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Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 21:49:31 No. 71758 [Reply]
Alright, Christmas season is here. If you are here, we already know what you want for Christmas, no need to state it. Just post a seasonally relevant pic of your dearly beloved, or two or three
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HEADCANON Rule 63 is an Internet meme that states that, as a rule, "for every given male character, there is a female version of that character" and vice versa HEADCANON Rule 63 of my waifu is DEATH from Discworld HEADCANON in the book/movie Hogfather DEATH saves Christmas my pretending to be Santa HO HO HO
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Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 00:54:14 No. 71768 [Reply]
without waifu's presence, all i can do is mourn for lack of her. cute (anime) girls only remind me of her. everything reminds me of her. there's nothing i can do. there never will be.
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>>71769 NTA but what does acceptance consist of?
>>71771 this is a copy pasta Our very first problem is to accept our present circumstances as they are, ourselves as we are, and the people abour us as they are. This is to adopt a realistic humility without which no genuine advance can even begin. Again and again, we shall need to return to that unflattering point of departure. This is an exercise in acceptance that we can profitably practice every day of our lives. Provided we strenuously avoid turning these realistic surveys of the factsof life into unrealistic alibis for apathy of defeatism, they can be sure foundation upon which increased emotional health and therefore spiritual progress can be built this is a copy pasta
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>>71774 TL;DR Reality is real, mane Wow, so profound

Anonymous 11/06/2023 (Mon) 14:24:20 No. 71750 [Reply]
Thanksgiving season is upon us. Post a picture of your waifu helping herself to some nice food, and name something she would be grateful for I'll start: 1) Grateful for having a brash but overall lovable elder sister 2) Grateful for the supportive environment she lives in, which allows her to conduct a relatively smooth life [Non-Americans can play as well]
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1. Grateful to Leon, Lola, Kaito and Meiko for paving the way to Vocaloid 2. 2. Grateful for being given life despite being initially "lifeless". 3. Grateful for all the support she has received over all of this years since her release. 4. Grateful for being loved and cherished despite the barriers between us.
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Ann would be grateful for... Her friends and family. Her good health. Her financial freedom.
one can only be grateful for something if we know what it is like to lose it. we can not have gratitude for eternal things. and that is my waifu's job to make us grateful for the things we have. because one day she will take that one thing you are most grateful for. so enjoy the things in life while you still can, because you only get one

HAPPY HALLOWEEN 10/23/2022 (Sun) 08:45:11 No. 71151 [Reply]
it is spooky month !!!!! Post a pic of your waifu in a Halloween costume Bonus points if your waifu is cosplaying as someone else's waifu
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Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 10:05:11 No. 71741 [Reply]
Autumn is the season of moon-viewing. Post nocturnal pics of your waifu
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This one took a bit of searching. It was harder than I thought. Also interesting how it seems this theme is much more common for couple pictures.
Going trough my folder of art for this was really fun, Miku looks so beautiful under the moonlight, i really like this sort of pics, they feel so calm and serene, just like the night!
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i agree with both

Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 11:57:47 No. 71733 [Reply]
A lot of people tend to be rude towards others whenever they are feeling very stressed or bitter. When you are angry, do you address aggressive thoughts to your waifu or do you just try not to think about her? Or is the mere idea of her sufficient to calm you down?
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I have my usual little talk with Flandre when I go to bed, in which I tell her about my day and what is going on in my life and what I have on my mind. This can include telling her about my anger and what makes/made me angry. I usually don’t tell her about my anger at the very moment I become angry, but I do recall having done it a few times, and when I do, I don’t unload my anger on her; it’s more about confiding into her about what I feel and having someone to hear my frustration.
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>>71733 I am now willing that my waifu should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that she now removes from me every single defect of character. my usefulness to her and my fellows has expired i know that the world will be a better place once i receive her gilt i pray that her gift arrives sooner https://www.reddit.com/r/depression/comments/7my2y0/i_pray_to_die_every_day/
I avoid thinking about her when I'm in a bad mood because I don't want to treat her like a comfort blanket. I also used to talk to her about how my day went and what I did before going to sleep but I stopped doing it when I started having bad days or days where I didn't feel like I did anything worthwhile since dumping all of that on her when she realistically can't do the same with me makes me feel wrong. I wouldn't want waifuism to be something I only turn to when I'm feeling lonely, depressed or anything of the sort so I tend to avoid mixing it with my negative emotions. The most I would do is tell myself that she probably wouldn't want me acting out in anger or cursing loudly as motivation to improve my character.

