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Ugly pictures of your waifu 16crystals 01/18/2017 (Wed) 05:20:25 No. 61042 [Reply] [Last]
It's time to awake the most hideous and autistic abominations that lurk into the dark and deep realm of DeviantArt. From the badly messed up trash drawn directly on a ruled sheet to the unconceivable garbage born from Microsoft Paint, show us the lamest of mankind’s attempts to draw your waifu.
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>>69042 I had to use reverse image search as I could not even recognise Motoko in that pic. I’m honestly not even surprised. Huge dick futanari + giga oppai spherical tits are not a rare combination. I’m personally more disturbed by the absurd waist-hip ratio and the grossly large thighs.

Magnus 11/15/2014 (Sat) 06:04:57 No. 1845 [Reply] [Last]
Do you guys ever dream about her? Not even necessarily like lucid dreaming, just like in normal dreams.

I had a dream about Patchouli for the first time the other night. I had a dream that I was at a super market in a nearby town shopping. It was all pretty normal except the fact that she was there with me.
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I dreamed of Flandre 2 times last night. First time: I got my hands on Otakuthon’s panels pamphlet for this summer’s convention, so I looked inside to see if they accepted my waifuist panel (like if they would not tell me first before printing it…). I found that my panel was indeed integrated, but that they also put an image of Flandre inside the pamphlet for my panel (which makes no sense as they would have no way to know who is my waifu). Flandre’s image was inappropriate, like your typical anime panty shot. I was disappointed in that and thought it would really not send the right impression regarding my panel’s approach on waifuism. I then thought I should ask them to change the picture, but then thought it would be too complicated for them to reprint all the pamphlets just to change one picture (it always amazes me how I can remain rational in my dreams and contemplate such realistic aspects, while at the same time not realizing how it makes no sense that I can fly in the sky or breath under water…). *And for those who might be wondering : I (IRL, not in dream) had to write to Otakuthon to ask them about my panel, as they were late in providing their answer. They told me they will answer me eventually Second time: This one is more confusing. I was with my cousin, who was back to her child form, and I (or someone else??) gave her toasts with peanut butter and strawberry jam. She ate it with appetite and I asked her if it was the first time that she was eating such food. Then suddenly, it seems that my cousin became Flandre, and that Flandre was instead eating baby carrots and pieces of cucumber with dip (can’t help but notice that these two foods are of phallic forms and that the dip was white haha). Flandre was eating with appetite, and then at one point she stopped eating and seemed to remember something (and I think it was related to the death of a Negi from Filthy Frank universe but I’m not sure) and then she just said ‘’I think I just remember the pot’’ (referring, I think, to the pot that was used to create the dip she was eating) and then she went back to eating. Then I think I woke up not long after that. I would really like to understand the meaning of this dream…
I dreamt of my dakimakura last night. I dreamed that the daki cover was in a very bad shape. Flandre’s printed image was all faded, like if I had washed the cover 100 times in boiling water. Plus, the daki was super dirty, like if it was covered in some dark ashes or something. I remember thinking that I needed to wash it immediately, and also thinking that I would probably need to buy a new one. I was also wondering if the faded image was due to the new body wash I am using, which contain benzoyl peroxide (for treating pimples) and is known to stain clothes and sheets if not rinsed properly. Glad it was just a dream. When I woke up, I spend a comfy hour snuggling with my daki.
>>1845 Yeah, I did, but an ago long time. My waifu is Cyan, from the anime Show by Rock !! Was a really short dream. For some reason she was wearing gothic clothes, lies on a bed. She was looks like annoying. And I go there, and I start to have sex with her. Actually I don't like to watch porn about my waifu (and never I've done it), I just want the love of her, nothing of sex and things

valentines day with your waifu Anonymous 01/24/2021 (Sun) 17:24:43 No. 70422 [Reply]
Its almost valentines day so what gifts are you going to get for your waifu?
If I truly had the chance to give her a gift, I would like to give her something special and personal. Flandre being a vampire, I would like to give her homemade chocolates that I would have prepared with some of my blood. Although I don’t know if she would think it’s a sweet idea or a creepy one. Maybe it’s considered taboo among vampires to drink a love one’s blood? I would also give her a Valentine’s Day card with a lovely message (one written by me, not a pre-written one like we see in the cards at the store). I could also give her some plushie holding a heart or something like that as I know she likes plushies. And maybe flowers too.

