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Anonymous 07/13/2021 (Tue) 03:04:09 No. 7009 [Reply]
is xplay safe?
20 posts omitted.
It would seem yes, since this thread exists
I wonder if anyone is dumb enough to fall for this >>7648
guys why is xplay down what's going on is it a bust should i delete my shit PLEASE HELP

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Anonymous 08/14/2021 (Sat) 21:26:54 No. 7828 [Reply]
He did nothing wrong bois.
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>>7853 >Others scream "power imbalance" because he was a youtuber. Power overwhelming
>>7853 Should've been arrested for being a Youtube soyboy anyways.
>>7853 >17 years old too old put him in for life

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Anonymous 07/27/2021 (Tue) 23:16:58 No. 7449 [Reply]
I distrust loli fags who swear on their life that there's no connection between loli and pedo more than I distrust antis.
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>>7860 Imagine reading this thread and thinking to yourself "gamergate wins again" Then imagine reading this post and going "yeah that hook looks tasty"
>>7861 We just can't stop winning gamerbros
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Name-calling Pedos is Age Discrimination Anonymous 08/14/2021 (Sat) 17:42:57 No. 7819 [Reply]
Calling an older person disgusting for finding a younger person attractive is discriminatory toward the older. People who say this seem to forget it isn't inherently disgusting to like young people, because they're allowed to like eachother. People don't just age out of their attractions, and an adult's ability to love a kid is no different than a kid's. Saying it's bad only because they're older comes from the same type of "it's bad because they're different" mindset as racism.
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>>7821 You will be.
>>7850 unlikely
>>7847 Rude. >>7848 But if I beat the shit out of you and took all of your possessions you would go to the cops.

Anonymous 08/15/2021 (Sun) 10:42:34 No. 7839 [Reply]
KIDDY DIDDLERS CAKE/V/ IS CUCKED BY KIKES (MARK) AND PONYFUCKING MANLETS. COME TO >>>/vv/. KIKES AND PONYFUCKERS NEED NOT APPLY. >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/ >>>/vv/

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Name-calling Pedos is Age Discrimination Anonymous 08/14/2021 (Sat) 21:37:30 No. 7829 [Reply]
Calling an older person sick and disgusting for finding a younger person attractive is discriminatory toward the older. People who say this forget it isn't considered inherently disgusting to like young people because they're allowed to like eachother. People don't just age out of attractions, and an adult's ability to love a kid is no different than a kid's. Saying it's bad only because they're older comes from the same type of "it's bad because they're different" mindset as racism.

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Harassing Wannabe Chris Hansen's Anonymous 08/04/2021 (Wed) 19:20:37 No. 7615 [Reply]
Why do we let these cunts get away with harassing our own? We need to stick together. https://www.yewtu.be/channel/UCAgIOx-Wmvon7nWJiFTzRdg These fuckers want to play God. They shame us for views and donations. Why can't we send them trojans when they catfish people? We can't we SWAT them? We can't we frame them? Anyway, this thread is for DOX and info on antis that think they're invisible.
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>>7729 Cute and environmentalist-pilled We need more cute little girls demonstrating that we are poisoning earth and slowly destroying everything that is important for the sake of mindless consumerism.
>>7732 hippie lgs are best because they understand the value of public nudity and psychedelic drugs

Anonymous 06/22/2021 (Tue) 02:33:09 No. 6715 [Reply]
https://cytu.be/r/crossloli come and see our nice stream
>>6715 Dumb ice baka

Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 07:31:03 No. 7670 [Reply]
Do ant of the chans like 144chan exist anymore they kinda just died
This is ancient history
>>7670 nope sorry bro