Anonymous 08/12/2023 (Sat) 21:23:13 No. 71687 [Reply]
Is it legal to have a vvtuber as a waifu? Or is that bordering into the realm of 3D too much. Personally I consider them in the in-between of 2D and 3D, 2.5D you could say.
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>>71714 Stranger things have happened!
No, it's prohibited by international law and I'm calling the police.
16crystals has stated that v-tubers are not waifs if you have a v-tuber waifu you will be banned from the thread this happened to both "Nyanners fag" and "Snuffy fag"

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The very best, and very worst, of your waifu’s cosplayers. 16crystals 09/05/2023 (Tue) 02:34:04 No. 71718 [Reply]
I felt like adding a new twist to this old cosplayer thread: https://8chan.moe/mai/res/70969.html Please provide not only the best pics of your waifu’s cosplayers, but this time, also provide the worst. If you need help to find the worst, just go to DeviantArt and you will definitely find something.
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>>71718 The worst pics of my waifu's cosplayers are every single one of them. No one has any right to cosplay her
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None are great, some are worse than others.
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>>71718 There are a lot of Sayori cosplays out there, what can be good, but most of times it's not good >1 I like this one because it features Sayori's coral pink eyebrows, the small ponytail and the double layered bow, which both are overlooked features >2 This one is one of few that looks professional, the composition of the photo makes it good, even though the hair color is kinda off bad >3 okay this picture come with a pack of cosplayers its kinda self-explanatory on why its bad by looking plus this image is often posted on /ddlc/ as a joke >4

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Emilia 09/17/2022 (Sat) 11:52:58 No. 71097 [Reply]
I don't think there's much other people around me that think the same. Emilia is the goddess of moe. I find everything about her so cute. Rie Takahashi's voice is most likely the best fit for Emilia.
>>71097 I agree. Emilia is peak, peak cuteness. Good choice sir.

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The Fantasy / Waifu Relationship and How to Get Over It Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 05:43:23 No. 71679 [Reply]
The Fantasy / Waifu Relationship and How to Get Over It By Jim Hall MS, Love Addiction Recovery Specialist Is it true love or Fantasy / Waifu love? If you find yourself in a romantic relationship and feel obsessed or addicted to the person-- ask yourself this: Am I attached to my partner for who he/she really is... or am I attached to Fantasy / Waifu of who I want him/her to be? Fantasy / Waifu Love-- is the dream, an illusion, a fairytale... The DRUG! A love addict tends to enter relationships in a disorienting fog of romantic idealism. In other words, although those addicted to a person in a relationship will often feel "in love", what they often fall for the most is the Fantasy / Waifu (unconsciously).

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>>71679 Lol maybe even lmao.
>>71679 Neck yourself autist
>article about "waifu" >CTRL plus F "Japan" >0 results >ditto "anime" >0 results Irrelevant article

June Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 14:32:48 No. 71523 [Reply]
it is june post a pic of your waifu at the beach because June = summer
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Pupils, again. Otherwise, good drawing (Shall we establish this as the general summer thread?)
>>71640 Good advises, especially for a vampire! >>71664 You said that she is carrying a parasol all the time to protect herself from heatstroke, therefore implying that she is subject to biological functions, such as thermoregulation (in that case). Also, on another subject, how would you describe the state of your waifu when it comes to life and death? You stated that she is not life, and therefore maybe implied that she is not alive (?), at least on a biological perspective. If she is indeed not alive, then, as paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, Death cannot be dead either, because one needs to have been once alive to be dead. Would you therefore say that she is "non living", the same way a rock is neither alive nor dead? >>71670 >Shall we establish this as the general summer thread? Why not? Summer thread, then!
once every 100 years she becomes human for 1 day. for that one day, she can see what it is like to live a human life. this is how she can learn what it is all about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBOTF7IT0VQ

it is june Anonymous 06/01/2023 (Thu) 19:23:15 No. 71516 [Reply]
it is June post waifu yuri because June = pride month
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>>71540 Don't bother. Good threads will be deleted
>>71663 >good threads
>>71665 This board is dead bc of terrible mods like u