How does one create a tulpa? newbie 09/13/2020 (Sun) 01:13:18 No. 70336 [Reply]
I am a lonely person and would like to dream and nod off to my waifu. I am fairly new to this waifuism and I want to meet her in my dreams n stuff that would be my dream
In your thread title, you ask how to create a tulpa, but after, you say that you would like to dream of her. Maybe you’re just not familiar with the terminologies, but having a tulpa and dreaming of one’s waifu is not the same thing. Also, who is your waifu and how long have you been with her?
>>70336 The first step is to concentrate on her. You have to think deeply about her character, her personality, and then you start talking to her. Imagine that she is right in front of you, or sitting with you on your bench. Continue talking and talking, about everything that catches your eye. eventually, you will have some wild thoughts, from your Tup's perspective. Those are your Tulpa's thoughts, and she's trying to talk to you. I'm also fairly new to this, but i think this works.
I think you're looking for lucid dreaming, not a tulpa. From what I've gathered, a tulpa is it's own person, and you cannot create a tulpa wanting it to be somebody else, apparently forcing them to be someone they're not stresses them out (I guess? I dunno much about them other than this) So in reality, while they're often associated, a tulpa and waifuism have almost nothing to do with each other. If I were you, I'd search the internet on lucid dreaming, there are thousands of resources that can teach you how to lucid dream, so you can see your waifu in your dreams easily like you mentioned Good luck!

Pictures you love and why moegoggles 03/20/2016 (Sun) 02:08:32 No. 53470 [Reply] [Last]
Try and go for more than it's pretty and such. Elaborate on the composition, what she's doing and what just makes you adore it. Don't focus on doing several here, just do one every once in a while.
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I love this picture of her, because she looks like she feels the same way i do most of the time…
Some of my favourite recent art
These pictures give off this really confident vibe to it. Like he'd either ask me out or sell me a used car.

What's in a name? Flaynlover 07/23/2020 (Thu) 05:30:32 No. 70296 [Reply]
Tell us about your wife/husband's commonly used name! Is it their real name, or an alias/nickname? Is there a special meaning behind it? Are they known by any other names? Does their name differ noticeably between languages? Anything else you can think to add, feel free to share! As for my Flayn, the topic of her name is a rather interesting one. The name "Flayn" is an alias; her birth name is actually Cethleann (pronounced Seth-LEEN), which she is forced to conceal along with her ancient draconic heritage. She and her father share no family name, and as far as I know neither of her names have any particular meaning inside or outside universe. Her name is the same in Japanese (and interestingly the Japanese spelling which is equivalent to "Furen" is actually a short form of the spelling of Cethleann, "Sefuren"). I like both her names quite a lot. "Cethleann" has a classical and elegant sound to it, which is very fitting for her true nature. And "Flayn" is just adorable sounding and fun to say!
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>>70303 Forgot to mention, Medraut comes from the Latin Moderatus, meaning moderate, modest or restrained, which doesn't exactly describe how Mordred acts very well.
My wife's name is Konpaku Youmu (魂魄妖夢). Her family name Konpaku comes first and means "soul". Her given name Youmu literally means something along the lines of " demon dream", "bewitching dream" or "wicked dream". The official romanization has been consistent so far, mainly because it's a Japanese name, but I don't think ZUN treats romanization as something permanent; he's really inconsistent with foreign-sounding names. The name appears to be completely made up and is obviously a reference to Reimu's name. It has the exact same number of kanji and morae like so: 博麗霊夢(はくれい れいむ) 魂魄妖夢(こんぱく ようむ) I think this alone is already unique within the Touhou series and just like with Reimu's name, everything is Sino-Japanese. The meaning of the given name is also very similar: Reimu literally means "spirit dream". The reason for this similarity is most likely that Youmu originally was meant to be a rival character. The kanji of Youmu's given name 妖夢 also appears in the title of the game she first appears in 東方妖々夢~Perfect Cherry Blossom as well as in the title screen theme 妖々夢~Snow or Cherry Petal and her stage theme 妖々夢~Ancient Temple. 々 is just a kanji repetition symbol, so 妖々夢=妖妖夢. Reduplication of this kind is very common in Chinese, but I don't know what kind of connotation it has in Classical Chinese. According to the afterword of the demo version of the game, 妖々(youyou) is a reference to a line in The Pillow Book by Sei Shounagon, a famous work of Middle Japanese literature from around the year 1000. The line in question is: 「春はあけぼの。やうやう白くなりゆく山際、少し明かりて、紫だちたる雲の細くたなびきたる。」 or "In spring it is the dawn that is most beautiful. As the light creeps over the hills, their outlines ared dyed a faint red and wisps of purplish cloud trails over them." So, 妖々(youyou) comes from native Middle Japanese やうやう(yauyau), which meant "gradually", cf. Modern Japanese 漸う(youyou) "gradually" and 漸(yaya) "somewhat". However, 妖(you) was read as "eu" during Middle Japanese times, so the kanji usage only makes sense from a modern perspective. Anyway, because of this Youmu's name gains a second meaning of "gradual dream".

