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Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #3 Back to the Past Edition Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:32:22 Id: e9758f No. 972310
Previous thread: >>911139 Continuing the discussion of video game e-celebs and z-celebs of all kinds, preferably contained to this thread rather than being discussed anywhere else, as many people rightfully don't want to hear about celebrities. Keep it vidya or at least tangentially vidya-related. Happy birthday to the AVGN franchise. Where did the years go?
Can these threads not be pushed to /vb/? They shouldn't have become a fucking general.
>>972310 Second image is causing intense depression. Thanks OP.
>>972310 So the fat fuck Silverman finally made a cameo in Mega64, years after abandoning his only funny channel, he teased about a crossover with them during that era: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=WgIpdUR4Ac4
>>972310 With time I have come to understand folks like Fitzthistlewits. It's better to get out on top and leave behind a legacy of knee slapping videos than to milk your audience for all its worth. AVGN right now is just one of those dine a dozen "safe edgy" shows where they really telegraph what you're supposed to laugh at, instead of the B movie quality thrill rides of the past. The entire Bugs Bunny routine is hilarious because you really don't expect it to escalate that much and get progressively grosser and violent. The internet culture around it was also much more receptive to it. Right now James pretty much reviews games and lets his crew/the game itself provide the commentary.
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>>972358 That's partly due to the spark James used to have for doing the show just not being there anymore. Oddly enough, he has all the time in the world for these kinds of videos now compared to back then, and it has become his full time job, but now he treats it like any 9-5 job and as such, doesn't show enthusiasm anymore. What you see with the latest nerd videos is mostly just bland corporate shit since they don't want to lose their #1 source of revenue (ad money) from a company known to be very flimsy with how they make their decisions (Youtube) and at a moment's notice, Cinemassacre could lose it all.
>>972370 Damn, I loved this channel.
>>972370 >That's partly due to the spark James used to have for doing the show just not being there anymore Marriage does that to all men.
>>972370 Wow I didn't know that it had gotten that bad.
>>972370 >he has all the time in the world for these kinds of videos now compared to back then No, because he has kids. Every minute making AVGN is a minute not spent with his kids. He was stuck doing years of "post-production" (really just extended regular production) on the AVGN movie when his first kid was born, and it made him realize what's important to him in life isn't filmmaking, it's his family. In his book he talks about how difficult that period was for him. He doesn't mention that it's what made him not actually care about filmmaking anymore, maybe it took some time to set in, and it became more impactful after his second kid was born, but he does say very clearly in "modern" videos that he just loves his kids and they take up all his time, he only rarely has an idea for an AVGN he actually wants to do, and he does the rest because it's a stable job that is better than any other job he could get.
>>972513 Some episodes still have some flare, but it's extremely rare. The Doom episode and the 20th Anniversary episode were alright in different ways. The first had some good toilet humour and skits and the 2nd had some nice insight about how his taste on the Castlevania series. But like I said, it's rare
>>972522 >2nd had some nice insight about how his taste on the Castlevania series. Did he say anything about Simon's Quest?
>>972518 This. It is literally impossible to work a full time job and still have time for your kids. And James barely has even a full time job, since Screenwave does the editing and writing for him.
>>972533 Well the question is how much time does he want to spend with his kids? The answer is all of the time. He is a very loving father. Also, Screenwave does the editing and writing, but he still has to act, and he has to tape his lights to the ceiling, and he has to make his own tripods out of vicegrips and blocks of wood, and he has to drill holes through his childhood desks made out of thick '80s wood, and he has to repair his own ancient computers and servers that use wires they barely make anymore and are hard to replace. For some reason he's outsourced all the creative work to Screenwave, but he still does all the technical stuff.
>>972527 No, he essentially compares all the games post 4 (his favorite) to everything else beyond 2.
>>972527 Also, it literally has no skits beyond James dressing like a vampire at the beginning of the video for like 10 seconds. It's just him talking about stuff he actually played.
>>972527 Aside from reusing the same old footage, the cuck went to his go to answer of Super Castlevania 4 b cause muh 8 directional whip
>>972554 Is he wrong though?
>>972554 Sure he has bias for Super Castlevania 4, but it not like he made that a secret. It was still a good video that would have been informative about Castlevania to normalfags, and he did raise a great point that if you put down Symphony of the Night for a good long while, and then play the game as Richter, it'll feel like a whole new classic style experience. It's easy to treat the Richter playthough as just a quick bonus you do right after the Normal Alucard playthough, but to treat it as if it's the real game? I think that's something I'll do next time I play Symphony of the Night.
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Look who shows up on the latest episode of smiling friends.
>>972566 I'll take your Richter playthrough of Symphony and raise you the Maria playthrough of Rondo as peak post Classicvania gameplay.
>>972568 Douge won. Unironically I believe Doug ended up better. He is staying in his lane, enjoying what he does, has plans for retirement already, and is fully able to make fun of himself. James Rolfe doesn't seem to have that attitude at all. Granted, James has kids and I don't believe Doug does, but it's not too late for Doug to start.
>>972568 Adult Comedy Animation has peaked
>>972574 Him and his wife are in their early forties, they should hurry up. Although it seems they already have two kids :^)
>>972568 Man, Zach and Michael are just having a field day with their show huh? This is the tru power level of a bunch of newground autismos when given a budget.
>>972568 Yeah, unlike a certain comic book reviewer, Doug can take a joke. He even liked Oney plays impersonation of him.
>>972589 >that punchline
>canerous again Is OP retarded?
>>972568 Hell yeah. >>972594 Please be kind, he was dropped on his head as a child.
>Anons want to bitch about e-celebs like teenagers on Discord for three threads 8chan prime would have ruthlessly made fun of this board, you know. Internet celebrity bullshit used to be banned.
