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Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ Lead Producer Claims “We Are Trying To Create A Game That Is As Authentic As Possible” Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 22:05:08 Id: a1bc2e No. 1001087
>"We are trying to create a game that is as authentic as possible. It's something we take pride in," Onnée tells us. "And that is also a very long process. When we build a Japanese house from feudal Japan, it is very different from, say, a French medieval house or an English one. >"It's not feudal Japan, obviously, but it is good to go on site, because it is only then that we realise it is very different to what we think it is," Onnée explains. "It is very interesting, because when the team went there, one of the things that jumped out was the forests and how they are. We had made some forests based on the Greece landscape [for Odyssey], but when we went, we noticed it was very different to what we'd done, and we had to change it. You don't necessarily find that stuff out when doing historical research. Seems like Ubisoft is sticking to their lies, and are much more interested in trees than making accurate Japanese architecture and cities. https://archive.is/pp0aj https://archive.is/hsAbj
I honestly hope Shadows does so poorly Ubisoft goes into administration. It's a long shot but they deserve it.
For any anons not in the know, this game is getting extraordinarily negative reactions in Japan. Not even because the protag is black, but because Ubisoft keeps marketing the game as accurate. That last part is really what bugs them.
>>1001087 >Seems like Ubisoft is sticking to their lies Of course they are. Until someone slaps the propagandists/ubishit execs hard enough, this is going to be their default move. They are not going to change willingly. >>1001090 >this game is getting extraordinarily negative reactions in Japan Good. The more fags who get their eyes opened to how cancerous progressive devs are the better off everything will be.
>>1001090 Reminds me of Battlefield 1 and V Normalfags are so fucking retarded.
>>1001087 Translation: we are another communist propaganda machine.
I remember when one of the diversity hires they brought on to play test came on here and took a huge shit on Ubisoft.
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>>1001087 As someone pointed out in the GG thread, looking at the projects this producer has worked on makes you wonder how he got to be in this important position. https://www.mobygames.com/person/763798/karl-onnee/ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4276106/ Besides another Assassins' Creed game, everything is either a port or something that wasn't very popular. >>1001090 True. It's also important to note that the frustration is not just from small online communities in Japan. People are talking about it across the internet, a bit on television news, and it has even been brought up to Japanese politicians.
>>1001089 Have they made ANY game in the past few years that wasn't a huge disappointment? >Seas of Thieves <Dead >Assassins Creed: Mirage <regarded as mediocre despite being billed as a 'return to the franchise roots™' >Farcry 6 <a somewhat big hit but normalfags hate it >XD <xDDDDD >Star Wars Outlaws <Hasn't released yet but even now noone gives a shit because Space Marines 2 stole all the marketing lmao
>>1001273 Nah, sea of thieves isn't dead, i'll call it "Niche" or something like that
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>>1001274 Fuck me i wasn't referring to Sea of Thieves my bad, Ubi didnt even make that game I was referring to the OTHER pirate game that made me mix up with Sea of Thieves THAT IS HOW FORGETTABLE IT WAS
>>1001273 I think Ubisoft has only existed over the past decade to zucc Canadian tax dollars with bad games.
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>>1001276 its a quadruple A game though anon.
>>1001301 >they were planning a "female-driven" TV adaptation 5 years before the game came out Now that's quadruple A.
>>1001301 Still makes me laugh that the game they thought was worth 70+ dollars is now priced at around $10 when I see it at stores.
>>1001301 >Released february 2024 >reportedly cost $200 million in its decade-long development Its a shame this companies keep afloat
>>1001276 >I was referring to the OTHER pirate game that made me mix up with Sea of Thieves >THAT IS HOW FORGETTABLE IT WAS Wait, there was ANOTHER Game about pirates like Sea Of Thieves? >>1001301 >Skull and bones Holy, i thought that Game was some indie shit akin to "Salt And Sanctuary", or something like that <70 dollarydoos for a live service shit with battlepass a d whatnot Lmao >>1001314 >200m dollarydoos And that fucking game sucks and feels like some indie early access shit
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>>1001308 KikeKriple K
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>>1001314 Blame the Canadian Government for Ubishit not having to deal with the consequences of their flops.
