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Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/ Anonymous 12/28/2020 (Mon) 09:59:00 Id: 15e119 No. 191653
Touch the Cow Edition Crews 1.Infinity - 692908 2.Kihou - 740471 3.Sky Lords - 733000 4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216 5.Heaven&Hel (Dead) - 933194 Guides and info https://gbf.wiki/ >How do I even play this shit? You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/ >I'm not going to use google botnet to play this. You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome. Relink http://relink.granbluefantasy.jp/ Versus https://versus.granbluefantasy.jp/
>>882830 Technically, if (you) in F/GO fluster a Sakura/Rin servant, is that technically cucking Shirou, because it's their body being possessed by a servant?
Grimnir Gameplay Trailer for Granblue Fantasy VS: Rising just got uploaded. Don't really feel anything about this guy or know anything about him, but he seems neat to play at least. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cKQ-zuT_FQQ
Whoever approved of Halloween Dante in general deserves the rope.
Kill KMR and behead his corpse using a Siete Sword for being a bastard about nerfing it.
Ok, so, there's been quite a bit of news on the upcoming fighting game, Granblue Fantasy VS Rising, that I meant to post about earlier but forgot. News ended up being spread out across two streams and they JUST announced a delay on the release date, so I guess procrastinating paid off lol. The two streams themselves are kind of boring and only the second one has a showcase of any value when it comes to actual fucking fightan gameplay, so won't bother linking them here. So here's the news for it. >Game's current release schedule is for December 14, pushed back to such date from November 29 since devs want to polish it some more. >Beta for PS5 and Steam ver on November 11-14 across varying hours. Beta can still be launched in offline mode once it's over for training mode shit only. Will not have Nier or Grimnir as playable characters unlike full release. >Characters now get alternate outfits alongside recolors. Only Gran, Djeeta, and Seigfried (Helmet alt) have one right now but this probably means several characters will get alt outfits, probably based on their "Grand" alts. >New character important to the story mode named Rein, not much info given about her but she's a childhood friend of Gran/Djeeta and will be important to the new RPG mode chapters somehow, doesn't seem to be playable. >"Grand Bruise Legends" mode that's basically a fall guys knockoff that the devs are shilling super hard for some reason. >"F2P" version of the game that's more like an extended demo. lets you choose between Gran and 3 rotating characters, also lets you play the fall guys knockoff mode freely. >Photo/Diorama mode added, very in-depth too. >Frame data viewable in training mode. Alongside a ton of other convenient features for training mode and load time improvements. >Metric assload of changes based on feedback from the PS5 beta. There's a LOT of changes and I can list them if someone wants to but I put the most notable ones in the OP via screenshots of the stream. >Notable change not mentioned in any image was the MASSIVE increase to meter gain to encourage more usage of unique skills over just spamming raging strike. >Director went back on his stupid "leveling the playing field" bullshit with gutting motion inputs. Motion inputs now do 10% more damage in neutral but have no difference mid-combo. >Light DPs no longer have I-frames on them. >New lobby for online multiplayer that has some minigame shit to do in it. That's about it for the notable things, I think? A lot of the issues from the first beta got fixed so I don't really have that much to bitch about, but with the very BP-focused combat now I'll have to mess around with it, seems like it'll be more fun now at least.
>>902463 Not OP for that one line there, sorry. Tired from a bunch of schoolwork last night and forgot I wasn't making a new thread for this shit. Time for bulli I guess.
>>902463 >>Director went back on his stupid "leveling the playing field" bullshit with gutting motion inputs. Motion inputs now do 10% more damage in neutral but have no difference mid-combo. That part had me on edge reading it. Istead of just that he could've just focused more on single player content if he wanted more casuals to get into it. Simplifying inputs and mechanics doesn't get casuals to stay and learn if strive is anything to go by. Even Street fighter six has complains about being broken to shit in terms of gameplay balance due to this.
OK it seems I was a little mistaken on the beta times for Granblue VS Rising. The beta will have two dates. November 9 @ 9PM EST to November 10 @ 8PM EST, and November 12 @ 2AM EST to November 13 @ 2AM EST. So basically Thursday Night through Friday, and the entirety of Sunday this weekend. It has a steam version for the beta this time. For some reason the damn thing has its own community hub too rather than being ran through the normal community hub. Bizarre feature but maybe this makes feedback easier to gather or something?
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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising comes out in 2 days unless you're a sonygger that got the Deluxe edition.
