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New TF2 update Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 01:11:36 Id: bf9a37 No. 857270
TF2 Servers Official Maps Custom Maps (Plus all the new maps) TF2C Servers Official Maps (TF2C) Custom Maps (TF2C) 14 NEW MAPS NEW GAME MODE no new weapons but honestly most of the "recent" weapons weren't very good https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=206148 Plus a bunch of new cosmetics, taunts, usual effects, and myriad of bugfixes. The bugfixes are rarely fully detailed in the patch notes and it'll probably take a few day for the community to figure out what exactly they did.
Edited last time by Zoom on 07/13/2023 (Thu) 19:35:39.
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>>976991 What was their treadmill plan anyway? Let the shit run on its own? >>977588 When their overpriced polygons market is jeopardized, that's when they move their diabetic asses to do something.
>>977588 tbf they didn't DMCA TF2C or OF, it was teeeeechnically just a polite request to work out an arrangement to officialize them on steam, which valve ended up ghosting them on because it's valve
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>>979341 >Valve pretending to be ur fwiends
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Would you /v/?
>>977651 The treadmill refers to having vac snoop and see what all the cheaters are using and add the hash to a vac blacklist. The bots can just have nightly new builds for their software so its "treadmill work." The community anti-cheats on servers are also allegedly easy to work around but bot hosters don't bother because 80% of players use matchmaking, which would make an arms race if valve does implement it. Either of those would "fix" tf2 but only for a few months or weeks. A trust factor from logging user activity across all of valves services is probably the cheapest way to permanently fix the bot problem, theyre training it on cs2 players but it might take a year to culminate, and from what I hear it isn't showing good results in regards to false positives. It's a problem plaguing all of their live service games but they have too much hubris to pay a hundred thousand shitskins to moderate their games.
>>979662 All of these bots are running headless clients. Introduce PoW and they cease to exist. The problem in TF2 is not cheaters, the problem is bots. If they were flooding matchmaking while just sitting in spawn VOIP spamming and trying to kick people it would still be a significant issue. Individual cheaters pale in comparison to the problem of 40,000 headless clients being able to queue with zero barrier to entry. It would take valve less than a day to implement some PoW captcha system. These are solved problems, valve just doesn't care. CS doesn't have a bot problem. It has a cheater problem. TF2 has a bot problem.
How profitable is getting rid of bots for Valve
>>980354 Well considering all of their multiplayer games in the present and future can and will suffer from bots, I'd say it's pretty profitable. You thought Dota 2 was safe? That's where you're wrong. Even Dota 2 has had a problem where bots were designed to throw games allowing the lucky buyer on the other team to farm MMR. At least, that's how it used to be done.
>>980390 I'm pretty sure their microtransaction revenue is dwarved by their steam store revenue, putting 20 devs on it would probably cost them $5 million for annual salaries and take away that dev time from any project that actually makes more money, on top of making those devs want to quit since that's how higher-paid devs function.
>>980426 meant for >>980354
>>980426 The same logic applies to any development effort put towards anything besides optimizing Steam's recommendation algorithm. Profitability is not the reason they don't put a single dev on TF2 to deal with bots. The reason they don't is simply because they don't have a single developer that wants to work on TF2. They could always hire one, but they're apathetic retards that would rather just spit out a hobby project once ever 6 years to watch it flop.
>>980390 So Dota 2 is a lot like League of Legends minus the spyware? I mean the fandom is infested with the same progs from TF2 who breathe down to your neck for insulting some trannies at their Discord. >>980435 Not to mention they try, really try their hardest fucking to appeal redditors by pulling out shitty sketches, they definitely got infantilized beyond salvation once they figured out on coming out with a fool proof endless supply of income patching fuck-ups at any cost. Easy times make men turn into faggots.
>>980791 Dota 2 turned itself into League of Legends to suit the normalfag crowd and also to make it more "tournament-worthy" I suppose. I am glad I dropped it, because I would have easily sunk another 3000 hours into it had I not.
>>980435 I saw a documentary explaining that valve employees write spaghetti code and bugs on purpose as job security, so you're also asking someone to waste their time on literal puzzle boxes in some cases.
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Valve has had a massive ban wave targeting the bot hosters, including banning their personal accounts. One of them, Klax0n, is going on an absolute spergout at the moment on Leddit over it. He's trying to false flag and claim the devs are cheating or something. https://archive.is/S6hr1
>>984397 >not completely closing their account for clearly breaking ToS of steam This company is unimaginably retarded. Also that archive isn't loading.
Still no update or word from valve on why users running linux are getting kicked by VAC complaining that their machine is preventing it from working properly.
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>>984399 >Cheat and disrupt one game >He should lose his entire game library Are you gay and retarded?
>>984430 If you systematically DDoS an entire games network over the course of 5 years non-stop you should expect to be blocked from that companies services. >b-but I only DDoS'd part of your network for half a decade, totally unfair dude I think it is you who is in fact gay and retarded. What is going on in TF2 is not "cheating and disrupting", it isn't a nuisance. It's a complete denial of the basic functionality of the entire matchmaking system. The cheating component isn't even relevant. Even if these bots were just sitting afk in the spawn it would still be just as cancerous.
>>984430 He's hosting bot cheater networks and scam bots worth thousands of bucks, anon >>984399 They are unreal generous with these kinds of fags
>>984430 But Steamfags always tell me that you can't lose access to your whole library. Steam totally isn't a digital rental service. You're totally not a sucker for paying for things you don't actually own.
