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Video Game Music Thread Anonymous 01/31/2021 (Sun) 10:54:25 Id: d57bb2 No. 224272
Post your favorite videogame music.
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Been playing XC1DE lately, and Guar Plain still fucking rocks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDJtsfR51To Another tune I like that doesn't get enough love is the overworld theme from Spirit Tracks. Game was a bit shit, but the tune is great and it really feels like a train ride with the rhythm and percussion, and often when I'm humming Guar Plains I'll verge into this tune too as they're quite similar in some way I'm not musically knowledgeable enough to quantify. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W_bFLwB0WY
>>224274 >>224278 >direct JewTube links Why do so many fucking retards on this board do this shit? You don't even have to know a specific instance, just replace it with "invidio.us"; are you faggots just that goddamn lazy or are you just ignorant about the redirect function? >>224272 Persona 4 is an eternal favorite of mine, even the town tracks have been growing on me lately: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=P3ue1JPFXEU https://yewtu.be/watch?v=d-x3ojOGWa8 The reincarnation OST is damn good, too: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=EDr_krEQNrU
Someone post the DMC HR/HM album, I'm on the shitter
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https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=5y1lp540t_c - Phantom Express, probably my favorite overall https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=hBhdFzrLysg - Captain Brineybeard https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=ShRtTavUDi8 - Beppi the Clown
yewtu.be/watch?v=jIiBs6Iso_U yewtu.be/watch?v=pRPz-uG-qXM yewtu.be/watch?v=5w6X1qRTRR4 yewtu.be/watch?v=p4yAtw0nPEI yewtu.be/watch?v=zqkK2ggmWYg Here's some actually good music
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>>224368 These are always my favorite topics, I could post hundreds of themes here. >Last Bronx https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=wIgqud4v-28 - Naked Airport, Yusaku's theme https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=313_xwPOI-Q - Redeye, final boss >Etrian Odyssey Untold https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=PAXH6TxMhrs - Ren and Tiatchga >Hitman Silent Assassin https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=O6acABgmkcI - Desert Sun
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Yakuza: Like A Dragon's sound track is an absolute fucking banger along with the rest of the game. It's part of the reason why its my surprise GOTY of 2020. I really did not expect it to be that good holy shit. I did kinda fuck up by only playing Kiwami 1 and then skipping straight to LaD though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C73GJ_Hffs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufFXeZvQUvA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJqW3CV27Mw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbAcIqZNbCM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV1lOo-T15I
>>224404 I only played 0 and skipped to 7
>>224404 I'd like to play it eventually once it's done with Denuvo, but the remix on Receive you was pretty cool. I can definitely see this being a boss theme if you ever fight kiryu in that game.
>>224404 You're missing out. Yakuza 3, Kiwami 2, and 0 have good soundtracks. The rest of the games have good OSTs as well but those in particular IMO are the best.
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Silent Hill 2 - Promise (Reprise) - 18 String Harp Guitar https://yewtu.be/watch?v=J8v9iMYLDyw Wolfenstein: The New Order (Soundtrack)- Wilbert Eckart & Volksmusik Stars - House of the Rising Sun https://yewtu.be/watch?v=x_artPecEaM Wasteland 3 Soundtrack - Blood of the Lamb https://yewtu.be/watch?v=mAZ6QJnlIy4 GTA: Vice city - Background music upon logo presentation https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1zABYZN5jO8 Need for speed Underground 2 (Snoop dogg feat. the doors - Riders on the Storm) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=DVuFQ26QtUA Take Me Home, Country Roads | Fallout 76 (Original Trailer Soundtrack) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FRPeYP6gS-s Minecraft2027 - Enderdragon background music https://yewtu.be/watch?v=I5p9zpAR6-Y Gran Turismo 4 - Moon over the castle https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_BDasfJ9dk8 Gran Turismo 5 version https://yewtu.be/watch?v=nmcuZ1A8eso Rdr2 Finale - May i stand unshaken https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qIHKfUVXH2Y Rdr 2- Arthur's last ride - Daniel Lanois ~ That's The Way It Is https://yewtu.be/watch?v=hFHthsmwCZU
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Why do every vidya music thread just devolves into a music dump thread? Never even just mp3s but fucking youtube links to god knows where. I like music, i like listening to music, I like talking about music. I just don't like browsing through ton of them like a porn dump thread, because I can look at tits and move on to next, but music requires time given to it.