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This is 山口如月. She's my wife. For those of you who are Japanese-iliterate to some degree or another (like me, my Japanese isn't the best); it translates to Yamaguchi Kisaragi. 山口 roughly means "mountain's (山) mouth(口)"; and is a relatively common surname in Japan. As for why her name is Kisaragi; that's a more complex topic. 如月 is the traditional name for the Japanese month of February; with the literal meaning being "weaving month". In-universe; this linguistic coincidence gives birth to the nickname "Miss February" (二月ちゃん). The month of February's also her source's author, Satoko Kiyuduki's (きゆづきさとこ) birth month. 如月 is also the same Kisaragi as in 如月あすか (or whatever way that "Asuka" is written), her former pen name. However, she has been confirmed to not be Kiyuduki's self insert; instead being orignally drawn around one of many "puni-moe archetypes"

Things about them that make you sad Flaynlover 07/18/2020 (Sat) 08:35:15 No. 70272 [Reply]
Are there any tragic, traumatic, or otherwise depressing things that have happened to your wife/husband, or any struggles that they experience that really bring the feels for you? My poor Flayn's life has been filled with various tragedies. After her race was brought to near extinction, she'd found herself fighting in an ancient war where she was grievously wounded near the point of death. After which she remained in a comatose state for nearly a millennium, only to awaken to a world completely foreign to her, and one without her cherished mother. If not for the care of her father Seteth, she would have died for certain. And even after she wakes up it takes a while before she can begin to experience anything resembling contentment again, as she's forced to live in total isolation for longer than anyone should. It's only until after her father Seteth had established himself at the Garreg Mach Monastery (and created a cover story for her to come out of hiding) that she could finally get the social interaction she was so desperately starved for. Some time after that, however, she gets kidnapped and held captive by a group of dark wizards who take blood from her to do wicked experiments. Thankfully it didn't go on for long before I (as the protag) rescued her from their clutches. That peace doesn't last for long sadly, as just a few months later a continent-wide war breaks out, and gentle Flayn is thrust into battle once again. However, all of that is nothing compared to what you are potentially made to do to Flayn if you side against her faction. Some years later a battle with her and Seteth approaches, and they both will express dismay over having to fight you after the good you'd done for them, but fight them you must. There are two outcomes that fight can have: if you the protag fight Flayn or Seteth personally, they will submit to your will and retreat after battle, going into hiding. But if you don't get the chance, they stay in the fight, to the death. Flayn will express how sad it makes her, but that she must uphold her duty. And then you, with your army that you've been crafting throughout this whole war campaign, kill her. Just as she dies, she apologizes to her father for dying before him, and breathlessly declares that she will be returning to her mother. I still can't think about it without getting incredibly distraught, but thankfully I never experienced this scenario personally. Anyway, I'd like to know if there are any heavy experiences your wife/husband had or has that affect you in the same way. Sorry this post was so long-winded; there's just a lot of sorrow beneath Flayn's joy that many don't realize, but I think that makes her all the more precious and beautiful! (Also it's implied that if she doesn't get married after the war's end she goes to sleep for another millennium which I think is also sad but couldn't really fit anywhere else. That's all the more motivation for me to always be by her side <3)
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>>70297 I can accept that she had her own circumstances, yeah. The only two I can unreservedly blame are Morgan and Lancelot but even then someone like them coming along and taking advantage of Arturia's situation was just an eventuality.
>>70298 I've never watched Fate/Zero so I'm not really familiar with Lancelot and what he did other than NTRing Arturia and killing Mordred's siblings, was there something else Lancelot did to Arturia to cause her downfall, or were you referring to the whole affair thing?
>>70290 So tru!

