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EDF6 PC and PS4/5 western release Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:22:23 Id: a424fb No. 895955
EDF5 sale on Steam again. I've been playing EDF6 Asían Version on piss4 because fuck it I could not wait anymore and.... I had >fun killing the new enemies. But now I wish someone release an autoloot on day-1 for the PC version because fuck lot of loot not being caught triggers my autism.
We've got the release date July 25th Seems like they intended to drop a trailer tomorrow, and announce the release date with it, but the date has been updated ahead of the trailer dropping.
>>964046 So is this post apocalyptic only? I don't like running around in cities that are already destroyed. I wanna destroy them myself while saving humanity.
>>964052 Wasn't there time travel involved or some shit?
This series looks like absolute dog shit. You faggots actually think this game is fun?
>>964046 God, can't wait to play an Air Raider that doesn't suck shit underground. >>964052 >>964054 Yes >>964060 Newfag fuck go climb a wall of dicks
>>964060 Try actually playing it anon.
>>964060 You haven't lurked enough Newfag
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>>964046 New Trailer, to go with the release date.
>vtuber DLC ONORE!? PIECE OF KUSOGE SANDROTU, KISAMA. Seriously you goddamn shit nipples, why the fuck couldn't we just have cute idols again
>>964240 >TWO YEARS late to the party >have the gall to ask for more money on top of the base game for the DLC missions when it's all but industry standard to add all DLC for free when the PC port is so fucking late >go the extra mile to make Hololive DLC paid content when it was a first print bonus in Japan >use Walmart, EN Hololive girls who probably never heard of EDF before voicing the lines for it instead of the JP ones that have repeatedly streamed EDF in the past and are already in the game data It amazes me how localizers always find a way to fuck up every little detail of a launch.
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>>964299 Oh they are different from the asian-english version.
>>964060 >looks like Play it and then judge it. It may look like shit, but all the possible action that happens later more than makes up for it. >>964240 I can't stand vtubers.
>>964299 And they don't even have swimsuits like in >>964496
>>964514 To be fair, they >>964496 have regular clothes too. The swimsuits appear after waiting for a while.
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>>964060 >You faggots actually think this game is fun? Yes. Iron Rain is the sole one I couldn't enjoy because of severe issues (bulletsponges enemies, easily able to be stunlock due of no invincibility frames, useless NPCs and the massive gem grind) but the dev team behind it learned its mistakes with World Brothers which was fairly decent. Speaking of that, World Brothers 2 is coming out in Japan this May 25th, on Switch and PS5.
>>964699 Worst Korea-head
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>playan EDF5 again >first mission to destroy teleport ships >look at the kid's playground for the first time >plastered with stylized decals of Deeroys, Notzilla and other monsters huh, never noticed that
>>966334 It's the little details!
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>save the Earth from all alien attacks >be denied your space elf waifu with a funny hat
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The joke here is likely to fall flat for the anons who haven't played EDF6 yet (with the JP voices obviously)
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also (not-)Uma Musume Sister a cute
>>966364 July 25th
>>971695 I can't speak Nihongo, is this the first or second game.
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Earth Defense Force 6 is currently up for pre-orders on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2291060/EARTH_DEFENSE_FORCE_6/ Worth to point out that the vtuber decoys bonus differs between the Asian packaging (Shirakami Fubuki, Ookami Mio and Nakiri Ayame) and the Western one (Takanashi Kiara, Gawr Gura and IRyS). https://steamdb.info/sub/1081552/apps/ https://steamdb.info/sub/1081551/apps/ >Including the DLC packs, the number of missions levels is the highest seen so far in the franchise, which is over 200 >EDF6 has the largest gallery of enemies in the serie, excluding the color variations, which is designed to keep the player from getting bored. >Officially suports 4K resolution >Subtitles are available (can be disabled) >Crates now glow >Damage numbers are added but can be altered (next to the weapon UI, around the hit zone or target enemy, and for each shot or the total inflicted damage). They can be disabled anytime in the settings >Four different camera positions >All classes can climb up ledges and over obstacles, but with different amount of frames for each class (45 frames for Ranger and Air Raider, 67 frames for Wing Diver, 87 for Fencer). Wing Diver uses 5% of the energy bar when climbing (she still can climb even with zero EN left) >NPCs can also climb which make them less likely to get stuck and not follow you >Shots from weapons that generate explosive blasts now pass through NPCs, reducing the likehood of unexpected self-destructions >Decoys and barriers can be attached to NPCs >Grenade-type weapons (Mortars, Grenade launchers, Grenades) show an aiming laser and their blast radius >Enemy projectiles such as the retarius/arachena's web no longer go through obstacles and terrains >Weapons are highlighted red if they're made unavailable for a mission (such as a cave level) or yellow if their level/strength is presumably too high for the current difficulty or mission level >Certain vehicles, like helicopters and tanks, can be called immediately upon the start of a mission >Helicopters can fly immediately upon riding them >While side-rolling as Ranger or Air Raider, you are no longer affected by a speed reduction when hit >Cosmonauts equipped with laser snipers no longer blind your entire screen >UI gets hidden whenever the camera zooms at certain events >Character models have facial expressions and their mouth can now moves Ranger: >Ranger can dash mid-air when falling >A slot equipment called "backpack" is dedicated for grenades, turrets (that he stole from Air Raider) and stationary remote explosives (like CA and Impulse). They auto-reload after their ammo is depleted. >Ranger deploys sentries faster than Air Raider did previously in 5, and they start to fire automatically. Obviously, Ranger can only carry one type of sentries. >Sentries have a much reloading time window (29.4 sec -> 44.1 sec), FZ-GUN (flamethrower) ammunition has been halved, the rotation speed and power have both been increased significantly for ZE Blaster (laser sentry) but its reload time suffers in result (29.4 sec -> 88.1 sec) >The DNG grenade throwing animation can be cancelled with dash or switching weapons. >Shotguns can retain the remaining ammo when reloading, which proportionally decreases the initial reload time >Blazer-type weapons (with reloading) are available in the base game, both in assault rifle and shotgun formats. Have an extra effect on enemy shields (x1.5 damage) >MXR Sirius assault rifles all have double the power with slightly better accuracy >All Orchid rifles can now penetrate targets, with a better piercing distance the higher level rank is. >Minion Buster weapons have generally better bullet speed, range and damage in exchange of accuracy down. Explosive bullets no longer attach to NPCs (same for the Buster Shot shotgun). >Slightly decreased accuracy for G&M rifles, A25 and above models have better range and bullet speed >Slaughter and Moonsoon shotguns have higher bullet speed, Breacher shotguns have increased bullet speed and range. >Slugshot shotguns have significantly increased range but the bullets now fall due to air resistance. >All sniper rifles deal extra damage to enemy shields. >Range is greatly increased for KFF sniper rifles, increased damage for KFF70. >Lyzander weapons have double the range and a higher damage. >Range doubled for Ptarmigan weapons >Hornet rocket cannons have damage and the blast radius increased but with a longer reloading time >Significant damage and blast range increase for Leopard Guided Rocket weapons >Increased range for Penetrator weapons, Penetrator F also has increased damage
[Expand Post]>Damage of Air Tortoise weapons doubled. Not effective against enemy shields (x0.2 damage) >FORK missile launchers have decreased damage but their lock-on distance is doubled and a shorter reload time >Grenade Launcher UM weapons generally were granted a higher rate of fire but a lower accuracy and blast radius >Blast radius decreased for Stampede weapons >Volatile Napalm weapons were granted more ammo, a higher ROF, damage and bullet speed in exchange of a lower accuracy >Flame Geyser weapons have their accuracy lowered but the reload time has been massively reduced >Increased damage and extended flame duration for flamethrower weapons at the cost of lower ammo. Burner is no longer a joke weapon with its now larger range >Ranger's bike no longer takes damage, or automatically explodes if you attached explosives on it, when colliding with an obstacle. >Ranger gets access to three new vehicle type: Kevlar (Anti-Aircraft tank), Heron (Extremely mobile and strong helicopter but high request cost and rather low on fuel), Varias (Tank with high velocity shells). Wing Diver: >Boost Dash takes up x1.5 more energy (it gets worse with a Big Core-type where the increase goes up to x4.5) >Like Ranger, any non-charging energy weapon can retain the remaining ammo when reloading, thus requiring less energy in return >A third slot similar to Ranger is dedicated for swords, plasma shields, grenades and other special weapons such as Heaven's Gate. They don't use the plasma energy reserve whatsoever (meaning they don't benefit of any plasma core bonus), they auto-reload and can be used without interrupting a (rapier, etc) weapon charge. >Rapier weapons have increased damage but double the EN consumption >Increased damage for Phalanx M4 and above, higher EN consumption for Phalanx W2 and below. >All middle-range weapons have a [mid-fill] category and special effects towards shields (x2.0 damage). Pulse Weapons have Shield effect x1.5. Long-range laser weapons have Shield Effect x2.0. >Higher damage for Spine Blaster, Lighting Bow and Bolt Shooter weapons >Bullet Speed and range doubled, with slightly decreased accuracy, for Raijin weapons >The accuracy of Plasma cannon weapons has been slightly decreased >Mirage homing weapons have their damage and EN consumption doubled >Geist homing weapons dramatically use a lot more energy than they should be (Geist G consumes 5 times more for instance)
