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Share Thread: Please Remember the Abused Chaikas Anonymous 11/24/2021 (Wed) 19:58:58 Id: 3cc00c No. 476242
READ ME BEFORE ASKING FOR ANYTHING YOU FAGGOT FUCK gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/OP-Pasta Previous Thread: https://archive.ph/ldX0N How to Contribute Post ITT, make a pull request (git client or gitgud IDE) or raise an issue. If you do not have you own gitgud.io account: tough shit because the public account is busted. Before requesting first check THE GITGUDS YOU COLOSSAL COCKGUZZLER, THEY EXIST FOR A REASON DEAD LINKS ARE CURRENTLY BEING PURGED Anons have experienced shady shit with IGG (e.g. miners and extra files that served no purpose in terms of running the games) and they're from Vietnam gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/CheckingBeforePosting gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/PC gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/GOG.sha256 gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/Consoles gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/LewedGames gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/NotGames gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/OST gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/LargeTorrentListings gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/Archives gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/QuickSearchableArchives We prefer danknet magnet links, not that garbage clearnet shit like bittorrents & IPFS. Read a book or something if you want to catch up en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_p2p#List_of_anonymous_P2P_networks_and_clients wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Anonymising_yourself privacytools.io thatoneprivacysite.net Save EVERYTHING >>>/eternalarchive/ >Bypassing Mega's bandwith quota MegaDownloader + github.com/dannyvoid/FNSRWR or mega-dl (megatools) and a proxy %>!,-space, https://mega.co.nz/result Guide to a Happy Share Thread Leechers 1. Before requesting, search online and even use distributed search engines (e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO). 2. Look in CheckBeforePosting, the archives, and volafile. 3. If a password is required check the archives, especially the source thread if it's listed. 4. Be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it in both the share thread and in vola room. 5. Links to files will purposely be misleading by having spaces, lines, keys & passwords split in the post. This includes torrent hashes. a. If you see a string of characters (e.g. c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a) with or without dashes, it is a magnet link. b. If your bittorrent is shit, prepend magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to the string. c. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend. Uploaders
[Expand Post]1. When in doubt, upload. Ask questions later. 2. Upload to at least 5 alternative sources and keep a local copy if space permits. 3. Use a URL shortener (spaced or split), base64 encryption, and/or paste relinks (e.g. zerobin.net) on file links to confuse bots. 4. Encrypt your uploads with a password, key, or generator. Rename the files something random, even their checksums. Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so to confuse bots. 5. If your connection is stable, it is extremely advisable to self host using anonymity tools like Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster. Volafile volafile.org/r/vg 1. Before uploading a batch of miscellaneous files (e.g images and music), be sure they are unique enough to stand on their own and that you ask for the majority's consensus whether to upload the files individually. 2. Upload 5 files and then zip the rest if the dump is larger then 6-7 files. Music Albums exceeding 5 files are to be zipped. 3. When uploading .torrent, either add them to the a zip of the game or just don’t upload those misc files. Properly label files so that they can be identified without asking someone else. 4. For lewd stuff with filenames like RJ74765, either add a .txt linking to the contents on a website or just add the title to the .txt (e.g. "BIG BOOTY WOMEN SIT ON SHOTA FACE (RJ34734)"). 5. You can filter files by file type (.txt, .rar, etc) or search the file list with the bar hidden by the filter files button. a. When in doubt, archive as a single [or split if too large], then upload.
Does someone know if sonic superstars already was cracked or not?
Does anybody have the Tears of the Kingdom updates? I'm getting that black screen inventory bug and all the fixes require the 1.1.0 update at least. The only torrents I've been able to find are version 1.0.0
>>886988 >>886995 There was a time period where fitgirl's repacks would bluescreen my shit. The older stuff didn't and the newer stuff doesn't either, dunno what the fuck happened in that time period but I stopped using it too.
>>886988 The game has thousands of bugs, many directly affecting gameplay, companion stories, and the endings. Wait a few more months before pirating (assuming you can patch the pirated version). It WILL affect your enjoyment of the game. Technical issues aside, the game is pretty meh. Lots of pozz, characters can't shut up about sex, villains are incompetent and poorly written, combat is easy even on Tactician difficulty that's due to the game showering you with overpowered magic items, the first 3-4 hours are the most difficult, the last act feels awful for multiple reasons, etc, etc. There is a TON of content, but none of it is particularly good. People praising it have never read a good book or played a good RPG before. I'd rate it as being mediocre (4). In a few years once all the bugs have been ironed out and modders have fixed the game, it might become decent (6).
