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Sonic thread - Frontiers Final Horizon & Superstars Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 06:36:30 Id: e0e298 No. 891978
Sonic Superstars will be coming out in a few weeks but for now the final update for Sonic Frontiers is out, and people are bitching it's too hard, so I guess that means it's a good update, if you felt the game was too easy before the new story content can get plenty challenging. Haven't beat it yet, but the Final Horizon content is basically a redo of the ending level in terms of story, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails are tasked with finding the Chaos Emeralds, where Sonic undergoes trials to turn the cyber corruption into power. The new characters have their own skill trees. Amy is a Magical girl now, Knuckles has the drill that will pierce the heavens, Tails has his mega buster again. When they get max rings, Amy rides her hammer like a broom, Knuckles glide no longer descends, and Tails can enter the Cyclone and fly without much limits, you can also use the Cyclone canon special attack. The new characters are mostly focused around having aerial movement, Kncukles obviously glides, Tails can fly around intended challenges as usual, and the cyclone makes him extra busted, Amy has a triple jump and can slow her decent. I haven't played the game since release, so looking at it now there is actually the amount of content it should have released with. You can collect music from previous game, so you're not always listening to the a "atmospheric" songs. The map didn't have this completion list before. The stopwatches are challenges were the game has you interact with the environment as much as possible, building up score and combo, now all the randomly placed springs, rails and such have a use beyond reaching collectables. Battlerush tasks you with fighting all types of enemies from an island as fast as possible. "I forgot how combat worked in this game for a bit so I got a bad rank" Cyber Space Challenge is the same as battlerush just with the Stages. The game was pretty good on release, but clearly lacking extra features. Now it's a full package. Remember to visit our friends over at >>>/fast/ !
Edited last time by Zoom on 11/07/2023 (Tue) 11:52:35.
>>980975 Don't get me wrong all the work that went into creating Sonic Mania is very impressive, it's expertly crafted, the Team Behind the game deserves nothing but praise for their efforts, but that doesn't change the basic appeal of Mania being as simple as "We made another Genesis style Sonic game"
>>980305 I'm surprised it isn't called sexist or whatever since the girl was 'objectified' by their standards. Donte is also a straight? male who is what they would call 'toxicly' masculine.
>>982248 They liked it because you didn't. It spat in the face of the fans, and that's what really matters. All they love is destruction. If something exists, they want to see it destroyed.
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>>982248 DmC released in 2013, Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes vs Women in gaming shit was only just starting. Sexism was only just beginning to become a discussed issue, that Cancer hadn't actually started effecting anything substantial yet. What was important to the critics defending DmC was who made it, which was Ninja Theory. They were being treated as the Indy Darling studio because their games had like "stories, and characters, and emotional acting and stuff" and most importantly they weren't Japanese. It wasn't something any of us really thought about at the time, but there was a lot of blatant Racism against Japan coming from games journalists back in the day, and it probably still exists today. Sure you could say these were just jokes, but it's obvious when you look back it was a bit more than "japan is wacky" they have absolutely zero respect for Japan whatsoever.
>>982257 There was definitely plenty of anti-Japanese sentiment back then (and still to this day)
>>982257 Yeah but what about journalists today praising DmC?
>>982279 I explained that well enough here already. >>980348 But DmC is the perfect combination of a lot of things, It was a western reboot of a Japanese series that was competent enough that it can be enjoyable if you aren't invested in the classic series "DmC does actually have unironic fans", they'll inherently favor it for not being Japanese. DmC along with Mass Effect 3 was one of the first big times the greater internet pushed back against the narrative that Journalists wanted to push, so they'll constantly reinforce that DmC was actually great otherwise they have to admit that it wasn't warranted to shit on the fanbase, that DmC pushback was the proto Gamergate, and that's still their boogeyman to this day. They'll always double down. And like I remarked in my previous post, DmC esspcially the Vanilla version as a game is practically designed for GameJornos, The Combat was easier to be good at, it was easy as shit, and it's story was a wannabe Hollywood movie. The gameplay was made for people who are shit at games to think they're good, people who are dumb to think the plot is smart because it's an even less subtle copy of They Live, and people with no taste to think it's artistic. DmC is the embodiment of everything that was corporatized about video games at the time, the only shocking thing is that it isn't complete shit, it's competently made enough, that the only way to actually get someone to understand why it was such a slap in the face was to have them really be a fan of the prior games.
