.
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>>3629 nah this place is dead as fuck usually also i'd recommend trying a different hairstyle maybe
>>3632 what's wrong with it? My bf likes rubbing his dick on it before cumming all over my face.
>>3627 Post your cock you filthy slut.

spook 12/07/2021 (Tue) 03:50:09 No. 2279 [Reply]
>>do you see me?
>>2279 >>>do you see me? Barely, I can make out where your lips are I think. You know desk lamps are pretty cheap, heck you can get them even cheaper at a thrift store perhaps even free if your willing to watch for Craigslist adds on shit people want to get rid off that's not half bad.
>>2279 >>>do you see me? Yes, your the nigger in the far right corner right?

New management Anonymous Board owner 12/16/2021 (Thu) 21:12:32 No. 2331 [Reply]
Sup homos. Any ideas or requests for improving the board? Also go join the matrix https://matrix.to/#/#cuteboys:cuum.space
Edited last time by cutemod on 12/16/2021 (Thu) 21:20:06.
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>>3008 I usually just paste it into a browser and let it redirect me to the application since I couldn't figure out where to paste the link in the element program itself.
>>2673 lol that last guy looks like the chubby kid from Power Rangers Turbo if he took the femboy pill instead of the chubbier pill when he grew up. god i remember being 14 and spending hours every day writing fanfiction of pervert monsters having his ways with him.
Unpinning the thread because it's not really needed anymore, and there's a different thread to draw attention to the matrix. Plus the one in the OP doesn't even work anymore, I think.

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Socializing, contacts, maybe meetups Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 07:27:51 No. 89 [Reply] [Last]
Let's have a thread where we can chat and potentially exchange contact info through things like tox, email, or god forbid discord. I guess it could double as a meetup thread if any brave souls are interested in that sort of thing. https://tox.chat/
Edited last time by kazu on 10/15/2021 (Fri) 03:46:56.
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>Gender, Age, Sexuality 27 M / Verygay / Elf >Your issues F84.5 Otherworldlyness >Personality description Introvert, crazy >Physical description ~70 KG, long hair, feminine / androgynous appearance >Style description Wood elf, night hunter >Hobbies and Interests PC / Hardware, gayming, invertebrates, cuddling, nature, cooking, psychedelics >Favorite music genres/albums/songs Oldschool Goa >LDR yes or no? Can you travel? Necessarily, potential partners should have enough time for long visits

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anyone uses KIK? I need someone to tell me if I'm ugly or cute. I'll reward your assistance with anything you ask for.

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/cb/ songs? Anonymous 01/13/2023 (Fri) 17:54:20 No. 3623 [Reply]
Boys (Summertime Love) - Sabrina Salerno

Dex Dexkzer 09/08/2021 (Wed) 06:17:36 No. 1546 [Reply]
quiero ver porno boys :3
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Pues como todos

Fitness Advice thread Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2021 (Sun) 23:25:54 No. 297 [Reply] [Last]
Do you want to achieve that peak /cutebois/ aesthetic? Do you want all the homosexually repressed anons to lust over pics of your thighs? Say no more (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و This thread is meant for anons to share diet, exercise and lifestyle advice so you can be the best version of (You)rself. Remember, "A sound mind is a sound body" and nobody likes a fatty. I'll periodically update this OP with any meaningful links that I might find or that get shared here if this thread takes off. >Soda is really BAD for you and is the main reason why 2/3 of America is obese https://skinnyfitalicious.com/soda-bad-for-you/
Edited last time by kazu on 07/25/2021 (Sun) 23:35:31.
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What are the best meats and plant sources of protein that help develop muscle but doesn't cause your body to produce a lot of body hair? If it even makes much of a difference all for that matter. >>1420 >Do squats: >get ass. Good advice, got a bigger butt.
>>1287 Poost moar
>>3515 >doesn't post butt

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Fofinhos de PT Anonymous 12/05/2022 (Mon) 19:06:33 No. 3559 [Reply]
Há fofinhos que frequentam este site ?
Antigamente sim, hoje em dia está raro. Brasileiro aqui.
>>3559 Portuguese boissy

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lookin for pics Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 09:23:01 No. 3448 [Reply]
Looking for pics (hentai included) of smol sweet subby bois laying down, hands next to their neck arms bent, with his hard penis either resting on his tummy or being jerked off- if the boi is being jerked would like, if it is hentai, for the boi to be in the middle of orgasm and shooting. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f3b187f0250e Like the end of this but not a femboy
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>>3448 > lookin for pics How many do you want me to pick OP?
>>3448 Frog

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German bitch 04/17/2022 (Sun) 14:15:27 No. 2973 [Reply]
Happy Easter!
>>2973 Looks painful, also he should at least go through the effort of using an electric razor to trim his legs if he's to lazy to shave them otherwise he's kinda cute.
>>2973 I second this >>3519

>>2691 >>2692 That furry sex looks so silly with the big goofy mascot heads on, at least go the whole way and get a murrsuit so it's not as jarring >>3291 I thought you were shitposting before opening that first webm Cumfarting is gross
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think we have enough material for cumdrip?

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Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 22:29:13 No. 3425 [Reply]
Hello fellow cutebois, I was wondering, what do you do for hair removal? I am very hairy, but I wanna be smooth as a baby's bum. It seems to in general be four choices: shaving, hair removal cream, waxing and laser hair removal. What do you guys do?
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>>3428 im real and kind of cute i think
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>>3425 here you go anon
now that hair has a way to get rid of how can reduce pigmentation my ass is darker than my thighs and it doesn't look cute how can I reduce melanin in the skin there or brighten the skin

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Hang out thread Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 05:17:07 No. 436 [Reply] [Last]
The place to chill. Be frenly. The one place for friendless losers to not feel alone for five seconds maybe.
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>>3484 >Yeah BUT it would be fucking hilarious to spam tranny gore surgery images as a way of advertising this boards existence No it wouldn't. All that would do is attract bottom of the barrel retards that think spamming gore like this is 2007 /b/ is the kind of shit that this board and site produces. Anything but good faith efforts to get high quality posters that give a shit about the topics they want to discuss is a waste of time, or even counter-productive. "epic lulz" shit is fucking embarrassing herdnigger behavior.
>>3488 >"epic lulz" shit is fucking embarrassing herdnigger behavior. I just thought it be fun :;(
>>3491 The kind of people that think raiding imageboards and spamming gore to advertise their site is fun are the kind of people that you don't want to attract to your imageboard. If you want to attract good posters you have to be a good poster. Regardless no one is going to raid cuckchan because it's pointless. The site has banned virtually every non-residential IP in existence, requires heavy JS to do basic shit, and has a fuckton of moderation. It would be pointless. 1 post a week in actually good threads on niche boards about this place would have orders of magnitude more good impact while also being significantly less effort.

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