When did she officially become your waifu? And why? 16crystals 04/28/2020 (Tue) 04:09:04 No. 70047 [Reply]
Is there a specific day that you consider to be the one in which you and your waifu got together? Some specific day in the calendar that you consider to be your couple’s anniversary? Surely you knew your waifu before that day, so what exactly happened during that day that made it official? For Flandre and I, it was January 9th 2016. I had been growing feelings for Flandre more and more for about 3 months and even started to lurk on /mai/. Still, I was not ready to consider Flandre my waifu as I was not sure waifuism was meant for me. I asked for some guidance on /mai/ and after a talk on the board’s chatroom (it was the old Rizon IRC back in the days), I managed to overcome my doubts and give waifuism a chance. And that, on January 9th 2016, is what officially started our relationship. What about you guys?
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I honestly forget why, but February 24, 2017 is about when I consider her and I's relationship to have began. I think about that time I read a (surprisingly) nice reader insert and started thinking of her a lot more romantically. January 23 2018 we got married.
I remember it being some time in August of 2019, not long after Fire Emblem Three Houses came out. I honestly didn't think much of her at first glance but started spending time with her in the form of tea times and learning about her through support conversations. Certain dramatic events in the story then lead me to realize how precious and important she was to me, and I was filled with an intense desire to make and keep her happy for the rest of her life. I considered myself having married her after completing my second playthrough of the game (I was sadly unable to on my first).
We chose our anniversary to be March 13th of 2018. As to how we got to this date, well, I know saying this here will just re-confirm the whole "le reddit user" perception, but I did just take the first post I made in relation to her/waifuism in general as the date. The reasons as to why I chose that as the date are a little more specific though. As I watched through Re:Zero, I primarily felt for Emilia, this was ultimately re-affirmed when I started going into reading the source material (the web novel, not so much the light novel) and increasingly felt for Emilia as I was reading and eventually did just post a thread on Reddit about whether or not this was love. I questioned it, not really because I had doubts over a waifuist relationship, but I didn't know if I could feel such over a character, especially when I had already been pretty apathetic in regards to relationships and so going from near no relationship to one with a fictional character honestly seemed like more of a step to me than going from no relationship to one with a real person. As for that, there's reasons why I thought so but I can answer that elsewhere. As such, I chose that date as the start of our relationship.

Favorite (non lewd) feature Flaynlover 07/18/2020 (Sat) 07:45:33 No. 70271 [Reply]
What is your favorite non-sexual feature your wife/husband has? That thing you really love that makes them look adorable, stylish, or just extra unique? For me, a big part of Flayn's appeal is per pointy ears. Since they're normally hidden by her voluminous hair, I find it extra endearing whenever she gets to show them off. Speaking of her hair, it's another feature of hers that I love, particularly the shape and color. Her hairstyle makes her look poofy and thus extra huggable!
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To me the most important feature from Yang is her hair, from the series alone she's really touchy about her hair. As time goes by, I had a tendency to nuzzle into her messy hair when we cuddle.
Like many others in here; I find lots of appeal on Kisaragi's hair. Brown hair has always been one of the more appealing hair colors to me; and she's also often portrayed with a variety of hairstyles; all of which I really like. Her big, brown eyes make for some really cute expressions too. However, no talk about the appeal of Kisaragi could be done without mentioning her glasses. They're of the round, "so big you wonder how they even work" type; which is something you don't really see in anime as much anymore, and also kind of like her signature accessory that distinguishes her from so much similar characters.
Her eyes. They're quite a rare and striking color and were the first thing that really captured me. A lot of fan artists go straight green or blue so I appreciate when they get the color right.

