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Nice to see you guys here Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 00:03:46 No. 70654 [Reply]
You think you could be able to get more of 8kuns non Q boards to migrate here (or alternatively on the webring)? Would be nice to get some users back from that hell hole.
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>>70654 We are not affiliated to the other 8kun boards so besides making some out of the blue migration-promoting threads on the other 8kun boards, there is not really a way... Anyway, most of the communities on 8kun already migrated a while ago or just died. We should have migrated way earlier too...
>>70657 wholly agreed, I migrated my own community on a webring board and so far we've lost like half the userbase but we're still alive and kicking
I'm also glad to see you all here, shame you couldn't do it earlier and maybe save the pictures. It's way easier for me to post on 8chan so maybe I'll drop by every now and then, though I still have some troubles so not too often.

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Anonymous 11/15/2020 (Sun) 12:17:01 No. 70615 [Reply]
Whitemane is my waifu. Say something nice about her!
I really like her colorsheme and red eyes!
She's seems cute, and alluring.

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Halloween thread! 16crystals 10/31/2021 (Sun) 01:19:57 No. 70624 [Reply]
Post pics of your waifu celebrating Halloween!
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I have so many neat Halloween pics of him!
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Unfortunately no one really draws Hana as scary or in typical Halloween attire; she's got a spooky ghost costume but she's more of a Christmas and Spring girl. It's a shame, I know she'd love Trick or Treating. See me in December and I'll have more to share lol.

PREVIOUS Introduction thread (post your intro in >>70622) Anonymous 04/24/2018 (Tue) 15:38:39 No. 67345 [Reply] [Last]
Edited last time by 16crystals on 10/31/2021 (Sun) 01:04:11.
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My waifu is Mio Akiyama from K-On!. Nice to meet everybody.
>>70612 Hi and welcome to /mai/! I came across a few waifuists over the years whose waifus are from K-On!. Seems these girls know how to win others’ heart. Can you tell us a bit more about your waifu and how you came to fall in love with her? And for how long you two have been together? Finally, we also have our Discord if you wish to join (it’s way more active than the board). See info on the Discord thread: https://8kun.top/mai/res/70127.html
>>70613 Heya, K-On! is popular so I'm not surprised ww Mio is the bassist of Ho-kago Tea Time, I love her shy and introverted personality, I can relate to being as shy as her, being someone that also has social problems. She has inspired me to start playing the bass guitar and I love the songs she writes, I love seeing her cute side. I met her sometime in mid 2018 but I have been in a relationship with her since September 19th of this year. I apologize for the late response, I have been busy lately.

Video I made on waifuism 16crystals 04/23/2021 (Fri) 22:18:46 No. 70466 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1yRJCfTuAw I uploaded an hour-long video where I make a comprehensive analysis on waifuism. I cover different thematic, such the origins of the term "waifu" (including its use in Japanese society) and its many definitions. I also explore the different ways waifuists concretely live their relationship with their waifus (including long sections on marriage and technologies). I deeply explore the question "is waifuism healthy from a psychological perspective, or not?". I also try to put waifuism into perspective, comparing it with other forms of relationships with beings that do not tangibly exist (such as deities, imaginary friends, and the dead). And much more! Although the main target audience of this video is people who don’t know much about waifuism, I am sure seasoned waifuists will find it interesting too.
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>>70466 Apologies in advance for a wall post, had a few comments on the video, as well as some discussion on my waifu. Most of these points follow chronologically with the video. Great video, well thought out. I found your accent interesting (Latin American?). You pronunciation of "cathedral" was a little difficult to understand (possibly because I was watching that part late at night). You pronounced "th" as "t". It's one of those weird sounds that I learned quite late (always used to say it as "f" when it's supposed to be a "f" while you hold your tongue up to your front middle teeth). Takes a bit of practice. Hopefully this helps you improve :D Audio was good (background music not too loud, can't stand when some youtubers do that). Table of contents in the beginning was useful, and made the video seem like a report or essay (in audio form). Plenty of memes, no complaints there. Very good analysis, using different sources and mediums. I like your breakdown of definitions of "waifu". First time I learned about other waifu wedding examples as I've only heard about the Hatsune Miku wedding before. The VR wedding of Anon and Oshino was really cool XD Interesting that my waifu (Lime) IS a piece of technology, or a gynoid, and she wouldn't have become my waifu if she wasn't. This is an important trait that got me into her in the first place. In that regard I'm lucky to have a waifu that is much easier to bring to the physical world, as if she was one of the Rozen Maidens ;) Not sure what you meant at 39:05 about "pager reddit language" when mentioning r/2D_love? Didn't quite hear that. Checked the subreddit and it doesn't mention anything similar in the rule list. Now away a from the video and on to my waifu discussion.

