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Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008
>>984891 >series I was convinced the first pic was some shitty strawman about trannies, not sure if that's better or worse. >>985156 Alright, those speech bubbles pointing to every mouth got a chuckle out of me. And I recognize the turtle guy's costume.
>>985273 Having read the entire series, it's devoid of any trannyshit or anything of the sort; it seems to merely exist to fulfill a transformation/monsterisation/multiple body parts fetish, without political preaching. Not much about vidya games though I'm afraid. >I recognize the turtle guy's costume Very good Did you recognize the second one?
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>>985283 >Did you recognize the second one? Not that anon but...
>>985283 literally what is the difference between a transformation fetish and trannyshit, it's all the same thing nigger.
>>985312 'Tranny' suggest reality and therefore not only an incomplete transition but also fat, ugly men who don't put any effort and look hideous while also being indignant about it. Transformation implies magic and therefore a complete transition into an attractive female with all the ladyparts. If trannys were all attractive and had actual, working vaginas, there'd be a lot less stigma against them, as people aren't offended by the 'turning from a man into a woman' part as much as they are by the 'jesus christ you look like a retarded faggot' part.
>>985312 Are you retarded?
>>985283 Well, I'll just give that artist credit for being so dedicated to his "craft"
>>985372 Still got the soul of a man
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>>985388 yeah and so do tomboys but niggas will go crazy for them
>>985392 Tomboys still have female souls and minds, they just have masculine traits
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>>985393 and what if that tranny has the soul of a woman instead?
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>>985372 That just seems pedantic, neither of these are real things, they're both getting off on the similar concept of becoming what you aren't. Even if 'otherkin' and trying to be something non gender related you understand it as the same bullshit as troons.
>>985394 God doesn't make mistakes
>>985312 >>985372 It's like the difference between 50 Shades of Grey or Handmaiden's Tale and actually being raped.
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>>985410 so, no difference at all, then
>>985388 >soul of a man Don't make me get Biblical on you. This is the fuggin' LOL thread.
>>985434 Then just go musical on him.
How do I love a woman
>>985465 Emotionally, the same way you admire and idolize anybody, but also you wanna fuck her. Physically, with your penis and maybe the flat of your hand sometimes. Fiscally, as little as possible. Spiritually, i'm not sure you can.
>>985489 The constant thought of her having ill intentions, possibly trying to fuck me over somehow or finding a way to do it in the future with no recourse prevents me from feeling anything other than physical attraction for her
>>985503 That's completely normal to start with; you can't really trust anybody until they prove themselves trustworthy, and also physical attraction is how most relationships begin. If you're just dating her or not even that then i'd say you're perfectly fine, but if you're in your fifth year of marriage and she hasn't fucked up yet then i reckon you might be a touch paranoid but also keep a separate bank account because sometimes being paranoid makes perfect sense.
>>985465 Well first of all you must figure out if you think love is a noun(something you have) or a verb(something you do). Personally I think it's a verb, so the rest of my post will go with this idea. Then you need to figure out her Love Language, and it would be good to know yours as well. In case you do not know, there are five Love Languages, and these are words of affection such as saying "I love you!", "You are beautiful", gifts such as a pebble you found on the road, a love letter, or even jewelery, touching which includes hand holding, hugs and kissing, offering services such as helping with the dishes or making a sandwich, and time spent together, which can vary from watching a movie or you playing video games while she is in the same room reading a book. In general people have one or two predominant Love Language and I think it's important for both partners to know each other's love language. Why is it important? Well let's suppose the man has words of affection" as his Love Language while the woman has offering services''' and they don't communicate in each other's love language. In this case the woman will say "Sure he says he loves me and all that shit, but he never helps me with the dishes! Why isn't he there for me?" while the man will say "Sure she prepares a sandwich for me when I ask her, but how come she never says that she loves me? Does she hate me?" Then you have the six love styles: >Eros The type of romance you see in old movies and plays. It's very passionate and strong, but if something bad happens the person might jump off a bridge, think Romeo and Juliet >Ludus Love is just a game, people like this have a list of things to increase their value in the market, they constantly look for dating strategies, and even in marriage it's a game of manipulation to keep the other one in check. "Oh my wife isn't loving me as much, at a party I will talk more with other girls to make her jealous and that will put her in her place, then I will tell her how lucky she is to have me, and if she doesn't improve then I will just sleep with other women in secret." >Storge You married your childhood friend. This love style while not as intense as Eros, is usually very long lasting. >Mania Extremely jealous and manipulative, probably takes the worst aspects of Eros and Ludus. If you don't say "I love you!" every five minutes the partner will stab you with a knife, but at least the sex is good. The japanese would call this type of person a yandere. >Agape Kind and altruistic, receives more pleasure from giving than from receiving, the definition of unconditional love. These are usually very good people, sadly they fall pray to narcissists and other abusers. Probably what people think when they say "momy gf". >Pragma This is my love style. You think what could your partner bring to the relationship, and if your goals match. You take the partner's pros and cons and calculate if it's worth spending the rest of your days with that other person. Love is a contract and has nothing to do with emotion. Can form a very strong bond, but might take decades. In the past this was represented by arranged marriages So basically to love a woman, you find her love language and then do "acts of love" as often as possible depending on her love language to express your love, while also making sure she does the same for you. You now also know how people can perceive love, and please avoid Mania and Ludus if you want a long term relationship.
