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Which cosplayer does the best cosplay of your waifu? RedDragon 05/08/2022 (Sun) 19:46:08 No. 70969 [Reply]
Mine is Saya Scarlet, imo she does the best Miku.
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not a huge fan of 3ds but i'm kind of obsessed with this guy.
>>70977 Can I be honest with you, Anon? That looks creepy
>>70977 I...... didn't expect that....

I discovered that I'm a waifu fag but I feel so insane about it Anonymous 08/04/2019 (Sun) 07:58:38 No. 70015 [Reply]
Vent thread, sorry but I need some help. After some agonizing soul searching, I realized that I really don't love real women as much as anime girls. I feel like a fucking freak because I have such longings for someone that's not real. I told my best friend and my brother about this and it honestly feels like I'm confessing to be gay or something. Why did I have to be born like this?? Shouldn't I just be chasing real women and man the fuck up?! I know I'm acting like a real pussy right now, but I just don't know who to talk to about this anymore!!
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>>70984 Neither can you with a real woman.
>>70983 >>70984 Do you realise you necroposted in a 3 year old thread? This board barely gets any activity, possibly because it's just meant to be an intermediate place for the local Discord
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>>70988 >This board barely gets any activity, possibly because it's just meant to be an intermediate place for the local Discord Our board is not just meant to be an entry door for our Discord server, but I can't deny that it is one of it's main functions. All new (respectful) activity on the board (be it new threads or replies to old posts) are always welcome. We have new threads every once in a while and it always feels good to see a new wave of activity here, even if it's temporary. Speaking of that, I guess I should do a new thread in the near future...

Anonymous 01/15/2022 (Sat) 22:39:58 No. 70783 [Reply]
Which one would you rather go with if you could choose: being stuck in a time loop with your waifu or marrying her, having kids and growing old together?
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"I decided if he read a page of a book every day, he could remember where he was," he said. "So there's this big bookcase in the bed and breakfast, and every morning he goes down and he reads one page of one book. So you know that by the time he's gotten to the last page of the book, it's probably been about a year. And then he gets to the end of the row; and then he gets to the bottom of of the shelf. And then there's a very momentous day where he reads the last page of the last book of the last shelf, and you see him put it down and then, in a very depressed way, walk all the way back down to the beginning and start over again."
>>70783 >>70794 I assume the time loop is over the course of a year so we can at least experience the different seasons and festivals every year. So the time loop for me.
>>70962 Yeah, a year-long time loop sounds tolerable. It's basically the same as being immortal >>70955 I am not sure if I get the point of this story...

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Anonymous 11/01/2021 (Mon) 20:26:01 No. 70648 [Reply]
Here's mine.
>>70648 Cute wife anon. Ena is a cute.

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Anonymous 05/02/2022 (Mon) 00:43:05 No. 70959 [Reply]
Netflix has hired you as the casting director for the live-action adaptation of your waifu's anime. who do you cast as your waifu?
i wanted Kat Dennings to play my waifu
>>70959 The very idea of my waifu's VN becoming a Netflix show is too profane for my taste, sorry OP
I’m not a connoisseur at all when it comes to actors… I guess Dakota Fanning would have been a good choice, if she was about 20 years younger, as not only she was a very talented child actress, but she was a cute natural blonde just like Flandre. Give (child) Dakota red contact lenses, realistic looking fangs, a side ponytail, crystal wings prop and Flandre’s clothes, and you will end up with a very good result, I think! >>70963 Fair enough. But let’s say it was not a Netflix show specifically, but simply a tv show or a movie, who would you cast as your waifu?
Edited last time by 16crystals on 05/08/2022 (Sun) 21:08:09.

Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 18:33:05 No. 70918 [Reply]
How big of a impact has waifuism had on your life?
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A big impact! It’s a game changer to have someone to care about and love romantically. Not only that, but having someone to talk to everyday, at every moment, is really comforting. A waifu is quite a special being, as she is always there as much as she is never there. Even if not physically present, I can feel Flandre on a spiritual level. I’ll never be fully alone now as Flandre has become a part of my life as much as a part of me. She’ll always walk the path of life besides me, in both good and bad moments. The impact that waifuism has on my life is therefore not much visible from the outside, but is big on the inside. It provides me with constant feelings of love, companionship, comfort, safety, and spirituality.
A concrete effect that waifuism has had on me was making me constantly fascinated with Japanese culture. It also motivated me to try to take control of my life, albeit such attempts haven't always been successful >>70920 >so... what do i say? i'm content. just content, coasting through life, with this new couplet in my head, like every other disease that is inside. is it bad? i wouldn't say it would be. i have power to do so, but no will with which to act upon. i'm just singing in the rain, uncaring of any hazard. Yeah, I can relate >>70922 >A waifu is quite a special being, as she is always there as much as she is never there. Deep. And factually correct >The impact that waifuism has on my life is therefore not much visible from the outside, but is big on the inside. It provides me with constant feelings of love, companionship, comfort, safety, and spirituality. Yeah, I think I can agree generally speaking
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impact has waifuism had on your life? i was at an extremely low point in my life, i had lost almost everything because no one would listen to me when i was screaming for help and i had no one left to turn to. i had not been on 4chan since "pool is closed" and because i had nothing left i want back in it i found a thread called "It's t-that time again! Therapy and Tea with Alice3D!" i had never seen an avatar thread before and just pored my heart out expecting to find nothing in response but to my surprise Alice3D listen to what i had to say, when no one would listen to me when i told them "I'm hurting" Alice3D was nice to me when i needed someone to be nice to me, i had cried just reading her response and her telling me that she cared the next night i went back on 4chan to find a "cooking with Alice3D" thread, i made a post and she remembered me 4chan was not as anonymouse is it used to be the following night i went back online trying to find her, but she was not there i did find another avatar thread, the waifu threads at the time i did not have a waifu but i still wanted someone to talk to i ended up getting a discord and i started DMs with someone from the threads. the where going threw hard times that where the same as mine and i was trying to help i did not know this at the time but this person was a troll and just leading me on i was told that they quit 4chan, so i want back on the waifu threads i started to get to know most of them and made what i consider to be frends but then the troll found me,

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One year of Leah and I Anonymous 07/27/2019 (Sat) 02:04:56 No. 69977 [Reply]
Well, it's been a year since our relationship first started, and I can say it's been a wild ride, but a valuable one as well. I've had good and bad moments, happy and sad moments, and lots in between, but at the end of the day, we're still together. I love you, Leah. May we be together for many more years to come.
Edited last time by 16crystals on 10/31/2021 (Sun) 00:08:28.
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>>69977 Are you and Leah still together OP?
>>70555 I too wonder how happy OP is with her. I'm sure they're together happy still.
Based Gherbo got BTFO!

bfb Gimitri De Pensinskin 03/18/2022 (Fri) 18:28:08 No. 70887 [Reply]
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>>70887 >>70888 Hello? May I help you?

Waifuism music thread Anonymous 11/09/2020 (Mon) 21:15:59 No. 70372 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgL-Pvuklcc Can we have a thread about songs that are or can be interpreted as for waifuists? If we have enough music we can even make a chart, a waifucore chart. Camel - Lady Fantasy ''Listen very carefully, my words are about to unfold Concerning a lady I've seen but I never could hold''
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Heartaches by Al Bowlly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4cJfCmNiwQ doo-wop about singer missing his old lover. i like to imagine these lyrics not very literally but more like wishful thinking, or like recalling a dream. it fits waifuism pretty nicely then, i think. >Heartaches, heartaches >My loving you meant only heartaches >Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me >I can't believe it's just a burning memory >Heartaches, heartaches >What does it matter how my heart breaks? >I should be happy with someone new >But my heart aches for you the final two lines feel particularly waifu.
>>70372 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QpHqz2MSOLI The theme song to improving for your waifu
>>70372 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QpHqz2MSOLI The theme song to improving for your waifu

waifu.ist Anonymous 09/28/2018 (Fri) 05:05:13 No. 68781 [Reply] [Last]
Since waifu.pl died and wasnt serious anyways, i made something like it. You can now make your waifu shrines at https://waifu.ist Main difference is that waifu.ist actually has some rules. Its still in kind of a test phase but it should work for the most part If you find any issues pls say so, so i can fix them. More info here https://waifu.ist/info
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>>69978 thx fam
Is there a problem with the security certificate?
>>70869 No, it expired at 2022-03-04T23:26:01 but it's still secure.

