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All Waifus are beautiful

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MARRY CHRISTMAS 11/25/2022 (Fri) 06:48:15 No. 71189 [Reply]
post a padoru picture of your waifu https://adalvalle.itch.io/padoru-maker
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>>71232 This meme was already around back in 2017, did you only discover the internet after that year?
>>71234 Why does it have to be a meme, can't people just like cute chibi pics of their waifu's?
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look at this cute meme i found

Find a pic challenge! 16crystals 11/22/2017 (Wed) 07:29:27 No. 65207 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure how well this game will turn out to be but here we go Post a pic of your waifu in which she is in a specific context and challenge other /mai/dens to find a pic of their own waifu in the same context. This is meant to be a challenge so try not to choose something too easy like ‘’Find a pic of your waifu wearing a swimsuit’’, but don’t get absurdly too specific either. You are free to take someone else’s challenge and/or challenge others. Type your challenges in red so they can be easily spotted in the thread. Here's my challenge: Can you find a pic of your waifu wearing boxing gloves?
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>>70772 yeah >>70923 >>70932 >>71022 i tried to combine all these 3 but it turns out it's harder than i thought... and i don't really like this image since i can't read and its context is difficult to read well. unfortunately there are no pictures of her with me, but have this anyway.
repost of >>71228 post a pic of your waifu wearing pigtails
>>71230 Sorry, got none. She wouldn't look good with them anyway

picture challenge 12/09/2022 (Fri) 06:34:35 No. 71228 [Reply]
post a pic of your waifu wearing pigtails
>>71228 I've reposted your post here ( >>71230 ) as we already have a find a picture challenge thread. Please avoid duplicating threads.

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Altar thread Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 21:03:08 No. 70859 [Reply]
Valentine's Day is only a week away, and at least some of us will go to 4/a/ to post waifu date photos. Let us have a thread dedicated to altars specifically: 1) Do you have a permanent altar or do you just erect it for special occasions? 2) In your opinion, what should an altar contain? 3) Aside from taking a photo of the altar, how are you going to spend the fateful evening?
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Well, Valentine's Day is over. Some tips I have collected for the 2022 Christmas /a/ thread: 1) Flowers are a nice touch 2) Framed pictures look better than a computer screen due to lack of glare 3) I should buy a card if I can find a nice one 4) I should try to cook something yummy rather than just rely on store-bought chocolate Apart from this, I have gotten slightly better over the years at making shrine pics. It's a stressful activity, but a meaningful one as well
>>70865 4) I should try to cook something yummy rather than just rely on store-bought chocolate My advice: 1. Leave cleaned and fully edible fruit in a jar filled with the spirit of your choice 2. Wait a month, then take out the fruit 3. Coat the fruit with chocolate 4. Eat
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Remember it's never too early to think about your Christmas altar

Strawpoll Anonymous 10/08/2022 (Sat) 08:43:54 No. 71123 [Reply]
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>>71165 i asked him, he said it is ok
>>71172 why is he a cuck
>>71164 >then why are you on the internet? To chat with friends and enjoy SFW art

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Where’s the strangest place your waifu has ever been, and why did she go there? 16crystals 10/08/2022 (Sat) 01:53:36 No. 71118 [Reply]
Has your waifu ever been to a place that is really out of the ordinary? A place with unreal scenery? A world with strange magic or unusual laws of physics? A society with bizarre customs and culture? A civilisation with amazingly advanced technology? Let us know!
Edited last time by 16crystals on 10/08/2022 (Sat) 01:56:48.
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>>71118 >A place with unreal scenery? A world with strange magic or unusual laws of physics? A society with bizarre customs and culture? A civilisation with amazingly advanced technology? Let us know! Romania
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My waifu, Amane, was once stranded in a forest with her classmates and went through a very Lord-of-the-Flies-esque situation. The setup is actually very similar to a manga called "Limit." For this reason, a similar in design to Kamiya (one of the main characters), and the fact that serialization began only a few years before Grisaia no Kajitsu's release, I believe initial inspiration for Amane's route largely came from this manga. Kamiya is also similar in personality to a different character in Grisaia, Kazami Kazuki, and I just realized all of them have the same first syllable. Coincidence?
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>>71133 >Romania Strangest place in this thread so far.