>>225106 lead by example, torfag
>>225106 No effort retards
>>225106 >Post your favorite videogame music.
>>225106 >work at bakery >sell various goods like muffins, bread, etc >some autist comes in and complains people are just buying food and leaving >he needs time to savor everything >customers look visibly uncomfortable or annoyed >desperately try to call him down and ask where his parents are
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>>226390 <anyone who tells me not to link to JewTube is a newfag >mfw
>>224274 I just recently beat XC:DE myself, and goddamn, I fucking love it. Admittedly, I had already beaten it on Dolphin, but the upgraded visuals and QoL make it worth it for me. Even the extra story stuff was nice. Not a hell of a lot to it, but it's like a nice dessert after an amazing meal.
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Gotta farm that motherfucking rice.
And then there's always my Nigganuma, Hideki. And Richard Jacques too.
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And then we have a relatively recent entry, Ghostrunner. Although it's a little generic at times, it really puts you in that zen ninja focus while you retry 50 times.
>>224393 How'd you get the cover art to work? I tried adding it using some suggested ffmpeg command lines but it doesn't seem to work.
>>226604 Just put album art in the mp3 tag
>>226604 i use kid3
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>>226604 If you have mp3tag, you can use it to add album art to music, pic related.
>>226615 >>226617 My command line looks like this: newfile=$(basename "$filename" .mp4) ffmpeg -i "$filename" -i cover.jpg -map 0:a -c copy -map 1 -c copy -id3v2_version 3 -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" "mp3/$newfile.mp3" Where $filename is an .mp4 video and $newfile is just that same filename except with .mp3 as the extension. I'm a programmer so I like to write ffmpeg scripts but this particular feature seems really stubborn. I keep getting this: [mp3 @ 0x562d54322140] Invalid audio stream. Exactly one MP3 audio stream is required. Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument I've tried changing the mapping indecies around a bit, but nothing. There's only one fucking audio stream in the entire input so I have no idea how this could be confusing to ffmpeg.
>>226625 Nevermind, I'm a retard who tries to put AAC audio in MP3 containers.
>>226632 >Open it in Rhythmbox >It doesn't recognize the fucking album art for no discernable reason >Every other media player I have does Well time to find a new music player I guess.
>>226604 mp3tag on Windows (works in wine too) or kid3 on Linux
>>226633 i recommend cmus, it doesnt have album art viewer but if you use terminal often its pretty good and light weight
>>227294 tried it once and couldn't get myself to remember the combos
>>226906 The problem was that my player is shit and wasn't showing the cover art, I was actually doing it correct except for my unrelated retardation about codecs. >>227294 Ironically a music player is one of the few things I would want a GUI for.
>>227404 I don't use Linux yet and the music player I use doesn't have a Linux release (that I know of, it's foobar2000), but this small list of music players should help you start looking for something: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/List_of_recommended_GNU/Linux_software#Music_players
>>227410 Sam and Max S1&S2 had such a good jazz soundtrack. Makes me shudder in fear, dread, and phobic apprehension how badly they've been treated recently. Fucking sjw kikes
>>227472 some tracks were just annoying for me. but a lot of them were fantastic
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I really want to play it.
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Does anyone know a good site to download actual cd rips? Galbadia hotel was so fucking good and it closed. There were so many flac rips of old or rare ost's that will now be lost forever. Fucking christ. https://youtu.be/JBv_fo_rtWk https://youtu.be/wRAbUE1wSg4 https://youtu.be/3XaDUR8SIgc https://youtu.be/e_BVEzGOFG4 https://youtu.be/005EsCcW9bs https://youtu.be/nRBhcErTu-E https://youtu.be/ACFF-BDFKDA https://youtu.be/2UByKEr12R4 https://youtu.be/knx3d7lvzOg
>>237395 nyaa.si has lots of rare stuff but people rarely ever seed them.
>>232761 Damn this is amazing, got any idea where to start with the series?
>>237698 Play EO3 for the NDS and see if you like it.
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>>237397 That's the thing. I have torrents seeded well above 20:1 and at most there are 2 seeds besides me. People are really cunty when it comes to seeding shit. https://youtu.be/km46cCFC7pk https://youtu.be/nd8rBt0OUQQ https://youtu.be/GCVU38Tpq8I https://youtu.be/rwdUSx8UyJs https://youtu.be/lfOIfH8CuxA https://youtu.be/xFIAb2X-YAc https://youtu.be/q6drLCHkobw
>>237395 >>237743 >>232761 >>232699 Please stop posting kiketube links like a bunch of crack smoking niggers. There are alternatives..