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>>984943 (cont.) Air Raider: >Air Raider has a faster default speed than Ranger (Air Raider can walk a distance of 1 km within 137.5 seconds, Ranger does it in 165 seconds) >The class is significantly different as he gets to equip drones who either acts like turrets or airstrikes (while not as destructive as the actual airtstrikes, these drones can be used in underground missions which used to be the bane of AR). They attack when placing a marker on an enemy. >There are two types of drones: one that begins reloading when all the ammunition is used up, and another that can be used again as soon as the drone returns to the player. >Air Raider also has a new utility slot for all support equipment such as poles (attack, defense, health, plasma), roombas, shield screens, decoys and automatic drones. Therefore, you cannot carry more than one support device. >Long button press to reload any installed support equipment on the field. However, decoys can no longer be reloaded at will and the AR's animation when placing decoys has been legnthened. >Assist guns (Life, Plasma, Attack, Defense) are removed from the AR's inventory >The reloading time for all Gunship calls from 5 has been doubled >Increased the request cost for all Bombing calls - Vesta x1.33 / Gun & Bombers x2 / and finally the requirement for the (in)famous Phobos Z Plan 4 has been tripled. Only the cost for Vesta E Plan 2 and KM6 Plan 18 remains unchanged. >The laser range for all missile and laser weapons (Lionic, Bulge Laser, Spritefall, etc.) has been increased >Damage of the Bulger Laser increased by x1.5 but reload time is doubled however >For all Limpet Guns except the "Shot" type, the accuracy has been decreased >For all Limpet Guns except the "Sniper" type, the bullet speed has been increased >Depth Crawler appears immediately upon call even when not underground, and no longer self-destructs when going underwater. The mounted gatling gun immediately fire but takes the aformentioned time to reach ROF. >Tank vehicles (except Titan) at lvl 50+ can have a 100% request gauge at the start of a mission >Rate of fire for Blacker-type tanks has been increased except the low-level ones >Titan tanks have their armor increased by x1.8, and the strength of the main and secondary weapons have been doubled. However, the Titan's ability to traverse difficult terrain has been literally nullified (unintended bug?). >The initial request gauge for Combat Frames at a start of a mission has been lowered >Barga request cost is doubled. Barga can destroy Teleportation Anchors by punching them, and now collides with large-sized enemies. Fencer: >Two jump boosts and two thrust dashes are enabled by default, but the distance given by the jump thrust propulsion has been lowered >A new type of exoskeleton equipment has been added, by exchanging the thrust dashes into a certain amount of jump boosts and vice-versa >The shield durability increase from the Protection Armor bonus has been reduced >The recoil reduction rate from the Muzzler Stabilizer bonus was decreased on low-level models >The walking speed bonus from the Leg Exoskeleton has been increased. It is possible, for some reason, to combine the walking speed bonuses of certain exoskeleton upgrades, up to +600%. >The weight effect and recoil is now completely nullified on the Bombardment Exoskeleton >Vibro Roller weapons have higher damage alongside of an increased reload time >Dynamo Blade weapons have their damage increased by x1.5 with an additional effect on shields >You can no longer perform continuous automatic attacks when holding down the button for the Blast Twin Spear weapons >Electric katanas are new melee weapons with piercing effects and extra effectiveness on shields >Fencer's gatling guns immediately fire but will take the aforementioned time in the stats to fully reach ROF >FG and UT Gatlings have better accuracy and bullet speed. Base damage is reduced for FG9/UT2 and above models however their ammunition and rate of fire (as well as the DPS) are all increased. >The accuracy of Flame Revolver weapons went from B to B+ >More ammo for Disruptor weapons >Accuracy down for Canister guns >Gallic Heavy Cannons can now destroy buildings and their bullet speed is higher >FH Mortars have lower accuracy but increased rate of fire, explosion range and bullet speed. Damage down on FH22 model and lower. >FH Heavy Mortars also have their accuracy decreased but the explosion range has been expanded >Arcane 6-missiles have a longer locking distance and a shorter locking time >>971701 It's the sequel, World Brothers 2
>>984943 >>984944 Is Air Raider still the most OP class bar none?
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>>984946 Air Raider has a slower growth rate at the start considering the first few levels in the devastated world timeline prevents you from using airstrikes, which also were all inflicted higher costs and reloading time windows to prevent the spam back in 5. He remains largely playable solo (far from the support-class he was in 4.1) and has been given tools to handle cave levels a lot more easily too. It's Ranger who became an absolute killing machine on the other hand, between the backpack (that allows grenades and sentries in addition of the two main weapons) and all the arsenal buffs he was granted. An important point I forgot to mention is that both the Offline and Online modes share the campaign progress (and the completion rate as well), as there are no longer exclusive mission levels tied to either mode like it was the case in 4.1 and 5. A few missions in 6 can add additional enemy waves in Online though.
>>984949 Sounds like the game will be even better on PC then.
>>984944 >>The accuracy of Flame Revolver weapons went from B to B+
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>>985041 What my Japanese source didn't mention, unlike on the wiki, is that the Flame Revolvers were granted a buff in minimum damage. Also the new rule for gatling guns (immediately fire but takes time to reach full ROF) applies to the Fencer's flamethrowers too.
>>984943 >All those energy use nerfs to WD Seriously what the fuck. I hope at least all WD weapons start out fully stocked rather than needing to be charged everytime you want to fire cause my fingers hurt playing her

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