>>1001311 >>1001315 games these days arent even worth a pirate. No way in hell am i wasting my hard drive space and time to download any of this. I shit you not, They would literally have to pay me $70 if they want the privilege of me downloading it.
>>1001319 >>1001314 Actually, it was the Singaporean government that kept Skull & Bones alive for a decade.
>>1001349 https://archive.is/kmoA2 >Ubisoft Singapore (led development on the pirate Skull & Bones and co-developed Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Immortals: Fenyx Rising), was created in 2008 >In exchange for setting up on the island city state and hiring local talent, Singapore’s government would provide the French company with generous subsidies >Years later, Ubisoft soaked up the government subsidies while not paying local junior developers enough to move out of their parents’ homes >In addition to the claims of racial pay disparity, three former developers claimed that senior managers at the studio are paid significantly more than their counterparts overseas at studios like Massive or Ubisoft Montreal
>>1001314 >$200 million >decade-long development Pathetic, they ought to learn from real Game development developers.
>>1001405 Can someone remind me when Scam Citizen was originally supposed to come out?
>>1001410 2 more years
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>>1001087 "“We Are Trying To Create A Game That Is As Authentic As Possible” is some 1984 Minitrue shit.
>>1010607 whats jap nigger population at rn?
>>1010770 Under one half of one percent
>>1010770 >>1010778 several thousand, so probably not even one one-hundredth of a percent
>>1010797 >Brazil It all makes sense now.
>>1010797 In 2030 Japan will be the last refuge untainted by niggers.
>>1010813 Brazilian here, we have some very weird history with japan, go watch a video about it. We actually have the biggest japanese population outside of japan, we have sister cities between the two countries and it's kinda normal do see japanese festivals in those cities.
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>>1010813 >>1010845 >>1010797 Japan is rightful Moortuguese clay t.Alberto Barbosa
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>>1010920 GIBS ME DAT

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>Ubishit got caught botting their latest AssCreed video
>>1014440 God that feels so good When it happens to EA, I will fucking jack off to their quarterly report and drink my body weight in alcohol.
>>1014440 >name + number in username is a bot indicator >Youtube a number to my account in the past <tfw you're a bot
>>1014440 Now the balding retard believes botting is real! But Asmonmald! Maybe these bots were from a third party! You fucking idiot.
>>1014445 Go away Ubisoft intern
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>>1010821 There's many foreigners that live in Japan already. The fuck you on about?
>>1014452 >>1014453 >Ignorant reactionary retards living under a rock forgot or didn't know their flipflopping favorite e-celeb dismissed a data analyst evidence of mass botting pushes during marketing campaigns >If I recall correctly, he said, “I wish this guy would stop doing this,” then called me stupid and tried to disprove me by looking at comments on his YouTube videos, as if that were equivalent. I was publicly dismissed without any research being done on the matter. https://archive.is/ILCyS You retards need to suck his dick harder.
>>1014478 What does Asmongoloid have to do with them botting? He just reacts to shit that already is out in the open, no shit he's a flip-flopping retard, how does that change the betting situation?
>>1014479 Botting*
>>1014479 >Botting is only real if an e-celeb degenerate who lost all his teeth and lives worse than NEET anons says it's real! >But what does a hypocritical react streamer retard who once said there was no evidence of botting and is now doing a 180, with his 1000% verified evidence! Gee, pointing out hypocrisy by a balding faggot clout-chaser who quickly dismissed evidence of botting really brings out e-celeb dicksuckers out here. But let's use his words back against him. >Can you confirm these bots were used and paid by Ubisoft instead of a third party? >This is stupid, you should quit doing this man. >Yeah, skipping these graphs. Credible e-celeb, guys.