>>238055 >inb4 kvetching about replacing a new lines in a link
>>238092 >NO ITS NOT MY JOB TO FORMAT MY POSTS >>>/reddit/
>>224284 >nothing but jewtube links I guess this thread must've been invaded by cuckchanners or something
Since Monster World 4 is getting a remake. Here are a couple tunes from the original game.
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I seriously listen to this like once a day.SSH is God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrEHyYlJjVA
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>>241706 I miss the days when news of a remake made me excited instead of filling me with dread.
Is it just me or does 8chan have good taste in music? On other imageboards the music threads suck.
>>242993 Gatekeep our hobbies
11 years and still need to conquer Hell Temple.
>>224393 I heard you like weight of the world? >>226624 all thse persona songs and not a single one posted Shame
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>>224402 Big Foot.mp3 is my favorite muzyk
I really liked PW's ost.
Bluebird of Happiness is an rpgmaker game Chris Geehan etc did the Iji soundtrack Live-a-Live is a Squaresoft game that never made it to the States Nexus is a Korean MMO Psycho Soldier is an SNK game from the '80s
I think Moving On from Disgaea 5 has an overly high quality production for the game it's in, which is a fun low budget sprite grinding RPG type stuff if you don't know about it. It's the hub theme so you'll hear it a lot. The sheer amount of odd harmonies and melodies going on in the back of the music really shouldn't go together but it works. I feel like this was composed from the heart. Given it's about grief and loss of a loved one, I hope whoever wrote it did move on. Disgaea 5 also had noticeably less comedy, even in it's animations, the quirks are still there but the premise is darker. I wonder what happened?
>>250779 >Bluebird of Happiness >female dev + weeb wop Is it good?
Pretty good soundtracks, here are some of my favorite.
Videogames used to be so moody, I miss it.
>dig up quality tune from childhood >find out someone did a fucking boss rendition of it Such joys are rare but excellent.
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>>267530 Good shit

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>>289342 Stompy robot music you say?
wish i could find extended loops of the Fear & Hunger OST
Anyone know of music that sounds similar to these? Apologize for not making them into webms https://yewtu.be/watch?v=AKrnsK2_aEM https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qd-dKGaBkpQ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lCQ15DpcILo https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ecRkTYs46q0 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FY1ZXTOXnQE https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Td8Xz9mnYyw >>291222 >granado espada Game has surprisingly good music despite being a Korean MMO
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>>289342 >You will never get 80s SciFi inspired tabletop based video games with gritty detailed worbuilding ever again >Just capeshit and Michael Bay Military FPS cancer It hurts
>>291937 Try Secret of Mana / Etrian Odyssey.
>>237388 Patience, anon. We will play it before long.
What are some games that use classic drum and bass in their soundtrack?
>>243446 >Les Rallizes Denudes Good taste anon
>>326275 GTA 3 and LCS have an entire radio station filled with Moving Shadow tracks.
>>342194 >an entire radio station filled with Moving Shadow Holy fuck, I had no idea that Rockstar had such good taste back in the day. Looking it up I'm seeing names like Omni Trio, Aquasky, and Deep Blue. It's a big shame a lot of the songs are the harsher side jungle instead of atmospheric. >>342385 There isn't a single piece of bad music in RRT4. >>345723 I had no idea there was a Sonny 2017. Is it any good anons?