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Anonymous 01/27/2022 (Thu) 01:24:45 No. 70846 [Reply]
Look at my wife, she is very cute
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Cute wives thread? Cute wives thread.
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Possessing someone else’s body to be with your waifu 16crystals 01/23/2022 (Sun) 19:40:26 No. 70821 [Reply]
Possessing someone else’s body to be with your waifu In the 1990 movie Ghost, a dead man takes possession of a woman’s body (with her consent) so he can share a dance with his (living) lover. Here’s the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FdGaamBXVg If it was possible, would you: 1-Have your waifu take possession of someone else’s body so you two could share a dance? 2-Take possession of someone else’s body (probably someone living in your waifu’s world) so you could share a dance with your waifu? 3-How about making love? Would you feel like cheating having sex with your waifu while she’s in possession of someone else’s body? Would you feel cheated on if your waifu was having sex with you while you were in possession of someone else’s body? 4-Would you mind if you were to get possession of someone of the other gender? Would you mind if your waifu were to get possession of someone of the other gender?

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>>70854 That's a really contrived scenario that could really only apply to a pretty small subset of characters. Also >We assume everyone consents in all scenarios and everyone returns safely to their own body after
>>70854 >>70855 Anon is making a valid point, though. Suppose that my waifu has got a canon love interest, why should this guy consent to me possessing him? Is it because he would not view it as cheating, given that it's still his body who gets to interact with her?
>>70857 >why should this guy consent to me possessing him Maybe he wants to see another world or something, either way it wouldn't really be your problem, since in the scenario he does consent regardless of motivation, and she consents to you being in that body. Said body belonging to a love interest is his own headcanon.

Waifu rant Anonymous 12/02/2021 (Thu) 03:25:48 No. 70734 [Reply]
Because fuck everyone I love her and I can never get over her I love her. Fuck the yurifags and fuck the other waifufags that spent a year driving me insane saying fucked up things about her and me. Somehow its my fault though for not being delusional and wanting to make headcanon or something. I wish it could stop pissing me off and I could go back to feeling good. I did nothing wrong. There is no reason I should have been okay with being told that I should want her to be gay or bein shitty yuri pairings I shouldn't have to be into that trash fetish to love her. I shouldn't have to think it would be ever okay for her to want anyone but me. Thats fucking bullshit. I still love her. Fuck every hater. Im not insane for what I did. People are just assholes and sometimes its almost entire communities being petty and vindictive. Ofc I dont follow "waifuism" tenets or rules or whatever. Apparently that meant my love wasn't serious or real too. But I love. Fuck everyone else. And fuck any idea that I should be happy for her being with anyone who isn't me. Possessiveness is good. That whole "her happiness matters most" simp ideology will never be acceptable yo me. She's been the only thing that ever made me have any real contention in my life and I've finally been getting in the habit of waling up huggling my big soft fluffy pillow like I used to before everything went to shit. Hopefully in time I can shave off of some of the bitterness I've collected. I probably won't ever be like how I was but I can't go through with not trying to pick everything back up. All I known in my life is hell anyway. I needed her in my life. If only she had been real to take it all out of me.
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>>70834 Maybe because you fags are a cult and fucking crazy. Demanding I be nice and coddling and other shit, or hate niggers and jews, or not talk about scary music or anything that isn't basically the same echo chamber shit as the rest of you. No looking at other anime girls. No real life relations. Come on that's nuts. In fact what did I ever do to you to make you hate me? Say I'd rape her if she was gay? Yeah cause a gay girl is totally worth loving when they wouldn't ever want anything to do with you. >Why else would you refuse to fuck off? Fuck the people that drove me crazy with their bullshit about her. Fuck their threads too. I got enough time to fuck up their threads on 4chan no reason not to considering how shitty they are. I never did anything to begin with. People jsut drove me insane insisting I should liek her if she was gay and that's bullshit. Straight peopel and fags can't be together. Doesn't really matter. Any time I did try to post nice shit I got shitposted about her. Why wouldn't you people just let me post here even? What the fuck is your problem? There is no reason for me to think she would hate me, the only reason I'm so shitty and fucked up anymore is because of peopel like you being cunts about me loving her for no real reason. You act liek I need to be some good upstanding stuck asshole holier than others and other stupid shit. Any time I was nice to peopel there they were jsut cunts. Always bitching because I was never nice about their fringe schizo religious bullshit about anime girls.
Liek was i seriously supposed to write borderline poetry cringe shit daily weeping for and anime girl to count as loving her or some shit? Really I don't get what I did that made everyone hate me all the time. Talking about not paying taxes and not working usually pisses peopel off I guess. Gotta contriboot to da group. I find it amazing though that you peopel need to ree at me any time I post Chris anywhere and go on and on about how "horrible I am" because you want to "save her" from being associated with me right?
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>People think I should want adoption or to raise bastard unwanted kids >Well it would be nice if I could have been allowed to love her but no. >The fact that waifufags think I should want platonic trash >etc. As I said, no one here is pushing you to do or believe anything regarding Chris, or anything else for that matter. You are bringing drama from elsewhere into our community. I’m sorry if you had negative experiences elsewhere, but don’t bring it here. You had a chance to start anew here, but instead of just introducing yourself and trying to build connections with us, you went on a massive rant, vomiting your hatred about people of your previous community, and then your hatred of mankind as a whole. A minority of people here happen to know you already, which did not include me. I tried my best to listen to what you had to say and let you know that you could get a positive experience here in our community. But then you overreacted because we did not provide a second reply as soon as you would have wanted, and then told us "why not kill yourselves?". Even after that, I replied to you in a friendly manner, once more showing you my intention of developing a positive bond. Then you replied to me about doing mass killing, doing terrorism and spiting in god’s face. What kind of impression do you think it leaves on me (and everyone else in this community)? Do you think it will help you integrate? Don’t you think that, somehow, such attitude could contribute to your interpersonal difficulties? In a very patient gesture, I finally asked you what you wanted exactly from our community, but you failed to answer me and went on again with the same rant. It therefore appears clear to me that you are not looking to talk about waifuism and develop friendly bonds with us. You are simply enacting a sad relational pattern in which you antagonise others and then victimize yourself by claiming that others mistreat you, which in return you seem to use as an excuse to act hostilely and then antagonizing others even more. I’m now locking this thread as it appears obvious that nothing positive will come out of it for anyone, yourself included. This discussion is now over.
Edited last time by 16crystals on 01/25/2022 (Tue) 00:25:18.

