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Vita thread: Enjoying Infinity Onion Rings Edition Anonymous 05/04/2023 (Thu) 09:00:02 Id: 3ef25e No. 822861
Who knew they were so tasty. I hope you fags have been having some fun on your Vita's. Whatcha >PLAYAN >HACKAN >BUYAN (kek) >WANTAN PREVIOUS THREADS: https://ghostbin.com/paste/d2BOH https://archive.is/xQU91 (Gitgud hackpaste) Last thread: https://archive.is/gdH0I There are also numerous Vita threads across the webring as well. Check out >>>/vita/ and feel free to contribute, tis' a new board dedicated to the amazing device we all know and love. It could use some threads, CSS, assets, banners, and whatever anons feel like suggesting or making. First-time buyer's FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Xhz0ijN6 Physical game list (Western/Asia-English/EU released): http://web.archive.org/web/20190705133424/http://retailgames.net/playstation-vita/complete-list/ Vita hacking: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/blob/master/guides/vitahacking.md#vita-hacking https://vita.hacks.guide/ Vita homebrew/plug-ins: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/blob/master/guides/vitahomebrew.md#vita-homebrew-and-taihen-plug-in-recommendations Vita game mods: https://gitgud.io/8vitagen/hackpaste/blob/master/guides/vitamods.md#vita-game-mods docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OkS1S2sJqs2p8jp6pxBfrQkHT4Tn2-__NmAl6BYIUw8/ Make bounties for ports/features for the Vita here: https://github.com/vita-nuova/bounties Consoletan booru: https://consoletan.booru.org I haven't played on my Vita in a fair while as I've been on more of an anime tear and I'm very busy with life, but hopefully this summer I'll have some time after finals to enjoy on my Vita. How about you anons? Feel free to do writeups and reviews of games you've played as well, they may end up getting added to the chart (eventually). Make sure you treat your Vita well. always love her, and never abandon her or allow her to be damaged or broken or you're no better than Soyny. And reminder not to buy anything digital that supports Soyny (unless its for archival, sharing and piracy purposes ofc, which might become important pretty soon). NEWS Monster Hunter Frontier is back on the Vita, this should be a guide or something for getting it working: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wdH1CweG1Js A big Vita themes place went down but they came back I think (more or less): https://psvt.ovh/ (Backup version) http://qcnnvxi.cluster027.hosting.ovh.net/ MGBA version 0.10.2 released with some minor Vita improvements, but I still think its an imperfect emulator, haven't tested it in a long while though: https://mgba.io/2023/04/23/mgba-0.10.2/
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>>900000 Excellent work as always, Vita!
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>>900000 Unfathomably based get
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>>900000 Check'd
>>889709 I heard that a full speed DS emulator is nearly finished for the vita
>>900193 Thats insane, how did someone manage to do that?
>>900201 I assume a ton of optimizations, Also the DS and Vita both use ARM cpus so there probably is someways to just have it execute that code instead. https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ItM0uFNDkbY
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Jesus Christ! Nude Maker, the developers behind Steel Battalion, Infinite Space, and the original Clock Tower games, really did the Vita dirty with their port of NightCry (That took three years to develop AFTER they released the PC version in 2016). And, they haven't developed a new game since. Their most recent credit is running support for Tango to develop Ghoswire: Tokyo. Just for comparison's sake on the graphics alone, I'll first be posting screenshots from the PC version that you can find on Steam.
>>901927 Now, here are the same images from the Vita version released in 2019. I have not altered these images in any way, whatsoever. And, this is just two hours in. That's on top of how the game's performance is absolutely attrocious. The game will freeze every time the camera changes angles or saves. A loading screen will pop up every time you interact with an item. That's not to mention that there's glitches up the wazoo whenever Scissorwalker shows up (Actually got into a couple of instances where the bastard won't even show up because I either knocked him out or entered a room I wasn't suppose to. Although, the funny thing is that I think majority of these problems are actually caused by the game's engine. NightCry was developed using Unity, and I've had some awfully similar problems when testing other Unity developed games on the Vita.
Apparently some guy from reddit released up a mostly working Vita port of Hollow Knight. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RSb0BgCp6wI https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X8YJcTedzaufn-k-II-6Rc2tyavR07nR/view
>>906325 That handheld is fucking magical.