Heres SMTV battle theme too (scuffed) it sounds pretty good for the most part except for the chanting section. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=cbaTdwh3wVM
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>>346580 >Is it any good anons? No. It is a low-effort mobile game. Usually you would assume a game being cancelled and then being made again would result in something that would at least be better, but that is not the case here. >art style is incredibly cartoonish >cutscenes replaced with comic book style frames, dialogue is largely just text boxes >no animations, your character simply has his image slammed into the enemy's image for melee attacks while ranged attacks are just a glowing projectile >armour and weaponry is just a slot, you don't actually see any of it on characters >some audio dialogue remains in Sonny 2017 but it is very sparse and even in the places it is, it is not consistent with the actual text >can't control the AI of allies >action wheel can only have one iteration of each skill >skills need to go on the action wheel to have effect >passive tree is less of a singular tree and more of a set of multiple skill groups sorted by specialisation type >less emphasis on buffing yourself >abilities don't cost focus but your focus can be damaged to slow down the rate at which you do attacks, works effectively like second speed stat >you don't get attribute points for levelling up >damage type piercing is no more >classes are just you picking a damage type specialisation, these damage specialisations have their own appearance but you don't get to see it in battle either >mutations are buffs you can get in a battle that last only for that battle, which are simply a bunch of perks that are completely randomly picked from a mutation pool and as such you rely on RNG to give you good ones >Veradux retconned into being a human rather than a zombie >Baron Brixius is a miniboss and is no longer a highly homosexual cult leader, instead he simply created zombies as the unfortunate result of trying to bring back his waifu from the dead >phone version is free but with ads, PC version is paid
>>347686 >skills need to go on the action wheel to have effect Passive skills that is. You actually need your passive skills occupy a slot for them to do anything.
The new Nier Replicant tracks are pretty good
Metroid Prime has some pretty cool tracks.
>>365456 triple pickups are a myth
robocop gb soundtrack
>meanwhile at Ankha's house,...
There's a strange line in Xenogears's OST Knight of Fire at 0:44 where it said: >Total sentence imposes is ten years in the state prison. This line came from a judge who was declaring Christian Brando guilty of manslaughter. I'll have the link down below that explains the full details. But what I find it so weird is that why did Yasunori Mitsuda included that line into his music, its seems pretty off to me. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=C98FekziprI
Some of the music from Faraway Story
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in lamentation of Marty losing more than $100,00 to nu-Bungie in a scathing lawsuit, I am bumping with his sublime music for gaylo
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>>418537 >bosted the same song in different webms 3 times fug
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(3.19 MB 604x484 The Brink of Time.mp4)

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From Random Dungeon or CGDCT in dungeons the game. >>412037 >4th song >also used in this game I swear there isn't a single RPGM game that doesn't use Rengoku for at least 2 or 3 of their songs.
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>>504539 Payday 2 might be a mess of bad game design choices and terrible monetization, but god if its music isn't great.
>>504631 Damn right, don't know how in the fuck Payday 3 is gonna go without Simon Viklund doing the music, some of the more recent stuff like Dirt and Dust is okay, but...
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>>504631 >>504539 >No Fusebox >No Breach of Security Shit taste
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>>514121 Only listened to a literal second or two of the first track because I keep hearing great things about DT2, but I did not expect the music to be that good, goddamn I'll have to play it sooner than I first planned
Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins >>514207 Funnily enough, discovering the soundtrack from a huge music dump, I downloaded from an old share thread pre 8kunt, was what made me check out DT2. PC port never ever.
>>514207 >>515459 2-2's OST is just as good. Darkness Maiden, the theme for fights against the girls from the previous game, has this 90's anime vibe that I love.
I demand more jungle! (And /mu/ is dead)
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>>527681 pso > pso2
This is from the Ultimate Card Games on the GBA, great stuff.
Have any of you anons tried making your own music, vidya or otherwise?
>>528353 I always tried out working with some DAWs, but I find myself always fighting against them and just dropping them fairly quickly. Which sucks because I can write sheet music and I have some ideas. I guess I'm a quitter
>>528356 What kind of music have you tried to make? Have you got any tracks rendered; complete or incomplete?
>>528357 >What kind of music have you tried to make? I can't say I tried to do anything other than try to understand how the DAWs worked. >Have you got any tracks rendered; complete or incomplete? Not really, the most I ever did was try to make something based off Yume Nikki but I never rendered it I also got a little bit freaked out because apparently samples can have a copyright fingerprint in it, so if I were to make some music with them, use it in a game, and then get into a lawsuit I wouldn't imagine the kind of stuff I'd have to meddle with
>>528366 While learning a DAW is a pain, it's worth it if you stick it out. It took me a long time to learn how FL Studio worked. It was made a lot easier to learn when I had a shit load of sample libraries downloaded. I found once I got used to arranging samples, I could more easily use VSTs to make melodies. As for getting sued, nobody really seems to care about how the Amen Brother by The Winstons is probably the most sampled break in the world. I suppose if you really are concerned, make sure you chop up or add lots of effects to any samples you use.