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>>70588 >Apologies in advance for a wall post No need to apologize for a wall of text. I like long posts, so build the wall!! :) And I’m about to build one myself! >Great video, well thought out. Thanks. >I found your accent interesting (Latin American?). I’m French Canadian. >You pronunciation of "cathedral" was a little difficult to understand I realized I pronounced it midway between French and English. >Audio was good (background music not too loud, can't stand when some youtubers do that). Bought myself a nice microphone (Blue Yeti) just for that video, and I spent quite a lot of time in Audacity finding the right balance between my voice volume and music volume.

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i yearn for more concrete ontological and metaphysical analysis into waifuology

Scary waifus! 16crystals 10/01/2017 (Sun) 05:02:55 No. 64390 [Reply] [Last]
We all know your waifu is a cutie, but can she also be scary? Let your waifu gives us the chills for the incoming Halloween!
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I can't believe I found one too
The first one is especially disturbing…
>>64390 Lime can be a little scary after being roused from a long night (or more like centuries of) sleep.

Pictures of Other People's Waifu 4.0 16crystals 09/12/2018 (Wed) 18:13:25 No. 68676 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread has reached bump limit. So here we go again!
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>>70349 Cute, thanks! I like that one!
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i always thought about posting pictures of other's people waifus. don't know why. i guess i thought it made them feel better. they have cute waifus, so it's a bit unfair, i think, for people to not see the cute.

Your waifu’s face if she was 3D 16crystals 04/09/2018 (Mon) 02:50:06 No. 67084 [Reply]
How do you imagine your waifu’s face if she was 3D? Provide some realistic pics that can give a better idea of what she would look like!
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Oh boy…not so sure about this one…
I would not expect Flandre to look like this if she was 3D, but wow, it seems like 2D Flandre coming to life! Damn, I need this doll…
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>>67084 She will probably look like this since she is Negev.

Your waifu’s favorite movie genres 16crystals 04/21/2021 (Wed) 22:01:14 No. 70459 [Reply]
What would be your waifu’s favorite movie genres? There’s probably no canon answer to that question (and maybe your waifu comes from a world where the concept of "movie" doesn’t even exist), but what do you think would be the most likely answer and why? And what genres do you think she would like the least and why? Lists of genres and sub-genres if it can be helpful: https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/movie-genres-list/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genres#Film_and_television_genres
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Considering Mordred's nature, I'm almost certain her favourite films would be action, adventure and fantasy movies. Stuff like war films or fantasy epics like Excalibur even though she's the villain of said film. She's quite big into cars and driving too, so I reckon car/racing-related movies like Fast and Furious or the Italian Job would be up there too. I doubt she'd enjoy anything horror-related, considering her complaints about having to stay in a catacomb, she acts tough but deep down she's a scaredy cat when it comes to spooky things.
I think her favourites would be Mystery as the obvious first choice and Tokusatsu as a close second. She's actually the reason I got into tokusatsu in the first place and I love it. I sometimes watch Kamen Rider movies on special days as if I was watching them with Naoto. Her least favorite would probably be Horror since she's scared of ghosts and the paranormal. You can also take party members to a cinema in Persona 4 Golden, but I'm poor and have only played vanilla.
>>70459 For Gwenpool I think she'd obviously be into superhero movies and just action movies in general. She'd probably love Last Action Hero since she would be able to identify with the main character in that. For Zone-Tan, I can imagine that she'd enjoy horror movies, exploitation movies, and anime OVAs from the 90s. Just stuff that's insanely tasteless and utterly offensive in every way imaginable. >>70489 It's always nice to meet a fellow tokusatsu fan