>>1014481 I think you're just an autist who cares too much about this faggot existing. Nothing in what I said could be interpreted as Asmongoloid dicksucking and in fact agrees with your point and acknowledges his stupidity. Maybe you should take some time away from the keyboard and realize this isn't the e-celeb thread.
>>1014481 They aren't dick sucking as much as asking why you take him seriously in the first place and why you take such umbrage at him being inconsistent.
>>1014481 yeah that's cool and all, but do you think AC: shadows will be a pile of shit when it comes out?
>>1014484 >do you think AC: shadows will be a pile of shit when it comes out? The real question's will it be a pile of shit or a mountain of shit?
>>1014558 a mountainous pile of shit
>>1014559 Jurassic Park was cool but Hollywood milked it dry until it contracted sequelitis.
>ask about historical accuracy >answer is about paying respect to indigenous culture It's like being back at university.
>>1014559 It's literally a giant pile of shit.
>>1014481 The point was that ubisoft was botting, nobody gives a shit about the disgusting ginger nigger or his e-celeb drama.
Something is going on. Ubisoy cancelled all AC:S previews: https://x.com/_Tom_Henderson_/status/1838622294278623300 They also cancelled their appearance at Tokyo Game Show 2024: https://x.com/UBISOFT_JAPAN/status/1838504341289783532 I don't know what they are trying to do, but they drove themselves into a corner, because if they delay the game and change the protagonist they'll get crucified by the soy press.
>>1018285 Probably more gaslighting the Japs into hating the game less. Changing the protag is not gonna happen because the game is a propaganda piece.
>>1018285 >they'll get crucified by the soy press Maybe if you're referring to MSM outlets if they consider it worth reporting on, but they can just bribe out the gaming press.
>>1018287 I saw a quote from the fucking Verge displayed proudly on the Ship of Harkinian Zelda 64 pc port website if you wanna talk about MSM outlets.
>>1018285 My guess is that they're just lying low after making a nendroid type thing with some broken shrine gate that's supposedly a reference to a gate that was broken by the nuke that hit Nagasaki, and the Japanese are fucking furious with them again.
>>1018285 >Something is going on. Yes. Get woke, go broke.
>>1018293 Who the fuck is going woke though?
>>1018299 Are you questioning luciano's use of "going" or of the premise entirely?
>>1018299 Ubisoft got sjw and retarded.
>>1018526 Ubisoft has been sjw and retarded forever. Rayman Legends was their last good game and Rayman Legends was over 10 years ago.
>>1018560 Rayman Legends was the last game they made that wasn't just a scam for money.
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It's happening.
>>1018698 >Ubisoft is bleeding and needs money >they delay it past the Christmas season to a far more heavily contested February 2025 with lots of releases, of similar and different genres November is mostly just minor games of unrelated genres and budgets while I doubt Ubisoft can even fix anything wrong with the game in 3 months. It feels like they are panicking and unsure what to do, so they do this in hopes the current negative reception will be forgotten in 3 months or that they think of a way to calm the community down while changing little to nothing.
>>1018698 This won't save them the blood is already in the water.
>>1018698 >red background\ >that font My eyes
>>1018698 >just noticed they refunded preorders What the fuck? This is going to hurt them monetarily, some people won't buy it again, it will raise suspicion about the absolute state of the game. Are the pre-orders so bad that Ubisoft is trying to hide it from the investors and that's why they delay the release, so they can say "oh no pre-orders numbers yet dear investors, we refunded them all to show our honesty"? I don't see any other explanation.
>>1018698 I'm so fucking confused, I thought this dogshit was already out and the new AssCreed was the one about the pajeet?
>>1018699 >they do this in hopes the current negative reception will be forgotten in 3 months That's my guess, they want to let the US elections pass and things to calm down and see if everyone forgets by February. Another possibility after seeing the jank in the trailers is that the diversity hires are so incompetent the game is legit broken and they need to outsource to fix it up, like it allegedly happened with Concord.