>>224284 No one gives a shit. Either you care and will do it yourself or you don't care and will click it. Either way, no one is under any obligation to appease your autistic retardation.
>>226640 Ah, you may love or hate this, then, depending on your tastes.
>>528775 >>528787 >responding to a year old post He died of rectum rupture, man, let it go.
>>529403 >he hasn't been in the thread for an entire year
Any games with some nice disco? I've been obsessed with these two songs for a long time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ro-iu501m0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqxVMLVe62U
>>529460 The obvious suggestion is Yakuza 0, where there's a disco minigame, as well as a sub mission where you have a dance battle with Michael Jackson
>>529460 Hope you like vehicular combat
>>529460 Youtube is for niggers.
Got to share one of the best tracks in music ever, so damn catchy. The game is epic as well.
(10.15 MB 16. Echo.flac)

(19.54 MB 19. Comona.flac)

The whole Ace Combat series has some of the best music I've heard in vidya.
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(10.82 MB 17. Result.flac)

(10.00 MB 22. Result.flac)

(15.60 MB 02. Hangar.flac)

(10.18 MB 640x360 Dukebine.webm)

>>534860 >Middle Fuck yeah
(9.00 MB 640x360 Crazy Taxi All I Want.mp4)

I want to go back
>>537777 hey normalfag, u stole digits from the gamergate thread
>>537777 You won 8chan's award of memetic opportunity.
>>537786 That's right. Now we're all contractually entitled to be able to go back. Please.
>>537789 where?
>>537777 My cousin and i used to play the fuck out of crazy taxi, now hes a huge faggot (literally) and stopped talking to me, so yeah id liek to go back too.
>>537777 First guy on the left looks like Roronoa Zoro.
>>537791 Better times
>>537796 deep...
>>537799 It's not deep at all

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>>537791 To the past.
>>537803 how so?
>>537777 nice done
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>>537788 I would like to stick my penis in those two horses.
>>537793 damn anon, sorry to hear that. anyway whats his number? I'd like to smash that tight bussy
>>537839 If bussy is involved let's team up.
I liked some of the stuff from Black Souls 2, though it's hard to tell what's RPGmaker stock music that I've just never seen elsewhere, and what's custom for the game. I have hope it's mostly custom from the filenames being mostly Japanese. What is custom is likely mostly remixes of other things though. One of the various final boss themes is blatantly Hatsune Miku music. Among my favorites are Dodo's theme, the Duchess' theme, and the title music. I especially like Dodo's as it's a medley of various classical songs. I've also included the mad clock tower music and mental ward music.
From the game Mindseize.
>Saving music wew lad
>>548659 It came with the game!
>>563347 Youtube gives audio files in MP4 container but DASH format which is rejected by most software. You should send it through ffmpeg with stream copy and name it ".m4a".
This guy's style probably attracts all the hipster faggots there are but fuck me if it doesn't sound great. >surfin' gba! (pokemon surf album) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RrNxDtx_02c >DODONGO (zelda album in ratatat style) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BXwNWS_9ZTI
This is my jam
Here are several tracks from games you might not have heard of
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>>224272 When it comes to videogames OST I have some favourites like Kingdom Hearts, Deltarune, Final Fantasy VII. But if I have to pick one I stand with Final Fantasy VI, that game isn't perfect only in terms of gameplay and story, the OST is also 10/10.
>>617134 you postin RPG Maker games? Which ones are good? I feel like 99.99% of the ones I've tried are shit

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>>617179 Most are but I still go through a lot mostly for their custom made and stolen music. Though it's really more entry point, I'd say Seraphic Blue Director's Cut. Super long though and the random encounters could make it a real slog at times. Ruina-Fairy Tale Of The Forgotten Ruins, really more for its uniqueness, especially it's TTRPG setup and how the lore, rather than just being flavored text, greatly impacts the gameplay. But is also a point-and-click so maybe not for everyone. I also found One-Way-Heroics and Evil Lord Girl Elly to be rather fun. Then there's those weird Towelket, Deep Sea Prisoner and Segawa series. Guess Corpse Party counts as RPG Maker too, well really more so OG CP. Lastly, I've been seeing a lot of anons here recommend playing OFF, Seventh Stand User, Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, BLACK SOULS, Hylics, Uncommon Time, if you really hate yourself.