>>972598 There's a place on Reddit called TheCinemassacreTruth and I'm almost certain this thread is full of crossposters from there because the main thing this "vidya e-celeb" thread is about is James Rolfe, doubly so seeing screencaps from the random "based" Twitter fags like >>972574. >Internet celebrity bullshit used to be banned. It used to be banned here, too! The rule was changed to specifically allow this thread to exist.
>>972598 We made plenty of fun of Yandere dev, plus all the LOL threads. On the other hand we did use to have an active /cow/ board to move discussion there, at most we could have this type of thread moved to /vb/
>>972598 It seems odd to me that "acceptable" e-celeb talk was always allowed like the AVGN and Boogie, but not general discussion of videos or channels which lends itself to more videogame-related discussion. 8chan prime also dispersed back to 4chan and Discord after the site eventually went down, I don't think that's a very good argument to use as a basis for what you want.
>>972606 >some faggots going back means everyone went back You should go back you fucking nigger.
>>972608 That wasn't my point at all.
Well, it looks like there isn't going to be a YIIK finale after all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6c4ckGBjho
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I hate Null and Foxfdicks with a passion.
>>972641 In many ways he is like the nega-Mark, equally annoying but in fat different ways.
>>972670 >fat *far
>>972310 Doug Walker had a cameo appearance in Smiling Friends, Channel Awesome surge
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>>972518 >>972533 >>972538 In short, marriage ruins a man's mind and makes him lose everything actually important, such as his passion and his good ideas.
>>972763 Anon, making videos about shitty video games aren't all there is to life.
>>972840 Putting video game coverage before his children would be the bad sign. He is being the father he should be.
>>972763 He's very happy being a husband and being a father to his kids. If James is happier being a family man at this point I respect that.
>>972840 >>972842 Regardless, marriage ruins men's lives. It is not about what he did before it, but what marriages causes to a man: ruin. >>972843 >He's very happy being a husband and being a father You can either be happy or be a husband/father. Never both.
>>973034 >(1) Ignored.
>>973034 >It is not about what he did before it, but what marriages causes to a man I seriously want to know the type of lifestyle someone was going through to think something like that.
>>972842 I think that's a false dichotomy. YouTube is also his job afaik.
>>973056 I think that's a false implication. He's doing his job, and doesn't owe fans 100% if he chooses family.
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>>972680 Holy shit guys Nicolás Raqueta is going to jail. He was caught with 10 kilos of cocaine in his rectum.
>>973080 Who is this guy? I saw some drama about his mugshot but I don't know who it is or what he's done.
>>973083 Youtube lawyer who got famous covering the Rittenhouse and Johnny Depp trials. Seemed like an honest family man, but got addicted to alcohol and drugs and became a degenerate. He was doing streams coked out of his mind and there are a lot of weird and funny clips of him. Before he got arrested he did a DSP and jerked off on stream.
>>973084 Thanks for the info anon. It's always sad to see someone self-destruct like that.
>>973086 Don't forget that he has a Chrischan medallion.
>>973083 >>973084 He also gain fame by involving himself in the Vic Mignogna lawsuit and making Vic lose by recommending him a shitty layer like Ty Beard. The funny part about that case was when it was discovered that Ty Beard "outsourced" his case to Rekieta who in turn "outsourced" it to his Discord community.
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>>973106 Is this true? If so then holy shit, what absolute fucking retards.
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>>973106 >Ty Beard "outsourced" his case to Rekieta who in turn "outsourced" it to his Discord community
>>973106 Rekieta almost got to be part of the legal defense for Rittenhouse as well. At least he had an interesting strategy of making a very multicultural team, to surround him with black and women attorneys for better optics as the prosecution was filled with whites jews.
>>972582 He definitely fucks that landwhale unlike the AVGN who sleeps on the couch.
>>973039 The truth stays the truth, regardless of what you think. >>973052 A perfect lifestyle, without worshiping the parasites.
>>973383 Pierce aged like fine wine
>>973379 I hope she doesn't eat him.
>>973379 She has a cute face, but she looks more scared than him
Not sure if this belongs here, but WT Dinner, one of the last few remaining flash artists(that includes Pokemon and various video games, to stay on topic) is retiring from porn. He's pretty much modern Zone, making one banger flash after another, and had a lot in his pipeline before he decided to call it quits. He seems to want to move on and focus on non-pornographic content, but he will finish what he started before he disappears from what remains of the flash community limelight. Tweet in question(dunno how you archive those these days so someone else can do so, if they care enough) https://nitter.poast.org/wtdinner/status/1795619428929008059#m His entire collection, I would grab everything and archive it now in case he decides to delete everything if I were you(Most of his stuff is also available on swfchan) https://mega.nz/folder/itRhjQAZ#S0I-mmPRTAcUJ4daskdSvA
>>973423 The absolute madman is even sharing Flash CS6 >I'm kinda getting sick of sex so much tbh. I don't know the guy but I can relate. I'm getting so much pussy all the time it's really tiring.
>>973704 I thinks shes the ones who's been having too many leftovers!
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LGR is a virtue-signaling shit for brains who begs for Patreon money to fund his geek crap collection. If you don't need Patreon to cover basic needs then you don't need Patreon.
>>973893 Back to Brazil, monkey.
>>972310 Wonder how the retrogame crash is affecting them videogame reviewers, because everyone finally fucking snapped that it's not the end of the world whenever a failed NES game doesn't have its faggy sticker misprinted.
>>974048 What?
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>>974048 Did the kike auction companies and autistic circles driving up the prices get fucked yet?
>>974086 There are two retro game stores near me and I don't know how they stay in business..prices are so inflated on relatively normal shit that could only ever possibly interest some little faggy kid who thinks he'd be the coolest kid in school for owning something like Gimmick on the NES even though he will probably never play it
>>974144 Hipsters and said auction houses and collectors.