Sage for double post Of, and how I could I have forgotten the four attachment styles of love? Silly me. Yes, I am clearly very methodical and logical when it comes to love, my love style is very pragmatic after all.
>>985535 what if she has a body count in the double digits
>>985574 Well as a pragmatist, my wish is to find a partner with whom I can build a family, and as people with multiple sex partners in their life greatly increase the chances of divorce and you kinda need both parents to raise the child properly, I would not engage with such a person. If you want an analysis on her, well her type of love is probably Ludus or even Mania, and her attachment style is probably Anxious Attachment. If all you care about is the hook-up culture and pump and dumping "whores" then go for it.
>>985097 >>The most common narrative is that the bullies tease and abuse them because they like them. As if their abuse rooted in some harmless yet misguided emotion. >But that does happen, especialy to kids because people are (For lack of a better phrase) "too stupid" or "too emotional" to understand the complexity of emotions and circumstances at that age. Naw. It's a myth. They've done studies on it. Bullies are actually just people with extremely high self-esteem who think that they can and should get away with everything. It's not even insecure narcissism, as some people try to say. It's extremely secure narcissist. An insecure narcissist might be sensitive and act out sometimes, but the person who just picks on others consistently? Extremely high self esteem, good home life (hence the high self esteem), and lack of empathy. They're as psychopathic as they seem, and it's just a sad coping mechanism, and perhaps manipulation from the bullies themselves, to say that actually they're not evil, but just misunderstood. The thing about the bully being the sad kid who is just abused by his parents and then takes it out on others is a total myth. >We take the smallest slight, and let that define us all the way into adulthood. Should that happen? No, but that doesn't stop it from occuring. I don't understand what this has to do with the previous part of your paragraph. I mean sure this is also true, but it doesn't have to do with the idea that bullies pick on you because they actually like you.
>>985599 NO BULLY
>>985588 ok i'll marry this woman that's ten years older than me and just told me yesterday that she's been through two failed marriages and about a dozen men. it'll all work out in the end!
>>985607 Well if that is what (You) want, then go for it.
>>985574 >>985607 Let's just drop the façade that you're actively pursuing a woman and just want to shitpost on the internet.
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>>985528 Thanks anon. I've never looked at a woman and had thoughts like "she's the one" or ever imagined myself in a family with her or even going on dates with them. It's mostly been stuff like "wow, she's got big honkers". I did have a few glimpses of those thoughts, but they mostly have been restricted to 2D women. I do talk to women semi-regularly because of work, and I do make small talk that's not work related. The moment I think about going on a date with her or whatever, my mind immediately retorts with "man, I have to spend the weekend with her and listen to her talking"? That's not to say I hate having to do human interaction in my free time. I do have friends that I hang out with and talk to. It's more like my mind doesn't see a point to hanging around her beyond being some sort of "social ritual" for sex. Maybe I'll convince myself to love someone someday or try to force it and see what happens. >>985616 jk i thought your whole love diatribe was a bit gay
>>985574 Then she's neurologically incapable of pair-bonding and she's not worth anyone's time. Don't be dumb.
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>>984900 And I think that will be it for now, stay tuned for next issue for Futarina to tell more about her story.
>>985716 Nice use of color at the end after an all B&W strip. I like it.
>>985705 insane reading comprehension

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