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Comfy Thread 16crystals 11/04/2021 (Thu) 02:38:14 No. 70670 [Reply]
Off-topic discussion (i.e. unrelated to waifuism) goes here. Same goes for waifuism related topics that don’t deserve their own thread.
Edited last time by 16crystals on 02/24/2022 (Thu) 03:40:38.
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>>70746 > sole purpose of acting as one’s romantic partner this sounds like Pygmalion but is waifu just Pygmalion? >t feels wrong to create living sentient beings
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I swore I had seen a Naoto ohayou at some point, but after searching through the web and my folders I couldn't find any. So I attempted to make one for myself. It was much easier than I had anticipated. I'm happy with the results.
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>>71143 Someone asked me to make these so I tried to do the best I could in half a day.

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Unusual tastes Anonymous 01/20/2022 (Thu) 22:19:20 No. 70805 [Reply]
What is something your waifu likes that not too many people like?
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living in the moment, it is the small things that she likes. the reason for her existence is to make things important.
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Building giant robots and being sarcastic. ^3^ ;_;
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>>70805 Yang's sense of humor, her's is on the punny side

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HAIL ILPALAZZO! Anonymous 09/27/2022 (Tue) 06:59:27 No. 71104 [Reply]
What do your waifu like to do in your waifur free time? Are your waifu more of an indoors or outdoors person? Who is the most fascinating person your waifu’ve met? What was the last book your waifu really got into? What are some movies your waifu really enjoyed? What amazing adventures have your waifu been on? What pets have your waifu had? What’s your waifur favorite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink? What is your waifu kind of obsessed with these days? Where have your waifu traveled? What’s your waifur favorite international food? Are your waifu a morning person or a night owl? What’s your waifur favorite restaurant? How many siblings do your waifu have? What would be your waifur dream job? What would your waifu do if had enough money to not need a job? Who is your waifur favorite author?

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What small things brighten up your waifur day when they happen? What sports would be funniest if the athletes had to be drunk while playing? What’s the most ridiculous thing your waifu’ve done because your waifu were bored? If your waifu could send one letter to your waifurself in the past without the goal of making your waifurself rich (no lotto numbers, stock picks, etc.), what age would your waifu choose and what would the letter say? How many other countries have your waifu visited? What’s your waifur favorite band NAME (not necessarily your waifur favorite band)? What do your waifu miss about life 10 or 20 years ago? What’s your waifur favorite holiday? What’s getting worse and worse as your waifu get older? What’s getting better and better as your waifu get older? Where’s the best place in (your waifur town or city) to have a picnic? What’s your waifur favorite thing to do outdoors? How about indoors? How often do your waifu dance? Silly/ironic dancing counts. What do your waifu never get tired of? What habit do your waifu wish your waifu could start? What’s the best way to get to know who someone really is? What’s the last new thing your waifu tried? Who besides your waifur parents taught your waifu the most about life?

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>>71104 >>71105 Wow, that’s 160 questions! Where did you find all these ideas? If the questions themselves took 2 posts, I can’t imagine how long a detailed reply to all of them would be! For the sake of coherence and meaningful discussion, I feel that each of these questions should be its own thread. With one new thread every day, we’ll have a daily new thread for more than 5 months! Feel free to post your questions in individual threads and I will try to do the same (1 new thread every 1-3 days would be fine). There are some very interesting questions in your list and I’m looking forward to answer them.