>>974086 I wanna fug Cordelia so bad.
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The Backrooms image's orgin has been found. (Again, as it turns out.) The famous picture was taken around 2002 in the second floor of a Wisconsin hobby store, before some renovations. A bunch of guys on discord found it by autistically cross-referencing several old halfchan archives (one guy: "I, Serrara, have spent ~150 hours searching for file hashes and other metadata across every known 4chan archive") for thier images, image-hashes, and filenames. Particularly old.sage.moe . And as it turns out SOMEONE ON TWITTER ALREADY FOUND IT IN 2019 (Look in the Google doc if you want to see a tweet with a broken link.) The discord's google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G5rA1PseLZozA6oUYjdVN6Rn8GNdEVY7bTXV4SmVp7E - SERIOUS autism within. Actual address: HobbyTown 807 Oregon St, Oshkosh, WI 54902 YT vid on how it was found (Backrooms YouTuber, sorry he's a bit of a fag.): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=uUpH1LNkh10
>>974199 The meme was autistic to begin with, but this is advanced autism. Makes me even more paranoid about my own opsec.
>>974199 Ok but is there a way out?
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>>974199 Is it abandoned? Can I move in? I'm gonna build my epic gamer pad mancave in there.
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These are all the gaming channels I'm subscribed to: >Accursed Farms >AlphaOmegaSin >Bro Team Pill >Cinemassacre >Cleve Blakemore >Crowbcat >CwcvilleGuardian >Derrick NOT A FISH >DingDongVG >DingDongVG Streams >DNSL >Doctor Derrick >Doug TenNapel >EmptyHero >Gassious Clay >HappyConsoleGamer >Joey JoJo >Jon Tron Show >kitetales >Kojima Productions >Larry Bundy Jr. >LGR >Majuular >MandaloreGaming >Mark Mann >Matthewmatosis >Matthewmatosis Extra >Mega64 >Michael Does Life >Mike Matei >MrEdders123 >OneyPlays >PatricianTV >ROCKCOCK 64 >rockcock 64 full streams >Running With Scissors >Side Scrollers >SomecallmeJohnny >SsethTzeentach >SsethTzeentach2 >Steak Bently >strafefox >Synthetic Man >Tamers12345 >The Rageaholic >Timothy Cain >Ulillillia Archive
[Expand Post]>Worth A Buy Go ahead and bully me. And then post your subscriptions, if you're brave enough.
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>>974255 >Tamers12345 >Gaming >CwcvilleGuardian >Gaming >JonTron (modern) >Gaming >The Rageaholic >Gaming >Kojima Productions >Gaming
>>974255 >Ulillillia Archive Redeemed You're missing >avgnytpmv >decino >MarphitimusBlackimus
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>>974267 >Tamers12345 Of course he's gaming. He loves the Sonic Underground Tiger Electronic LCD game.
>>974048 If anything it would help reviewers just a tiny bit since a couple of them are too autistic to pirate and now they might be able to afford the games.
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>>974251 Looks like a shitty sportswear store
>>974366 >>974251 We postin' setups?
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>>974370 I just want something that looks like this
>>974371 Hey, the reddit opinion thread is that way >>>/vb/ Me too, if only because of the nostalgia and the importance of physical media
>>974401 >Nostalgia Not even, I didn't get to experience this shit, most of my rental days were DVD rentals in 2007 and it was already sterile as fuck. It just looks better, it's aesthetically pleasing.
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>>974078 Nobody wants to buy old games from their childhood because of sellers pulling out retarded excuses so they could sell them in a 4 digit price. Can you imagine fucking SMB3 has a rare variant? Literally a misplaced "bros" word on the cover of the cartridge.
>>974679 Why pay $200 at the cheapest for a copy of Pokemon Gale of Darkness on the GameCube when you can download Dolphin and a rom for free?
>>974267 >Tamers12345 >CwcvilleGuardian Sonic is video games. >JonTron >The Rageaholic They used to make videos about video games. >Kojima Productions Okay, you got me. Kojima has nothing to do with video games.
>>973083 Internet lawyer who lost control of his life the moment it looked like he was destined for the jewtuber big time. Ended up in an open relationship with another married couple where the dudes were fucking each other's wives while doing a bunch of various drugs including cocaine which he got busted with. He was also constantly drunk and let his alcoholism go completely wild. Add in the fact he has 5(?) kids who depend on him and his drugged out wife and shit just gets dark. Eventually a teacher or his pastor or something told the police after the kids complained about being dirty/going hungry so the cops got involved and found drugs/guns. I may be misremembering some bits but that is the gist of it. He was also involved in the clusterfuck of the Vic Mignogna lawsuit with the retard Ty Beard that left Vic in the red for a truckload of money. Everything about it annoys me when I think about it. What a fucking mess that was. >>974251 >>974366 (checked) Yeah that definitely looks like a store display at first glance.
>>974680 Shills are desperate to convince people to stop pirating, because shills wasted money buying useless software that is available for free and thought they could resell it later. >>974960 It all started with marriage.
>>972370 Is there an accepted cut off point for when AVGN turned uninspired?
>>974255 I'm subscribed to maybe a handful of those but I just don't have the time to watch shit anymore, I've been meaning to clean up my subscriptions for years.
>>974255 Also >no ManlyBadassHero
>>974975 Much like The Simpsons, it doesn't suddenly get bad, the general quality gradually decreases while classic episodes still happen here and there. By 2017 most would agree AVGN was already in a years-long decline, but that's the same year the Game Boy Accessories episode released which is arguably one of James' funniest. There were real duds like the Toxic Crusaders episode, but that was during his heyday. There isn't an exact cutoff point, it's more like a gradient. I'd say from 2012 to 2016 is the transition period from old AVGN to new AVGN. I don't like talking about AVGN though because the 'fanbase' is full of fucking weird scorned fans and entire communities dedicated to how much they don't like Rolfe personally. Lots of crossover with foxdix and the general lolcow community.