>>982279 >>982284 There's also the fact that the game draws a lot from anarchist communities, branding, and talking points. Anarchists and woke leftists have a lot of community overlap, and the game doesn't really go against anything wokists believe in except maybe Vergil's motivations being evil, but he's a white male and therefore evil by default. And everyone knows journos love sucking off works that push their politics, no matter the quality.
>>982284 >the only shocking thing is that it isn't complete shit, it's competently made enough That probably thanks to Itsuno, who was dragged into the project six months form release.
>>982514 The way this article puts things, DmC would have been a total disaster if not for Capcom being very involved in making sure the game was progressing correctly. To be fair to Ninja Theory it seems after a while they finally started to "get it" but before that point they were going to do all kinds of poorly designed shit. Ninja Theory sounded like they were all style no substance, and Capcom forced them to learn how to put some actual god-damn substance in.
What is the DmC of Sonic games?
>>982746 Probably Colors since every Sonic game since that game to Forces had the worst possible writing and voice acting.
>>982751 Wouldn't it be sonic boom?
>>982752 Whichever came first
>>982746 >>982751 >>982752 Referring to something as the "DmC of X" would have to imply several things. First of all, it would be that part of the point of the game would be to exist as a direct insult towards the series fans. The second would be that the game is suppose to appeal to the game critics and not the actual players. And the third would be that the game isn't developed at all by the original team. As far as the Sonic series, there really hasn't been an attempt to do any of this. Colors may have had some of the worst writing, but it was a follow-up on what was already being done with Unleashed, where they were already removing much of the heavy lore the series had built up to 06 just two years prior. Boom was developed by an entirely seperate team and intended to be completely different from the standard Sonic games, but it was also suppose to be it's own spin-off series that operated independently from the main-line Sonic games that Sonic Team was making (For example, think all the different spin-off series that exist with Final Fantasy series and have nothing to do with the mainline games, like the SaGa and Crystal Chronicles games). And Forces was just lazy, not malicious.
>>982781 Perhaps you're right, and I liked Ian Flynn's stuff on Frontiers since it wasn't complete dog water, although I dislike that SEGA of America's casting choice of Roger as the new Sonic since he's done a terrible job and I just wish they'd bring back Jason or Ryan. That being said, I'm just thankful that Pontac and Graff are gone and that the new Shadow game has me somewhat interested as a result.
>>982787 I don’t get why sonic autists dislike Roger so much. All the meme humor is the responsibility of the writers.
>>982797 I'll be honest, it's because sounds out of character
>>982781 The equivalent of DmC for Sonic would be Shadow the game, or Sonic 06, not because of what those games actually strive to be, but because of how the fanbase reacted to them, sure the younger fans who grew up really enjoying the Adventure games such as myself liked those well enough. But for the Classic Sonic Fans who's perfered version of the franchise was that classic Era. Well Shadow the game was ridiculous, it felt like the opposite of what Sonic should have been, Same with 06 and it's Final Fantasy looking CGI cutscenes. Adventure 1 and 2 were still close enough to the Original style of the classic games that people accepted them, but When Shadow pulled out a glock, or when a human had a romantic subplot with Sonic, that was played entirely straight. Yeah there was a large portion of people who used to be Sonic Fans that went. What the fuck is this!? DmC will always be a talking point in the DMC Community the same way Sonic 06 and Shadow the game will always be a talking point. Regardless if it's people still shitting on them after years of them being irrelevant, or people who like those games saying they got judged too harshly, or whatever. That being said in terms of "What the fuck is this writing?" you could compare Ken Penders absolute madness this his Echidna lore, to Ninja Theory trying to make DmC have an underlining political message against the wealthy elite by saying all of them are actually "Demons". but DmC can just comes off as Pretentious, were Penders years of writting is a rabbit hole unlike any other.
