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It just tastes better.

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French Cartoons Lolis Threads LesionaMacuri 05/11/2024 (Sat) 13:05:09 Id: cfab35 No. 43933 [Reply]
I Posting French Cartoons Girls Onlys
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>>44013 Which is retarded anyway. And yes, it is funny how Germany of all places knows that criminalizing lolicon does more harm than good. That and the United States, who once passed a law banning lolicon, but was struck down a couple years later.
I dunno if it's worth pointing out because maybe it has a dedicated thread that I missed because it's buried, but Code Lyoko is French yet not here.
>>44019 a lot is not here... my first try todo a french thread wasnt really much a hit, all i can do is post my art and stuff i like... also, not my art this time, but more french lolis: 1. Mina (Lou!) 2. Sasha (Long Way North) 3. Lisa (Flapacha) 4. Adele (Mortelle Adele) 5. Iris + Diane (Gus, le chavelier minus)

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Amphibia Anonymous 07/27/2021 (Tue) 03:02:12 Id: e95ec2 No. 15837 [Reply] [Last]
I feel really bad for starting a thread asking about this instead of /co/, but I wanted the perspective from fellow /tasters/. Is Amphibia good? And I mean good as in watching all 40 something episodes won't feel like a chore? I really want to participate in the community since they make a lot of good stuff, and I want to contribute. Also it'd be nice to watch alongside Molly McGee. Anyway, to make up for starting off the thread with a question unrelated to /cake/, I'll post some art to get the ball rolling.
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Ruby Gloom Ruby Gloom 08/01/2020 (Sat) 10:56:26 Id: 78c25e No. 4908 [Reply] [Last]
Ruby Gloom
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Sofia The First Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 13:59:30 Id: 21ee7b No. 15942 [Reply] [Last]
I know this thread was in the old 8chan back in 2018. Any cake from the series.
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>>37897 Gorgeous >>37945 Haven’t you tried using this kitbash in ControlNet for StableDiffusion? Granted, I’ve only seen models for Sofia (which are awesome), but it shouldn’t be too difficult to craft models for James, Amber and the rest—the full series is readily available on several cartoon streaming sites, you could probably just use the screencaps from Once Upon a Princess or Curse of Princess Ivy and train the AI on that. Or, if you don’t have the graphics card for training the models directly, there’s ways around that either online or through a virtual desktop with a way stronger RAM.
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Forbidden Cake Anonymous 06/07/2020 (Sun) 18:30:54 Id: 7038ca No. 2150 [Reply] [Last]
Unlewdable? Off-limits? Nonsense!
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>>38303 brutal
trying out these prompts. how dose it look?

Jab cucks out to virtue signalling faggots. Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 22:29:05 Id: 64bc67 No. 10478 [Reply] [Last]
So, apparently, his last "My hot ass neighbor" was going to feature a loli but a few rabid cucks attacked him and forced the man to delete and redraw the entire comic just to virtue signal how "good" they are. What do you guys think? Here's the pic that was deleted, a shame or not? I think it had potential and the fact that we won't see this angle's "conclusion" is a damn shame.
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Good news is with AI loras you can do his most lewd loli yourself....
>>12815 I must be retarded, because only now i realized that Ash was hidden inside the closet the whole time watching them fuck
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>https://baraag.net/@pears/112401235340417091 pears adding his two cents to the asian breeding orgy. also dont act like she doesnt remind you of noodle from the gorillaz

Apparatus Thread Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 03:42:24 Id: d4b950 No. 43782 [Reply]
Antis nuked their fanbox and they quit posting their stuff online, with only a few appearances on pomf streams. I'm opening a thread so people who saved their art can share it here and doesn't get lost over time.

post cunny memes and edits, more so with the sob or correction emoji Cunny memes 11/01/2022 (Tue) 02:50:40 Id: b81ef0 No. 30085 [Reply] [Last]
Surprised there isnt a thread on this already, and its kind of hard to find things like this online, some discord servers have similar, but i want to start this sharing space for NSFW and SWF cunny memes
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>>30085 Best meme waifu of the year

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Animated Gifs/Webm Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 21:13:51 Id: 69dfca No. 188 [Reply] [Last]
Post gifs, webm and mp4.
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OniRism Lincoln Board owner 05/21/2021 (Fri) 04:32:57 Id: 9ce869 No. 14044 [Reply] [Last]
Curious to know if anyone else have played or even heard of this indie game called OniRism. There's small talk here and there in other places but I figure it would be fitting here as well seeing as the main character is a delicious French cake. It's a single-player game that is action/adventure with online-multiplayer coming down the line soon. The game is still Early Access as of now. Description: >OniRism will take you in the wonderful world of Crearia for a big adventure! Help Carol put her enemies to sleep, using a variety of toys and abilities to aid you in your quest to find Bunbun in this colorful universe! Official Site https://www.onirismthegame.com/home-en Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1057640/Onirism/ Itch.io https://onirism.itch.io/onirismthegame Trailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCrYC3DbDs4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-1esk1lyGU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wdH-c3KghU

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Lincoln on 12/21/2021 (Tue) 21:32:22.
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>>30630 This. Controversial material with plausible deniability for the developers has been a recipe for getting a bunch of free advertisement since the Dragon's Lair came out. The only way that the devs will be fucked is if they actively try to stop people from modding it and from playing the modded versions. They will not get forgiven by the shrieking moral crusaders, and the fans will drop the game completely.
>>43702 What was controversial in Dragon's Lair? Daphne, an adult, being a little too sexy?
>>43734 Daphne's model having been a Playboy model. Back before Disney did that with their princesses it was a minor controversy. 1983 was when The Christian Coalition was active and trying to censor all the bad things.