>>974975 Season 6 feels like a big drop in quality, it's not unwatchable from there on but it's rarely as good.
>>974987 Checks out, AVGN is basically the YouTube Simpsons if you see it like that, even more poetic is the fact that AVGN is one of the longest running internet shows, if not THE longest running one. At the same time, it generates the same feeling as The Simpsons when i watch an old episode of both... Huh... I'll watch some, just for the old days when i was still getting my hand in English, and watched him for the laughs, learn some curse words, and more
>>974975 There are multiple eras. >Classic Era: Episodes 1 (Simon's Quest) (2004) - 101 (Spielberg Games) (April 2011). At the end of the Spielberg Games episode, he announces the movie, which from then on begins taking increasing amounts of his time. >Pre-Movie Era: 102 (Making Of/Barbie) (July 2011) - 119 (Desert Bus) (May 2014) Output slows dramatically as more and more time is dedicated to the movie. The first 100 episodes came out in about 5 years (the first two episodes came out two years before the third), but now it's only 17 episodes in 3 years. The quality begins high in this era, but as the movie begins to eat more of his time, the quality suffers. It's not unfunny yet, but it's obvious what's going on. He has no time. Perhaps you can consider The Movie as the end of this era. It's very much tied up in this era. >Post-Movie Era: 120 (Beetlejuice) (October 2014) - 138 (Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero) (December 2015) Maybe some would argue the quality increased after the movie, he had a bit more time, but he was clearly burned out, and he had more passion for other works, notably Board James Season 3, which was coming out around this time, was clearly his passion project, and was pretty good, which made people overlook how these AVGN episodes might have been a bit lackluster. And don't get me wrong, some of the things from this era, like The Twelve Days of Shitsmas, and Bad Game Cover Art, are great. >Attempt at Balance Era (Season 10, 2016): 139 (Mega Man) - 143 (Sega Activator Interactor Menacer) The Mega Man episode (season premiere) is about how Mega Man (blatantly representing the AVGN series) is totally overdone, but at the same time, AVGN doesn't want to see it go away forever, he just wants it to slow down and only come out when the creators have a good idea for an entry. The Sega Accessories episode is the season finale and the last time Kyle Justin would work with Cinemassacre.
>Proto-Screenwave Era (Season 11, 2017): 144 (Power Rangers) - 156 (Earthbound) The Screenslobs began working on Cinemassacre one at a time. Big Ryan started working there years earlier. It's unclear when exactly they started to get more control, but in 2016 Tony was brought on to start editing videos, and in 2017 the other guys started editing and being noticed in other behind the scenes roles, and eventually on-camera roles. At this point, everyone thought they were just more of James and Mike's friends. Also in this era, Mike and Bootsy was cancelled, which we would soon learn was due to bad blood between the two, indicating the loss of a guy who was previously a significant presence. The fact that this coincides with the rise of the Screenslobs is of interest, but the precise relationship between these things is unconfirmed. I should also note that the Earthbound episode is technically the premiere of Season 12, but since it's one of the last times James has given a shit, and the episode immediately after is when the Slobs really started doing a lot more, I'm putting Earthbound with Season 11. It just took him forever to beat the game on account of being an RPG and him having no time. This Season is when he clearly starts doing stuff to try to appeal to the internet. Truthers think that the slobs got more influence partway through the season, but perhaps it was even before the Season. James never showed much interest in Power Rangers before, but got really into it so he could release a few videos, including an AVGN on it, just before the reboot movie. He did a Sonic '06 episode which was actually real complaints about the game, but then later in the season he did an episode of all the meme complaints about the game that you'd get from Game Grumps or whatever, if you never actually played the game. It's almost as if he did one real episode, then Big Ryan or Justin "Crusty Justy" Silverman told him to do one that's more of a "crowd pleaser." >Early Screenwave Era (Season 12, 2018): 157 (Dirty Harry) - 164 (Home Alone) Big Ryan and his Screenslobs begin to make more and more overt appearances on the channel, which coincides with them doing more work on AVGN. It would take time to realize just how much work, but eventually it became clear that James had become practically just an actor, with the Slobs not just editing, but even writing, which becomes terribly obvious as time goes on. This is when the Slobs start Rental Reviews, a show basically about them with James standing in the background and occasionally going "Yep. Mmmhmm." >Peak Screenwave Era (Seasons 13-15, 2019-2021): 165 (Chronologically Confused about Kingdom Hearts) - 200 (Every LJN game) The Kingdom Hearts episode begins with AVGN/James admitting he doesn't know anything about Kingdom Hearts and has never played any of the games. He then goes on to read a script by Kieran about how the timeline is confusing. Kieran, upon quitting a few years later, said he tried to warn Big Ryan that this was a bad idea, but Big Ryan made him do it. Episodes from this era not only have a bunch of episodes about stuff James obviously doesn't know anything about, but also has The Slobs guest-star in multiple episodes. None of these episodes are well liked. Episode 200 is a three parter because Big Ryan accidentally sold three times as many ads as he was supposed to, so he had to force James to make "Episode 200" three episodes. The episode is about AVGN hiring a guy to make a game (even though there are already two official AVGN games that exist in universe) and he realizes that due to technical and budget reasons, making a game is hard, so he should forgive LJN and not make fun of them. Like the Mega Man episode, the metaphor for his own series is very blatant. A couple of months before Episode 200, James released a "Behind the Scenes" video. He had done this before, Episode 102 was a "Making of" video, and Cinemassacre 200 was basically a documentary about himself, for just a few examples. But in this one he decided that he was finally going to address some complaints "of the assholish variety." This backfired massively. He previously never addressed any criticism, or even worse, attacks, such as when SJWs attacked him for not wanting to watch Ghostbusters 2016. But now he finally spoke up, and it was against people who were essentially just telling him that the people he hired sucked at their jobs. In the process, he also revealed many silly