>>897632 Anyway, I found a link to the 1.1.1 update but the game stops working when I apply it. Must be something to do with firmware or product keys. Anyway, here's the update I found: https://www.mediafire.com/file/81u5b4p889snrc8/
>>897658 That's gay.
>>897658 It was actually a problem with the rom in the FitGirl repack. I used another rom I got from 1337x.to and it worked with the update, but the black screen fix didn't work even in version 1.1.1. Oh well, at least I get to play at 60fps, having a black background when switching weapons is not that big of a deal I guess.
>>476242 Longshot but does anyone have GECK Studio, in house software used by Obsidian when they were making NV, after a few layoffs it was posted to the nexus.
>>897632 >>897658 >>897666 >Does anybody have the Tears of the Kingdom updates? You have to install yuzu. then newest keys & firmware!!! (v16.1.0) from here: https://prodkeys.co/ then get game + update (1.1.2) + dlc: https://romslab.com/the-legend-of-zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-switch-free-download-24/ Zelda, Mario and GrimGrimoire OnceMore work on my machine (tm) ryzen 2700x + rx 5700xt + 16gb ram + nvme @ 1440p
Posted it on the waifu thread at >>>/900286/ So I'll post it here to it doesn't get lost. A compilation of Negev art here. https://boofed (dot) net/img/negev (dot) 7z
Does anyone have the newest version of Project Wingman? All the torrents I could find were of 1.0.3, and the current patch is 2.0 or so.
https://archive.fo/4KS2j the thread with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. megalinks
Why do you anons think these threads have died? Very open-ended question. The only answer I'm not accepting is "less users", /v/'s active user count has barely moved for over 3 years.
Requesting the latest version of Black Lives Splatter.
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>>912073 The userbase that used to use these threads has been split into 3, with each one hating the other. Couple that with drama draining willingness to post overall, a fun hangout in the vola going down, the sheer history of shared stuff making new stuff to post harder and you have Share threads gradually becoming less active. t. Fag that hung around the /v/ola and took and shared games with other anons. Pic unrelated
>>912101 Vola dying definitely hurt, I don't know why they're paying to keep the website open considering its main purpose is gone and nobody uses it anymore. But what's the drama you're talking about? Briefly reading through the thread, I'm not seeing anything.
>>912106 Not in the share threads themselves so much as the webring split and the shared drama between users/admins, 8kun turning out the way it did being included.
>>912112 Oh, you mean like drama in the meta and GG threads? I have paid quite literally zero attention to that because those threads are dumpster fires. I've said repeatedly they should be moved to other boards, there's a reason that was done back on Prime. These threads still had some activity here after the split, I've checked the webring's share threads and they seem even deader than ours.
>>912117 Activity/active people on threads like these is not additive so much as it is multiplicative or even exponential. Think of it like billiards on a pool table, the less balls are there the less likely you're going to hit something unless deliberately aiming for it. But the actual fun of open boards like this is how posts can have knock-on effects unforseen due to the density of people. Every lost user counts, even if it is from drama outside the thread.
>thread is over two years old and hasn't even reached 500 This is sad.
>>921081 Then why necrobump it you stupid fuck? Share threads have been dead for ages now. The conversation directly before your post is about them being dead.
>>921086 Then tell Mark to bumplock it, you stupid faggot.
>>922180 He didn't tell Mark to bumplock it. Now I have bumped it. These are the consequences of his actions.
>>921086 >>927680 It's painfully clear you're not from here and you should go back. Reported. Hopefully mods permaban scum like you.
anyone have starfield I want to try it
>>476242 What is a good place to get the source code for old vidya?
