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Space Marine 2 and 40k games Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 21:32:51 Id: 60fc92 No. 1011473
Pirated Space Marine 2 and it's been pretty good so far for the hour or so I've been playing. But in case it's not your cup of tea we can talk about all the other 40k games.
>Darktide gets the long-awaited weapon system rework >friends acquaintances in a discord server I'm in get into an argument about random inconsistencies with the cosmetics Fatshark sells >tell these faggots they shouldn't be buying microtransaction shit anyway >several people are extremely salty as a result of an afternoon-long debate and some leave the chat >many of these fags that were nitpicking random pieces of cosmetic junk were previously justifying and hand-waving the female Custodes shit from months ago Just a random thought and experience I had. I should re-download Darktide again, though. I like the basic gameplay loop but playing the same four maps over and over was boring.
>>1019262 There are more maps now though, i just wish we had more cool real bossfights like the cannibal twins.
The new Rogue Trader DLC added an Astropath Choir room to your ship with new OST. I gotta say, it's really good. Could only find this video on jewtube with the soundtrack, doesn't seem the actual track has bene uploaded by any official channels yet. https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=pUgTaRRlLek
>>1018990 >idea of having an Inquisitor, a Space Wolf, and a Dark Eldar on your team all at once is frankly absurd Yet it was such great banter. >>1019050 From what I've heard from some 40k fags in the know is that they pressured, the Yrilet romance to not be sexual and difficult to start. But ironically enough she ended up being one of the more sincere, of the RT's love interests.
>>1018639 >>1018649 >>1018829 Thanks, the knife ear part threw me off. I know it's heresy but there needs to be a special exception for humans dicking down hot eldar women
Why must GW be so retarded?
>>1019561 What they did this time?
>>1019151 >>1019133 they also buffed some weapons and buffed psyker >>1019262 the crafting rework makes testing weapons so much easier
>>1018829 >>1018839 They went for a slow burn romance with her.
Is mechanus fun? I am intrigued after seeing mandy's review.
>>1018829 >>1018833 Does that red jewel on her forehead mean she's still a virgin?
>>1019407 It turned out pretty cute since alot of it comes with an eldar and a human trying to understand each other and how they each view the world. >>1019693 Very, you can absolutely buttfuck the game with broken ass builds that would make the fabricator general oil his robes. >>1019698 Thats her soulstone.
>>1019701 >you can absolutely buttfuck the game with broken ass builds Buttfucking truly does lead to broken ass
>>1019673 >>1019701 >It turned out pretty cute since alot of it comes with an eldar and a human trying to understand each other and how they each view the world. <One the most genuinely romantic encounters you can have in recent CPRG history is between a fucking racist Eldar and potentially equally racist Rouge Trader Did Owlcat hire one of you anons? >Very, you can absolutely buttfuck the game with broken ass builds that would make the fabricator general oil his robes. Since I have a good feeling 40k threads will become normal here, why not do a RT guide for anons trying to figure things out?
Has the game filtered casual normalfags with its Exterminatus mode? I have 100 hours in space marine 1s coop and am rezzing max level faggots as a level 16 assault. Great improvements to the chain sword btw. The parrying system is amazing too. Love the fact Im not forced into the power maul to advance higher waves/difficulty. >>1019262 >redownloading Darktide fuck no nigger, its amazing how Spec Mahreen Dos blew those swedish cocksuckers out of the water. Remember how powerful the power sword + Bolter were on darktides launch? The Veterans ability to instantly reload it and fire 30 bolter rounds without reloading was extremely fucking fun and guess what those cunts do? Remove the ability from the game rework it completely FUCK YOU. The power sword being nerfed to shit was an another FUCK YOU. I play games to have FUN. Those swedish MORONS literally removed and hotfixed and nerfed and shat all over MY FUN. What the fuck, lol. Fuck their shitty dead nigger game fuck sweden fuck those fucking arrogant blonde twinks who only got to where they are because of literal nazi like eugenics and Hitlers praise. Fucking retarded existence and theyre proud of it.
>>1019892 They're still powerful, even before this rework they were really good, and I think the variety in abilities and builds they made with the class update was exactly what the game needed. At release it was literally 4 callofdutymen every fucking party because why pick anything different. Everything can be built to be powerful and run you through aurics (except the laspistol but you can still kind of work with it) and the boltgun still fucks shit up. I think if you couldn't find the fun in other builds then that just shows a lack of creativity on your part. Also Space Marine 2's boltguns sounds and feels like cotton balls compared to Space Marine 1.
>>1019878 >Did Owlcat hire one of you anons? >he doesnt know RT is obviously inspired by Dark Heresy and all other FFG games, much of old Fa/tg/uy content comes from this era and Dawn of War, so RTXYrliet its obviously Love can bloom 2 >Since I have a good feeling 40k threads will become normal here Oh, they always were, but most of us have grown very dessilusioned thanks to GW's moves lately. BTW, we are talking Mechanicus the videogame, nto a particular RT class. >why not do a RT guide for anons trying to figure things out? The game is very, veeeery long anon. I for example just play like second pic related. >>1019892 Anon, the class reworks were needed and made the game much better, in 1.0 it was all a matter of getting a couple of good weapons with good blessings for each class and that was all you could play if you wanted to be worth your salt in top difficulty. Now i can run my recon lasgun and power maul combo.
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I was gonna write a post about how I like to play female characters and always end up having yuri romances in games but that RT doesnt allow dykes but then I remember you can't romance best girl anyway.
>>1019892 >fuck no nigger, its amazing how Spec Mahreen Dos blew those swedish cocksuckers out of the water. Damn you weren't kidding, those are some rancid takes
>>1019970 >Love Can Bloom Ouch, right in the nostalgia.
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>>1019970 >Love can bloom 2
>Decide to give it a read and become stunned >It's a legitimately well written story >Even a Grimdark fag like myself finds warmth >Understand why Eldar x Human shit has been so heavy the past near 15 years I'm a total IoM shill but I have to give credit where credit is due.
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>random sheboon that instantly wants to have sex with you Thats was such massive surprise kick in the nuts to an otherwise great atmosphere. Was she added in the DLC?
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>>1020148 DO EET!
>>1020178 My character is a grill.
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>>1020198 >Linus Racemixing tips lol >>1020199 Absolutely fucking heretical
>>1020198 I'm gonna make an Human and Eldar version of this.
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>>1020201 u dont control me
>>1020100 >I'm a total IoM Necrons are the good guys, and the good ending is the extermination of all organic life unironically
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>>1020221 >Necrons are the good guys,
>>1020222 Humaniggers, smelldars, and all the other piles of organic shit feed chaos. Actually, no. Chaos is only as bad as it is because it is a reflection of the organics, who were already that degenerate. Total organic annihilation
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>>1020178 >>1020201 I didn't expect these images to be posted by the same guy but it makes sense, they're accompanied by same low-effort shitposting. You use the same filenames every time, I'm autistic enough to notice
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>>1020148 Are you talking about the pirate? She is in the base game. I snitched her ass immediately after she tried to rob my "business partner". How the fuck did you let her in your ship? What you hidding anon?
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>>1020232 Jae is usefull for...stuff.
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>>1020229 I aim to please!

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