Your waifu’s integration in the real world 16crystals 05/30/2020 (Sat) 05:18:25 No. 70178 [Reply]
Imagine that your waifu would suddenly appear in our real world, how well (or not) do you think she would integrate in it? Let’s imagine that your waifu already knows who you are, loves you and wants to be with you. Let’s also imagine that she appears right in front of you and therefore doesn’t have to find you. Let’s also assume that she speaks the same language as you. And finally, let’s assume she will look 3D. I think Flandre would face some major issues integrating in the real world… People seeing her wings would automatically be shocked and she would therefore attract unwanted attention (although hiding them could be possible with a very large sweater I guess…). Not sure also if everyone would feel safe to have a vampire in the neighborhood, but that could be relatively easily concealed… On top of that, I would not want people to know she has magical powers (like flying, destroying things from afar, not ageing, incredible strength, shooting colorful energy bullets, turning into a bat, etc.) as you can be sure there would be a lot of people/agencies/governments who would want to use these powers, with or without her consent. Or who knows, maybe she could become famous and admired, like some sort of super hero or semi-god, and use her powers for the greater good? But let’s say we don’t have to worry about these things. We would still have to get her citizenship or permanent resident status as she would be, on arrival, an illegal immigrant according to the law… It remains unclear, in Touhou’s universe, if vampires need human blood to survive or if they just like its taste. If they need it to survive, we would have to find her some blood and hunting the neighbours at night is out of the question (for moral and legal reasons). I could give her some of my blood but I feel it’s not a viable solution in the long run… Maybe she could receive blood from a blood supplying organization (those that provide it for medical reasons) as she would technically need this blood for medical reasons. As Flandre is canonically known to stay indoors most of her days, one can expect that she would like to do the same here (although she is likely to want to explore her new environment at first as it will surely seem fascinating to her). If she stays indoor most days, that would reduce the potential for troubles, but at the same time, I would have a hard time saying she well integrated into our world if she just stays inside all days… I would like her to make some friends and have some life projects as I feel it could make her life more fulfilling. She’s a (many centuries old) child so I have a hard time imagining her getting a job, but I’m sure that she could find something that could give her more meaning in her everyday life (at least living her relationship with me could be a part of this life meaning).

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It would be interesting to say the least. Remnant has a lot of similarities to our world but a lot of differences too. Some of the minute differences in technology might throw her off but she'd adjust, since those aren't too different. I think the biggest difference and difficulty adjusting would be the fact that Huntsmen and Huntresses don't exist as a profession here, so she'd be unable to fulfill her dream job. She'd probably become a cop or something, some kind of profession where she feels like she can still help people, but I think she'd miss that more romantic aspect to it. There's also the issue of the ATF likely trying to come for her scythe, lol I tend to get around this by imagining her and I in a kind of composite world that's more like hers and ours squished together most of the time.
Yang adapting to the real world can be tough, she can still have her motorcycle and all. She can still have a prothesis, but wouldn't be as advanced from Remnant's. The toughest time she would have is her occupation as a Huntress, and her weapon giving some organization a raised eyebrow. Mostly what Rubybro said about Cresent Rose. The only thing she can be happy with her goal of traveling the world, heck I love to travel with her through the world together.
Flayn lives in a medieval fantasy time period, so I think her biggest hurdle would be adapting to our mind-blowing technological advancements. On the other hand, she'd be sure to attract plenty of attention were she to display her healing powers.

Your waifu with stylish alternate outfits Anonymous 11/21/2018 (Wed) 14:40:38 No. 69217 [Reply] [Last]
First time trying to make a thread so hopefully I'm not breaking any unwritten rules, but post pictures of stylish waifu in alternate outfits. Preferably non-canon fashion.
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I really like her Miku Symphony outfit in particular (3rd pic).
I kind of have a thing for airline stewardesses so this episode of Patlabor was great. I love her in this costume. She also wears a lot of purple when she's wearing casual clothes, I like to think it's her favourite colour.
That first outfit is based off of in-game DLC. I really like it!