>>984432 >It's a complete denial of the basic functionality of the entire matchmaking system. Really? I've played on community servers and mvm for months and even tried out competitive and never came across a single bot. Doesn't seem that "complete" to me. Plus >you should expect to be blocked from that companies services. They did just that, he got permabanned from tf2. Do you have trouble with reading comprehension or something? >>984432 >He's hosting bot cheater networks and scam bots worth thousands of bucks, anon So? Fucking with one game should equal a ban from that one game. >>984465 I feel like I'm in bizarro land. I'd never expect to see anons on /v/ actively advocating that companies like valve take away the purchases of its users.
>>984523 >purchases Anon, it's a fucking F2P game.
>>984523 I'm sorry were you under the impression there were some sort of fair play rules people operate under when you're fucking DDoSing their network? This is the most cucked shit I've heard in my entire life. You're essentially arguing that if I own a string of property that I have to wait for you to actively shit on each individual property before I should be able to do ban you from them. Uh, no faggot. The first time I see you shitting on my property you get a bullet in your street shitter skull. Advocating for kiked software perpetual licensing company #001 is completely irrelevant to the analysis of this issue. You're niggercattle if you can't comprehend that.
>>984525 We're talking about if the bot owner should be banned from from steam, not just TF2. >>984527 >You're essentially arguing Yes, I'm essentially arguing that if you shit repeatedly on one property over and over again, the government shouldn't randomly seize everything you own and ban you from owning property ever again. But you seem to be the one that thinks that software distributors should arbitrarily revoke the purchases of people you who mildly inconvenience you. You absolute kike enabler.
>>984536 > the government Steam is not the government retard. >ban you from owning property You never owned any of your steam games to begin with brain dead faggot. If you want to own, pirate. >mildly inconvenience If you DDoS my network you will get banned from it. No one is setting arbitrary rules for themselves that they need to willingly host people that DDoS their services until they get around to DDoSing each individual service. Makes sense that a buyfag would be incapable of understanding such a basic concept. If you shit on my property I will shoot you. I will not call the police, the government will not ban you from anything. You will simply be shot for defecating on my property.
>>984538 >Steam is not the government retard. <Create a shitty analogy from my argument <I explain why the analogy is retarded <"Actually the analogy isn't real, you're retarded" Learn how to bait better, gaylord Also >DDoS In what way is this a "denial of service", there's nothing about the bots that has stopping you from playing the game, smoothbrain. Just because you don't get to play in the way you want, doesn't mean the service has been denied. >If you DDoS my network We're not talking about your network niggerbrain,
>>984546 >In what way is this a "denial of service", there's nothing about the bots that has stopping you from playing the game, smoothbrain Bots have made over 50% of the official Valve servers unplayable. That is by the literal definition of denial of service, a denial of service. But I'm sure you'll pretend to be retarded to try and save face and rant about some inane semantic technicality. >We're not talking about your network niggerbrain, There's no way you're this retarded. If you shit on my property, you will be shot. If you don't want to shot while shitting on my property, be more discreet. The unwritten agreement to trespassing is that if you're caught you get fucking shot. Actually in many instances it's actually an explicit written agreement. If you want to own your games pirate them. If you want to DDoS servers obfuscate your real steam account so it doesn't get banned. These are fundamental rules of the universe. It isn't about advocacy, it's about existing in a world with consequences to adversarial actions. No one has any obligation to treat people actively damaging their property as anything but rat kikes. I hope I get to blow your brains out one day ESL street shitting retard.
>>984550 >That is by the literal definition of denial of service, Making it unfun to play in about 50% of a certain type of server in a specific game mode of a specific game is a DDoS? Wow, I guess you merely posting here would be considered a DDoS of 8moe. >If you shit on my property, We're not talking about your property either, retard. Seriously how low is your IQ?
>>984430 Nigger I don't give a fuck, I want to play the game. These people also steal accounts and credit cards and try to bait people into paying them for "bot immunity." Don't give a fuck if they shoot them in the kneecaps, they're a gang of slavic faggots.
>>984613 >Making it unfun to play in about 50% of a certain type of server in a specific game mode of a specific game is a DDoS? Making it so 23/24 players in a lobby instantly headshot you the moment you leave spawn in 50% of the servers constitutes a DDoS attack, you are correct. >Wow, I guess you merely posting here would be considered a DDoS of 8moe. If 50% of the posts here were me bot spamming the exact same thing over the course of 5 years, yes that would constitute as a form of DDoS. >We're not talking about your property either, retard. Last (You) for you. You're getting lazy with your attempts at farming now and it's gotten boring. Try harder next time.
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>>984617 I just hope they get recruited to fight the nuclear snowniggers, fucking mixed race bolsheviks had it easy for long enough, they were posting legitimate glowing Democrat activism sites.
>>984624 >you are correct. So you're accepting that your definition of DDoS is retarded, cool. >If 50% of the posts here were me bot spamming the exact same thing You already are, in the latter part of this thread, on /v/, on 8moe. So you are in fact DDoSing 8chan, by your own definition. Think before you post retard. >Try harder next time. Don't need to. I won this debate easy.
>>984430 The bot hosters also posted cheese pizza links, ran crypto scams, abused the reporting system to make the game unplayable and impersonated other ecelebs to smear them. I think that if it gets to the point where your existence is quite literally costing the company money and public image they're more than welcome to put a definite stop on you. Also your argument is akin to saying that just cause you took a dump on the counter of a McDonald's you're still entitled to the drive thru orders.
>>984821 Not to mention in their circlejerks at Discord are filled with: >Wiggers >Horsefuckers >Legitimate pedophiles >Tryhards talking like zoomers >Did I mention wiggers who love interactive movies by Sony?

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