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Clarice The Enchantress Clarice The Enchantress 04/14/2024 (Sun) 07:40:57 No. 1144 [Reply]
Looking for files by Clarice The Enchantress aka Angela, audio, video, image, whatever.
5 posts omitted.
Any more out there? Some of the full versions of the samples already linked would be great :D
Has anyone got any of the following files by Angela/Clarice: Forest Of Pasquinade Hypnotic Ocean New Orleans The Siren Thunderstorm Vampiress Vocea de Labyrinth Vocea de Stupefiante Vocea de Supunere Whirl of Awe Whirl of Submission Whirl of Overwhelming Whirl of Bewildering Thanks :-)
Also these files if anyone has them: Enchanted Forest Enchantress

5h1bby Hypno 10/24/2022 (Mon) 01:27:42 No. 48 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have her 2 recent files Divinity’s Corruption or Cognitive Submission Therapy?
171 posts omitted.
>>1177 thanks!
>>1177 do you have m0n5t3r br0th3l f0r cut3 g1rl5?
>>1179 no i dont have it

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5U |V| |V| ER HYPN0S1S Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 04:35:31 No. 1153 [Reply]
Looks like she's is packing it up and closing shop on the 30th. Dunno if it's for good or not, but lots of decent files will most likely be gone forever. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkxWm1sc1pTNXBieTltTDJkcE9UWnE= Hopefully to get some traction... Some stuff that is freely available in some places.. Anyone got other stuff from her?
>>1153 Here are those I have that you didn't upload: https://gofile.io/d/O8wKo9
Does anybody have more files of her? It looks like she is gone.... Are all files lost?
>>1153 Re-up?

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the |-|I\/E Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 03:59:09 No. 35 [Reply] [Last]
🙏🙏🙏 👩👱‍♀️👩‍🦰👩‍🦱👩‍🦳 🙏🙏🙏
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>>1083 Am I only simp alive?
>>1123 You're not. I think it is because you just linked to 2 sites that don't have anything to do with the thread. But yea, I still lurk, hoping for someone to share some new content.
summer time chastity 2024? anyone?

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Lady Draco - Forced HFO Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 11:56:24 No. 91 [Reply]
I*m a big fan of HFO on command. But I tried many files and never achieved a wet one. Does anyone know this file, tried it and can report. I have no problem to pay for hypnosis but it's $46 and if it's not better than the files I've already tried it's to much money. So it would be fun trying the file before buying or if sombody can tell me how good this file works for them.
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>>311 link is down, could someone re-upload it
>>239 >>311 re-up bump

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Hypnosis Books Anonymous 08/01/2023 (Tue) 20:10:16 No. 877 [Reply]
Are any of you faggots still holding onto these? A lot of hypnosis books were passed around on /hypno/ back in the day, and I had most of the PDFs, but through my own stupidity I've lost them. Reality is Plastic, Trancework, and M1|70n 3r1($0n's Complete Works would be especially appreciated.
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Anybody have "Hypno domme - Memoirs Of A Hypnotic Dominatrix"?
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The "Secret don't Tell" is indeed – Obligatory!!! Just wanted to emphasize it.

k3i / Kei Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 00:53:21 No. 68 [Reply] [Last]
Weirdly enough, looks like kei just deleted EVERYTHING they've ever made. The warpmymind uploads, the keismindwarp shopify site, the "Sound Adventures" youtube channel, patreon, etc. Kei was super influencial in the sphere, known for using text-to-speech in advanced ways, and making lots of the files free. Kei basically laid the groundwork for the success of the B@mbi Sleep series. Kei had already been a lot less active in recent years, but was occasionally releasing a new file. tl;dr kei just wiped everything they made out of existence, so let's get to sharing
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Has anyone got the following? Mind Virus Dumb Bimbo Doll Slut Trap Horny Bimbo Fuck Hole.mp3
Telegram. me/vtuberJP
anyone has any of the regression/ABDL K31 files?

