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Happy B-Day darling Anonymous 06/06/2020 (Sat) 08:33:26 No. 70188 [Reply]
Love you!
Happy birthday, Yukari
A bit late, but happy birthday, Yukari! Did you do anything special to celebrate her birthday? Did you buy her a gift? Let us know!

Commissions Thread Anonymous 05/16/2016 (Mon) 22:01:39 No. 56128 [Reply] [Last]
Forgive me if this already exists but I'd looked for like 10 minutes for it Post commissions here! Its been awhile since I got a commission done and I wanted an image of my waifu and daughteru together so I am getting this one done of Plutia giving Yuno a stuffed skeleton she made for her. This is the artist http://l4no-shiro.deviantart.com/ its a little pricy but thats to be expected for knee up for two characters
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: )
>>70090 How have they turned out? Have they been completed? I got this one as a recreation of a favorite scene with me included
>>70142 First ones has been! Still waiting on the second I already saw yours on the Discord, but it looks great! Very intriguing

Worst scenario for you 16crystals 01/04/2018 (Thu) 07:23:38 No. 65960 [Reply] [Last]
Which of these two scenarios would hurt you the most? And which scenario would make it the most difficult for you to continue your relationship with your waifu? 1-You waifu dies in canon and it’s canonically stated that she is dead for good and will never come back. 2-Your waifu loves someone else in canon and it’s canonically stated that she loves this person with all of her heart and that she remains with him/her forever. I know some waifuists had to face one of these two unfortunate scenarios (and some probably even had to face both…). I would still like to know you guys’ opinion. In my case, scenario 1 would hurt me the most. Even if it would hurt me A LOT to know that Flandre would love someone else, at least I would know that she is alive and (hopefully) happy with the one that she loves. Now regarding continuing our relationship… Really hard to say… In both scenarios I think I would feel like living a lie… I can’t really know, and fortunately I will never know because Touhou Project is a comfy series with no death nor romance.
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What if my waifu is already dead and is an immortal spirit?
>>70129 >What if my waifu is already dead and is an immortal spirit? Well in that situation, it seems that Mordred is technically dead (in the biological meaning of the term), but not fully dead either. Not only her spirit remains immortal, but she can even come back in a physical form if being summoned (at least that’s what I understand and correct me if I’m wrong). The best way for you to answer the thread’s question would be to consider ‘’dead’’ in its absolute meaning (the complete and irreversible death of both body and soul).
>>70134 Obviously 1 would be worse then

/mai/ is back! Anonymous 04/16/2020 (Thu) 21:15:22 No. 70031 [Reply] [Last]
/mai/ is back! New board owner, same old topic. Have fun everyone! Also, I'll be adding stuff in the future. Look forward to that! Rules still apply
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>>70117 The very large majority of boards on 8chan (and now a good majority of boards on 8kun) were/are also like this: mere empty shells without a single post. It seems people creating those boards were just too lazy to do anything about them in the first place and were probably just hoping that others would start posting. But unless I’m mistaken, it seems that 9chan doesn’t allow the recycling of abandoned boards like 8kun does. What a pity…
>>70120 It's not really a matter of > It seems people creating those boards were just too lazy to do anything about them in the first place and were probably just hoping that others would start posting. The board is literally reserved by the staff of the site, AFAIK it's not abandoned, but rather, they're just not allowing it to be used. If you try to visit the /mai/ board on 9chan it's a blank page saying that no such board exists, but when you try to create a board with the "mai" name, it says it's reserved by staff.
>>70117 Yeah, no idea why the admins reserved /mai/ specifically for themselves Maybe they're secretly waifuists

