/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

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Ideafagging thread Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 14:52:41 Id: efb326 No. 22871 [Reply] [Last]
>Post your ideas for some media you'd like to see made. >Critique, expand, or refine the ideas of others into a project that's more likely to result in a finished product. >Form and recruit for creative teams with other anons. >Ideas to be shared ITT are not just strictly limited to /delicious/ content, but any work of a pornographic genre which involves the possible inclusion of participants with a particularly youthful appearance (aka loli/shota). >Remember, a simple concept done well is better than a more complicated concept execute poorly, learn from the cringeworthy example of Yandere Simulator's Developer, how he fucked up his project, and straight-up attacked anyone who tried to make it better. >His tale is also a good example of why most one-person projects fail, aside from the rare exceptions of solitary geniuses like "Dust: An Elysian Tail" (who succeeded because he could act as his own counterweight to keep himself moderated), if YanDev had a team to begin with, instead of bringing others in at the end, much of the trouble could've been avoided (likely by him being evicted from the project once his involvement became a liability to it's completion).
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It's in the age of exploration, the maps have not yet been filled out and many brave adventurers set out to see the world. A large family of 16 ends up stranded on an otherwise uninhabited island that has been undiscovered til then. They consist of the 25 year old mother, 24 year old father, seven sons aged 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1, and seven daughters aged 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 0. A large family owing to the religious convictions of the parents that God wants them to produce as many children as they could. As the player (and voice of God) you will guide the family and tame the island with them, at first it seems the ultimate goal is escaping it and making your way back to civilization. However, in the meantime you will be able to make any of the family members engage in sexual congress with one another, tough this is just a part of managing their interactions and relationships to one another, there'd be a lot of social dynamics that could form between the family members, incuding those awkward interactions from relatives who are aso fucking. The main focus is on using the family to conquer the island, build a camp and upgrade it, gather resources and carefully oversee their use, fight against the beasts who threaten your clan, survive natural disasters or outbreaks of illness, and more. You will follow the family over the time when they inhabit the island, they will grow older and some may even die of one cause or another, there are multiple paths to victory and some are reached by using your family to create a new civilization on the island. Since these are family members you must manage the issues that come with inbreeding and overcome obstacles like the natural psychological aversions to having carnal relations with close relatives, but achieving these feats are very possible. A harder mode is available where you can manage different familial arrangements, having less clan members naturally means a more difficult game, the lowest you could go is starting with a pregnant mother who would give birth to a son, and together those two must escape the island or populate it.
I was rereading Tonkato’s Lizzie’s Naked Adventures and I was thinking I would like to write a comic continuing the story but I don’t have many ideas beyond involving Lizzie’s mom. I’d love some suggestions.
So, is there any place to actually work on cake projects? Like a forum or discord server?

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Loli and cake porn/hentai games Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 10:46:56 Id: d28fbc No. 32091 [Reply] [Last]
I'm searching porn games involving cakes and lolis. I prefer apk, but I can use Windows too I just know Public toilet in summer and Unteralterbach
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>>36388 Tried it, it's pretty good. Going for a 100% run is difficult though. I have the link somewhere if anyone else wants to give it a go.
>>35592 Great, I hope it dies. Paying for crypto my ass.
>>33911 anyone got the new version? 2023-11-G

BABY/TODDLERS/CUBS THREAD 08/07/2020 (Fri) 01:35:40 Id: a22b4d No. 5193 [Reply] [Last]
Old /ToT/ thread, new stuff! old good pics! >if you can post uncensored stuff,(SSB) that would be nice...
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Bathroom Lincoln Board owner 07/07/2020 (Tue) 20:16:40 Id: c6ac78 No. 3446 [Reply]
Girls who do their business in the bathroom. Showering/bathing, Brushing teeth, toilet sitting, drying up, sex/masturbation, etc... >PS: No Scat, as obvious as that would be, but there is already a thread here >>2109
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Tommy Simms Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 11:19:13 Id: b70724 No. 42835 [Reply]
A thread for a legend of western loli art.
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>>42869 This images were my first exposure to Kick Buttowski before watching the show/series itself and I thought she looked familiar.
>>42875 well consider it a surprise that he drew her with a normal backside compared to the series itself, where the size of that is compared to her big brother himself
>>42877 Tommy Simms always drew cartoon girls with proper Anatomy

Adovinus Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 08:51:57 Id: 74884a No. 42767 [Reply]
I stumbled across an art piece a little while ago that caught my eye, with the username Adovinus attached to it. But when I went to search up his other art, I found out that he seemingly wiped 99% of it from the internet back in 2021-2022. Very little remains, and most of it isn’t loli, yet the attached image proves that at least one thing he drew was. I’m here to ask if any of you anons would know if more of his work got saved or archived besides the ten images and one gif I was able to find. Be it loli or otherwise, I would very much like to track down as much of his art as possible!
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>>42810 Alright! Thank you very much, if this is all there is then I’m happy. You’re a lifesaver anon, I owe you!
I found this one
>>42812 Oh that’s very cute! Thank you

