/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

anal only thread Bernd01 07/26/2022 (Tue) 22:04:19 Id: 311736 No. 27618 [Reply]
For men of culture. Post everything depicting loli butt sex
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/delicious/ Innuendo in Shows/Films Anonymous 07/16/2022 (Sat) 02:31:49 Id: 413117 No. 27325 [Reply]
As the subject says, this is a thread for the times when writers wrote some /delicious/ innuendo into television/film, intentionally or not. Now this may be a little too specific to have a dedicated thread, but I think it could turn into an amazing compilation of great scenes if anons can remember innuendos that might've stuck with them. Pic related is pretty obvious, and the fact that they got away with that joke means there's definitely more scenes like this in media produced in the early 2000s and below. Hell, I've heard there's even some innuendo is modern cartoons, which would be cool to see since I've personally never watched anything made within the last decade.
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Doc McStuffins Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 00:05:22 Id: ca92e6 No. 2702 [Reply]
Paheal mods just nuked her so I figure we should have a thread celebrating her. Luckily we had a few backed up on AllTheFallen but I think there was a lot more that we might never get back. We really need to designate potential nukees for pre-saving.
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I drew this
>>12881 Very beautiful!
>>12881 Very nice

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Mean Girls / School Bullies Lincoln Board volunteer 03/24/2021 (Wed) 04:20:46 Id: 3272e8 No. 12253 [Reply]
Girls can be cruel. Thread for mean girls and their victim.
Edited last time by Lincoln on 03/24/2021 (Wed) 04:27:23.
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This might not be the best place to post it, but it was the most relevant I could find Anybody got Suzy art from Phineas and Ferb? Holy FUCK that little bitch is hot

>>28070 Yeah?

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Drawthread I Superior_Dragon 03/24/2022 (Thu) 02:13:50 Id: 93282f No. 23393 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread I! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Reposting past UNDELIVERED Requests is now allowed on this thread; in a 5 request chain, no less than 2 must be new. (this will not be available again until Drawthread N) - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are not allowed, nor are repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series; variety is important. FOR ARTISTS Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>25758 I never notice until it's too late :( maybe when we reach Z we can start a numbered system but have request threads and delivery threads be separate? This would mean we wouldn't need to tag and whether or not you are replying to something in same thread ore previous thread would be less of an issue since there are often draw delays.
>>25763 >>25763 >>25763 >>25763 >>25763 Everyone, if your request was deleted in the past week, you may now repost them here. I figured you've waited long enough, and taking an extra day would just be torturous. So, this is as close as we're going to get before heads start to roll.
>>24763 Leotard + pussy = gold, you rule

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Homestuck Thread Anonymous 07/17/2022 (Sun) 12:49:27 Id: b98bca No. 27377 [Reply]
Thread for posting /delicious/ Homosuck and Homosuck adjacent content.
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Simple Loli Thread 06/18/2022 (Sat) 07:54:43 Id: 25171a No. 26353 [Reply]
You like simple loli?
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>>26412 >>26423 Did anyone say... Tomboys?
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>>26403 My favorite Lulu is Little lulu and her little friends version

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Dot Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 07:12:58 Id: d7bc01 No. 18286 [Reply] [Last]
Star of "Dot and the Kangaroo", "Dot and Keeto", "Dot Goes to Hollywood" and several other movies
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Netorase/Cuckold Thread Anonymous 07/03/2022 (Sun) 01:30:07 Id: 3f559b No. 26807 [Reply]
Since 4chan is gathering snowcunnies atm, why not a ntr thread here desu~ desuarchive.org/trash/thread/49009622/#49009622 Post cunnies you want to be dominated and cucked by desuarchive.org/trash/thread/49009622/#49009622
>>26807 Definitely Ashley!
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Can we not have a thread for blatant racebaiting and feeding content for 4chan threads? You fuckers already have /b/ for this awful shit.

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Frozen desserts 08/04/2021 (Wed) 07:04:16 Id: abb0d8 No. 16058 [Reply] [Last]
Post cute Elsa or Anna lolis
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>>16587 Dude, I'd be insulted if you DIDN'T share this amazing, perfect stuff. Also, maybe link the resources for those clothes and all? I just think it'd be nice if I could use some of that in my own creations, if you're okay with sharing.
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Toph Bei Fong Anonymous 06/28/2022 (Tue) 05:28:02 Id: 000000 No. 26680 [Reply]

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Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 02:31:45 Id: 58f624 No. 26498 [Reply]
This is Natalie. Say something nice about her >Natalie is Matt and Katie’s older sister and legal guardian. She’s a college student who has to look after her younger siblings since their parents passed away, two years prior. She can get into a lot of stress since she’s studying, looking after her younger siblings and trying to have a social life. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZDP8bl7mDL8QpO0yF-wXc2tG2aaNC0vL
Hi, Natalie

LoliRock Anonymous 01/13/2022 (Thu) 05:32:37 Id: a8a61d No. 20959 [Reply]
Anything related to LoliRock. There's a severe lack of good LoliRock R34. The main characters aren't really lolis so I don't know if this is allowed.
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>>23243 ye, its not for everyone - its basicly a french hommage to sailormoon, much candy and cuteness, and girls in frilly dresses! - like everything i love - haha
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brrrr I love Lolirock
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Ojamajo Doremi Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 08:31:40 Id: 723d86 No. 3500 [Reply] [Last]
Legendary, actually awesome, some times fucked up show Ojamajo Doremi. If you know this show, then you know it gets intense, and also you know there isn't a TV show with as much lewd fanart and doujins as this one. If you don't know, watch it because it's awesome. Remember /mahodou ? Any chance we can rebuild it?
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>>26712 Beautiful originals, but the thread is no longer bumpin' Save 'em for thread number two.
>>26627 >Why is that? We filled it up with posts. I think the bump limit is something like 500.

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Minus8 thread Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 21:05:34 Id: 931f88 No. 15291 [Reply]
Now that he stopped making those, post his old cakes here.
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-8 @chtkghk is their baraag but they haven't posted in 3 months jeez it's like you guys aren't even fans/degenerate cartoon porn addicts
>>24263 Who asked you?
What really shits my ass is that since he doesn't use Flash anymore, loli edits are much harder now.

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