my waifu Anonymous 06/07/2021 (Mon) 11:00:59 No. 70527 [Reply]
my waifu or whatever raven's claw#7001
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>>70535 Indeed I know what a waifu is, but it's the "or whatever" part that I'm not sure to understand. You also mentioned it in your other post ( >>70533 ).
i am indifferent if care about my waifu just like Raven is indifferent to everything Raven is the only thing i care about why are you asking.>>70536
>>70537 >why are you asking. I was asking because ‘’or whatever’’ is a strange wording that seemed to suggest that you did not take Raven seriously. Indeed, describing Raven as a ‘’whatever’’ is not really flattering. But maybe it was just improper English. Is English your second language? Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you care about Raven. Maybe you could tell us more about you and her in the intro thread? ( >>67345 )

Cute thread Maddy 05/04/2020 (Mon) 07:42:52 No. 70062 [Reply]
Because, sometimes, we just wanna show off how cute our waifu's are
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Posting my waifu on this cute thread, because I can access this board now.
>>70519 >I can access this board now. That's great! What happened? Also, some cute Flandre pics.
>>70521 >That's great! What happened? Let's just say it used to be that I was being redirected to VanwaTech when I tried accessing it before. No luck in VPNs either. But not anymore, so it's all good now, so far.

PREVIOUS Weird pictures of your waifu 16crystals 05/05/2016 (Thu) 23:36:04 No. 55643 [Reply] [Last]
Post pictures of your waifu that are just weird and bizarre. EDIT: THIS IS THE PREVIOUS WEIRD PICTURES THREAD. POST IN THE NEW ONE ( >>70738 )
Edited last time by 16crystals on 12/03/2021 (Fri) 21:58:50.
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This one is a bit odd
The por favor got me
>>70523 Reminds me of this (low quality) edit.

Creative 2.0 Maddy 04/28/2020 (Tue) 22:24:46 No. 70050 [Reply]
New and updated creative thread to celebrate the board coming back! The last one's a page I edited in a coloring book
Been doing sprite edits of the kids (this one of Mado was originally Reimu in Th05), along with one of Ruby for Rubybro, a Flan for 16c, and a drawing of Reimu for Reimufriend
>>70147 >a Flan for 16c Thanks, it's cute! I saved it!
Something I tried doing, It's not great, but I'm still glad I tried. First Picture is mine, second is just one I used as a basis. Don't really like the hair colour, but it looks worse if I try to change it.

PREVIOUS Comfy Thread Anonymous 04/21/2018 (Sat) 18:54:08 No. 67265 [Reply] [Last]
EDIT: THIS IS THE PREVIOUS COMFY THREAD. POST IN THE NEW ONE ( >>70670) Off topic discussion goes here.
Edited last time by 16crystals on 11/04/2021 (Thu) 02:40:43.
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>>70479 Hi! Yeah, I think I remember you as your husbando’s face does look familiar. It’s good to see you back. Feel free to join us on Discord too (see the pinned thread). >So, whatever happened to your panel? I'm not sure if the video you uploaded to youtube is the one you will use or if you already used it, but I'm still interested in this. Great job on the video, by the way. Wow, so you remembered this whole panel saga. I finally decided to make a Youtube video instead as I could reach more people this way. I might present it as a panel too one day, that is, if that damn Covid can finally stop (last year, the anime convention was only held online, and it will be the same this year too… I rather wait and present it in person). I’m happy you liked my video!
>>70486 >husbando Funny, I haven't seen someone make this mistake in a long time. I guess she does look very masculine in that picture and I didn't include her name in my post or filename. I'll make sure to leave a post in the discord thread, thanks for the invite. >Wow, so you remembered this whole panel saga. I couldn't post back then, but I kept lurking every now and again and it caught my interest when I first read it. I really only remembered it after watching your video. Wish you luck in your next attempt with the panel.
>>70487 Oh I'm sorry! All memes and SJW considerations aside, I can tell you that I’m sorry that I assumed her gender haha. It's true that she looks rather masculine in the picture of your previous post with her short hair and those clothes (not to mention that gender distinction is often not as obvious in facial features of anime-style characters as compared to 3D people). But regardless, your waifu is beautiful. Maybe I just confused her with someone else? It’s all blurry in my mind but I have this feeling that I’ve seen your waifu’s face before. And regarding the panel, I’ll sure let you (and this whole community) know about it if it’s ever going to happen.