>>854259 The original is not hardware accelerated by the gpu, but you ideally wouldnt use the GPU for 2d rendering anyways. The original also has slightly better performance and I generally get 2-3 fps in games that are harder to run on the system.
>>900201 The power of love
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Has anyone played this? It looks interesting.
>>928049 yes, it's shit.
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I'm actually amazed how easy hacking a Vita has become. Just go there, do this, do that, and you're set. I'm now enjoying not really Killzone: Mercenary for free. I just bought it 2 days ago, and I really love the Vita.
>>938515 >Killzone: Mercenary I thought it was a lot better than Killzone 2. But that's probably not saying very much
>>938533 I feel like they missed the opportunity to use the touch screen as a way to aim similar to a trackpad, as trying to aim with the stick is painful and the gyro doesn't make it much better. Stick for sharp turns and touchscreen for precision aiming would've probably eleminated the need for an aim assist, but that's just me making an hypothesis.
Any good sports title for Vita?
>>953719 You don't actually care about sports titles do you? You necro's because wanted to save the thread. Cum on your Vita, anon
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>>953720 >spoiler You do it first. With a timestamp.
Soyny made a cooler console than the PS5 or PS4 and they had the gal to abandon it. It doesn’t get cooler than naming your console PS Vita it means life .
>>953728 I can't understand how Sony can go from having a nice little console with a cool game called Gravity Rush to using a strategy that involves havong no exclusives at all on their home console and the (((Portal))) not even being a console. The "PS3 has no games" meme was supposed to be a joke.
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>>953732 >The "PS3 has no games" meme was supposed to be a joke. Hell that was only true for the first year or so of the PS3's life, by 2007 it already had games like Tools of Destruction and Heavenly Sword. The PS5's library is barren, once you exclude multiplats/remakes/bad titles you're left with 3 games. The PS5 launched four years ago.
>>953732 >I can't understand how Sony can go from having a nice little console with a cool game called Gravity Rush to using a strategy that involves havong no exclusives at all on their home console and the (((Portal))) not even being a console. Digging into the SBI kerfuffle, it quickly becomes apparent when many of the people pushing this shit inserted themselves into the company during the PS2 era, took it over during the PS3 era, and finished the job during the PS4 era. The Vita was the last system SCEI actually controlled, and SCEA effectively killed it in 2016 and proceeded to dance on it's grave by 2018.
>>953746 This makes me want to take over Sony myself so I could reignite the console wars with as much exclusives as possible.
>>953749 You could, if you have enough money to buy up a significant amount of company shares. Or play the long game and work your way up the company.
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Unicorn Overlord originally intended for PS4/PS Vita, no plans for DLC https://archive.is/wip/LCD0D >"When Atlus and Vanillaware began work on Unicorn Overlord in 2016, the game was only intended for the PS4 and PS Vita. However, the gaming industry has gone through some radical changes over the past 8 years, and as a result, Vanillaware was asked to give Unicorn Overlord a simultaneous worldwide release and expand its development to the PS5, Switch, and Xbox X/S.” Another victim of the Soyny crackdown on lewd content.
>>955926 Too bad Unicorn Overlord couldn't escape Sony's clutches without suffering that terrible translation.
>>956062 That's more Fatlus's fault. They fucked up 13 Sentinels too (in fact they did 13 Sentinels so badly in terms of SJW/gender shit that I think they started backing off on it in Unicorn, possibly because of all the backlash that woke translations have been getting recently, though instead they did other things wrong to the translation instead and still had some "strong wahmen" shit like with Scarlett's character)
With Fatlus SMT4A's translation is worse than the original and I had to wonder if it was because they got ate by Sega after Index went bankrupt, it's pretty easy to tell with the undub when Navarre speaks at the beginning, the femoid partners sounding ruder with the English script, etc.
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Just got myself a brand new sealed copy of Sayonara Umihara Kawase Chirari.
>>969901 How much did that run you?
>>969903 $54 off of Play-Asia.
>>969901 >>969904 Nice find anon. Fishing girl is always nice.
>imas taiko >index virtual on why did the vita have so many cool collab games?

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