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>>982257 >Then we nuked them. That's when they turned into a REAL country. It's amazing how they able to get away with saying shit like this, even back then. I'm glad the anti-Japanese bias among those meant to promote and review games is finally getting exposed and shat on. >>982746 We don't quite have one as >>982781 pointed out. We haven't had a single Sanic game made with outright malice for the fans yet. Ow The Edge is probably the closest in terms of tone and reception, but that was made in a misguided attempt to give the fans, primarily western ones, what they wanted.
>>982827 No, because the critics hated those games but loved DmC. If anything, the fanbase likes those games more than the critics. It's the opposite of DmC. Or I guess the real opposite would be the ones the hardcore fans like but the casuals/critics dislike, so Sonic Adventure 1 and 2.
>>982828 Is this any worse than what >we say about niggers, spics, and gooks? I’ve even heard similar cracks about Japan here.
>>982831 It'd be extremely hard to find a Sonic game critics liked and the fans didn't, the best shot you have at that is Sonic Colors, but it's only more recent that a section of the Sonic fanbase started disliking the game since that's where the writing took a nose dive, but most people aren't going to call the gameplay itself all that bad. When it comes to Hardcore Sonic fans, you can find ones that will defend just about any game in the series, so you could make the argument that any negetive reviewed Sonic game applies the same way. Also the Sonic Adventure 1&2 being viewed negatively is wasn't the case at launch, that only became a thing around the 2010 when hating on Sonic was the trend, and youtubers were finding any reason to shit on any Sonic game for any reason. Adventure 1 and 2 had good reviews in their original launches. The Negativity came much later when they got held to standards no other older game gets held to.
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>>982834 Yes, but nobody here's being paid to say those things on national TV. Those fucks were and they let their bias influence how they reviewed and scored games. They helped put a massive stigma on Japanese games that they still occasionally struggle with to this day. Even the guy behind FFXIV, YoshiP, had something to say about it.
>>982838 >pic While I agree with this meme, it's twitter format irks me
>>982850 I thought it was a forgotten meme that got brought back after sterilizing it beyond recognition.
>>982850 honestly i find it a breath of fresh air all the "memes" that are done today are just the last panel of this. i welcome it
>>982870 It’s not that different tbh.
>>982838 >national TV It was a fairly small cable TV show. >>982828 >>982834 People used to understand ironic sarcasm. Now people think Sam Hyde invented it.
>>982966 Irony and sarcasm are two seperate things.
>>982835 >best shot you have at that is Sonic Colors, but it's only more recent that a section of the Sonic fanbase started disliking the game since that's where the writing took a nose dive, but most people aren't going to call the gameplay itself all that bad. I've always thought Sonic Colors was very disappointing, not just because of the story, but because of the gameplay. I've never been a huge fan of the Boost gameplay, and while Unleashed started it, Colors simplified it even more, minimized its importance even more, and replaced it with very mediocre 2D sections which didn't even feel like Classic Sonic at all. I mean, it has a double jump, which alone makes it very different from any of the old Sonic games, and even very different from stuff like Rush. Due to this, Colors has always been my least favorite Sonic game. It took the formula from Unleashed and made it worse, then Generations made it better. Lost World feels a bit like Colors 2, but at least it's a lot more ambitious and actually tried to do something with its 3D. People complain about Forces but while it's basically a worse version of Generations, that still leaves it better than Colors. Colors was just liked because of critics and casuals saying "at least this doesn't have the werehog or any of Sonic's stupid friends!" Plus "Wow you finally just go fast!" (Because the 3D sections are essentially just holding B to make a cutscene play, even more than any of the other Boost games.) I also bet it helped that it was on Wii, so casuals had more access to it, whereas they only got the gimped version of Unleashed, plus the storybook games, which were essentially the gimped version of Sonic '06. Yeah, Secret Rings sucks balls, too, even compared to Sonic '06. There I said it. I