>still using MP3 in 2022
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>>617179 Well I mostly use it for some porn games that cater to my fetishes, but if you want something good that is not pornographic, then I highly recommend Your Turn To Die. If you somewhat enjoyed Danganronpa, then you will love this, since it takes some of the elements from the game, but it's much better written and has a much more believable cast than the first one, even though it still has it's list of wacky anime characters. >What is this game even about? Well like Danganronpa and other Battle Royale inspired game(I am referring to the original jap book), it's about a group of people trapped in a game, and at certain points in the game, they have to vote for someone to be killed. If they don't participate in the vote then they also die, so you are kinda forced to vote for someone. Now to keep things interesting, all the players get a secret role at the start of each round, one is Key Master, which if voted for by the majority, will get everyone killed, so you shouldn't vote for him, on is the Sage who knows who the KeyMaster is, problem is if everyone knows that you are the Sage, then they might just vote for you, as you are the safest option, Peasant, who has no special abilities, and one more person is Sacrifice, who will die at the end of the round, unless everyone votes for him, in which case he and a partner of his choosing can leave the game, while everyone else gets killed, he also gets two votes so you can't have a case in which everyone votes for himself to make a tie-breaker. This means that at the end of each round, at least two people will die, the Sacrifice and the one most people voted for, and that unlike Danganronpa, you are directly responsible for the people who die, since you voted for them. It also means, that even though you might have an asshole in the group, you are afraid of voting for him, because maybe he has the Sacrifice, and he acted like one, just to get everyone to vote for him. Also, while you would never vote for Key Master, anyone can claim to be the Key Master, so who can you trust? The Sage knows, but again, people might just vote for you just to be on the safe side. Besides the main game, there are other events that are designed to thin out the herd and make everyone distrust each other, plus the characters are constantly looking for a way out of the game. >What the fuck is with this artstyle? Well the game is done by just one dude, so not everything is great. I admit, it does take some time getting used to it, but the art does improve significantly in Chapter 2 and especially in Chapter 3. The third chapter even having animations. >What is the gameplay like, does it have RPG combat? The game is in first person view, and it plays like a point and click adventure game, in which you use the mouse to select objects in the environment, go from one room to another, and drag and drop items from your inventory onto objects, to solve some easy puzzles(no Sierra tier bullshit). Whenever there is something that can get you killed, the game allows you to save beforehand, just to be sure, but you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a place with no way of getting out, it's not that type of game. You also have a conversation/debate system when everybody is discussing something, like how to get out of a room or who they should vote for, and it works a bit like Ace Attorney, in which you press people for more details, and you can either present items to contradict those ideas, or you can select two people with different viewpoints to debate each other, and arrive at the conclusion, example: one says the box is green, another says the box was purple, you make them argue, and realize the box was pained green on one side and purple on the other. The game has no RPG combat, though it does introduce a type of fighting system in Chapter 3, using the conversation system, and with the exception of some stock sound effects, and the main menu, you will never realize that it was made in RPG Maker, as it does not play, nor feel like a game made in that engine. >Then why use the RPG Maker Engine? I don't know, I guess it's what the jap knew as an engine, Chapter 2 is all about him flexing his RPG Maker skills, as you have all sorts of minigames that are in real time. >So what's even good about this game It's mostly the story, the characters, the keikaus they pull, and the tense atmosphere that the game manages to have, without being a horror game, though it does have a few scary moments as well. >Where can I get the game? Well you can get the translated game from https://vgperson.com/games/yourturntodie.htm You can either play the Browser version(I don't recommend if you have cookies that are automatically deleted), or download the latest version, in this case Chapter 3 Part 1-B. There is also Your Turn To Shine, which is a separate game, and works best if you played it after completing Chapter 2 of the main game. It's basically Island Mode from Danganronpa 2. >Wait the game is unfinished? The game has been released in parts(think of it as cases in Ace Attorney), nothing has been re-written as far as I know, so you can safely play it now, and not worry about retcons. As it is right now, it's near the end, probably next year we will get the final part of the game, but it still has 20 hours of keikaus and 4D chess moves for you to experience. Even if the dev were to die and the game never released, I would still say it's worth playing it as it is now. >So how bad is translation and how pozzed is the game? From what I heard it's good, there is no censorship. They have a list of all the changes they did https://vgperson.com/posts.php?p=yourturntodienotes , mostly in the name department, since the Japanese names were jokes, and they kinda had to find the equivalent in English, kinda like with the Ace Attorney games. As for pozz, it's no more pozzed than the average jap game, the most egregious thing, being a character who is possibly a female to male trans, but it's not 100% clear, and you can get >him killed in two different ways and probably get a better ending for it. >Anything else I should know about it The game can be dark and a bit edgy at times, but never in bad taste. There is no pink blood like in Danganronpa, and when someone dies, he fucking dies in the most horrible way, and you have to watch. It becomes so bad, that the character gets PTSD in Chapter 2, and that becomes a game mechanic, that is actually well done. So if you are of faint heart, then go play the Sims.