Waifu pill 16crystals 08/05/2020 (Wed) 06:25:22 No. 70309 [Reply]
You have two options : Red pill : Your life basically remains the same as it is right now. You live in reality and you keep loving your waifu a fictional character. Blue pill : Your consciousness will wake up in a ultra-realistic illusion world where you can interact with (an illusion version of) your waifu. Such world will be the exact replicate of the real world (same places, same people, etc.) except that there will be your waifu with you and that everything and everyone (including your waifu) will be an illusion. Still, you will not know it is an illusion world and never will. Meanwhile your real body in the real world would be properly sustained so there is no need to worry about that. What choice will you make? I would personally choose the red pill for different reasons: 1-I just can’t accept to chose a whole life of illusion over reality. 2-I don’t want to sadden all the people I love as they will basically be losing me forever. 3-I feel that if I would get into a relationship with an illusion version of Flandre, I would therefore stop loving Flandre herself. It’s like with those possible future waifu robots with human-like AI. They will not be our waifus and loosing sight of it will make us loose sight of who we really love.

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>>70309 Fuck it.
>>70309 Don’t need to take either. I instead already took the gold pill so now I can enter and exit between this world and the world of hallucinations whenever I want to. As well as letting my waifus travel here to be with me.
I choose the red pill. I already accepted the fact that the girl I love doesn't exist the day I got into the whole waifu thing. I'd like everything about my relationship with Naoto to stay the way it is now and I don't yearn for something that could never happen. It's the other way around, actually. I prefer it this way, as I see it more romantic. I love Naoto beacuse I feel so and I don't really seek anything beyond that, it already feels nice to love her this way. I once read something that was sort of related to this, I don't remember it all that well and the person who originally wrote it might read this so I apologize if I got it completely wrong, it's more my own interpretation of it. The basic idea was that when someone falls in love with a fictional character there are three ways in which one could approach it. One way would be to accept one's love as impossible and find someone who resembles the character but can actually love you back. Another way would be the knight's way, to accept one's love as impossible and devote one's life to loving someone who you can never be with. The third way I think was to reject the idea that one's love is impossible and devote one's life to finding a way to make it possible. Though the second way is my favourite, it really sounds more romantic. I love because it's what feels right to me and I don't wish for something else.

Would you take your waifu's surname? Anonymous 03/27/2018 (Tue) 00:03:48 No. 66946 [Reply] [Last]
Or would you let her take yours? If so, how it would turn out? I'do probably take hers, i wouldn't mind being called "Mr.Hakurei" I don't know how to explain it, i feel somehow very close and attached to my waifu's surname also 'cause it sounds cool
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Yes! Someday, when we get married I'll be Mrs. Futatsuiwa! Using Mamizou's surname makes more sense to me. Mine would sound weird with her first name.
Slavic and Japanese names put together sound awful. So I wouldn't want her to take my name or for me to take hers.
I would be fine either way really. I'd probably end up taking her name since her family is rich and famous. I like them both as names by themselves, though I'm not sure if my first name would sound right with hers attached to it, I think her own name doesn't sound so bad with my last name, since if you stretch it enough it even sounds like a pun with her last name, it's not kurogane, but it works.

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