still beat Sonic Colors Ultimate 100% last week after someone got it for me as a gift. >Also the Sonic Adventure 1&2 being viewed negatively is wasn't the case at launch, that only became a thing around the 2010 when hating on Sonic was the trend, and youtubers were finding any reason to shit on any Sonic game for any reason. Adventure 1 and 2 had good reviews in their original launches. The Negativity came much later when they got held to standards no other older game gets held to. Naw. I was on the internet. I remember. They got good reviews when they released on Dreamcast, and then when they came out on Gamecube, reception was very different. They sold very well, so clearly the casualist of casuals liked the games, but the ones who were casual but still nerdy enough to be on the internet were complaining. Ever since those games released on Gamecube, there were tons of complaints about "Sonic's stupid friends," and the "edgy story," meanwhile the same people usually wanted things to "be like they used to be" and feature Princess Sally and the Freedom Fighters, which they loved because they claimed it was dark (which wasn't just hypocritical, but also wrong). Sonic Heroes then was more lighthearted, which is what they were saying they wanted, and maybe it placated some, but not many, especially since it was the epitome of Sonic's friends. Then Shadow the Hedgehog came around and we all know how that went. As far as they were concerned it was proving all the things they had been saying. And finally Sonic '06 came out, and it was basically Adventure but unfinished, so they got Sega to throw the baby out with the bathwater and ditch everything the series was up to that point, to replace it with "Gotta go fast" boost gameplay. But even that wasn't enough, because Sonic Team tried to keep just a tiny bit of the tone and the experimental nature and thus let Unleashed have a bit of a story (even if much less than before) and a second gameplay style. So the same people kept bitching like nothing changed, even though everything had changed. So we got Colors. The dumbed down casualized version of Sonic. And they loved it, finally. And they said it was "like the old games" even though really it was the biggest break from the old games yet. And now every main game in the series since has essentially kept using Colors' main gameplay style (originated with Unleashed, but now simplified even further). And it's only now with Frontiers that they're changing it a little with the open world stuff, but the main levels are still boost stuff, because that's what found success with Colors.
>>983174 >there were tons of complaints about "Sonic's stupid friends," and the "edgy story," meanwhile the same people usually wanted things to "be like they used to be" and feature Princess Sally and the Freedom Fighters, which they loved because they claimed it was dark (which wasn't just hypocritical, but also wrong). Sonic criticism has always been a mess because the fanbase has always been a mess, due to the fact the franchise is a mess. There were 4 years between Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic Adventure 1, and the biggest Sonic products filling that time were the Comics, which were connected to the SatAM style lore. To me, it feels weird to even call Sally & Freedom Fighters fans, Fans of the games. Since those characters have never actually been in the games, (yes they cameo in Spin Ball but that wasn't a Sonic Team game, it was developed by a western studio) It's all a by product of an entirely different interpretation. American Sonic Lore for all intents and purposes was an entirely different franchise, only sharing a name and appearance with the games. So the games focusing on Japanese created characters and lore, instead of the American created characters was pretty much always fated to happen and so were the complaints. Sega of Japan didn't care enough about brand synergy, and arguably still don't at all give a fuck about it, because there has never been a single American produced Sonic product that is actually fateful to the true Japanese idea of Sonic's character. All the American Sonic's share more similarities with each other than any of them do with the Japanese one. The main thing that had people react positively to Sonic Colors is that it's story and gameplay was all so safe that it was finally something everyone could agree was inoffensive no matter what kind of Sonic fan you were. The actual quality of the game didn't matter, just that it wasn't doing anything weird. There was also the fact it was a Wii game, so that already lowered expectations compared to Unleashed, and it didn't have odd gameplay like the story book games.
