/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Trannies not allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Discussion Anonymous 09/08/2021 (Wed) 13:09:16 No. 1555 [Reply] [Last]
Why are a majority of homosexuals left-leaning? Like I know the right isn't the friendliest towards gay people but you can say the same thing for minorities, yet there are actually a lot of minorities that are right-leaning. It seems like society tells you if you're homosexual you HAVE to be left-wing. I don't give too much shit about politics, boypussy is boypussy either way. Problem is in today's day and age you have to discern your politics with normalniggers so they'll accept you. Even if you're quiet about your beliefs people will be suspicious. I'm not scared of being open with what I believe in but the problem is if I ever want a cute boy bf it probably won't work out if they're some lefty that would only be with someone who aligned with their politics. As a side note, I nominate pic-related to be king of /cb/. He's been posted a lot (by me of course) because he's the prettiest cutest handsomest boy I've ever seen.
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im a left leaning hrt boy and i kinda want to date a right wing guy as a fetish. idk if that helps
>>3954 >im a left leaning hrt boy and i kinda want to date a right wing guy as a fetish Pass as a woman, and then we'll talk.
>>3985 So true, king.

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Brocolli Butts/Slut Elf Anonymous 05/12/2020 (Tue) 06:44:41 No. 13 [Reply] [Last]
Remaking this thread except this time combining relevant webm's into a single file. Going to take a little while longer to dump all I've got.
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>>3977 Dunno what killed it. It's not like there's a lack of demand for gayshit on the site.
>>3978 Perhaps it has to do with people not knowing this place exists to begin with?
>>3979 Could be. How trending boards at the top works is weird too.

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Cooking thread Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 00:42:41 No. 638 [Reply] [Last]
Itt we cook food, and discuss cooking food. Rules 1. No girls allowed 2. No trannies
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>>1467 Thanks, yeah I like cooking. Plus you get tasty food at the end. A win win.
I have been cooking other things in the past three years. but I forgot I had a thread so no pics. I'm so bad.

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Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 06:16:07 No. 3163 [Reply]
Are there Brazilians here?
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>>3882 I forgot about this board Sure, give me your contact, telegram or discord Tell me more about you
>>3914 Odd coincidence, I am the guy from CWB, we were talking on discord yesterday lol
Anyone from Brazil still active?

Assbro/big butt thread Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 23:07:28 No. 1529 [Reply]
for cutebois with big butts~ can be stuff other than assbro too. just so long as its cutebois with big butts~
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How does one get to have an ass like those? Asking for a friend of course >>1529
>>1530 Who's the moaning cutie in the 3rd one?

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Dicks/Bulges Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 01:03:02 No. 427 [Reply]
big and smol, 2d and 3d. post them
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>>429 >bo's Seeing that remind me of this vid https://www.xvideos.com/video60863397/trap_rin_cosplayer_loses_her_anal_virginity_to_a_fan yes I know it is just random 1-off porn scenario, but whatever. getting random stranger to have you feel so wrongly hot The actual penetration is disappointing. Especially 1 of this prev video is about showing his good twink ass to viewer POV.
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Are there any cute bois doing NNN this year? Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 10:25:46 No. 3521 [Reply]
I'm curious
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>>3525 >v-jewber shit Cringe
>>3521 what actually happens when you fail NNN do you just lose penis rights?
>>3958 You lose your nut.

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Femboy's in short shorts Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 04:00:31 No. 3654 [Reply]
feminine males showing off their breedability using small, tight, and sexy shorts indistinguishable from boxers
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>>3793 That's a pretty nice ass and hole
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Anonymous 08/17/2021 (Tue) 19:39:49 No. 755 [Reply]
I hate niggers.
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>>2771 I supposed it's for the same reason japs like orcs raping elves.
>>759 so cute the way his bulge gradually grows bigger with the manly hands of his partner. Im coping rn tfw why no strong bf to cuddle with
>>2266 same, if only their faces weren't so ugly lol

Source request 08/19/2022 (Fri) 14:16:12 No. 3323 [Reply]
Came across this gif again and it got me wondering what the clip is taken from. Is anyone here aware of the source?
I do not know what video, but this is from Bel Ami.
Brady Jensen & The KinkyAnges

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Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 17:28:18 No. 3901 [Reply]
I got permbanned from 4chan cuz the jannies thought i was underaged, where do i make gay ass threads and post nudes now?
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>>3917 >seeing how dead this board is i would say no, i still dont know the answer This is as good as it gets anon, if you wanna change that then B& evade the 4cuck and spam/advertise this site there.
>>3901 >'tranny jannies on 4cuck B&'d me' Many such cases... How the fuck did you find 8Cake anyway?
I reset my ip and got unbanned lol

What if? Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 01:28:41 No. 3489 [Reply]
What if everyone who lurks and posts on /cb/ got together to spend a week down south and shared a comfy little vacation house near a secluded private beach property? What kind of wild wacky shenanigans do you think we'd all get up to anons?
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I'm cold, I wish it were still Summer.
>>3941 I wish it was 2016 and I could find an autistic guy from 8channel to meetup with.
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>>3941 to hell with the sun

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Grindr Thread Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 06:34:40 No. 3690 [Reply]
Just something else to talk about. Anyone here ever have luck finding and fucking cute twinks and femboys on here? I see very little but you have to pay $20 to see unlimited profiles pop up so maybe there's more. I guess it depends on the city.
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>>3691 I actually just deleted mine after having it only for a few days. I got a lot of taps, a couple from muscly twinks but most were from old men. Even had one old guy ask if I like partying to which I asked what kind of party and he said "the icy kind". Pretty sure he was talking about meth. I know I have a good looking face but I feel like the top-tier twinks and transwomen on there want 10/10 chad with a 10/10 physique. The couple of muscle twinks that hit me up didn't show their face when I asked which is apparently a big deal to ask people on the app.
Femboys are much rarer than that.
>>3764 How do we increase cute an sexy femboi numbers?

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seriously anon? Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 23:24:51 No. 1803 [Reply]
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>>3855 ...Yes?
>>3854 >Josou seme is hot though. Indeed, I wish there was more gay josou seme porn honestly, especially with a size difference when the dude is bigger and more masculine than the femboi. I used to actually find that kind of cringe honestly but time progresses and we become more decentralized and that was back when I was a lot younger.
>>1803 Futile bump because I wanna delude myself into thinking this thread can be brought back to life....

every /cb/ i find is abandonned Anonymous 04/06/2021 (Tue) 16:43:35 No. 195 [Reply] [Last]
This board is dead, 8k's /cb/ is dead too, 9 and 3ch's boards are dead too. 8kun.top/cuteboys/ 3chan.co/cuteboys/ ninechnjd5aaxfbcsszlbr4inp7qjsficep4hiffh4jbzovpt2ok3cad.onion/cuteboys/ Where is everyone?
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>>3017 >What do you mean you can not reply to old posts I am >>3014 by the way fyi.
>>195 >every /cb/ i find is abandonned Tragic, I even tried occasionally bumping threads and putting a lot of effort into replies but to what end? Apparently it was all for nothing. I just hope to god d-cord culture dies a quick death so we can have a resurgence in image boards like the good ol days.
>>3699 Well, being a massive faggot is already a requirement to use Reddit, so small wonder there's so many gays there.

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Monsterboys Anonymous 05/18/2021 (Tue) 00:01:49 No. 238 [Reply]
Post all cute monsters boys here! SFW or NSFW! As long as they're cute! Gonna start us off with the newest trend to hit due to Final Fantasy. Bunny boys.
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