>>918268 Was just about to post regarding that, myself. Also realizing I forgot to post something during the beta. Guess I just dreamed I did, heh. So have some screenshots from the message book during that, which was an unmoderated free-for-all with very predictable and funny results. They also did a short stream a week or two ago regarding the game. Some things of note from that were. >New Minigames for Grand Bruise Legends mode, said new minigames will be added freely alongside the future DLC releases. >Grimnir and Nier were showcased, both seem to be interesting characters with varied mechanics rather than pseudo-clones of existing ones. >Nier didn't get shown off much because whoever was playing her got their ass beat royally, but she has only 13 uses of her puppet per round, unless there's a way to refresh these stacks that wasn't shown. >Lucilius is confirmed playable and is a boss in the new RPG mode content. He'll be the first DLC release and might work the same as Beelzebub did (DLC is just an early unlock), though it wasn't confirmed. <Battle pass system from before is coming back, though rewards from such can be gotten in-game through other means when they expire, supposedly. And here's some stuff that was mentioned out of that stream but is of note. >Figures for the diorama mode, titles, nameplates, and some weapon skins can be unlocked through a crane-game minigame found in the non-private lobbies. >Character art that is displayed during intros and on the char. select screen can be swapped, including new unlockable art gotten similar ways to other rewards. >Each character has an XP system of sorts that as it is progressed you unlock rewards related to that character, like weapon skins, titles, and such. I think that's it. Personally have high hopes after the second beta and think the game will do pretty well. Not Street Fighter/Tekken levels mind you but I think it'll have a solid long-term playerbase as well as a good amount of sales.
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Dragon zodiac design if anyone cares.
Alright, GBVS:R has been out for a week and I'd say... yeah it's pretty gud. Fights go pretty much the same as Beta 2. Lots of link-heavy combos. Grimnir and Nier are fun. Turns out Nier's 13 stacks do refresh but on a 30s timer once they run out, so that's fun. Game has a figure mode, which is neat, but has the stupid black void crap on most female characters, but not Charlotta for some reason, bloomer enjoyers rejoice? I guess? New secret boss in arcade mode with new ending screens. Tad bit annoying to trigger though as you have to end 6 rounds with a super or ssba and not lose a single round or your stack of 6 gets reset. Character XP rewards are nice. Mostly just alt weapons and alt color palettes, alongside profile shit like titles and all that, plus their stupid shop currency in plentiful amounts. Rewards softcap at 300 for most chars but if you get them to the max of 500 you get prismatic weapons that flashbang people with certain combos, so that's neat. Heard they botched the translation kind of hard in the new RPG mode chapter though, which isn't RPG mode anymore, it's just a story mode with a flow tree like Blazblue for some reason. Overall though, the fightan part is good, so yeah I'd recommend it. >>921261 She a cute, would hug.
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Good haul for this year end gibs. See you on the anni spark.
>>191653 Wait, the marriage with Catura is actually canon? i just finished her 5 star event.
How does anyone have the ability to enjoy this literal brain rot excuse of a game? How are there multiple gachashit threads on this board? You should all be bullied into financial responsibility and out of shit taste.
>>936311 It's called "a crippling gambling addiction", anon.
>>936311 >he doesn't have a crew to sit down and shitpost with while discussing the esoteric, bitcoins, and how much their captain is a faggot (very) while playing not-Final Fantasy which is still more FF than anything made in the last two decades >>936326 >spending real money on this shit There's enough reliable free gibs that if you're spending actual cash on it, you suffer from extreme homosexuality.
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>>936311 >Why do people enjoy things I don't personally enjoy?
>>936424 You're asking for someone to post the reverse
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>>936311 I never pay for video games. You're complaining about a thread that has around one third of a post per day on here. It's just fun grindan.
How active are the crews on here?
>>937919 Crew 3 is still active, somehow. Daily. No idea about the other crews.
>>937920 Can I join? Played 8 years ago and I'm restarting on a fresh account.
>>938531 yeah man, just send an invite, i think that's how it works. haven't needed to send an invite in ages.
>>938531 Post your id that's above your HP in your profile page and we'll send you an invite. Crew 3 is still alive and kicking.
>>938590 aye 38324071
Infinity has 8 spots open I'll never escape this hell
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Happy 10th Anniversary
Quick question what is better a class V or a fully awaken class IV?
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So started recently again and this is all the characters I got during Anniversary. Sparked 3 times: Lich, Zeta and Vajra Rate/Hate
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Another one
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I heard you guys liked Korone
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