And since this is a music thread, might as well post some of the better tracks in the game. he is no ZUN, and they are made in Garage Studio(a free Apple product, from what I heard), but it does have some nice tunes.
God I love this guy's work. The beats that kick in a minute into Subterra is easily my favorite part of the game and it sucks it's in a fairly short sewer level.
>>646204 Wow that soundtrack came with a free game.
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Almost lost my ipod listening to this earlier. God I miss these days bros. Also >11 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4qqBaDds-0
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Post your favorite Video game music remixes? Here is mine. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PZW2B_oCZq4
>>656702 you again? dubstep i shit faggot deal with it
People shit on Serious Sam 2 back in the day, but I think it was a neat little game. Sure, it's humor sucked ass and it was definitely limiting itself so that console niggers could play it on their xbox, but it definitely had it's highlights and innovations. I loved the music for the game, and the idea of jumping between worlds(which was there all the way from the start, before Croteam had to settle on "egypt world in the first encounter and finishing the rest for second encounter as a borderline expansion pack) in comparison, serious sam 4 music felt soulless, it's just generic hollywood orchestra that doesn't fit the tone of the game at all(maybe siberian mayhem or whatever it was called fixed that, unlikely)
>>224402 Damn these tracks really are timeless.
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Cyriak always deliver even for just a small DOOM WAD
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The game was a let-down, but it had some neat tunes.
>>657932 Okay, what do you think of this dubstep? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=EbUE6e1NxJ4
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>>534860 Always bet on duke.
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BGM from Sky High Chronos Edition. The game isn't that good but the music is really comfy.
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>>760604 more Sky High
Some stuff by royalty-free composer NICE☆GUY also known by NICE♂GAY on Nico Nico.
Pure unadulterated nostalgia.
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Guess I'll contribute
I hope the music in AC6 is just as good. Considering how modern Fromsoft is like it's probably a given but heres hoping none the less.
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>post songs >scroll up and scan the tread afterwards >realize some of the songs I'm uploading already got posted >close the tab before the files load to 100% >my post still gets posted fuck
>>529460 >Any games with some nice disco? Dangun Feveron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4NkR95voEw

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Are remixes OK? This has been a favourite of mine for years.
Demon King Chronicle Also RPGs need more cute, tomboy silent protagonists.
>>811709 >>811710 My nigger
>>782704 I was so happy they put Xandu Next on PC, what a fun game.
>>811892 It really is a fantastic little game, wish it had more content and was a bit less linear though.
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I just posted this in the lounge thread but I may as well repost it here since it's music related If you like the music from the JSR games you may like 2mello's albums that were inspired by JSR, I've listened to these at least a few dozen times to get me through work and study. Memories of Tokyo-to https://yewtu.be/watch?v=OBt8ioYEXBw https://2mellomakes.bandcamp.com/album/memories-of-tokyo-to Sounds of Tokyo-to Future https://yewtu.be/watch?v=upIDgvEJrlg https://2mellomakes.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-tokyo-to-future
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All rise for the Swedish National Anthem
Sonic Adventure 1 has my favorite soundtracks. It's so nostalgic and nice to hear.
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Childhood ps1 games.
flash game music
>>588725 Ever since I saw this image I have dreamed for a rendition of Money for Nothing with Wario Please, whoever can use RVC, fulfill that dream for me
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>>863142 >>863154 tee hee >>862959 Man, Flash games all had this one, very weirdly compressed synth style.
>>802081 >Jump To The Sky You won't believe it but I've been looking for this song for years. Ever since I played the Trump Doom .wad back in 2015 or 2016. I think I still have it lying around somewhere. That track was in the game, though my rose-tinted glasses say it still sounded slightly different, possibly a remix or revamp?
tf2 music
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HEY FAGS I know Silent hill has been run threw the mud without an ounce of the respect the game and its developers deserve but i found this cool thing that you might enjoy https://yewtu.be/watch?v=xpsXD_kCurQ No fag talking to you or any sort of 3 hour long essay.