Oh, I just realized, February is black history month. Could their plan really be that fucking retarded?
>>1018698 Everybody was expecting this, but delaying it into the same year as Ghost of Yotei is not doing the game any favors. Tell me Ubisoft's stock price in an hour.
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>>1018710 Yeah, I'm putting it on intentional sabotage.
>>1018710 I think the most likely is the pre-orders are so pathetic that if the investors saw them and the game released as-is now, they'd get pissed off and spell complete doom and possible end for Ubisoft, so they try to delay that in hopes they find a solution. Refunds make no sense otherwise, if the preorders were satisfactory for Ubisoft they wouldn't have returned them. Every other refund situation of similar magnitude I can think of happened in this situation. >Pharaoh Total War flopped, so CA decreased price, refunded the difference to everyone, cancelled the season pass with its DLCs and made future DLCs free >Concord flopped hard, so to avoid paying for servers and possible repercussions, Sony just refunded everyone Anyway, what I'm certain of right now is that Asscreed Shadows is doing far worse than I thought it'd do, even with all the controversy. It's all pretty damn awesome.
>>1018285 They probably know they cant change it outright so what they might be doing is stretching development and release out as long as they can and then cancel it after no one cares or remembers.
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>>1018698 How much did they invest in this new AC? I want to laugh.
>>1018698 I wish ubishit would just flush already instead of clogging the drain.
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The top replies to the announcement.
>>1018797 >Kangmin Lee Even the gooks are joining in? Wish the kpop fags would voice themselves would be hilarious since their fans on suicide watch "oh my kpop singer hate niggers"
>>1018798 seeing*
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>>1018710 >Could their plan really be that fucking retarded? >Ooga Booga, where da kunoichi at? Yes, their plan is that retarded. There's a good chance they might actually just be pushing it off to the next fiscal year to get some breathing room so that they only have to report one massive company crushing flop to their shareholders. The Black History Month release date is just to assuage the journalists and like 5 [[current year]] customers to get them to shut up - because if they complain or question it's Feb delayed release, that might make them racist.
>>1018698 AHAHAHAHAH FUCK Ubisoft
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Anons Ubikike gave clothes and a sword riddled with the Oda family crest, and this is an issue because the Oda clan is still around. Ubisoft has to ask them express permission to use it, and the retards didn't.
>>1018865 They also modeled and showed off a certain Buddhist religious site being a part of a side quest, one that irl explicitly denies every request to be portrayed in media, which of course ubikike decided to ignore.
Sorry for phone posting but i thought you'd like to know that investors are pissed https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/09/ubisoft-board-orders-internal-investigation-and-review-into-companys-financial-woes Will archive and screenshot when i get home
>>1018771 Enough to fund a sequel to Jack and Jill
>>1018875 Which site?
>>1018885 Cheers anon. Ubisoft Board Orders Internal Investigation and Review into Company's Financial Woes
>>1018698 I find it funny how after the initial wave of initial mistakes with the chinese-style pagoda and the One Piece sword and and stuff, they couldn't just fucking STOP FUCKING UP the random Japanese inconsistencies and at the same time they kept going "NO WE ARE SUPER AUTHENTIC!!!" If they just said "yeah we just want to make a retarted fiction story" they'd have the plausible deniability. But they kept doubling down.
>>1018898 They're fucked anyway. This "investigation" will most likely be conducted by brainrot pozcucks who will try their hardest to deny the poz has anything to do with their troubles. Even if the investigation miraculously pointed to all the parasitic DEI goblins and leftoid dipshits with pronouns in their bio, France's turbocucked laws forbid them from firing nogs and women.