tech decisions which lead to silly creative decisions, and this lead to far more criticisms of the assholish variety. But then it turned out those fans of the assholish variety were right, as that year they marketed that Monster Madness was coming back and it was gonna be in the classic format again. Then on October 1st those fans of the assholish variety immediately noticed the video was plagiarized. They managed to get access to the second and found that was plagiarized as well. Busty Justy, essentially the manager of Cinemassacre by this point, looked into it and found they were all fucking plagiarized. The Slob that did it, TobyFromSmackTheBoobies' friend Newt Wallen, was fired. Justin and Big Ryan made Caveman Kieran re-do all 31 videos, with only a day to do each one (minus one or two days it took them to catch the problem). The poor Caveman never got paid, as Big Ryan considered it part of his regular duties, even though it obviously wasn't. >The Secret Slobs Era (Seasons 16-Present, 2022-Present): 201 (The Last Ninja) - 215 (What's the Best Castlevania?) Following Monster Madness 2021, which came right at the perfect time to make the fans of the assholish variety even more energized, it became impossible for James to continue ignoring how bad the Screenslobs were, and just keep saying anyone who tried to warn him was just of the assholish variety. At the beginning of 2022, he released a video announcing that the channel was going to try to get back to basics, focusing on nostalgia. He also said that the Slobs (of course, he didn't call them that) would be stepping to other projects or going behind the scenes. He released a few non-AVGN videos like this, and things seemed like they might be improving. But The Slobs were still writing and editing AVGN, so really, nothing got better. At one point Kieran, the guy who was by then writing and editing AVGN, quit, and some new Slob, Sean, replaced him. Nothing really got better. A couple of episodes during this era do a gimmick of flashing back to the past, with segments being in the style of old AVGN episodes. They're fairly accurate, indicating that they see the difference, but think this new era is actually better. Episode 214, My Horse Prince, was quickly regarded by many as the worst episode ever. Episode 215 is the most recent, and it's just him talking about other Castlevania games that he didn't talk about as much before, because he has no nostalgia for them. It's almost as if Big Ryan told him to talk about Symphony of the Night because it's popular, so he says it's good, but he likes Castlevania IV best because it's the one he actually grew up with, and Symphony of the Night is so different. I'd say Mega Man is the point that works best as an ending. It's him admitting he's pretty much done. But you could argue it's fine up to perhaps the Robocop episode. The one after that is Sonic '06 Part 2, where he went back to do a meme game with more meme complaints that he forgot to say in his first video (where he did more accurate commentary). The Screenslobs started some time shortly before this episode, but it seems like their involvement was gradual, so when they started it wasn't that significant.
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>>974680 Because it's not the same, despite the fact there are USB controllers that recreate the experience. >>975094 The biggest letdown has to be slobs when they joined, they were funny after telling ScrewAttack to neck themselves, even the hipster had his moments. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=eGXhsxhq3gA
>>974975 This one: >>975093 >Sega Activator This was the complete garbage that exposed James' lack of interest and reliance on inviting nobodies to fill the gap.
>>975094 Megaman was the end for me, people were already seeing where things were heading when the movie was announced and left right then and there. The Megaman retrospective was a great sendoff and I like to leave there.
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Why play runescape like an autist when you can watch giga-autists do it for you? >Settled's Swampletics - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiMc19-qaA3u1ZawZQIKAh0BknPvoK8a Colossal autist locks himself in Morytania with an ultimate Ironman account(no bank) and finds equally creative and completely retarded ways to grind up his skills and gear to take on a difficult raid in the area. >SoupRS' Gleinor Games What if runescape was a live action games show? Man gathers autists who know runescape inside out and has them go through challenges in an elimination format. Genuinely entertaining and season 2 is peak faction powerplays and backstabbing fuckery. >Limpwurt Extreme One Chunk Ironman - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDeBkMwh3gDO0nvTsWNJafdtz37IID1SF An even bigger autist decides to lock himself in chunks(map increments) until he has achieved everything there is to do in a chunk before rolling the next. This can be anything from getting all unique drops from a boss in a chunk to getting 99 woodcutting and defense in the lumbridge starting area and getting 99 construction without a saw. Extremely comfy.
>>975191 >This was the complete garbage that exposed James' lack of interest and reliance on inviting nobodies to fill the gap. The Sega Activator episode was actually his most expensive episode ever, and the last time Kyle Justin worked with him, in this case as a carpenter. I didn't know who that guest star was, and I didn't like him, but James seemed to like it and put a lot of effort into it. But yeah, I'd still say that after Mega Man the quality just kept going down, even though he slowed output in an attempt to only make episodes he cared about. Perhaps that's why that era was so short-lived, and then he brought in Screenwave.
You cannot find an e-celeb outside of Jewtube, then they're someone who's opinion is not worth listening to and who's videos are not worth watching!
>>975430 What?
>>975261 Some of my old friends who are into OSRS recommended Settled to me, and I've been on a tear the last few months watching all of his videos, and whatever else interesting creators in the OSRS community people can make. IMO he's the best and most likable of the bunch. Plus his tileman series is also great. But yes, they are all giga-autists. Hundreds to thousand+ hour grinds into the most menial, repetitive tasks mean little to them, its honestly mind-boggling. I was tempted to get back into OSRS after watching their videos, but then I thought about it and restrained myself after I made a new account. Too much investment for little reward (excluding being able to play with old friends, which honestly might have made it worth it but I don't really have time for that right now anyways)
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>>975444 Simple, if they're not spewing "capitalism bad, racism bad, white people bad" then they get blacklisted by the useful retards from TikTok.