>>868093 Really fucking neat I saw some breadtuber making a video about the way music was created for Wario Land 4, I love learning about sound sample discs. Any one place where you can download some? Original song: https://inv.pistasjis.net/watch?v=AqwgV1ORl4k
Love this one
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Here's a question that might be different What's some good vidya music from terrible games, would you consider the music that goes into AAA dogshit games to be good? If so, what are some examples?
>>872359 >Good music from terrible games. Tales of Arise immediately comes to mind for me. I hate that game with a fiery passion for being a butchery of the Tales games and a dumpster fire of a game in general, but the OST is some of Motoi Sakuraba's best work, mostly likely due to the fact that the director gave him free reign to do whatever for the music (as he said during an interview), and even some of the shit not done by him (like the first OP) is pretty good. Some of the best songs are the ones for the first five major dungeons because they seamlessly transition from a dungeon ver to a battle version while still being good tracks individually. OST does drop in quality around the same points the story falls off though, which is really funny now that I think of it. Game itself is hot fucking garbage that's a disgrace to the series as a whole though, yet sold so well that it's now the "new direction of the series" according to the guy running things at Namco Tales Studios. Pisses me off really.

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>>872359 Phantasy Star Nova immediately comes to mind. Tri-Ace had a money printer handed to them and used it as skillfully as a chimp would use an electron microscope. The only good thing about the game is the OST, and even then, the handful of very good tracks are held back by the rest of an otherwise mediocre soundtrack. >>872728 Funny you mention Sakuraba. He also happens to be the composer for Nova. It's sad to see a composer like him have to have his name attached to it.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cV9BtuPpW9w Not sure if this counts as video game music but is there an album that has the classic 90s window songs like CANYON.MID, PASSPORT.MID, TOWN.MID?
>>878272 >Phantasy Star Nova >not good *rings triangle* Uh oh, retard alert! Retard alert, class!
Octopath Traveler 2 has a great OST, here's just a few songs from it. I'm real pissed that Square refuses to simply sell the OST through steam or other places and insists on selling it through records and CDs you have to buy directly from their website and that usually don't ship outside of Japan, yet will constant C&D people for uploading the OSTs for their games elsewhere since Square makes them such a pain in the ass to get legitimately. Sorry for the lower quality of these as I ripped these from jewtube.
>>872359 >good vidya music from terrible games I like about half of The Last of Us's music. That's the only redeeming quality of the series. I've never played them.
Emotional farting sounds
Nepheshel A genie girl shonen harem.
>>872359 >What's some good vidya music from terrible games, The new pokemon game is a waste of potential. To, finally at long last, shy away from the outdated, absolutely tedious handholding grindfest slog of a series it has been for decades in favor of a one big safari hunt should have been amazing, but the sheer lack of fucks they gave, and to a lesser extent the hardware used murders it. A shame they don't even want to try anymore, because they know no matter what they do it will coast on name alone, though none of these games will ever come close to what RBY or GS did. >would you consider the music that goes into AAA dogshit games to be good? Depends. In my experience western AAA shit doesn't have good music, often the game will be devoid of ANY music outside of a few ditties and the main menu due to the heavy reliance on multiplayer mode, where music would be more of a distraction than anything. The Japanese on the otherhand are more about single player so it's not unheard of to see good tracks from them.
I have been watching some autist merge all UNO versions into one and he introduced me to the world of UNO games music. Pretty comfy.
>>910078 Is that really the music in a Pokémon game? Damn, someone on the production team cared, at least.
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Have some of the better background music from Laughing Warawau. It's based on the Towelket series so they probably use the same music. Another song I had planned to upload is already in this thread. >>567950
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>>951922 I'm pretty familiar with SMB3, yet had no idea this existed. Cool remixes anon, thanks for the share.
>>951922 Saw that pop up on my feed too, good shit.
>>951922 Some of songs were borrowed for the Newgrounds game: Bullet Bill 2
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>>944292 Once it was finally revealed who her maid was and what "rust" was actually being used as a reference to... Holy shit...
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I miss heavenly chants in vidya

Quick Reply