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Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #3 Back to the Past Edition Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:32:22 Id: e9758f No. 972310
Previous thread: >>911139 Continuing the discussion of video game e-celebs and z-celebs of all kinds, preferably contained to this thread rather than being discussed anywhere else, as many people rightfully don't want to hear about celebrities. Keep it vidya or at least tangentially vidya-related. Happy birthday to the AVGN franchise. Where did the years go?
>>984219 Chris's powers have expanded greatly since the Golden Age. That was before he even realized his true form of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu, CPU Blueheart, and whatever other titles he has now. His dimensional merge abilities have been increasing steadily for years now. I fear he doesn't need any totems anymore. He even sold his famous Sonic Totem. He grew beyond the need for it.
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>>984220 ...We need help.
>>984222 The problem is that the old trolls, like The Man in the Pickle Suit, were ultimately doing it for Chris's own good. The new trolls, like the Idea Guys, or The Teen Troon Squad, or Bella, are doing it to try to hurt him, and by doing so, hurt the world. Perhaps Chris's well-being is tied with that of the world. Perhaps Chris was right all along.
>>984224 Chrisuhi Wilsumiya?
>>972310 Who had the biggest letdown? Personally i'd say Silvermania's Show: >Posers sucking off to corporations >Had a pedophile in the show and now redditors assume you're one of them >Also the edgy humor, that's a plus considering they all got troll's remorse Brilliant idea of wanting to cater redditors and pretend the past never happened.
>>983982 Disrespect said it was a kid though? (And also there was never any confirmation of actual sexting)
>>984224 > The problem is that the old trolls, like The Man in the Pickle Suit, were ultimately doing it for Chris's own good. Bull fucking shit! They did it for the lulz and for internet fame, with no regards to Chris's feelings. The poor guy is retarded, he genuinely thought a girl was liking him, and he genuinely wanted to date her. What she and the pickle guy did was just cruel. Yes, Chris is a disgusting creep and retard, no girl would ever want him, but he does not know that. Why get his hopes up? People should have been just content with observing Chris's silly antics and laugh at him from a safe distance. But that wasn't good enough, the had to poke the retard and try to one-up each other. I bet Chris would not be anywhere was fucked in the head as he is now if it wasn't for the internet. He could have just been content being the village idiot and playing with toys.
>>984246 >Bull fucking shit! They did it for the lulz and for internet fame, with no regards to Chris's feelings. Yeah, but in-universe they had backstories that indicated it was about helping Chris and teaching him lessons. Like how Clyde Cash only did what he did to teach Chris responsibility because when Chris said he was quitting Sonichu, his brother Ryan Cash killed himself. That's what made Classic Chris so great. It was a whole alternate universe. Ironically, that's the one that did the Dimensional Merge, and ruined everything. But the point remains that the later trolls were something different. I think the old ones were doing it for the lulz, but the later ones seemed to be doing it out of genuine malice, and sometimes a sense of righteous malice. There's a distinct difference between Clyde Cash and The Idea Guys.
>>984220 >CPU Blueheart I don't follow Chris chan lore for my own sanity, that creature did not try to drag Neptunia into that corrupted realm did it? >>984246 Some people are just built different, sometimes negatively. The TGT guy had almost as much potential to get fucked in the head as Chris chan did, got his fair share of bullying too, but he actually developed a sense of self awareness and humor that's made him far better off mentally than Chris ever will be.
>>984253 >but the later ones seemed to be doing it out of genuine malice This what "lolcow culture" has evolved into: tens of thousands of weens who go after spergs online because they enjoy the thrill of the frenzy. They couldn't care less if it was funny or not. That's part of why it's so hard to find any fun lolcows anymore. They've all be scared off. The current crop of cows are just typical white trash with an internet addiction.
>>984291 >that creature did not try to drag Neptunia into that corrupted realm did it? He's a Sony fanboy who only owned a PS3, anon. Of course he dragged Neptunia into his delusions. Just like he did to Sailor Moon.
>>984324 The underage thing is deflection. Multiple twitch related (and employed) people have been caught in inappropriate situations with children and things never escalated.
>>984205 What if the medallion has a Chris pube in it, like Dick's has.