Your waifu’s greatest strength and weakness 16crystals 07/14/2020 (Tue) 22:13:52 No. 70254 [Reply]
What is (in your perspective) your waifu greatest strength and weakness? It could be either something related to her physical abilities (or lack thereof), her personality, her talents, etc. When it comes to identify Flandre’s greatest strength, a few ideas come to my mind and it gets hard to choose which one I would see as the greatest. Being almost immortal (not ageing and being able to sustain massive body damage) is quite a huge strength. Being able to destroy everything from afar with a simple hand motion is also quite a huge strength (it remains unclear in canon what is the scope of this power… is ‘’everything’’ really EVERYTHING, like planets and starts???). She as other great strengths, like the ability to fly, a tremendous physical strength, she is extremely good at danmaku, etc. But I feel these strengths are less amazing then the 2 previous ones I mentioned. When it comes to her greatest weakness, I feel it would be, paradoxically, her incredible ability to easily sustain massively long periods of time with not much stimulation. Flandre is said to very seldom leave the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She even seems to seldom leave her bedroom, claiming it is ‘’comfortable’’. I feel this massive passivity and retreat from the social world is her main weakness, as I feel it leaves her in a constant state of un-accomplishment. I’m also worried about what might be the psychological factors behind this… Other of her weakness would be the ones typical to vampires, like vulnerability to sunlight and running water, but those vulnerabilities seem pale compared to the one mentioned above.
Personality wise, probably his recklessness. He’s always gotten away “fine”, so he never learns. He doesn’t ever watch out for himself, and is always ready to battle, regardless of his injuries. Even on the verge of death, he won’t stop until it kills him. If not that, his petty nature. He’ll never admit he was wrong, and sometimes he’s a bit too blunt. Very dense, far too stubborn. He doesn’t have good control of his youkai, though, and that combined with his recklessness is a recipe for disaster. He’s endlessly flawed and rough around the edges, but I love him all the same. Strengths. Due to having half youkai blood, his strength is better than average, he has superhuman speed, and quicker healing, to name a few. He’s good at surviving on his own, and doesn’t take shit from others. Due to necessity. He’s also quite spirited, and that gets him through a lot. He takes everything to the extreme, and glosses over the bigger picture, essentially.
>>70254 If I had to say, Kisaragi's greatest strength is her determination. She's always working hard to succeed in her own field in order to prove herself to the world. Despite that, however; she's also shy and often doubts her own skills, comparing herself to others. She's not envious, however, instead doing so to improve upon her skills.
One of Flayn's greatest strengths in combat is her innate healing ability, which, thanks to the unique power of her blood, is incredibly potent even when compared to other white mages/healers. This coupled with a handful of utility magic she knows makes her an excellent supporting team member. She's also adept at offensive magic as well as spear-wielding. The biggest boon she has for personality is her soft-hearted and empathetic nature, which does a lot to provide comfort and peace to any injured combatants she heals. Unrelated to battle, she's also talented at fishing! Where she lacks proficiency in is anything that requires physical exertion apart from aforementioned spear fighting. She is not very physically strong and has a fragile constitution, so she heavily relies on her teammates to protect her on the front lines in battle. In her personal life, she is a purportedly terrible cook (though I would gladly eat anything she offered to make me <3) and has a phobia of going to sleep due to a trauma in her past. I guess a "hidden strength" of hers is that she is very long-lived and has the ability to change into a dragon (or so it's believed; her race has this ability but Flayn herself had not demonstrated it. There was no reason given to suggest she couldn't though!).