>>975492 I like(d) settled but I really dislike his followup series. No more theatrics; you can pick just about any of his later videos at random and you'll see OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD at a drop, a slide show of level ups and the actual challenges are very poorly defined and boil down to "I grinded". Tileman is basically a regular ironman but with additional grinding and I don't really see the appeal of his 1hp mode because once he unlocks Protect From prayers he's more or less done and it's now a matter of what momentary lapse of judgement or server lag that'll kill him. >I was tempted to get back into OSRS after watching their videos I wouldn't bother. The game is no longer for casuls like us who want to jump in for some quick comfy times and quite frankly at this point in time you should have at least five dozen games you'd want to play over runescape whether it be new releases, backlogged games, mods or replays. Hell there's a singleplayer not-RS(3) if you're so inclined. I've only played like 5 minutes of the demo and I think it's still in early access but if you're interested look up Cursebreaker The Black Grimoire
Anyone got any recommendations for content creators who analyze/go into depth on RPGs? (JRPGs are preferred but any kind of RPG is fine too as long as they're passionate and reasonably articulate about it) I just wanna relax and listen to someone talk about a game they love or at least are very interested in.
>>975864 I wouldn't say he goes indepth into the mechanics of the games but Majuular has some really comfy videos and is currently doing an ultima retrospective. Word of caution is that he does the faggy "greenscreens himself into vidya footage" thing sometimes but it's not every video.
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The comment section of this video is so funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-x4zur30tc It is literally Joel 4chan fanbase vs his pronoun fanbase going at it because his Lucidid gameplay. Clash of worlds
The Lucidid dev is the definition of mentally ill twitter freak
Wait, that's not the e-celeb thread
>>977037 Give me a tl:dw

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>>977064 Streamer plays game, game has a bunch of pronouns in the character creator, comment section makes fun of game.
>e-celebs Regardless, I wonder how many of Vinesauce's modern fans know it started as a 4chan thing. It was a Minecraft server or something right? I read through a page or two of those comments and the only real thing I saw matching your description was "This game has pronouns but not once do the characters ever refer to you by said pronouns. Its fucking hilarious."
>>977100 I started watching Joel because of his windows destruction videos back in 2016 I guess; I've always thought this guy is way too funny and unrestricted for modern internet, but the fact that they use a Booru for storing their fanart what was gave it away.
Are there any good video game podcasts? I'm in desperate need of some background noise and everything I find is full of trannies.
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>>980617 there's Side Scrollers, they recently talked shit about Literally Wu, with Blabs even outright calling him a dude pretending to be a woman https://yewtu.be/watch?v=p2XILDhmcgM
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>>972310 I just found out that 3Lamestudios nuked his channel, the original wop who kick started this trend of brainrot with every fucking popular franchise known in humankind. >>977071 >The comments are the only funny part Now you know why Jewtube disable commentaries or manipulates the algorithm to ratio the wrong-thinkers.
an hour long video essay about the nerd, fresh out of the oven https://yewtu.be/watch?v=b3gZOt1Lo4A
>>982934 >Pedo Dan No.
>>982934 >Dan the Pedo Man Glad you outed yourself, faggotl
>>982943 You're either new or never posted in the GamerGay threads. A wise choice. In the early days of GG, Dan Olson, before he was famous and when he was still making videos with the puppet you see in his profile pic, made a tweet about how he downloaded CP from 8chan to show to authorities or something to that effect. Whether or not he actually did this is unknowable, but he was widely made fun of here as doing that would have been very illegal. Olson is also a complete dick who pretends otherwise. He's a lot like Foxdicks but with an air of sophistication, he does the same strangely nasty deep dives on random e-celebs but presents it in a intellectualized video essay format. He rightfully criticizes Cinemassacre "truthers" for being weirdo fucking alogs but fails to understand he's fundamentally the same as them, he tries to draw some arbitrary distinction relating to their racism and misogyny but both are irrelevant to their unusual fixation on and sense of superiority to Rolfe. His 48-minute "Comfortably Doug", a take down of Doug Walker's The Wall, is oddly cruel in a way that feels very genuine. The way he treated fellow "Breadtuber" Quinton Reviews best encapsulates this, randomly attacking him out of nowhere for seemingly no reason, but many of Olson's fans actually like Quinton and began accosting him over it, leading Olson deleting the tweets. When there's no negative predisposition against his targets it's much more obvious how unwarrantedly vitriolic and mean he can be. As much as he'd hate to hear it, he'd fit well into these threads.
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>>982944 Wow! Now I know two pedophiles with the name Dan!
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We're about to see some serious shit.
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>>982968 And so the cycle continues.
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>>982968 Holy Mother of God, please make it happen!
>>982977 When directed towards luciano, yes.
>>983031 >luciano is right Behind the keyboard of your post, that is correct.
>>983052 Especially Luciano.
>>983052 Post your hand with timestap
I found this channel called The Electric Underground. The guy makes fairly in depth videos about shmups and arcade games in general. I'm enjoying them so far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoVVB3Va5kw Is there anything to be aware of with this channel? I'm at the point now where I'm expecting every youtuber to have massive skeletons in their closet (usually pedo shit) as a general rule.
>>983103 He has some good opinions and some REALLY spicy hot takes. For example, there's a video where he described Megaman X and said that the game was poorly designed because it has an idea of inherent Jan-Ken-Pon philosophy into the games design without an external source. If I recall correctly, he would go on to compare MMX to a SHUMP design, which I don't feel is fair to MMX since MMX is an action platformer rather than an action shooting game. Generally, I think the issue with Electric Underground is that he's a massive SHUMP and Ninja Gaiden fanboy, He also made this meme, which I thought was funny.
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>>983116 wrong image, my bad.
