/delicious/ - Cake

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SFW Drawthread #1 Superior_Dragon 10/23/2022 (Sun) 11:12:11 Id: 41b19e No. 29858 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the first Clean Drawthread. Please read below. Note: this is by ABSOLUTELY no means an attempt to replace the core (NSFW) Drawthread, but merely a way to bring attention towards non-sexual loli requests. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - Absolutely NO SEXUALLY EXPLICIT REQUESTS OR CONTENT!!!! This thread is for SFW requests only, so they don’t get buried in the main Drawthread. That means this thread should not have any form of sexual or violent content posted. Of any kind. Period. - That being said, suggestive/softcore content is just fine--panty shots, skin-tight/revealing outfits, partial/obscured nudity, as long as there's no genitals or nipples you should be safe, but ask. - Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. [Addendum: seeing as how this thread is far more specialized, and likely not as popular as the core DT, request limits will be treated the same way they are on the Nude Edit and Color/Modify threads; please do not abuse this courtesy] - No bumping/seconding requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series are not allowed; variety is important. - focus must be on lolis (young girls); boys or adults can be used as well, but the focus must be on young girls or your request will be deleted. FOR ARTISTS

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Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 04/14/2023 (Fri) 07:16:54.
100 posts and 170 images omitted.
My birthday is in a little less than a month (March 14) I would like a drawing as a gift for myself please Requesting any drawing/fanart of this version of Vivian (Murphy and Mitzi) drawn in the style of the characters from the Disney Afternoon shows from the 1990's source: https://e621.net/posts/4174839?q=murphy_and_mitzi
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Requesting the Latina girl in the first one, as if she were a girl from the 2000's (from the year of 2003) receiving a Game Boy Advance SP as a birthday gift.

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Strawberry Shortcake Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 20:37:55 Id: 30f63d No. 42145 [Reply]
Need more lewds and more general appreciation of this franchise- Strawberry Shortcake is cute, lovely and sexy, no matter which generation. What's your favorite version of her?
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>>42176 > I’d be really excited for any Angel Cake stuff—she’s one of my favorites. Oh, I get why. She's a cutie! My favorite is Orange Blossom though, because I like 'em brown. I don't know if you collect dolls, but if you do, I think these are pretty expensive? I don't know much about collecting, but I think it takes discipline. So I just watched the original 80s specials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm9I1w6v6g8 What should I watch next? >>42305 Damn, those aren't exactly my favorite versions of the characters, but some artists sure can make 'em look good...

Role play Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 00:07:07 Id: af9ede No. 42171 [Reply]
Hey guys I didn't see a thread for roleplay relayed sites or apps you guys got any good ones?
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>>42175 >I never heard of me2u Sorry, I meant to say a person talking with another person. (Me to you)
>>42175 LMAO
What AI apps do good cake roleplays?

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Pragmata Lincoln Board owner 06/13/2020 (Sat) 23:22:50 Id: 539a83 No. 2446 [Reply] [Last]
Thoughts on Capcom's new game. Is she worthy?
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>>36077 Well the announcement vid still had the little blond barefoot robot loli so everything's still good.
I hope the game will not be cancelled or "modified" for being too based and lolipilled.

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Artist- Backstreetgirl Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 23:51:40 Id: a8acaa No. 41874 [Reply]
This artist is pretty unique and the themes are also pretty hot. Does anyone here can please share their newest pictures? I searched everywhere and you can't find them. I'd love to see them! https://www.fanbox.cc/@backstreetgirl https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/15092046/artworks
>>41874 Here you can see their fanbox post up to june 2023 https://exhentai.org/g/2585788/ae6f1f7e6b/

Stylized 3D Cake Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 20:50:37 Id: 898e71 No. 185 [Reply] [Last]
When do we get to this level of 3D in delicious? Well believe it or not, stylized modeling is a lot more easier than ever before. There is a learning curve, of course, but with a large surge of video tutorials and tools, the time is nearing. For those already in the know-how of 3D modeling, feel free to showcase your delicious W.I.P, screenshots, videos, etc. It would also be nice to share the model when completed. The thread is also open to textures, rigs, plugins and other 3D related components. It's fine to share tips and tricks for 3D software too. (Blender, Maya, 3dsMax, etc.) This thread is not for ripped models from games. There's a SFM thread here >>184 Tools Blender: (Free & Open-Source 3D software) https://www.blender.org/ Maya: (Pricey but an Industry Standard) https://www.autodesk.com/ ZBrush: (Best 3D Sculpting Tool Around) http://pixologic.com/features/ Materialize (Free Normal Mapping Tool) http://boundingboxsoftware.com/materialize/
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>>9282 I like it

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Sprites N Pixels (Oekaki too) pepi 10/19/2020 (Mon) 23:30:24 No. 7159 [Reply] [Last]
I know there's almost nothing on this style, but i have started doing pixels, doing some tests since last month, and i have some stuff i wanan show, can we have also some pixelated stuff, official or not? Some of these arent based on my own drawings, but i been turning them into sprites for training myself for something i have in my mind for next year. 1st is a picture of Lisa simpson based on an RDX input i found, i re-sprited it in pixel art form using the same colors as Lisa's sprite in the Arcade Game, the other is a conversion form one commission from Drew G. which i sprited painstakingly into a sega genesis format, including wider dimensions for being playes as a background image on a real genesis (the horizontal width is the same as the genesis resolution). I can also do capcom CPS style graphics, but those take me more. Oh and i can do sprite artwork conversions from simple things like sketch lineart. The roll one's are based on an artwork of mine i havent finished in full.
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>>36842 Then you do it
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Made an edit because I love these art, but I hate insulting nudity.