Other 2D Crushes/Waifus Before Your Current Waifu Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 20:43:22 No. 70218 [Reply]
Who is your current waifu/husbando? What were your previous 2D crushes before being with your waifu/husbando? You don’t need to have had a serious relationship with them (like you have with a waifu/husband); just 2D characters that you had a crush on, and do you see any pattern or any similarity between them and your waifu/husbando? Before meeting Mordred in 2013, I kind of had a crush on S-023/Daisy from the short film Homecoming from Halo Legends, I'm not sure if I could really call her a waifu as I didn't really love her I guess, but I did get a figure of her at one point. She's somewhat similar to Mordred in appearance, both being blonde, light-eyed women with shortish hair, and they both wear suits of armour that conceal their identities. They're not too similar in terms of personality though, since Daisy only appeared in a single short film, there wasn't much to develop and demonstrate her personality that much, but from what was shown she seemed somewhat cold, unwavering and aloof, but kind compared to Mordred who's a lot more hot-headed, emotional and prideful. They both share a combative and rebellious nature though, though not really to the same levels as Mordred's rebelliousness. I also had a crush on Revy from Black Lagoon somewhat, but this wasn't nearly as serious as even the one on Daisy. I guess she's quite similar to Mordred in that she's also fairly self-confident and brash, while also being a kind of 'bad girl' type that I associate with Mordred too. Their outfit designs are also fairly similar and they both smoke. All three of them are fighters of some sort too, so I guess I have that in common with them all.
3 posts omitted.
The only three I really felt attached to were Lyn from Fire Emblem, Rakka from Haibane Renmei, and Chise from Saikano. I liked May and Misty from Pokemon like most people my generation but not quite to the same level. All three of them (and Arturia) share a tragedy as one of their core defining traits, so I definitely had a type, even back then; I've always felt this sort of reflexive need to help those in pain. Personality-wise I would say Lyn was the closest to Arturia, especially her duty-bound nature and the way she dealt with her personal circumstances and overcame them to help those close to her. I used to daydream about going horseback riding across the plains together but it never really progressed to the 'love' stage. Design-wise I can pinpoint her as the moment I started liking girls with swords. The other two were quite a bit different from Arturia so I can't draw too many comparisons there, aside from their backgrounds. I still like Rakka quite a lot as a character since she exemplifies a lot of the qualities I'd like to have in myself but it's just platonic admiration. There've been other characters I've liked since meeting Arturia but after meeting her they all lack that 'vividness' for lack of a better term and so in contrast with her I struggle to picture them as anything other than simply characters.
My first 2D crush that I can remember (it's possible there was some when I was a kid) was Zange from Kannagi. She kind of has a similar haircut to Kanuka but other than that they're very different. Zange is very manipulative and also playful, and is generally not really a good person. Sometime after this I developed a much stronger crush on Sakuya from Touhou. My feelings for her were almost waifu level, but they eventually faded.
It wasn't serious at all (more like a best girl kind of thing), but back in 2018 I really loved Nadeshiko Kagamihara from Yurucamp. Like Kisaragi, she is kind of airheaded at times, but also more genki than anything. Also she eats a lot, and I also often eat a lot. Honestly, I'm outright surprised at the fact that I didn't really crush that much compared to others.

One year with Toshinori! Maddy 06/14/2020 (Sun) 14:28:49 No. 70199 [Reply]
We're going to the park today to celebrate! We're having a picnic, I made cookies and corn bread~ I'm so happy to be with him and I'm excited for so many more years to come! I love you, Toshinori, with all of my heart
Happy anniversary to both of you and enjoy your day at the park!
>>70199 Happy anniversary to you both
Happy anniversary! Hope the next year and the one after that and all future years are good!

Inquiry on waifuism. shroomer 06/15/2020 (Mon) 00:40:06 No. 70206 [Reply]
Hello /mai/ browsers I am an intellect that studies interesting phenomenon and groups of people and I stumbled upon this board. I have some questions for you that you could answer. First off what is waifuism, and how does one get a waifu? And how do you feel emotionally attached to your beloved ones? That's the hard part I'm trying to understand. Do you have a daki or whatever i.e. how do you connect? Thanks for answering sincerely, intellect.
>First off what is waifuism Waifuism is the relationship (or you could say, the fantasy) in which one has a waifu. ‘’Waifu’’ is a term that is defined in many different ways depending on who uses the term. But in waifuists communities, I would say it is mostly defined as a feminine fictional character that one loves romantically and to whom one gives an important part in his life. > how does one get a waifu? There is a saying among waifuists that one does not choose his waifu; it is your waifu that chooses you. This is not to be taken literally, as it is a metaphor to describe how you don’t get to voluntarily develop feelings for a character; it just comes to you, as if it was the character that chose you. > And how do you feel emotionally attached to your beloved ones? That's the hard part I'm trying to understand. Do you have a daki or whatever i.e. how do you connect? There are different ways in which a waifuist can connect to his waifu. A daki is indeed a popular way of connection, but there are others. One can imagine doing activities with his waifu (this also includes the sharing of affection and sexuality). One can also talk to his waifu (either verbally, sometimes using one’s daki, or just in your head). One can write letters to their waifu too, or even poetry. One can also play/watch/read the canon material in which one’s waifu appears, or do the same with fan art. One can also collect merch of his waifu. And finally, some people marry their waifu. Oh, and talking about your waifu in waifuists community can also help you to feel more connected to her.