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SONIC / GODZILLA CROSSOVER CONFIRMED (not really but sorta) >Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW) #70 letters page (response to fan) >"We're not big fans of spoilers over here, but I'd keep my eye out in the coming months for a Sonic crossover. We can't say who it's going to be with, but they're a BIG threat to the blue blur and his friends!" >"BIG threat" >look at current IDW comics >like a quarter of them are different series and one-shots about Godzilla >he's big, and he's a threat. >Other IDW comics include Monster High, My Little Pony, Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, The Rocketeer, and some actual indie things. While some of those might also be possibilities, none of them are "threats," (antagonists) and none of them are "BIG." I'm calling it now. Sonic/Godzilla crossover coming up. Hopefully Flynn writes it and not Stanley, and hopefully he knows to appeal to casuals like he did with the first Mega Man crossover. And he'd better use his Sonic autism and have Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2 (16-bit) show up and team up with Mechagodzilla. I know he would want to call him Silver Sonic like in the Archie comics, but I also have to assume he's autistic enough to know his real name is Mecha Sonic and that he was intended as a direct reference to Mechagodzilla. But can he and IDW overcome the urge to just keep making feminized shit about girl OCs? Only time will tell.
>>986022 That sounds pretty neat, although I gotta wonder how that would work.
>>986023 I'm pretty autistic for the Godzilla movies and some of the TV shows, and I've read the Marvel comics, but I haven't read the IDW Godzilla comics. The cover of the issue that I posted is from late May, it's one of the most recent ones. That's Heisei-era Mechagodzilla (or is it Millennium? I could be wrong), but I want them to use Showa-era Mechagodzilla, because he's the one that Mecha Sonic is based on. But then they have to bring in the Black Hole Planet aliens, and I somehow doubt they will. Even though those guys are cool. They're apes, because Planet of the Apes was big at the time, and Planet of the Apes is big now, so it's the perfect time to bring them back. Anyway, I predict Eggman will build a Mechagodzilla or take control of a Mechagodzilla. Or maybe Zavok will. But hopefully Eggman gets control of it at some point, because he's cooler than Zavok. I can't imagine Mechagodzilla not showing up at all, since Sonic's whole thing is fighting robots. Mechagodzilla is also the perfect excuse to have a crossover hero fight Godzilla at first only to have him team up with Godzilla after. I mean they already did it in Godzilla vs Kong, and here they can probably do it simpler. It struck me as dumb that they said Godzilla was mind controlled and then later Mechagoddzilla showed up. Just say the bad one was Mechagodzilla in disguise. That's probably what they'll do here. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a giant Mecha Sonic to team up with Mechagodzilla. That would be cool, and you need a Sonic villain that's a threat to Godzilla. Of course Eggman builds giant mecha all the time, but Mecha Sonic would be the coolest here. And IDW frequently uses many Toho monsters, so hopefully he has a giant Death Egg Robot along with a giant Mecha Sonic. Maybe a Titan Metal Sonic or Metal Overlord or Master Overlord. Godzilla just recently did a crossover with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, which was a sequel to an earlier IDW crossover between the two. I'm not sure if they bothered to do autistic reasoning for the two crossing over, like Sonic and Mega Man did, or if they just did it as a random side series which isn't explained and isn't canon anyway, which a lot of intercompany crossovers do. I want everything to be canon and explained, though. Hopefully there's no stupid MONARCH shit, though. I mean the humans in Godzilla movies are rarely any good, but they keep acting like I care about Monarch, and I don't. But I guess we need some more sapient and verbal Godzilla characters to deal with, and the suicidal kamikaze pilot from Minus One probably shouldn't be interacting with Sonic, even though he's pretty much the only good Godzilla human character since Dr. Serizawa.