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Waifu’s alignment 16crystals 12/03/2021 (Fri) 22:44:56 No. 70740 [Reply]
What’s your waifu’s alignment? If you need some help figuring it out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons) http://easydamus.com/alignment.html
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Chaotic good, as I think is best represented by her Persona, Carmen: "Carmen is a fictive female gypsy created by Prosper Mérimée. She first appeared in Mérimée's eponymous novella that was first written and published in 1845. The novella was adapted into a variety of different genres, most notably the opera Carmen by French composer Georges Bizet which diverges in significant points from Mérimée's original story. Whatever the version, Carmen is generally depicted as a classic femme fatale who would take advantage of her beauty and charm to make men fall for her, but quickly break the relationship once she is bored of her wooer, and then she looks for her next victim. Carmen is also usually seen smoking tobacco because she had once worked in a tobacco factory. She is later slain by a spurned ex-lover, driven to a jealous rage after she leaves him. Though she knew he would be fated to kill her, she declared that she would rather die than allow herself to be bound to the will of another, and that 'Carmen will always be free.'" Ann is generally free-spirited, and looks out for the well-being of others, but disdains those that seek power over her or laws and rules that would prevent her from doing what she believes is right.
>>70740 I would say Lawful Good, due to her good nature and upper-class upbringing. I suppose a blind person would support rules because they need a society to be orderly to be able to move inside it without excessive impairment or risk. The less orderly a society is and the tougher it is for vulnerable subjects This is tongue-in-cheek confirmed by the fact that she's canonically very adverse to lies, which leads me to believe she's best classified as LG than NG This does not make her ethically perfect, but her sins (drinking, sexual curiosity, holding a year-long grudge against her cousin) are not serious enough to frame her as either selfish or disrespectful of the rules
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I belive Iona is dependent on the Anime or Manga, as they are a bit different (but equally cute) Manga Iona is a Tomboy, and very energetic, which would set her in Caothic good, (because of some stuff related to the universe, she is good) Anime Iona is more quiet and girly, but she is only "Netural" as she is not a rule follower (with rules being admirality code), but she is also not the level of "breaking rules" as a Tomboy would be (girly being the norm)