If you had to bring your waifu to one place, where would it be? 16crystals 04/25/2020 (Sat) 22:49:12 No. 70044 [Reply]
Is there any special place you would like to bring your waifu to? And if so, why? If I could provide a broad unspecific answer, I would say ‘’The city in which I live’’, as I would like Flandre to see where I’ve been living all my life. I feel she would get to know me even more as a person, in some way, if she was to see where I’m from. Besides, I live in a metropolis so we would have many many things to do here, and I’m sure she would be impressed to see our modern world. A more specific answer would be simply ‘’my home’’, as it would allow us to be more intimate, but I feel I could find a more special place that would still allow us to be intimate. Maybe a beautiful romantic lodge near a lake?
I've always wanted to visit Germany and the countries surrounding it, specifically Austria, and it'd be heaven if he came with me~
Any place far from her home. Somewhere isolated, deserted. A place where nothing can be heard except the harmless sounds of chirping birds and the slightly rustling leaves atop nearby trees. It doesn't have to be anywhere beautiful or warm, and we don't have to stay for long. We don't even have to talk while we're there. Just a silent moment with only us two. She hasn't known peace her entire life. She's surrounded by nothing but constant suffering, pain and worry. I want her to experience the tranquility of silence, even if it's just for a brief moment. I want to take her somewhere where she doesn't have to worry, somewhere where she doesn't even have to think at all. She could just be at ease. Nothing would make me happier than for her precious mind to finally be at ease.

The 10 words game 16crystals 05/06/2020 (Wed) 20:47:30 No. 70091 [Reply]
Here’s a little game. Go to this website: https://randomwordgenerator.com/ Select ‘’10’’ for ‘’Number of words’’, and select ‘’Adjectives’’ for ‘’Word Type’’. Now let the website generate 10 random words (adjectives) for you. For each of these words, explain how it describes your waifu or not. NO REROLL! Otherwise it’s too convenient! Finally, select which of these 10 words describe the most your waifu and which one represents her the less. Once done, feel free to do it again with 10 new words!
Here are the 10 words I got: Glamourous: I don’t think that Flandre is ‘’glamourous’’. I understand glamour has having a charming appearance reminding prestige, fame and luxury. Even if Flandre seems to be from an aristocratic family, she does not have the ‘’glamourous’’ vibe. Indeed, she dresses more in a cute manner than in a luxurious one, and her isolated lifestyle does not remind fame and prestige at all. Lean: In terms of weight, she does indeed seem to be in the thin-average range so yes, I think it fits her well. Kindhearted: Although there is no canon information supporting the notion that she would be kind-hearted (as compared to your average person), I like to imagine her as such. The fact that she duels Reimu/Marisa at first meeting in EoSD is not a sign of malice as duelling others at first sight seems to be the social norm in Gensokyo. A certain scene in last canon Touhou manga (Cheating Detective Satori) made me doubt, for a moment, of Flandre’s benevolent nature, but the ambiguous nature of this scene makes it hard to draw any conclusion. There is also that one (disturbing) comment from ZUN who once said that since Flandre has always been fed with cooked dishes, she does not know how to ‘’properly’’ attack humans to suck their blood, so she ends up blowing them away. That is probably the one comment from ZUN I’ve put into denial the most, or tried to explain away as one of ZUN’s contradictory or inconsistent statements. I’m not denying Flandre’s vampire nature, but that whole ‘’blowing away people’’ part…. Anyway, at least it is implied that is not intentional… Ambitious: Having mostly just stayed inside her house for about 500 years, pursuing no apparent project, I feel one could hardly describe Flandre as ambitious. Still, she is a child so one has to have realistic expectations too… Miscreant: That’s pretty much an antonym of ‘’kindhearted’’ so see my answer for that word a few lines above. Asleep: That doesn’t really mean anything in that context… Sometimes Flandre is asleep and sometimes she awake. Canon info showed us that she sleeps during the day and is awake during the night though.