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Leaked internal memo: https://archive.is/IjIoM >we decided to delay Assassin’s Creed Shadows to February 14, 2025. The game is already playable and of high quality, and has all the features the team wanted to integrate into this ambitious experience. This unusual decision at such an advanced stage is motivated by our desire to offer an optimal experience from launch on all platforms and various PC configurations, and to remove the small frictions we typically used to address in post-launch title updates. We will also use the extra time to complement the experience with a few high-impact secondary quests that will bring even more memorable. >Additionally, as a result of listening to player feedback on other topics, our new releases, starting with Assassin’s Creed Shadows, will again be available on Steam on launch day, in addition to being available on first parties’, Epic’s and Ubisoft’s stores. Also, we are currently rethinking our Season Pass model for our upcoming games. For Assassin’s Creed Shadows, all players will have access to the game at the same time, and those who have pre-ordered the game will get the first expansion for free. >Lastly, I’d like to address the recent polarized coverage around our creative choices. We are an entertainment company. As such, our objective is not to endorse any specific agenda.
>>1018996 >We are an entertainment company. As such, our objective is not to endorse any specific agenda. THE FUCKING AUDACITY OF THESE NIGGERS Ubisoft of all places saying this shit is fucking comical and disgusting. Nobody with a brain can see this and not think there wasn't a fucking agenda, unbelievable.
>>1018998 The agenda is that they supposedly want money.
>>1018996 >As such, our objective is not to endorse any specific agenda. Yet that is precisely what you do. Curious!
>>1018996 Holy fucking shit I can't fucking believe how up their own asses they are.
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>>1018996 >We are an entertainment company. As such, our objective is not to endorse any specific agenda. HOLY KEK
>>1018875 This is actually one good thing. Why should this one location be concerned about being visible in media? Sounds like quite a materialistic concern for buddhists.
>>1019015 >Kek That term has been replaced by "wew", you're welcome.
>>1018904 >STOP FUCKING UP the random Japanese inconsistencies and at the same time they kept going "NO WE ARE SUPER AUTHENTIC!!!" Reminds me of devs fucking up the somewhat recent WW2 vidya gaymes. They want to be progressive shitheads and rewrite history while shouting how accurate and respectful their shit is to it. They can't please the history experts/people who care enough to know while still pulling that cancer for the danger hairs and diversity money, but they try anyway. End result is everyone is annoyed and no one is happy. >>1018996 What a load of bs. >>1019010 Yeah unless the leadership is gutted, I don't see ubishit recovering from this downward spiral.
>>1019021 >They can't please the history experts/people who care enough to know while still pulling that cancer for the danger hairs and diversity money It also doesn't help that there are still people around who experienced WWII.
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The soy journos are already butthurt about Guillemot's statement: https://archive.is/rF1xO >The most vocal contingent of Yasuke critics want nothing less than the outright removal of the character from the game, to be replaced with an "authentic" Japanese character. It's absolutely bananas, and anyone who thinks they can make that group happy with this sort of anodyne nonsense simply needs to take a look at the responses to the delay announcement on X to be quickly dissuaded of such notions. >I can't speak from the perspective of a videogame executive but to my mind, that's the approach that works. Ubisoft is never going to satisfy its worst, most bad-faith critics and it shouldn't waste time trying: The effort would be far better spent drawing clear lines on where it stands, even if it's on a point as simple as "racist bullshit will not be tolerated." It's certainly doable: Bethesda Softworks made a point of embracing the anti-Nazi politics in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, saying, "This is what our game is about."
>>1019051 I will smile when AC shadows flops.
>>1019051 Their butthurt wont really help ubisoft's stocks from dying.