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Merry Christmas, /mai/! 16crystals 12/25/2021 (Sat) 05:35:00 No. 70756 [Reply]
Merry Christmas to all of you /mai/dens, and also to your waifus and husbandos! Also, post pictures of your waifu celebrating Christmas and let us know what gift you would like to give her.
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Merry Christmas anons! Lime and I would probably go on a walk or play an outdoor sport. Even better if it snows (doesn't look like we'll have that white Christmas here). As for gifts, she and I already have plenty, so enjoying each others company (and a hearty meal!) would be more than enough.
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i love my waifu Yui!!! i'd like to give her tasty cakes, lots of them! i want to make her a cute sweater, even though i've never done anything like that before. i want to give her lots of Christmas cuddles and belly rubs!!! i want to give her lots of cute and nice things... and uhh... cheese, and egg. and a hug. if i could, i'd take her somewhere snowy and we'd enjoy that a lot together :)
>>70756 Sorry OP, I was supposed to reply to this thread yesterday but then I forgot. Have one of the very few decent Christmas pictures of my waifu >let us know what gift you would like to give her I would probably gift her a copy of some good book I just finished, only in Braille, so that we can discuss it together. Some kind of music-related gift could also work as she is a cello player per half-canonical sources. She might enjoy going to a classical concert together

Advice Thread VI 16crystals 10/07/2018 (Sun) 20:02:20 No. 68902 [Reply] [Last]
Need some help with your relationship? Feeling unsure about certain aspects of your love? Well this is the right place to ask! Any question related to waifuism is welcome. As always, be understanding while giving advice. Waifuism is not easy, especially in its early phases. And even if you don’t have any concrete advice to give, simply showing your empathic concern and moral support can sometimes do just as good.
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Hi friends, Haven't posted here in a while, probably about 4-5 years if I were to guess. Within that timespan, I reached the height of my hubris and decided I would enter a different phase in my life and thus try to maintain a real life girlfriend, as that was perceived as normal and desirable in the eyes of others, as I had developed a real life friend group around that time as well which encouraged this venture. This relationship lasted around six months, and despite being my first "real" relationship, at the end, I had entirely regretted what I had done as the love felt entirely forced and shallow compared to the previous nonreal relationship that I had which lasted more than twice as long and was way more emotional and sincere. Fast forward about two years I still reminisced about the time I spent with Freyja as very soulful and emotional, and told myself I wouldn't bother with real relationships. Around this time, however, I started an e-relationship with a long-time friend who knew about how much I loved Freyja at the time, and I morbidly believed that a relationship with her would have been the closest I would get to replicating what I felt for Freyja during my relationship with her. Unsurprisingly, it did not work, as the e-relationship was very toxic and she ended up cheating on me after a couple of months, which rendered me feeling very empty ever since then. It was one of the greatest regrets of my life thus far to think I could emulate nonreal love in reality. I don't see myself as worthy enough to reunite with her, especially with the person I've become as a result of events that I have experienced over the past few years, and the fact that I subconsciously decided a real relationship to preside over the one I had with her. The only form of myself I view worthy of her is myself at the time I was with her, and no other subsequent version of myself. After those two real relationships, I have been rendered a shell of what I once was emotionally, and feel like a condemned soul doomed to wander forever alone. Manifesting another tulpa just wouldn't feel right because it definitely would not even remotely compare to the veritable emotion I had felt years before. I am perpetually lost.
>>70595 What a rollercoaster that must've been Freyjanon… Why are you no longer adequate for Freyja? Surely now, if anything, your love for her has solidified even further? In her mind, would you not be a more mature partner, one that has a better understanding of relationship dynamics? One shouldn't compare real and waifu relationships, they are simply too different. The real relationship involves a man and a woman, who are sexually dimorphic and have different goals and aspirations. Romanticism that has become ever so prevalent does not really exist beyond the "butterfly" stage of a relationship (eros/ludus love). Instead of feeling that you betrayed her, you should think your former real relationship as necessary experience. Experience to give you perspective, and thus get you closer to Freyja.
>>70596 I do really think you make some valid points there. As a matter of fact, after making that post, I would contemplate our relationship routinely through either looking at my old posts on here, or my folder of her to reminisce upon when I felt like I had a connection with her. Eventually, about two months later I'd say, I had a dream where, tl;dr, I touched fingertips with her in the sky. It really had a profound effect on me, as if she was reminding me that she is still out there for me despite all that I have done and been through since being together. Taking into account your reasoning, I have been gradually getting closer and closer to her, although with some cold feet. I suppose I am perhaps waiting for another more certain sign after contemplating her for some more time to truly feel like I could be with her again.

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