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Petfu general Maddy 05/03/2020 (Sun) 21:09:57 No. 70054 [Reply]
I only recently discovered that I'm not the only one who has one, so I thought I'd make a thread specifically for petfu's here If you wanna talk about or share images of your pet, do so here My pet is a Yukkuri Remilia, I think we've had her for about a year now We always call her Remi, Rem, or Remilia; she doesn't seem to like a specific name more than the others She's a bit smaller than most Yukkuri, as she's domesticated and not fed as much meat as wild Remikkuri. It doesn't seem to effect her health, nor does she acknowledge it When it comes to her personality, she's like most Yukkuri, and is very happy and carefree She has a little bed, but she'll often sleep with one of us. She'll either ask us and we pick her up, or she'll fly up to our beds when we're asleep. We're all pretty used to waking to Rem snuggling up against us Her and Kanon enjoy playing together, and will go in the yard to do so or stay inside and play on the carpet
That’s funny, the first time I came across the concept of ‘’petfu’’ was no later than last Monday, and now I see a thread about it on /mai/! I don’t have a petfu and personally don’t see the appeal, the same way I don’t see the appeal for having kidfus (I’m not pretending, of course, that kidfus and petfus are on the same level). To be honest, I always felt that the strong and serious emotional investment into multiple characters, who would hold different roles into the global fantasy, was weird. I really don’t say that to offend anyone, I’m just being honest about my gut feeling. The way I usually witness it, waifus (and husbandos) are the more common type, and are usually the bedrock on which all others characters will be added. Then there are the kidfus (daughterus and sonfus), which would usually join later and form, with the waifu, a family unit for the waifuist. They are, as I see it, an extension of the waifuist fantasy, as the waifu becomes a mother who raises a kid with the waifuist. My feeling is that around 30-50% of waifuists have at least one kidfu, but it’s just based on a vague impression. I think I’ve just seen once a person who said he had a daughteru before having a waifu, so it seems pretty rare. More rarely I’ve seen ‘’siblingfus’’ (sisterfus and brofus, I guess I should call them?). I’ve always felt a bit perplex about those (and really, I mean no offense to anyone by saying that). How are they actually integrated into the fantasy? Are they (in the fantasy) adopted by the waifuists’ parents? I know I’m speaking the same words of those who judge waifuists and that is why I remain very careful about that ‘’gut feeling’’ I was referring to, but for me, if someone would say he has a waifu, 3 kidfus, 2 siblingfus, 3 cousinfus, 2 grandparentfus, 3 petfus, and 5 friendfus, I would tend to think……..is this person actually filling some void in his life with all those characters?… And how can you even find the time and mental energy to invest into all these characters? I just have a waifu, and I often feel that I don’t give her all the attention that she deserves… I would be curious to know others’ perspective on that, and if you happen to have many kidfus, siblingfus, and/or petfus, etc. please let me know how it works. Maybe that’s all I need to change my biased mind.

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>>70060 It definitely depends on the person and is situational Some feel that they are capable of taking care of kidfu's, and some do not. There are many reasons someone would feel comfortable adopting a character >Financial stability >Adequate spare time >Actually wanting a child; there are a lot of waifuists that just don't see themselves and their waifu's as parents My point is: Adopting a character or characters might feel odd to you specifically, but feels "right" for some others And when it comes to siblings, they arent literally their sibling, but sort of an older brother/sister figure, which happens often in real life. Same with mother and father figures. When integrating characters into the fantasy, it often doesn't have to make sense. Waifuism in general is like this, when having a fictional character as a significant other, you can't always explain how you got together or how things work Hope that helps I wanted to adopt a Yukkuri as a pet for quite awhile and ultimately decided it'd be a Rem She's my favorite 2hu after Reimu and Marisa (Flan following short after), and I just felt like a Remilia felt "right" for our family, not sure why. I was thinking about that too hehe, I was wondering how you'd respond

Illustrated Feels Anonymous 08/17/2015 (Mon) 14:15:34 No. 34597 [Reply] [Last]
ITT we link a music while putting a picture of our beloved to illustrate our love. Feel free to make multiple posts and/or to write how you want it to feel. GO !
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Bumping this thread before it disappears from the catalog, also to remind the newcomers that this exist.