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It's been four or five years and you guys STILL haven't updated the fucking share thread? Oh my god, I'll do it myself. This is a first draft, any ideas? Remember this isn't meant to be an all-in-one extravaganza for every possible need, it's meant to be a quick reference for the most common requests. I'm not going to be adding a million different resources for increasingly niche desires. Previous Thread: >>x SITES TO FIND SHIT, CHECK HERE BEFORE ASKING Gitgud archive and Volafile are as good as dead and as such have been pruned entirely, don't rely on them for anything. https://vimm.net - Accessible archive of retro console games. https://gog-games.to - Downloads of GOG's titles. Owner throws tantrums a lot so the site occasionally goes down. https://archive.org - Internet Archive, you would be very surprised how much is here if you go looking. https://www.myabandonware.com - Mostly retro PC games, often obscure and "abandoned" titles. The following are cracking/repacking sites. If there's a major release, it'll probably show up on one of these. https://dodi-repacks.site https://kaoskrew.org https://fitgirl-repacks.site Privacy and OPSEC tools. Try not to get yourself v&, OK? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_p2p#List_of_anonymous_P2P_networks_and_clients wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Anonymising_yourself privacytools.io thatoneprivacysite.net Emulation Think you're a bad enough dude to emulate games? Be sure to visit our emulation sister thread. >>x For all your emulator needs, see GTW. https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page Want ROMs? No-Intro contains almost everything you'd ever want. https://archive.org/details/ni-romsets Platform-specific resources for trickier emulators. https://wiki.rpcs3.net/ - PS3 https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary/wiki 360 https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Main_Page GameCube and Wii https://wiki.pcsx2.net/Main_Page - PS2 https://yuzu-emu.org/wiki/ - Switch (Now defunct. Must be accessed through Internet Archive.) Guide to a Happy Share Thread >Requesters 1. Before requesting, search online and even use distributed search engines (e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO). 2. Look in linked sites at the top of the OP 3. Be as specific as possible. A title, release year and cover art will help. 4. Some links might purposely be misleading by having spaces, lines, keys & passwords split in the post. This includes torrent hashes. a. If you see a string of characters (e.g. c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a) with or without dashes, it is a magnet link.
[Expand Post] b. If your bittorrent is shit, prepend magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to the string. c. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend. >Uploaders 1. Try to make sure whatever you post isn't infected with 15 different Russian crypto miners. 2. Please make sure your files actually work. 3. If your link is password protected, PLEASE provide it. This isn't Cicada 3301, nobody wants to play riddles. 4. If there are any special provisions in playing a game, such as requiring SmartSteamEmu or a cracked executable, don't assume everybody knows that and provide clear instructions. 5. Try to avoid uploading to sites that require an account or throttle download speed. a. ESPECIALLY not websites that make you jump through hoops to setup an account. Again, nobody likes riddles. b. Websites that limit you to one download at a time or every X number of hours should also be avoided. 6. No "Oh, you can find that on SLSK" or "This private tracker has the upload!". Don't defer to private communities and don't just tell somebody where the files are, actually share them! Most importantly, DO WHAT YOU WANT BECAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE.
>>962959 We don't update it cause there is nothing worth pirating in the first place Vidya companies beat piracy by making us not even want to partake in their experiences At any rate thank you for the updated OP material.
For those who are having this issue, I fixed it. I updated my “product keys” in the keys folder from Yuzu. Step 1. Download the Latest keys from <a href="https://webxfounders.com/prod-keys/yuzu-prod-keys">Yuzu Prod Keys.</a> Step 2. Go to File > Open Yuzu with Yuzu opened. Step 3. Go to the “Keys” folder. Step 4. Replace those files with the new keys you just downloaded It should be fixed. Also, you can Download <a href="https://webxfounders.com/prod-keys/switch-prod-keys-v18-for-ryujinx-and-yuzu">Switch Prod Keys</a>
>>963574 What are you playing on Yuzu?
What's a good source for older Blizzard games? I am only interested in Warcraft and Starcraft games' singleplayer components. I only was able to find Warcraft 1 & 2 from fitgirl as far as reputable uploaders go. Warcraft 3 reforged seems to be easier to find than the old version for some odd reason. SC2 torrents I was able to find so far miss newer DLCs and updates.
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I have a Custom Sound Track version of MvC2 for the OG Xbox. I think it was made in 2008 based on the file dates. I would like to archive it for nostalgia and posterity's sake, where would be the right place for that? This was the only version of MvC2 I played back in the day. When the MvC collection got announced, I got inspired to go and find this burnt disc I had just sitting around for years. For anyone curious, these are the songs I was able to figure out the titles too when just listening to each stage's music. >Opening - Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine >Character Select - New Noise - Refused >Training Room - Guerrilla Radio - RatM >Desert - Come To Daddy "some mix of it" - Aphex Twin >Swamp - Funky Dealer - JSRF >Air Ship - Bubbles - System Of A Down >Cavern - some rock remix of Batman NES Streets of Desolation >2nd phase of Final boss - Grace & Glory - JSRF I played this specific version of MvC2 so much, this simply IS the soundtrack to me. Unfortunately, the Xbox Emulators XEMU or CBXE Reload aren't currently in a state where MvC2 is fully functional, so the only way to play this properly would be to have a modded Xbox console I suppose. If there is some community or website out there that would be interested in this, I'd like to upload it there. But for now I'v got this link https://www.mediafire.com/file/213yxyo0i4dooq2/MVC2_Modded_Soundtrack_OG_Xbox.iso/file
>>985429 Physical discs. I've still got my battle chests for WC3 and Starcraft right here on my bookshelf.

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