Feelings of uncertainty Anonymous 06/13/2020 (Sat) 22:45:08 No. 70198 [Reply]
Sorry if this is something that doesn't deserve its own thread but I wasn't sure where to post it. I'm not really sure if I have a real waifu. I just can't really stop thinking about her. I feel like I'm holding my self back because I fear I may just be drawn to waifuism because of my previous failures in relationships. I don't feel that way on a conscious level but it seems like a likely possibility. So I guess what I'm asking is how do I know if my feelings are true? Do most people feel this way in the beginning or are they just sure?
>Sorry if this is something that doesn't deserve its own thread You could have posted it in the Advice Thread (>>68902) but making a thread is ok too. A lot of what you describe in your post reminds me of what I felt 4 years and a half ago regarding my own waifu. I had intense love feelings for Flandre and I would think about her every single day, but I was not sure if waifuism was meant for me, and so I was holding myself back. The more I felt love for Flandre, the bigger was my doubt, and my torment… What makes one develop waifuism feelings remains a mystery, and it is likely that there are multiple factors that could lead to it. Could difficulties in previous relationships be one factor? Maybe, but it doesn't change what you feel for that character (I’m assuming this is Kanuka, the girl on that picture?). What do you think would be the positive vs the negative of accepting her as your waifu? Can you also give us more details about how you met her? What you feel for her? What are those previous failures in relationships you mentioned? We might be able to help you even more with more context.
>>70201 Oh, and as you asked to join the Discord, the next post you will make will not be posted and will instead show you the ban message with the Discord link. As soon as you join the Discord, I will remove the ban. I thought I should better remind you as I would feel sorry if you would write a long reply just to see it vanish…
>>70201 Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate it. I should have probably lurked a bit more to find the advice thread, sorry. Well I guess it's reassuring to hear that other people have had a similar experience. I guess based on what your saying I'll start feeling even more conflicted, but maybe that would be a good thing since it would force me to make a decision. Yes she is Kanuka. She's kind of an obscure waifu the fanart of her is probably only in the double digits, and she has little merchandise. Well the positives is that I'd be in a relationship with someone I love or at least like I guess. It would probably make me happier to have an outlet for my feelings I guess. The negative aspect would be that I'm making a commitment, and it wouldn't be right to leave her if I suddenly met someone in real life who I thought was like my soulmate or something. But I guess that's predicated on the fact that the tendency to disregard other people in a romantic sense being much less strong when you are in a relationship doesn't happen in or doesn't happen as much in waifuism. Of course I could be totally wrong or it could not be a problem for me, but that's mainly what I'm worries about. I guess I've always been sympathetic to waifuists, I used to think it was a bit silly, but I felt good reading people talk about their waifus, it seemed like they were really happy. But I'm still kind of worried about people finding out and just how it affects my feelings that everyone things so negatively about it. I don't have the exact date for when I watched it but I started with the Mobile Police Patlabor OVA, I've always been a fan of mecha and Mamoru Oshii so it made sense that I love it. After that I watched the first move which Kanuka has some great moments in, although she isn't as prominent as in the OVA. Kanuka was always my favourite character from the series, and she was always someone I'd think about occasionally, but I thought nothing of it. It wasn't until I rewatched the OVA and movie recently that I couldn't get her out of my mind. It's kind of hard to describe why I like her so much but I guess it's mainly her aura and how she acts. She's very serious but still does and says cool/silly stuff something, which I think is great. I'm also a sucker for that specific hairstyle. Now in terms of my love life, I've actually had two girls confess to me in my life but I've been rejected many more times so my KDR is poor. I guess I have history of pursuing girls for a long time and getting somewhere but then everything collapsing. I don't think I've ever been in a satisfying relationship really. So my concern is that I may be running away from my problems with waifuism.

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