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4th4|14 Thread. Looking for newer stuff. Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 21:51:19 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
141 posts and 2 images omitted.
anyone have 816 8411 1N73r1UD3 and also 7rY N07 70 C$M: 4D-7r1663r3D Pr3M47Ur3 3J4CU14710N
may i ask if anyone have SW33t (R34MS? or any of the files above that were gone after anon went down
Can anyone share/reupload those previously uploaded, any and all would be appreciated. Since many of the sites have died.

making my own hypno files Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 23:13:28 No. 1135 [Reply]
Hey guys, I want to make my own hypno files but I don't know where to start. What tips can you give me? What are your favorite inductions/triggers?
don't make gay shit. Do make use of triggers that deepen the trance, and keep sprinkling them in throughout the trance.

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Sissy Furry Mindmelter Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 21:14:40 No. 1128 [Reply]
Looking for this file. It might actually be a video, not sure. Also any possible related files would be great too!

Hypno file collection Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 20:03:45 No. 1138 [Reply]
Can someone send any collections I like random hypno files I don't even reed the discretion

B4mb1 sl33p has got to be the most overrated and shit hypno series i’ve ever come across B4mb1 h4t3r 04/14/2023 (Fri) 01:31:33 No. 677 [Reply]
Honestly, you type in “bambi sleep’ on Google and all you get are multiple threads on multiple forums warning of the ‘dangers’ and how nefariously effective it is - but i can’t be the only one that thinks the complete opposite? They’re actually kind of responsible for my faded interest in the ‘sissyhypno’ genre to be honest. The creator either paid a bunch of shills, or enough schizoids just so happen to naturally come across it that it developed its own hype from there. I’ve watched/listened to many more effective hypnos. I can’t even believe that there are so many accounts of “bambi sleep ruining people’s lives” lmao. What you guys think? Also, whilst we’re at it, can someone please fucking adjust the captcha used for this site? I have to try like 5 times just to be able to post here because of how illegible the text is. Frustrating as hell.
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You do get that those "experiences" are just part of the roleplay? Also the creator has always been sockpuppeting a lot.
Does anybody have some lore on wtf is going on right now?
Sissy hypno in general is astroturfed and has been since the days of Mr Daniels, the good content creators were all chased away by neuralnets and the secret subject, and their assorted collection of goons because they wanted to own the market, but they're both underwhelming creators so we're left with a community without any real leaders, only dramatic faggots that want to be king of shit hill, but can't do anything for the community so drag everyone around them down instead >Mfw the watchtower existed

M1A CR0FT Anonymous 02/09/2023 (Thu) 02:39:58 No. 554 [Reply]
Any files available?
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I'm not familiar with MC files. Any descriptions? Recommendations? Sequences?
Any suggestions for joining the RetroShare community? I've tried to add certs and share folders, but it seems like others never add me back.

Looking for Goddess Athalia Twitch Lvl 1 - 3 files Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 10:34:19 No. 337 [Reply]
Hey so i am moving over here since it seems more active then another hypno thread i have been using, Anyways... Does any kind soul here have a download link to these Goddess Athalia files? even just her Twitch Level 1 file would be appreciative to have. https://iwantclips.com/store/110428/Goddess-Athalia-Trance-Treats/3218745/Twitch-Lvl1 https://iwantclips.com/store/110428/Goddess-Athalia-Trance-Treats/3224265/Twitch-Lvl2 https://iwantclips.com/store/110428/Goddess-Athalia-Trance-Treats/3245271/Twitch-Lvl3
Yes these files are in the main thread of this creator on this board.
>>341 Do you still have it
I'm sure I have all 3

BR13NN4 B3R3TT4 04/29/2023 (Sat) 10:07:14 No. 708 [Reply]
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Sadly the files are already gone from the link. I know a few files are online on places, and the overall feel and vibe of the stuff is interesting. What were the themes of the ones that disappeared, if I may ask?
bump anyone have anything

masochist hypno masochist 03/01/2024 (Fri) 22:01:22 No. 1111 [Reply]
any hypn that hase instructions of self inflected pain have bin seartching fore self spanking instruction but couldent find aney

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