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Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 09:38:52 No. 7672 [Reply]
O hello /hebe/, my name is Chips Handon. I always like to lork at 7cham and I also like mudflips too, as you do. DASU DASU LOL. I also like having sex with underage children (HOES DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY DICK), shop the wops, do a battle roll and i just lost the match. Due to the fact that i'm not a noobfag i know that /hebe/ is in possession of a great variety of "PC", at least those of you that aren't underage B%. in a nutshell, I need Anomalous to deliver to an Astrafaglian /re/tard some of his "PC" (you know what I mean LOL). ROW ROW ROW THE BOAT. PLEASE DONT MAGE THIS THRED IT IS NOT COPYPIZZA, BUT ORIGINAL COMMENT.
>>7672 Yeah okay so if you want your PC delivered you should buy a prebuilt on amazon, otherwise its just parts being delivered. If your not too autistic about the requirements, you can use PC part picker to shop around for the best deals on the parts you want. A good word of advice for PCs is that you should build it for what you need it to do, and not what you want.
>>7672 I've always liked this pasta.
I miss what memes were like before Reddit.

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Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 15:59:16 No. 7600 [Reply]
Some (((anti))) has created the boards >>>/lg/ >>>/lb/ and >>>/pedo/ so he could be a fucking faggot
>>7600 obviously you are the one who did
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>>7601 >(You)

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Will the next wave of Leftism support pedophilia? Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 03:29:42 No. 6069 [Reply] [Last]
It took a while until they started accepting gays, for trannies it was even longer. And they got a lot of shit for doing so back then (which they still are getting to a extent, especially with this new matter of transgender children.) Yes, leftists are retarded. But assuming that the pedophile movement will actually become an actual thing in the future, realistically, who else is going to support our cause? Call me crazy, I don't care, but I think minor-attracted people, then zoophiles, and then other paraphilics are going to be the new "oppressed minorities" in the future. I'm not talking about edgy pedophiles like us, though, I think they will start with VirtPeds and other more "PR-friendly" pedophilic groups and then, if that goes foward, maybe we could make the lowering of the age of consent an extremist liberal talking point in about a decade after (i.e. move it a bit in the Overton window, so it is not an "unthinkable" position anymore). That's the only way I can picture this happening.
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>>6897 you can go anti-homo AFTER propedo legality.
>>6910 YOU can help by picking up a rifle and making the french revolution look like a fucking fart in the wind.
A lot of good posts ITT

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Anonymous 05/28/2021 (Fri) 20:47:05 No. 4573 [Reply]
>make a loli in Daz Studio >make her my waifu and give her a name >donate all of my sperm to her >find myself thinking about her all day >feel a desire to worship her What the fuck is happening to me? Am I falling in love with a 3D model of a loli?
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imagine being a lolifag
>>4573 >See image that is becoming viral >Claim it is Neo-Nazi propaganda >Repeat until backlash occurs >When Backlash occurs, you "win" >You are still a sad, gaslighting spammer, but hey, "victory" is yours Make loli into hate symbol
Why are lolicons such subhumans?

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Another Paedo Everyone Wants To Kill Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 14:35:13 No. 7560 [Reply]
This fortnite streamer got arrested for porking some zoomers, now everyone on twitter is fantasizing about him being brutally raped and killed in brazilian prisons... so another case of antis being mentally well individuals.
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An SJW turned out to be just pretending to hide the skeletons in his closet? Say it ain't so! Who could've possibly seen this coming!?
>>7566 The anti hysteria against pedos is pathetic, antis know full well that pedophilia is not the boogeyman they make it out to be but lie to save face among other antis. Antis live in fear of other antis finding out that it's all an act, and those other antis are no different.
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He will not be missed.

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Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 16:17:07 No. 7523 [Reply]
Shelly Marsh is hot
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>>7524 nostalgic more than hot tbh
This is now the old DA thread.
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>>7544 It's funny how I crossed over from sheezy to dA, then eventually started using tumblr and pixiv for porn and everything else, and now the only site I still use is deviantART. Even though they butchered the design, the community is still one of a kind still use dA fr

Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 16:57:43 No. 7530 [Reply]
Do pedos like slutty lolis like pic related?
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CGi has been around for decades and people still dont know how to make CGi lolis look good.
>>7535 Some CGI can be good. Lolifiedtrap is fappable but not the best. The best imo is Descartes or Slimdog.
What global retard removed the pic?

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