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Nine Princes in Amber - Roger Zelazny - Amber 1 Scribe 07/17/2021 (Sat) 03:21:23 No. 130
The first in the venerable Amber chronicles, and more importantly the first in the five book Corwin Cycle. We meet an Amnesiac. Bed ridden in some manner of hospital, and where this any other book it probably wouldn't go much further. But here our protagonist proves paranoia isn't necessarily wrong. Just insane. So he rips off his casts and sets a trap for the hospital staff. Soon we have moved from assault to blackmail at gunpoint. Then pockets flush, stolen .38 in hand, and no fucking idea who he is or how he got to upstate New York. Anons I love this series. Absolute favorite. It's fucking good. Highly recommend.

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