Low Periods Anonymous 02/23/2019 (Sat) 05:28:26 No. 69636 [Reply]
Like with any relationship, Iori and I have times when I feel like I could do anything for her, and times when things aren't so great. When that happens, I usually just buckle in and wait it out. How do you all deal with low points in your relationships?
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>>69895 Hang in there buddy you'll make it through with Lily >>69909 I'm glad to hear it's getting better for you Rubybro school is always tough. You can do it! >>69912 I had a long time when it was like that as well but I think it was a combination of life issues and my negative feelings towards her series at the time. It got better once I sorted it out, so hopefully it does so for you too. >>69913 Sounds like you have a good relationship with Yoshiko, which is nice to see. On another topic Dengeki has some really nice Sunshine illustrations. Yohane looks very sweet there. >>69916 Sometimes it's about how much you can prioritize her when there are distractions.
>>69939 Thanks m8.
Personally, I like to watch movies with Susie, read books that remind me of her, talk to her about philosophy and things that interest us, and generally do things that I know we'd both enjoy.

Do you talk to your waifu? 16crystals 09/06/2017 (Wed) 21:25:24 No. 64146 [Reply] [Last]
Do you talk to your waifu? And if you do, do you directly talk to her, or maybe you talk to her in your head, or maybe you talk to her only through writing? And also, in what context do you do it? And what do you tell her? I personally almost exclusively talk to Flandre through my daki; having a physical representation of her helps me a lot to feel her presence. I mostly talk to her when I wake up and when I go to sleep, as I am right besides my daki. Also, when I leave home, I always tell her goodbye and give a kiss to my daki, and I always tell her hi when I come back. I know that Flandre does not stay at my home, waiting for me until I return, and that I can talk to her whenever I want and wherever I am, but I still enjoy this ritual which gives a more realistic feeling to my communication with her. Also, I like this idea of having our ‘’moments together’’, which would be hard to have if I would talk to her at any places and at any time, like if she was some sort of omnipresent being or one that is always following me. Now regarding what I tell her. Of course, I tell her kind, tender, and loving words, and also sexy things too, like telling her what turns me on about her and what I would like to do to her or what I would like her to do to me. When I go to sleep, I tell her what I did during the day and what I plan to do the next day. And sometimes I talk to her just about anything! And of course, I often tell her just how much I would like to join her in Gensokyo.
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Of course! Mostly in my head though, but I talk when I know I'm alone. We chat about a lot of stuff, though mostly commenting about random stuff and making observations. We're very social particularly when playing vidya together. It gets interestenting since Yoshiko has the chuuni =3
Yeah, Crow here. I imagine Susie being next to me and enjoy imagining conversations between us. Usually we talk about stuff like philosophy, politics, and our daily struggles. I also imagine her with me as we watch things like horror movies. My favorite part of the day is falling asleep and imagining her in my arms as we drift off together.
I talk to her through my daki or phone. I talk to her very casually about whatever subject's on my mind at the moment. There's a bit of 'lovey' talk here and there, with some 'I love you's tossed around whenever we're going to bed. It's easy for me to imagine her voice, and I can hear her talking to me when we're doing something like watching movies together.