>>983103 Found him a while back too, I remember mostly agreeing with his points, worst reputation I think he has currently is his hyper autism/fixation on arcade gameplay being superior to everything else (which is true looking at the past few years of AAA trash), but other than that seems to be a good guy (a rarity in the eceleb space). >>983116 >REALLY spicy hot takes Doesn't that video above you imply DMC and Ninja Gaiden (when they're not speedran) are inferior to arcade Beat em ups due to the lack of timers? >Jan-Ken-Pon You mean Rock Paper Scissors? The thing that's half the core design of "ROCKman X"? I'll track it down and watch it tonight to see what he says but this might be his hyperfixation kicking in again as it did with DMC and NG. >massive SHUMP and Ninja Gaiden fanboy Underselling it, arcade SHMUPs and fightans are definitely his two main domains, closest he'd ever want to get to ANYTHING else would be speedrunning.
>>972310 >We now live in the timeline where people are singing the praises of Doug Walker, and turning on Red Letter Media. >Even 5 years ago, this would have been unheard of. I always told people Reddit letter media where hack faggots. Only Rich Evan’s tolerable because of the aids meme.
>>977037 >>977100 I keep forgetting vinesauce was a thing.
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Genuinely happy for this. When something bad happens to e-whores i rejoice. Turn my hobby into some sloth machine jigsaw puzzle with each piece sold individually filled with whores and niggers and you expect nothing will happen to you? I hope he actually kills himself.
>>983842 Its funny when you see Vinny or Joeal having to hold back on their old /v/ bullshit because of current year twitch. You can just hear what they want to say.
>>983887 > (((Herschel))) "Guy" Beahm IV
>>983887 What's the story with this guy? Everyone is talking about him now but I have no idea who he is.
>>983977 I only know he is a streamer that was allegedly sexting with a minor.
>>983977 Very quick run down >extremely famous Twitch streamer, known for being very good at PVP FPS like CoD, gets stadiums worth of people watching him every stream >gets streaming deal with Twitch worth like 2 million dollars >permabanned out of the blue for seemingly no reason, Twitch rarely hands out permabans like people have literally had sex on stream and not been permabanned >Twitch refuses to elaborate >DrDisrespect refuses to elaborate >DD sues Twitch, they settle out of court >internet baffled, lots of sleuthing but nothing concrete surfaces >years pass; former Twitch employee claims DD was sexting an soccer mom via Whispers (internal Twitch DMs) which Twitch had full access to >fits his MO as DD was known to cheat on his wife, previously admitted to having affairs in an on-stream apology >multiple other former employees corroborate >some journos come out and say they also heard this was the reason for the banning >DD's career thusly implodes
Btw "soccer mom" is a /v/ filter, replace soccer with underаged and mom with girl.
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>>984197 True Christorians know that the Sonichu Medallion isn't even the real source of Chris's power. The true power comes from his Amnyfest Ring. This is why Chris could replace his own medallion several times while still keeping his power. Like the time a troll got him to send the medallion so that he would destroy it on camera. Or the time Bluespike got Chris to put the medallion up his butt (which required him to cut it up first, because it was too big). If the medallions do have power, they are only conduits, and not the source. They only channel the power of the Amnyfest Ring, so it doesn't matter if the medallions are different.
>>984205 How does Chris selling and buying back the ring figure into all this?
>>984205 How do we stop the demon though? Must we find and burn the ring?
>>984217 >I think one of Chris's supervillain groups, either The Miscreants or The GayNigger Association of America, did start planning to do that, and Chris got wind of it, so he explained that the true power comes from within himself, and the ring only channels it (and then I guess it goes from the ring to the medallion).
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>>984218 Still, if the ring is the channeling point, then that would atleast stop the spread of his influence.
>>984219 Chris's powers have expanded greatly since the Golden Age. That was before he even realized his true form of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu, CPU Blueheart, and whatever other titles he has now. His dimensional merge abilities have been increasing steadily for years now. I fear he doesn't need any totems anymore. He even sold his famous Sonic Totem. He grew beyond the need for it.
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>>984220 ...We need help.
>>984222 The problem is that the old trolls, like The Man in the Pickle Suit, were ultimately doing it for Chris's own good. The new trolls, like the Idea Guys, or The Teen Troon Squad, or Bella, are doing it to try to hurt him, and by doing so, hurt the world. Perhaps Chris's well-being is tied with that of the world. Perhaps Chris was right all along.
>>984224 Chrisuhi Wilsumiya?
>>972310 Who had the biggest letdown? Personally i'd say Silvermania's Show: >Posers sucking off to corporations >Had a pedophile in the show and now redditors assume you're one of them >Also the edgy humor, that's a plus considering they all got troll's remorse Brilliant idea of wanting to cater redditors and pretend the past never happened.
>>983982 Disrespect said it was a kid though? (And also there was never any confirmation of actual sexting)
>>984224 > The problem is that the old trolls, like The Man in the Pickle Suit, were ultimately doing it for Chris's own good. Bull fucking shit! They did it for the lulz and for internet fame, with no regards to Chris's feelings. The poor guy is retarded, he genuinely thought a girl was liking him, and he genuinely wanted to date her. What she and the pickle guy did was just cruel. Yes, Chris is a disgusting creep and retard, no girl would ever want him, but he does not know that. Why get his hopes up? People should have been just content with observing Chris's silly antics and laugh at him from a safe distance. But that wasn't good enough, the had to poke the retard and try to one-up each other. I bet Chris would not be anywhere was fucked in the head as he is now if it wasn't for the internet. He could have just been content being the village idiot and playing with toys.
