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bois that are cute

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/v/ is trying to design a character for the Steam Deck Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 02:13:03 No. 2598 [Reply]
Only "problem" is that he's already gay :^), but feel free to suggest more designs over there, or here if you like https://8chan.moe/v/res/515507.html
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>>2629 Naturally, it's like a switch but with porn games.
>>2651 >Naturally, it's like a switch but with porn games. And that's a good thing, plus it's FOSS out the box too.
What are some /cb/ approved vidya games anyway?

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Anonymous 11/12/2021 (Fri) 20:04:22 No. 2162 [Reply]
/cb/ and /sm/ really got me questioning my sexuality
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>>2522 Have you considered becoming the qt boi getting his ass drilled tbh?
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>>2523 I can live with that. Not like I have a choice anyways. >>2526 Considering that I'm built to be the ugly bastard of doujins (pic unrelated), I don't think that's a good idea.
>>2530 I'm gonna need you to substantiate that claim with some tasteful pictures of that big boi butt.

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double question I need help with Anonymous 12/31/2021 (Fri) 11:11:57 No. 2444 [Reply]
how do I get a femenine/andro face While maintaining a low body ripped body? is it hormonally possible? I started using subliminals:will the work? and How do I remain strong while going thinspo? do I need to keep lifting heavy as i get thinner? will my body cannibalize my own muscles,or will it get rid of all the fat ,first?
>>2444 >low fat ripped body.
>>2444 >subliminals

Anonymous 11/11/2021 (Thu) 17:25:43 No. 2153 [Reply]
What's it like having a boyfriend? Is it good? I wish I could find one.
>>2153 I've had one before. Its as comfy as any old relationship would be, although the gender difference is notable. Admittedly the relationship was not great. He basically lead me on too believe we could be a thing while also being really cold about it, while expecting me too comfort him when he was down. If you ever get intoo a relationship, be sure the both of you are equals who mutually have a love or attraction too the other. You'll find someone anon. It just takes time, and effort too seek them out.
It's good anon. im pretty happy since I gotoone.

Astolfo Anonymous 07/10/2020 (Fri) 13:57:42 No. 98 [Reply]
The boi that got everybody questioning their sexuality ;)
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>>98 Cute tummy >>114 I don't know, maybe he wants to get degraded? (there is a jav for that btw)
Astroblow is over rated and forced meme, I prefer pic related TBH. Also I've never watched a single Fate episode

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Anonymous 10/17/2021 (Sun) 01:48:48 No. 2051 [Reply]
NEbuddy got any videOs of sexy (White) boys dancing (not twerking) by any chance? The world really needs cuteboy strip clubs, IM supreme O. https://youtu.be/fW2DmsTUUyY

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New BO Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 02:46:07 No. 270 [Reply]
Let's have a thread to celebrate our new glorious leader Kazu! The twinkest with the mostest. The cutest of all bois.
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I never said I was done
The haiwaiin shirt is so kawaii
I'm actually running out of these now

gayboyy 09/14/2021 (Tue) 12:15:30 No. 1697 [Reply]
scroll down to see my nudes (with the blue hoodie) <3
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sure babe <3
You are fucking so sexy
I would love to tongue punch your perfect bumbum, please let me know if you are in B. C., CRESTON, CANADA I WOULD LOVE TO LICK YOURCOCK AND ASSHOLE

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I have a dream Pray for PPH 09/03/2021 (Fri) 10:19:10 No. 1386 [Reply]
That one day I'll be able to have a wallpaper thread with actual cute boys in it that isn't aggressively NSFW! I was looking for Icelandic geothermal baths shots but somehow nobody has any pictures of a hot non-hairy/testosterone boyfriend posted on the internet. So this is my dream: a high-res wallpaper of a lovely guy sitting in steamy water, maybe looking at the camera... and which actually looks good... But they all fucking have facial hair wtf Wallpaper thread? Steamy water edition?
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My problem is that none of the guys I find when I look up stuff like "Thermal pool male" are my type. A bit too much of something. And if they're nice then it's not HQ. Such sadness
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I woke up in bed this morning still khv. I spent like 2 hours dreaming about a shy introverted romance with an amazing bf. Please help I feel cold inside. I posted 3 but with no qts in them I am sorry. If really nothing ever gets found I'll allow the topic to be broadened. Just qt boys in water? Swimming? On dates?
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I can try to show you the kind of æsthetic I'm into

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/cutebois/ for the Infinity Cup 2020! Anonymous 11/22/2020 (Sun) 20:58:56 No. 139 [Reply]
Hey there, /cutebois/ We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament. Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following: 1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page; 2) Making a thread over at https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup. Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Player_Cards http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Rules http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Team_Strategies Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like. I hope to see you guys on the pitch!
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>>142 It's a divegrass sim, you just input some parameters about your team and let the CPU play it out. Not too difficult to be honest.
>>143 We should have a soccer team. Because there is nothing gayer than soccer.
>>1270 Soccer is pretty gay

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Rerena07 / Rere7re Anonymous 07/28/2021 (Wed) 00:38:19 No. 404 [Reply]
Rerena is a crossdresser from Japan. Would cream her bussy.
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There is any article of how the underground faggotry of Japan is?
Day 4: Anon still hasn't posted Rerena's cock
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>>486 The wait is killing me

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Input, suggestions, ideas Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2021 (Sun) 22:11:39 No. 290 [Reply]
Hello, what would you like to see from this board? Is there any way that I can siphon more activity to this place? You are a mysterious man, Chai. I don't know what you expect from me but i'll do my best! If anyone's reading this, let me know any ideas that you might have, I don't know how to run a board very well. Maybe a Tox or Element server? I'm open to suggestions.
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>>396 >The fact you're suggesting sites that are vehemently anti-porn for a board about fag porn shows that you're just spit balling random shit without even understanding what you're talking about. Porn may be B&'d on paper BUT the moderation has a tough time actually enforcing it actually. >here is nothing to gain from advertising on mainstream social media sites, and no one is going to do it anyways. You're better off advertising on various alternative social media platforms like mastodon. LBRY is a video hosting platform which doesn't really seem all that relevant to this board. I guess you could make a /cb/ channel and post porn to it while advertising this board. Not a bad idea, also isn't Odysee basically a part of LBRY though? Or are they basically two independent parties that support each other? >Because there are a lot of anons on cuckchan that would be fine fits for this site. Fair enough >I think /trash/ is even completely unlisted on cuckchan so it's about as niche as you can get for a site like that. It is, you can't get there without typing in the address bar. >Targeted cuckchan shilling is fine. It's blanket mindless cuckchan shilling on popular boards that would be problematic. Fair enough
>>397 >Not a bad idea, also isn't Odysee basically a part of LBRY though? Or are they basically two independent parties that support each other? Yes they're the same thing I just refer to it as LBRY because it's faster to type. Odysee is just a website front-end for the LBRY network. The problem is that I don't think you can upload content to the network without acquiring some LBC, their special snowflake cryptocurrency. But I've never tried to make a channel or upload any content myself so I'm now sure if that's actually the case or how you would go about dealing with that alleged barrier. Making posts on popular weeb mastodon/pleroma instances is probably the most realistic and accessible method of shilling this board. https://anime.website/main/public

Removed porn/account Anonymous 03/07/2021 (Sun) 08:23:17 No. 175 [Reply]
>download porn from years ago >fap to it >search web to find more >it is gone
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kirika_123 and On too
>find something in a site >reverse search it >it all just embed to a removed xhamster file but no website saves a backup https://xhofficial5.com/?utm_campaign=embed&utm_content=8402111
Anyone have old xtube japanese crosssdressers as a torrent?

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