Thin/Slender thread Anonymous 05/07/2022 (Sat) 20:20:58 Id: 000000 No. 24910 [Reply] [Last]
Show some love for skinny cunny!
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Drawthread M Superior_Dragon 09/18/2023 (Mon) 21:16:00 Id: d9028c No. 38468 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread M! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! - If you have any Requests of a non-sexual/suggestive nature, posting them in the SFW Drawthread helps (less a rule, and more a recommendation to avoid such requests getting buried) FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are now allowed (this will not repeated until DT P), though repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series are still not allowed; variety is important. - be courteous to others: extreme requests (excessive violence, bodily fluids, scat, vore, abuse/rape, to name a few) must be given a spoiler tag for everyone's benefit. FOR ARTISTS

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Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 09/18/2023 (Mon) 22:05:40.
567 posts and 1040 images omitted.
Can maybe fico e anabella doing sex wile they watching super bowl
There is a way to see (at least) deleted posts? My request >>41763 was deleted, my post was kinda long and I don't remember how I wrote it.

Incest Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 06:34:59 Id: d89723 No. 1882 [Reply]
For cake in incestuous relationships
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>>35806 DAMN they wiped out that incest discussion
>>35856 what happened?

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John K's The Heartaches Anonymous 02/20/2021 (Sat) 20:52:13 Id: cdf101 No. 11363 [Reply] [Last]
Oh, what could have been...
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well, speaking of booty, that is actually canon by a certain point of view
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Redhead with full eyes gets no love, huh?

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The Paper Dolls of Maria Pascual / Paper Dolls General Anonymous 11/25/2022 (Fri) 22:52:58 Id: b7b5cf No. 30750 [Reply] [Last]
By chance, I came across the art of this lady who I think is still alive and drew some very nice illustrations for children's books. She's celebrated for her paper dolls. Her name is Maria Pascual and I don't know, I thought some of you may like them. I kinda like the style and there's something nice about these dolls. Is anyone from Spain here? Can you ask your mom about those dolls? They seem to be nostalgic AF. When I look at some of these dolls I kinda think the artist knew they're kinda lewd. Could be projection, though... but, what if she knew? What if she knew? Could it be that Maria Pascual is our girl? This series is called Muñecas Alegres, or Joyful Dolls. They sure look joyful as fuck, and fun to undress. I mean, fun to play with. Anyway, the artist had the clever idea of giving them speech bubbles, names and individual personalities. Susy says: >Come play with me, girl! They call me Susy Glasses, from JOYFUL DOLLS, and I have lots of gorgeous dresses Laura says: >Call me Laura, your new friend from JOYFUL DOLLS. Cut up my lil' outfits and try them on me.

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there's more around but i've done my share today
Rough sketch trying to understand how she drawn them.
>>41665 Cute!

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Carrot cake tierlist Anonymous 04/06/2022 (Wed) 11:47:53 Id: 9edf39 No. 24120 [Reply] [Last]
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>>25030 >>41612 >>25094 >>25232 okay, I added the characters
A new challenger approaches
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I give to you these girls as well: 1) [Edit: I'm a dumbass--her name is Lilli] 2) Julie "Lightspeed" Powers (Power Pack; the girl on the right) 3) Carrie Ravenwood (Monster in my Pocket; sorry for the crappy quality) 4) Maxie (My Fairy Troublemaker) 5) Daphne Spankenheimer (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer; we never settled on if strawberry blonde was okay) I'd also add in the other Strawberry Shortcake designs (seeing as how I mentioned long, long ago about using the cuter Suzy design in the tierlist), but I feel like we never settled on whether or not that's cheating.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 02/01/2024 (Thu) 21:22:01.

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Carrot Cake Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 03:06:54 Id: b52ac2 No. 21089 [Reply] [Last]
Redheads are fiery, unique, and very magical.
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>>24431 Technically allowable, but Mei isn't a natural redhead.

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Chocolate Cake Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 01:27:22 Id: 37769d No. 200 [Reply] [Last]
Dedicated thread just for dark/tanned skin cake. Black characters who are light skinned (red bone) and/or biracial is A-okay too.
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by Satsuyo

0 0 12/28/2023 (Thu) 02:13:14 Id: 322995 No. 40951 [Reply]
does anyone know the name(or have the link) of that loli text based site
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is like a site that you kidnap and "take care of" the girls and you choose what to do, remembered a little bit of what it was like
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>>40951 https://badtraining.quest/story/trainer1 here ya go buddy have a map with it while you're at it
How to deal with delivering babies in game?

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