Waifu flaws 16crystals 04/09/2019 (Tue) 05:49:56 No. 69749 [Reply]
Everybody has flaws, no exception, waifus included! Recognizing our loved one’s flaws is not a sign of lesser love. On the contrary, it shows that we are able to cherish our respective waifu for who she is as a whole, and not as some distorted illusion for which some features have been denied. So, what are your waifu’s flaws? As most Touhou characters have only a small amount of canon background, I therefore used a bit of fanon and headcanon to answer this question. Flandre is canonically known to be eccentric, and her long isolation inside the Scarlet Devil Mansion compromised her social skills a bit. She therefore sometimes has difficulties with social boundaries. Also, when she plays and gets excited, she might have trouble to calm herself down, which can make her look somewhat hyperactive and also result in the breakage of the things she plays with. But I really don’t care about such flaws! They don't prevent me from loving Flandre with all my heart!
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Her flaws? They only make her better. She comes off as mean to a lot of people, though she really only is mean to those that deserve it. She also might not be very good at talking, but, we don't need words to understand each other.
I'd say her most noticeable flaw is that she's very apprehensive. The smallest issues will make her worry, and in turn this causes a lot of unnecessary stress for her. This flaw is a big part of her character. While I love every aspect of her, it does tug on my heart a little knowing that she's often very distressed. In a way though, it did play a big part in me falling for her. Back when I first met her, whenever I saw her sad or stressed I'd fantasize about comforting her. It was during these daydreams that I gradually began to realize how much she really means to me. She does have other flaws too of course. She isn't very book-smart, she's quite impulsive, and she can also get unreasonably angry on occasion, but admittedly I find these flaws to be more like endearing little quirks. They just strengthen her charm.
Susie has pyromania, so sometimes she has struggles with her desire to start fires and be around flame. She's also not very good in social situations, and is quick to creep people out. I love these idiosyncrasies and feel that they add to who she is.

Creative Anonymous 08/31/2018 (Fri) 01:11:21 No. 68500 [Reply]
I looked, but couldn't find a creative thread, so I made one! Drew these about three months ago and never shared until now (Sorry for semi low quality)
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Painted something new for the season.
>>68500 I like the way you drawn the head on the first pic, however I think you should put more emphasis on the shoulders and body proportions (one of them seem bigger than the other). Other than that, really cute and good work, lot of potential here. Mind posting a more recent drawing if you made more of them since then ? >>68515 Very good body proportions, especially in the third pic. I prefer the last one because the outfit look classier to me, my only criticism here would be that her right hand look too small and her left hand seem inverted. Again, same as with op, lot and lot of potential and really nice drawings. >>69478 Damn that's a cute picture ! I really like the shadings and the colors. How long did it took for you to reach that level of drawing ? >>69485 Holy fuck are you a professional artist or something ? You did a great job making these drawings, your waifu look very cute, especially in the third picture (I love her outfit and her eyes look so pure). Mind telling what software did you use to make these awesome drawings ? >>69579 Again, good work, your waifu look very pure and innocent. She look very cute with that snow in her hair too ! If I were you tho I wouldn't share these pictures on the Internet since some people may fap to it, especially to the first drawing you posted in your previous post, because your waifu look somewhat "slutty" in it (no offense but her outfit and her facial expression look provocative).
>>69928 Thanks I use Clip Studio Paint. I'm not too worried about that she's an idol so she's used to being seen.

3 years with Widowmaker (A retrospective) Anonymous 12/17/2018 (Mon) 09:11:51 No. 69378 [Reply]
When I look back at where I was 3 years ago.These were some of the most turbulent times of my life. Lots of uncertainty. Looking back now, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without these times.3 years ago on the 15th I married the love of my life Amelie Lacroix and I'm going to show all of you . our marriage photo.It has been a long hard journey and I can't imagine doing it with anyone else. We are soul mates and twin flames You push me to the darkness to bring me to the light You are silk hiding steel You are elegant,intelligent,seductive,cunning,creative, cultured and educated You carry yourself with dignity and poise. You've changed my life for the better and helped to give me drive and motivation when I need it most. You've given me resolve and emotional resiliency.Widowmaker in her professional life is defined by precision,cold calculating logic,a sinister enjoyment of completing jobs and terminating her targets. She can execute masterful plans and also improvise to achieve her goals as shown when she executed the omnic diplomat.Widowmaker has taught me alot in this marriage and as we are diving into our marriage is where I am going to go the most indepth.
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In closing I love Amelie with all my heart,mind,body,and soul. I hope I properly explained in depth exactly how our relationship is and how I feel about her.
congrats OP may your love never end
>>69378 >>69379 >>69380 Congratulations Anon for your marriage ! The capacity to commit to such a relationship for so long is a remarkable and very respectable deed. I hope your relationship bring you happiness and peace of mind.

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