>>984246 >Bull fucking shit! They did it for the lulz and for internet fame, with no regards to Chris's feelings. Yeah, but in-universe they had backstories that indicated it was about helping Chris and teaching him lessons. Like how Clyde Cash only did what he did to teach Chris responsibility because when Chris said he was quitting Sonichu, his brother Ryan Cash killed himself. That's what made Classic Chris so great. It was a whole alternate universe. Ironically, that's the one that did the Dimensional Merge, and ruined everything. But the point remains that the later trolls were something different. I think the old ones were doing it for the lulz, but the later ones seemed to be doing it out of genuine malice, and sometimes a sense of righteous malice. There's a distinct difference between Clyde Cash and The Idea Guys.
>>984220 >CPU Blueheart I don't follow Chris chan lore for my own sanity, that creature did not try to drag Neptunia into that corrupted realm did it? >>984246 Some people are just built different, sometimes negatively. The TGT guy had almost as much potential to get fucked in the head as Chris chan did, got his fair share of bullying too, but he actually developed a sense of self awareness and humor that's made him far better off mentally than Chris ever will be.
>>984253 >but the later ones seemed to be doing it out of genuine malice This what "lolcow culture" has evolved into: tens of thousands of weens who go after spergs online because they enjoy the thrill of the frenzy. They couldn't care less if it was funny or not. That's part of why it's so hard to find any fun lolcows anymore. They've all be scared off. The current crop of cows are just typical white trash with an internet addiction.
>>984291 >that creature did not try to drag Neptunia into that corrupted realm did it? He's a Sony fanboy who only owned a PS3, anon. Of course he dragged Neptunia into his delusions. Just like he did to Sailor Moon.
>>984324 The underage thing is deflection. Multiple twitch related (and employed) people have been caught in inappropriate situations with children and things never escalated.
>>984205 What if the medallion has a Chris pube in it, like Dick's has.
>>984291 >>984329 Not quite. The Neptunia stuff wasn't natural to Chris. It was installed in him by the Idea Guys, two weens who weren't just ruining Sonichu by making him insert their ideas into the comics They are the ones who pushed Chris into this Dimensional Merge shit. Like he did once say that he thought Sonichu was real in another dimension, but it was under the Idea Guys that he started talking about it a lot, like they took the one thing he said but probably didn't actually think about a lot, and then pushed him into it being his whole life. They also were doing this to get money and gifts out of him. One time they got him to send them hundreds or thousands of dollars (I forget just how much, but at least two PS Vitas were gifted) by sending him pictures of whatever chimpouts were happening at the time and saying that they were photos of CWCville after they attacked it with a laser on the moon. They literally held CWCville hostage and he actually sent them money to save it. Now granted, that actually was pretty funny, but the fact that they were actually getting money out of it ruins it a bit, and really shows what I mean when I say that these guys and the trolls after them are worse than the classic ones like Liquid Chris or whatever. The classic trolls were just trying to be funny.
>>984337 Those were the ones who got Chris to insert a war arc into Sonichu with Adolf Hitlerchu and his aryan Rosechu breeding centers, right?
>>984346 Yes. They also convinced him that Bob became a Sonichu and is now gay with Ted Bundychu.
>>984324 >Like what, if I trash talk a teenager on an FPS am I exposing them to something I shouldn't? Nine times out of eleven trash talking communicates to them that they'll end up a loser still playing FPS multiplayer games if they don't sort their lives out.
>>984324 No shit, everything on the internet is overblown tedious bullshit made by terminally online retards who have no idea how the actual world works. Everything is pedophilia/grooming now (because nothing else has the same sting anymore thanks to words being devalued). Talking to a teenager is now pedophilia, if you don't (somehow) verify someone's age online before you make a dirty joke, you're a sick raping fuck who deserves death and execution.
>>984466 Sorry, I don't like pedos,.
>>984458 Blame women for that. they are the ones who turn any environment into a pit of bitterness and overblown gossip/accusations.
>>984458 Meanwhile faggots who push for a sterilized internet tend to have pedophilic urges, notice how they want everything infantalized so they can lure little kids into their echochambers. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=k7NyRXj8BHc >>984489 Their secret weapon whenever their fellow dykes run out of arguments.
>>984458 >who deserves death and execution Death and torture would have been less redundant.
>>984645 ...do you mean to say that people die when they are executed?
>>984632 >You actually have to be useful to society in order to make money Reality proved this to be false.
>>984693 Name a single country providing welfare that HASN'T failed or gone severely into debt.
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>>984699 Norway >>983116 No, More Heroes? 3 was a disaster of a game, only enjoyable parts ironically were the moon battles and the Diversity enemy description
>>984814 *mook
>>984199 how can a cripple be so muy basado maldito
>>984245 Should've asked for an ID for every failed abortion that gained access to the interwebs.
>>984699 Their failure is irrelevant. They stood many years having their elite making money without ever providing anything useful to society. Thus, that statement is false. You can become rich without ever doing anything useful and never putting any effort into meaningful work, just fine. The country falls, but you stay rich and move on to the next country. >dbet Lmao. Is this a joke? Nobody pays debt. If the country demanding payment does anything against the one in debt, it will just be hated by everyone in the world and will face a backlash so big that their finances will plunder even harder than the debt money not paid. "Borrow" without ever paying back is the norm. And "take the money without contributing anything to society" works just fine.
>>984245 It's worth mentioning that pedophiles that do have proof of sexting to underage little shits still have a platform on Youtube, recent example has to be Weegiepie, who also uses Nintendo's character for his persona meaning pedophiles will also use it for their comfort and to lure their prey. His videos are total "randum xD" cancer, what an odd coincidence on how the painfully unfunny fags who leech on current trends are the bigger narcissistics and potential sex traffickers.
>>983982 You forgot to mention that he was DMing a tranny streamer too.
Decided to re-watch two best friends's Downpour playthrough (probably their classic). Could barely get through the first episode. I'm wondering what i saw in these people back then. I vividly remember enjoying their RE 2 and Eternal darkness run.
>>985118 I feel this way about almost everyone I watched when I was younger. Even the older Oneyplays videos are a little tough to sit through.

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