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>>1019051 >faggot journo unsubtly comparing Japanese people not wanting their culture and history defiled to nazis
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IT KEEPS HAPPENING https://archive.is/gKRNs >A union has called for staff at Ubisoft’s French operation to strike over a return to office order and pay dispute. >Ubisoft management had imposed a return to office order for three days a week for all employees “without any tangible justification or any consultation with the workers' representatives.” >The STJV said the return to work order was announced following the collapse of profit-sharing negotiations between Ubisoft France management and staff. >A first strike has been called for October 15 to 17. Ubisoft declined to comment when contacted by IGN. >The STJV has made a number of demands, including a formal agreement on remote work, the restoration of profit sharing at 60%, the end of an alleged gender pay gap, and a higher increase in low salaries.
>>1019069 Ubikike could make do by firing their diversity lackeys and hiring pajeets.
>>1019051 >Ubisoft is never going to satisfy its worst, most bad-faith critics and it shouldn't waste time trying Are they talking about themselves? They are the ones are never happy.
>>1019069 Oh yeah, if they don't want to pay workers suffrage money for being diversity twats since that's a thing they do in France they can just shut down their French branch if it gets too dicey.
>>1019069 Isn't this a literal numbers exercise to see who complains and fire them over the slightest shit?
>>1019069 I really hope it just keeps getting worse for them. They deserve it for what they've been pulling.
>>1019069 >"workers are important!" LOL! AI and machines will replace you all.
>>1018996 Hmm...that's not the Ubisoft I know, let's edit some lines in that piece >Lastly, I’d like to address the recent polarized coverage around our creative choices. We are an entertainment company. As such, our objective is to endorse any specific agenda. Our mission has never been to entertain players and enrich their lives with original and memorable experiences, that will not resonate with a global audience. There we go! That's the Ubisoft I know, right on par with "People should be comfortable in not owning their games"
Is there a complies graphic of all of the fuckups Ubisoft has made with Ass Cum: Gayjin Nigga Edition yet?
>>1019189 I don't think people pretending to work with WaH are important in the first place to even bother replacing them with bots when they already overhired like other companies have.
>>1018996 Do they think we are stupid or something? Like does he just think anyone will believe this? Is he retarded?
>>1019054 The ASsassin's Creed series is Ubisoft's best-selling franchise. The worst-selling game in that franchise is Revelations which sold 7 million copies. I don't think it will flop, though I want it to flop.
>>1019204 If it's real he's probably just making fun of employees at best.
>>1018996 They know sales will be more limited if they only sold on uplay. Seems that the delay is to make sure it's also available on steam. I hope I can see the game page soon there so I can put ignore on it
>>1019069 >we've literally been working from home for ALMOST FIVE YEARS due to "Covid" and now we're going to strike because how DARE you make us go back to actual work Kill all communists.
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https://x.com/stjv_fr/ https://www.stjv.fr/en/2024/09/call-for-strike-for-all-french-ubisoft-entities-on-october-15-16-and-17-2024/ I wouldn't be surprised if the union was a plant given how companies how but I still want to laugh.
>>1019224 Frankly, I do think going to the office is very stupid in a lot of industries. This may be one of them. Honestly, do you think any of these employees would produce better work if they were in the office? I don't. If I were working there, I would fucking dread going to the office, because it would mean that I would have to go back to working in person with a bunch of SJW faggots. It was also shown that working online decreased bias against the workers/students. Of course SJWs cite this as if they're heroes, but they're the ones doing the bias. If you're a man working in person at that Ubisoft office, I'm gonna bet right now that you're gonna have a higher chance of getting let go relative to female employees than if you were working online. They see man (especially white man), they don't like him. They don't see man, they might not remember that they hate him.
>>1019246 Working online removing bias makes sense. I heard Kennedy won the debate against Nixon if you watched on TV but Nixon won if you heard on radio.