>>984291 >>984329 Not quite. The Neptunia stuff wasn't natural to Chris. It was installed in him by the Idea Guys, two weens who weren't just ruining Sonichu by making him insert their ideas into the comics They are the ones who pushed Chris into this Dimensional Merge shit. Like he did once say that he thought Sonichu was real in another dimension, but it was under the Idea Guys that he started talking about it a lot, like they took the one thing he said but probably didn't actually think about a lot, and then pushed him into it being his whole life. They also were doing this to get money and gifts out of him. One time they got him to send them hundreds or thousands of dollars (I forget just how much, but at least two PS Vitas were gifted) by sending him pictures of whatever chimpouts were happening at the time and saying that they were photos of CWCville after they attacked it with a laser on the moon. They literally held CWCville hostage and he actually sent them money to save it. Now granted, that actually was pretty funny, but the fact that they were actually getting money out of it ruins it a bit, and really shows what I mean when I say that these guys and the trolls after them are worse than the classic ones like Liquid Chris or whatever. The classic trolls were just trying to be funny.
>>984337 Those were the ones who got Chris to insert a war arc into Sonichu with Adolf Hitlerchu and his aryan Rosechu breeding centers, right?
>>984346 Yes. They also convinced him that Bob became a Sonichu and is now gay with Ted Bundychu.
>>984324 >Like what, if I trash talk a teenager on an FPS am I exposing them to something I shouldn't? Nine times out of eleven trash talking communicates to them that they'll end up a loser still playing FPS multiplayer games if they don't sort their lives out.
>>984324 No shit, everything on the internet is overblown tedious bullshit made by terminally online retards who have no idea how the actual world works. Everything is pedophilia/grooming now (because nothing else has the same sting anymore thanks to words being devalued). Talking to a teenager is now pedophilia, if you don't (somehow) verify someone's age online before you make a dirty joke, you're a sick raping fuck who deserves death and execution.
>>984466 Sorry, I don't like pedos,.
>>984458 Blame women for that. they are the ones who turn any environment into a pit of bitterness and overblown gossip/accusations.
>>984458 Meanwhile faggots who push for a sterilized internet tend to have pedophilic urges, notice how they want everything infantalized so they can lure little kids into their echochambers. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=k7NyRXj8BHc >>984489 Their secret weapon whenever their fellow dykes run out of arguments.
>>984458 >who deserves death and execution Death and torture would have been less redundant.
>>984645 ...do you mean to say that people die when they are executed?
>>984632 >You actually have to be useful to society in order to make money Reality proved this to be false.
>>984693 Name a single country providing welfare that HASN'T failed or gone severely into debt.
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>>984699 Norway >>983116 No, More Heroes? 3 was a disaster of a game, only enjoyable parts ironically were the moon battles and the Diversity enemy description
>>984814 *mook
>>984199 how can a cripple be so muy basado maldito
>>984245 Should've asked for an ID for every failed abortion that gained access to the interwebs.
>>984699 Their failure is irrelevant. They stood many years having their elite making money without ever providing anything useful to society. Thus, that statement is false. You can become rich without ever doing anything useful and never putting any effort into meaningful work, just fine. The country falls, but you stay rich and move on to the next country. >dbet Lmao. Is this a joke? Nobody pays debt. If the country demanding payment does anything against the one in debt, it will just be hated by everyone in the world and will face a backlash so big that their finances will plunder even harder than the debt money not paid. "Borrow" without ever paying back is the norm. And "take the money without contributing anything to society" works just fine.
>>984245 It's worth mentioning that pedophiles that do have proof of sexting to underage little shits still have a platform on Youtube, recent example has to be Weegiepie, who also uses Nintendo's character for his persona meaning pedophiles will also use it for their comfort and to lure their prey. His videos are total "randum xD" cancer, what an odd coincidence on how the painfully unfunny fags who leech on current trends are the bigger narcissistics and potential sex traffickers.
>>983982 You forgot to mention that he was DMing a tranny streamer too.
Decided to re-watch two best friends's Downpour playthrough (probably their classic). Could barely get through the first episode. I'm wondering what i saw in these people back then. I vividly remember enjoying their RE 2 and Eternal darkness run.
>>985118 I feel this way about almost everyone I watched when I was younger. Even the older Oneyplays videos are a little tough to sit through.

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