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Pokemon - Gotta Catch Em' All Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 02:48:33 Id: c223aa No. 204 [Reply] [Last]
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9 is the magic number

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Bowel Movements Anonymous 06/07/2020 (Sun) 02:03:04 Id: 1647ca No. 2109 [Reply] [Last]
A wholesome thread dedicated to cute girls answering nature's call. Remember to use spoilers.
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It is a good dang time to start an Elsa from Frozen threat Cake with a frosting cover 01/16/2023 (Mon) 06:22:35 Id: 460a9e No. 32275 [Reply]
I have to be honest I was specking an Elsa threat any time soon but it did not happened so I took the task to myself and started it. This thread is probably going to earn by GR but lest see what we can share.
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A Frozen cake by Col Kink
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Goth reaper publish the first chapter of their comic: https://www.palcomix.com/kumihome/pictures/greaper/royal-hearts-01/index.html

Chat GPT Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 22:12:20 Id: b40264 No. 40566 [Reply]
Have you tried to write Erotica >>175 with ChatGPT? Have you tried discussing the concept of Cake with ChatGPT ? Have you created a cake with ChatGPT 4 ? Have you tried to be so verbose that you avoided the typical message >>>This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area. I'm very interested to read your replies
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>>41438 You can install LM Studio or Faraday and look for LLMs to download. However, if you want an LLM that's closer to ChatGPT, you'd need a REALLY powerful rig (having more than 256 GB in RAM for starters). The minimum is 8GB of RAM and 4 GB VRAM to run the 7B models (the smallest ones you can download and run). However, expect waiting somewhere between 5-10 minutes per response unless you add more memory. >>41441 Only if you're using ChatGPT. If you're using Mixtral-Medium or Mistral (which runs under Fireworks AI), you can generate NSFW without a need of a jailbreak.
So this may be a dead thread at this point, if so, tell me to fuck off, but I think C.AI still is king over other online bot services that aren't "build your own", and pics related is why. You tell me which one sounds like a more realistic loli...
ChatGPT was great for moral and philosophical questions. Talkie has been my go-to for roleplay and emotional support. Loli characters exist, you just have to look. It's been a blast. Be descriptive and pay attention to their response and regenerate if it doesn't fit the narrative you're trying to get going. Have fun.

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The Lost Cake Zone Anonymous 05/19/2022 (Thu) 01:11:51 Id: e13390 No. 25206 [Reply]
Imagine if you will, a cake. A cake that is lost to time and memory, identifiable only through fragments. Rule 34 states "if it exists there's porn of it", so it only makes sense that there is barely any porn of media that barely exists. Meet Leslie McGroarty, from the animated short "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". A delicious little cake representative of the early 1990s. From 1993 to 1996 she had two seasons to delight viewers of the USA Network, with the short being addapted to a series. 26 episodes of which only a few remain, and none in good quality. The original short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygewUmvQ1go What remains of the series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5prFCzXrD24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=putIFWC4cLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHcJSlNTf2k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0pvElX7VU8 Lost to time, lost to memory... almost. And she is just one example of a delightful character unfortunate enough to be part of lost media. Present other such characters if you're so kind. Because this is a thread for explorers, determined to peek behind the curtain of time and memory, and see what kind of cake can be found... in the Lost Cake Zone...
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>>25206 Rule 1/34th... if there's porn of it, it exists. That's actually just a little beautiful.
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Some new episodes are being found. In terrible quality for now, but it's better than nothing.
>>42629 Praise Smeet!

Hanazuki Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 12:23:32 Id: a9126f No. 18296 [Reply]
The Moonflower on thread.
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>>20172 sorry no, never drew them - also, maybe contact me at baraag or twitter, it's just pure coincidense i saw your question...
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Found facebook this on image Really? No? Can there be uploaded here this

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Prostitute Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 22:45:12 Id: 0d06ed No. 249 [Reply] [Last]
Pony up, simps.
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UnderTale / Deltarune Cake: 8Moe Edition GirlAnon 05/08/2020 (Fri) 14:35:37 Id: 3c64a4 No. 84 [Reply] [Last]
Since Julay's shutting down, I might as well move UnderTale / Deltarune Cake onto 8Moe. Eastern art is also allowed since these two games are actually made in Western Zones. Also, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Lancer needs some love, so post them on here! Stay determined!
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Anyone have any good lesbian cake with Frisk?
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South Park Anonymous 05/22/2020 (Fri) 19:13:35 Id: dacf9c No. 988 [Reply] [Last]
Friendly Faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation.
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>>1098 Wish there was more art of wendy like the first pic. Especially if she "turned invisible" like cartman in the ninja episode
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Happy Couples Anonymous 07/16/2020 (Thu) 18:22:47 Id: 5832e9 No. 3935 [Reply] [Last]
Time to dust off an old classic. Post only young, heterosexual couples making love.
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