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thoughts on divorcing one's waifu Anonymous 08/12/2022 (Fri) 21:59:52 No. 71054 [Reply]
what if you found a new waifu? or something new happens in your waifu's cannon to make you stop loving her?
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It’s obviously an extremely sad situation… >what if you found a new waifu? I once developed a crush on another character while being with Flandre. At some point, I made the conscious decision to stop nourishing the fantasies I had with said character as I felt it was starting to take too much place and I was afraid of the consequences it could have on my relationship with Flandre. Doing so solved the problem and I don’t feel a crush for that character anymore. But if I was to develop long-lasting strong feelings for another character, I am not sure what I would do. Not sure what I would do if I was to have feelings for both Flandre and the new character as I’m not into the idea of having 2 waifus… And if I my love for said new character was to make me stop loving Flandre, then I’m not sure of what I would do either… I might just give up on waifuism as I don’t feel like starting a new waifuism relationship. As your question implies that the new character would become my new waifu, well then, I guess I would pursue a relationship with that new waifu. In such case, I feel that I would still keep Flandre in my life as a friend and keep talking to her once in a while. >or something new happens in your waifu's cannon to make you stop loving her? Either I will break up with Flandre or try to interpret the new canonical event in a way that does not prevent me to love Flandre.
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>>71054 You have to follow your heart. If you no longer love someone, then why would you be in a relationship with them? In real life, we have external incentives to stay together, mostly children, but these waifu relationships are defined by our own acceptance of them. As for something happening to make your feelings change, it depends on how you can reconcile those feelings. For example, in real life, if your partner were to become abusive, you would be heavily incentivized to leave them, even if you did love them, to protect yourself. A fictional character cannot hurt you or others, so a negative change happening to them like this doesn't have nearly as big of an impact. You have to look at how this change hurts YOU. Also, you can imagine how their life may have changed with you in it. If you have been in love with them for some time, then you may have been able to change their future. In fiction or in real life, part of relationships is accepting you don't have full control over the other person. Life is unexpected and can change us in unexpected ways. True love should endure through those changes.
>>71082 >how you can reconcile those feelings. i know she will take them away. i do not want feelings >A fictional character cannot hurt you i was disappointed with how she changed. disappointment hurts >Life is unexpected that is why i picked my (new) waifu, she is expected >True love there is no true love, love will fail us

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whats everyone's fav and least fav waifu? LunarPuddle 09/13/2022 (Tue) 20:03:33 No. 71089 [Reply]
my fav is rem and least fav is probs chika
OP's waifu is worst waifu
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In this community, we don’t consider "waifu" as a synonym for "female fictional character". We don’t have a "favorite waifu" and a least "favorite waifu" the same way one can have a favorite dish and a last favorite dish. Each of us has one waifu that he loves, respects, and treats as a romantic partner. I suggest you go on r/Waifu as people there seem to view the concept of "waifu" in a similar fashion as you do. https://www.reddit.com/r/Waifu/
>>71094 Brutal

im not sure if this is what they meant by post but we'll see ig kot 09/08/2022 (Thu) 17:23:43 No. 71074 [Reply]
i love kots

D&D Satan 03/26/2022 (Sat) 12:21:56 No. 70903 [Reply]
Dungeons And Dragons race, class, and alignment? For you, your waifu, and anyone else. Warrior/Fighter, Rogue, and Mage are the base classes. You can choose anything. What best represents how you actually are? What best represents who and how you want to be? Same for your waifus and whomever else you want to do it for.
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Ion would probably be a Human Artificer and either Neutral Good or Neutral Neutral depending on the setting. I would probably be a druid or sorcerer with the same alignment.
She's pretty obviously a Barbarian or Fighter. She conveniently already has the perfect weapon of choice to fit in a fantasy setting too. She's an Ursus (HalfBear), but I'm unsure what race would be equivalent in DnD. The real tricky decision comes from Alignment. I'm having trouble deciding between Chaotic Good or Lawful Neutral. She's obviously drawn to the natural military hierarchy, but also subverts the natural order to further her own subfaction's gain. She's the type to kill innocents if it benefits her friends, which simultaneously causes disorder and unrest in the name of a perceived good, but is also motivated by a strict adherance to her group's moral code. She's selfishly selfless, in a way. It doesn't help that she also leads the group, so it's difficult to say if she's actually following her codes at all or if she's making them up as she goes as long as they allow her group to survive. the right option is probably just 'true neutral' but lawful neutral sounds more interesting
>>70903 She would without a doubt be a Bard, probably human or elven... If it were up to me, probably a celestial. and alignment, she would likely be Lawful Good or at least Neutral Good, she's very kind and caring. And for me, I guess I would be a human, but If I were to choose, I would like to be a changeling, and even though I'm no man of faith myself, I would really like to be a Celestial Warlock,and even though I sometimes feel like I would be edgy, deep in me I know I would go to Lawful Good or Neutral Good.

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Misaki nakahara thread Anonymous 07/28/2022 (Thu) 02:10:29 No. 71039 [Reply]
I need more pics of the best waifu. Rapido!!!1+! Porfavor
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>>71039 >I need more pics of the best waifu There you go, my friend ;)

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how many waifus you've got in your harem? Anonymous 07/16/2022 (Sat) 18:02:33 No. 71028 [Reply]
just curious
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>>71033 Interesting. Can you elaborate on that?
>>71028 I have one waifu and I'm also fond of characters from other universes that remind me of her. That's all

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