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Official Anonymous 05/23/2020 (Sat) 10:05:02 Id: acff34 No. 1014 [Reply] [Last]
Bringing this back cos it's one of my favorite threads Post official pantsu/nudity of girls from western comics/cartoons
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>>43366 Quite nice! Is it good? I kinda wanna read more comics that aren't about action. Also, I know this Engrish character isn't lewd, but the thing she's requestion is sexual and also I kinda think she should be memed.
>>43366 nice... have a good read °_°
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yljmOTfqv1k&t=1046s&pp=ygUPZmFtaWxpYSB0ZWxlcmlu Just here showing a movie, just watch it because Cleo has some buttcrack shots XD

Johnston Blackhorse Anonymous 09/04/2020 (Fri) 22:07:25 Id: 058e06 No. 6559 [Reply] [Last]
He's back! And streaming now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue98QsedaNA A true artist and hero.
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>>35027 I'm sorry I know it's been a while. but where did you get that one? It seems like a half-finished commission.
Did this guy do cub too?
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>>42419 I think so. He's done pretty much everything, I think. I wonder where he is and what's he doing. I hope he's happy and well... I hope he's able to draw what he loves soon... He should just draw a comic.

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Pinch gripping. Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 02:21:07 Id: bbc83f No. 34214 [Reply]
Panties coming down, but the cunny lips are still grabbing the fabric like weak, tiny, delicate fingers pinching it. Which means the panties were slightly caught in the cunny folds before they started coming down, and that's why I call this a reverse camel toe. Or eotlemac. As far as I know there's no tag for this on any booru or Pixiv. Am I wrong? Is this a tag? I love it, but maybe it's too niche and speciphic to be a tag? To have a name? I'd love to know if we have the numbers to start a movement, and get a tag going. Remember though, zettai ryōiki and even more rare elements of fetish art became established only after people on IBs and forums started discussing them. So, let's talk about this? Post more examples if you have them? I like this for many, many reasons. One of them being that almost the whole cunny can be seen, but also it can be pretty much censored by the panties themselves. The artist can make the panties cover juuuust enough for the cunny not being considered explicit, while showing it clearly.
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I think the word "pinch" is mandatory, and alliteration is always fun but >>34217 is correct: some times the pinch happens to garments that aren't panties, so the "P" in "panties" can't be included, sadly. But that's okay because we still have the "P" in "pussy", so I say this is called the pussy pinch.
>>35317 Snatch snatch is the best pun, but cunny clamp is the best overall, for cute factor alone.
>>43665 But "clamp" sounds like an infection, "snatch" is downright rude, and although it would be super cute to have the word "cunny" there, that would be limiting because the tag will only be useful if it applies to every case of pinching, which has to include adults and teens (which means, no cunny). So, Pussy Pinch it is.

Is there a tag for? Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 05:57:56 Id: 0529c6 No. 34365 [Reply]
Facing the camera, preferably looking at it, pulling down their own pants/panties and pulling up their shirt. Made me think, is there a tag for this? So I made this thread, for specific things you see repeated as a pose or as a theme, but that you're pretty sure have no tags on any Booru or Pixiv. And maybe, just maybe, you can discuss a tag into existence. Sister thread: >>34214
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>Facing the camera, preferably looking at it, pulling down their own pants/panties and pulling up their shirt Well, I thought OP was being too specific, but I noticed that this is actually a recurring motif. We should totally give names to specific themes and motifs. >>34418 >I might be oversimplifying it, but I believe the tag you're looking for is "exhibitionism" Exhibitionism certainly is at the center of it. But also, and this is very important, the fact that these exhibitionists are facing the camera/viewer represent the fact they they're being exhibitionists only for one person. So, "intimate flash"? If you use "exhibitionism" as a broad term, you get exhibitionists that flash their stuff to everyone around them, nudists that go out naked but hide from everyone, and everything in between. These are specially showing that they got to only one person, and I think that should be called the intimate flash or maybe private flash or, since they're facing the viewer, the just for you flash or JFYF. So, if we ever agree on the term, and then when it's in use we include >"shirt_lift" and "panty_pull". Then we'll have these exact results. >>34368 >I have a list of tastes that don't have a tag. >I'm curious now. What are those?

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Source Filmmaker (SFM) Thread PART 4 VHSEPHI 11/02/2023 (Thu) 07:54:42 Id: 39fc5e No. 39857 [Reply] [Last]
PART 3 >>28646 PART 2 >>14943 PART 1 >>184
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Anyone know Purity Ring's discord channel? Seems like that's the only place where his content is now aside from rule34hentai. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/3149000

Bluey DevanDrake99 04/27/2024 (Sat) 17:34:06 Id: d7c217 No. 43544 [Reply]
A thread about a Blue Heeler puppy that became the most watched preschool cartoon, and of course, R34 of her.
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