>>1019258 Happens all the time. You know how they say girls get better grades, especially in language and arts courses? Much of that advantage disappeared a few years ago when schools went online. Things stayed pretty much the same in math and science courses, though, because they're more objective, so feminist teachers will have a harder time giving girls better grades just because. Of course the language and arts teachers knew which students were girls even online, but without seeing them, they don't get the same dopamine hit from being around them. Plus, I'm sure in-person they do build up feelings about particular students, but the feelings they build are biased. It's okay when the girls are talking but not when the boys are talking, so the boys are bad students, so when they go to grade the boys' work, they get lower marks. Online, they might still dislike boys in general, but they don't have any particular feelings about Steve and Dave or whatever. So yeah, if a job can be done online, I'd much rather do it online. If you really have concern that your employees aren't doing their work just because you can't bust into their office at any moment, then fucking fire them. But you can't, because the HR department is already filled with feminists, so they'll only let you fire the productive people, because when you go and show them the names of the unproductive people, they'll call you racist and sexist.
>>1019274 That's a roundabout way to say that women are manipulative aggressive niggers in any management position. Management can fire any of these people whenever they want, they choose not to to look good for financial credit.
>>1019282 Well yeah, that too. Women should never have entered the male workforce. However, tradcons are also just simps, slaving away while their wives live in relative luxury. Women should be property, but the problem is that too many men are just natural born simps, and instead of putting the women to work (work that they can actually handle responsible, AKA not management), they just let them sit around and consume resources.
>>1019288 I don't get how that has anything to do with choosing to work for companies with bad management while pretending to work in the first place, children are suckered into school by their parents, you choose to work.
>>1019332 Because basically all companies have bad management now, and that includes government, who essentially mandate that all other companies have bad management.
>>1019246 I do not understand why companies are so hell-bent on keeping people coming to office buildings that the companies have to pay to lease when they have a perfectly practical excuse to cut a massive chunk out of their overhead. Do they really need to have managers walking behind our cubicles so damn much? Maybe that's it--it's managers driving company policy, and they do not want to let it become too obvious that they are in effect complete wastes of space that their companies would be better off without.
>>1019353 Your theory is pretty reasonable. I'd argue that's a lot of it. An additional but related factor is that those managers are probably largely women, the type that go to work to socialize more than work. They get lonely at home, without their friends and "work-husbands" and other disgusting concepts.
>>1019355 >work-husbands Also known as affairs
>>1018996 >As such, our objective is not to endorse any specific agenda.
>>1019353 Back when I used to spend 8 hours a day staring at a keyboard in a soulless corpoblocks drone chamber, the manager Mr. Shekelberg would get visible erections from walking around looking at people's monitors.
>>1019355 Exactly that. Women managing business ruins business, as women only care about socialization and validation. And one extra problem, besides the ones you mentioned: women can't fake their performance when everything is done online. They can't sex appeal to retarded directors and CEOs. A man doing a great job online can't be denied rewards nor can he be falsely accused by a woman of being a man she doesn't like (aka, "sex pest"), nor can she manipulate others to fire him for outperforming her. By not being physically present nor visible, only results can be shown. And thus, only results matter 9as it should always be). Taking away all in-person work ensures a better result for Men, and for the company. Only women get ruined by that, as they are the incompetent, liars, and useless liabilities that can't do anything right, and only fake their results through manipulating weak men when they are present.
>>1019382 I believe it!
>>1019443 Both men and women fake their 'performance' online with their fake wah jobs, it's even easier for them really, that's just from casually looking at 'people' shitposting online.
>>1019566 Only women try to fake their performance. And are easily caught. As for online, the numbers show otherwise. The jobs get done better, faster, and people can actually enjoy their lives in peace. Unless they are women, who can't enjoy anything.
>>1019671 What numbers?
>>1019842 Stop replying to the literal paid shill.
>>1019897 >Paid shill is someone who attacks the company Retard. >>1019842 All statistical numbers (and go look yourself, as it is a click away in any search engine) regarding improvement in quality of life for anyone who stopped going to the office and started working rom home. Not to mention the statistics in better productivity and, guess what? A lower rating of false sexual harassment accusations. It turns out that taking women out of companies actually improve everything for everyone, except women.
>>1019937 >What numbers? <All statistical numbers Retard.

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