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>>986022 >>986027 Oh yeah, I forgot, if Perfect Chaos doesn't fight Biollante, only to accidentally get absorbed by Biollante, so she becomes Perfect Biollante/Chaos Biollante, I'm gonna lose my freakin' mind. Yes, Biollante and Chaos are both good guys (now), but that's a minor problem. Good guys fight each other all the time in comics. Then when they fuse they can fight Mechagodzilla and any other evil kaiju that show up. Hopefully Toho doesn't notice and get mad that Perfect Chaos is a blatant ripoff of Biollante. But Toho rips off other things all the time. Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991) is a blatant ripoff of Terminator 2, and that's one of the best Godzilla movies. So things that need to happen... >Sonic needs to fight Godzilla. >Sonic needs to race Rodan. Remember that Rodan has supersonic speed. >Sonic needs to race M11, that T-1000 ripoff from Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991). He was also super fast. Yes, I know Toho is very tight-fisted with licensing out their characters, and IDW may not have rights to more obscure characters like M11, but I can dream. I also know that he looks super lame, since he's essentially just a balding middle aged man, but I don't care. I want to see that balding middle aged man have a footrace with Sonic the Hedgehog. It would be both hilarious and awesome. >Perfect Chaos needs to fight Biollante. >Perfect Chaos needs to get absorbed by Biollante so she becomes Chaos Biollante, AKA Biollante with water tentacles and maybe a second head that is Perfect Chaos's head. >Mechagodzilla needs to team up with Mecha Sonic. Maybe they fight first then one of the mechas gets taken over by the other one's master, or the two masters team up. Maybe Mecha Sonic gets turned/rebuilt giant. >Knuckles needs to have some sort of relationship with Anguirus, or perhaps Moguera. Anguirus is a more important character, and also digs, and is also spiky, and is an early rival to Godzilla who then became his friend, but Knuckles is outright called a moguera (mole) in Japanese, which is why he digs. >Sonic and Godzilla need to team up. >Cream and Cheese (and I suppose Chocola) need to meet the Shobijin, then help to summon/hatch/evolve Mothra. >King Ghidora needs to show up, get defeated, and then get rebuilt by Eggman as Mecha King Ghidorah. Yes, Mecha King Ghidorah was a good guy in the movie, but nobody cares and I'm sure he's been used as a bad guy in comics before. I see the comics use characters from different Godzilla continuities together, so I assume they change their stories anyway. Probably more than I would like, but whatever. >The Death Egg Robot and at least one of Metal Sonic's giant transformations (Metal Sonic Kai, Metal Overlord, Master Overlord) had better appear and team up with various evil Kaiju. Also in the Sonic Shogakukan manga from the early '90s, Metal Sonic was a giant mecha to begin with. I would also be cool with that, but that's obscure has hell so I guess it wouldn't be as cool as one of the forms that was actually in the games or current comics, and Sega probably wouldn't allow it anyway, if they even realized it was a reference. >Have the Super X or some variant of it show up and fight the Egg Fleet or one of Eggman's giant airships. Mothra, Rodan, and other flying kaiju can also help. Any who are sort of good guys, anyway. I don't know about if it makes any sense to make guys like Varan or Manda as anything other than bad guys. If they're bad guys just have them team up with the bad guys. If IDW can get rights to use the Gotengo, then use that to fight giant airships as well. That movie it was from is very underrated. >Zavok turns giant sometimes I suppose, so I guess he can show up and cause some extra trouble. >Sonic and Godzilla need to both use the Chaos Emeralds at the same time, so Super Sonic teams up with Super Godzilla. >Super Godzilla is already a thing, from the titular SNES game. This Super Godzilla better be a reference to that, but golden. Alternatively, they can go the route of actually having Godzilla be a bad guy, and things like Mechagodzilla and Mecha King Ghidorah can be good guys, but I strongly doubt that will happen. He'll fight Sonic and then turn good. Godzilla Minus One was about a trillion times better than Godzilla x Kong, but they're obviously not gonna base a comic book crossover on anything like Minus One. Also, please let IDW be smart enough to not have any appearances or references to Tangle, Whisper, or any of those gay OCs. Archie was smart enough to leave their OCs out of the first Sonic/Mega Man crossover, but not the second.

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