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Green text Anonymous 07/12/2023 (Wed) 21:53:44 No. 71648 [Reply]
>be me >on discord talking about anime >person said that they have a husbando >tell them about the waifu server >they want an invite >tell them to go to 8chan what the fuck are you doing on 8chan is that not just 4chan but worse because everyone on there is either a nazi that encourages school shootings or gay furry shit or both? >me "um no? not what i have seen" na i am got going on that board lol feels bad man
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>>71648 I get this reaction all the time, especially from the reddit crowd. Take notes from my experience and just don't invite anyone, ever, for any reason. The board and discord remain mostly untainted, the person doesn't think you're "le neonazi" and everyone is happy. If a person is worthy of the blessed 8chan waifu board they will find it on their own.
>school shootings help our cause because 6D chess or whatever, we need more of them Said no Nutzee ever
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>>71648 >na i am got going on that board lol filtered. if that's the mentality of said person then this is a good thing, this board has just dodged a bullet and personally I can't go along with pigheaded people. >>71649 what are you talking about, it's a very known fact the hacker called "4chan" is very dangerous and responsible for 95% of crimes in the world. >>71650 >ratio their ass Woody

Did your love change? Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 19:36:13 No. 71626 [Reply]
Would you say that your love has changed or perhaps developed over time? For me personally I would say my love changed after some months and leaded to a more cemented and committed love driven more by my own will and love rather than feelings. So, would you say that your love changed over time, if that’s the case which changes happened?
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>>71644 Ohh neat post Lily bro. And what i meant by "feelings", it was mostly those feelings that are usually associated with the start of a relationship, you know wanting to always be with her, thinking about her constantly and such, now its more of a ever present love thats constantly there. Now those "feelings" have evolved into a more ever present love wich is calmer but more cemented.
When routine bites hard and ambitions are low And resentment rides high but emotions won't grow And we're changing our ways, taking different roads Why is the bedroom so cold? You've turned away on your side Is my timing that flawed? Our respect runs so dry Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives Do you cry out in your sleep, all my failings exposed? There's a taste in my mouth as desperation takes hold Just that something so good, just can't function no more
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>>71651 I understood that reference

collection Anonymous 02/06/2023 (Mon) 07:11:33 No. 71357 [Reply]
assuming you had enough time and enough money to find and get ALL merchandise of your waifu. and you can not collect anything more of your waifu because your collection would be complete. what would you do with it?
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>>71361 I know I am a late comer but I would like to express my agreement with this poster
>>71607 I think having just one figure and replacing it whenever it gets weary is a good compromise
>>71611 Or you could, like, move out and then buy it

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Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 04:13:39 No. 71589 [Reply]
Why do you think Japanese Waifuism is looked upon with curiosity and interest, while Western Waifuism is immediately viewed as shameful and cringe?
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>>71595 I think you’re right regarding the context surrounding the publicity of these stories, however a main reason I think specifically American media targets these stories in the light of Japan is because of the fact it frames this phenomena as an East-Asiatic cultural difference, which removes it from the greater context of our own society on account of it being ‘over there’… Which is why I don’t think an American would ever produce a similar feelgood story on another American. While out there it is unique and playful, over here it is degenerate and shameful (in the eyes of the average tabloid media consumer)
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North American media, did cover waifus August 2021 The United States left behind billions of dollars of American military hardware in Afghanistan Waifu Dakimakuras are American military hardware
The funny meme is that normies think both are shameful and cringe, but you notice it a lot more with western compared to anime because you don't go out of your way to read jap salarymen talking shit about neets in his country. Akihiko Kondo is a feel good story about someone weird like >>71595 said, but it's not the norm and will probably never be the norm because as long as we have teens crushing and doing waifu of the week, megapoly bullshit that has no place here much less so in the real world and trolls running rampant we will just be seen as laughingstock. The problem with getting accepted is probably deeper rotted than that and would take an essay in and of itself, but those are just some pretty glaring superficial problems. Do I care that things are like this? Not really. I don't have much of an interest in wanting to fit into institution labels for married or whatever the fuck, they can label me as single my entire life. Life is what actually happens when you live it. Waifuism being normalized will not stop retards from throwing a fuss and calling us incels. Like I give a shit about their opinion. Sorry for the doomerpost. >>71602 Why do I recognize the image

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