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Mario Kart Anonymous 07/06/2023 (Thu) 19:11:33 Id: 610882 No. 854418
Making a new thread since Wave 5's release date was just announced and this is a good opportunity to talk about Nintendo's best selling franchise. I'll be honest, considering they're adding new characters this wave, I would be surprised if Captain Falcon doesn't appear as a sort of hook for Wave 6 since they have a few crossover characters with stages, but he's the only character missing considering they have F-Zero stages in the game. I'd be like adding a Pokemon stage but not having Pikachu as a playable character. Oh and I'm also expecting Mario Kart 9 to be a launch title considering the success of each game since the Wii. What are you looking forward to in Wave 6/Mario Kart 9, and will you be playing Wave 5?
This is literally the only game I play now, Ludwig, Roller, Rainbow Glider and some bike with the name "fire" in it.
>>854446 Do you emulate it or play it on raw hardware
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>>854461 I emulate the shit out of it, 2 second loading screens, I mean come on! Shits so cash.
>>854467 amen anon
>>854418 The last Mario Kart I played for any sizable amount of time was Double Dash. I played the one on the switch with my nephews and it didn't seem all that special. Though maybe I am just salty they never brought back the two man kart teams for co op. >I'd be like adding a Pokemon stage but not having Pikachu as a playable character You would always get Pikachu first in that situation. It has what normalfags crave. Electric types.
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I hope MK9 has a whole bunch of new tracks and all the retro cups as unlockables, specifically every cup from MK64 and every battle course map from the SNES and MK64. Not having Block Fort or Double Deck is a completely missed opportunity. On that note, don't fuck up Battle Mode again like MK8Vanilla did. Just do MK8's battle mode with even more features and even more maps. And I don't care for the zero gravity sections so I hope they're removed.
Took 'em 25+ years to finally give Kamek his due, after missing out on MK64 and vanilla MK8's roster; DK stole his spot in 64, and a driver emblem datamined from MK8 shows he almost made it into the base game. There's two remaining character slots that Wave 6 will fill out later this year, so I'd expect at least one returning main-series character (like Diddy Kong) and one who's technically "new" to the main series, but already available in Tour, like Kamek was: >Pauline (has been in Tour since it launched) >Koopa Bros. (Hammer | Fire | Ice | Boomerang) >Monty Mole >Peachette (they got Samantha Kelly to re-record Toadette's lines, but speaking with Peach's voice instead) >Nabbit >King Bob-omb >Dixie Kong >Chargin' Chuck >Poochy (why'd we get Birdo in Wave 4 instead of him?)
>>854643 I would like something like Rocket League with soccer
>>858697 Has Mario Kart had different game modes from racing since like the DS era? The last one I played was Double Dash since everything after just seemed to be an updated version of the previous one without anyrhing really special added.
>>858800 nope, surprised they haven't even made a track editor given how much they loved Mario Maker. another thing I would like is something like Diddy Kong Racing singleplayer with a hubworld that takes you to do missions, also have a garage there for custom karts because why not, somehow Ninty gaslighted their fans into thinking nothing else can be done with Mario Kart so the best you can do is dump more tracks and characters
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=k-ws2ydtAv8 This blue muppet jew is very high off sedatives from some sergury and he says some amusing shit, like the quiet parts out loud, like admitting LA is a shithole around minute 8:00, It's pretty candid. >Los Angeles Laps >"I think it's funny, they do these wonderful, condensed idealized version of real world cities- >-I love that even in Mario Kart they kind struggled to make LA look nice (laughs)" >I mean the people make it cool but the city... >You have the first lap beach which is cool, but then by the third lap you go to the cruddy industrial area, it's just like "oh yeah, let's get out outta here" <All the (people) Mario Kart characters are like "Oh boy let's get back to peaches castle, I don't- I don't like the look of that crowd over there, I don't like how they're looking at our nice shiny karts (laughs) sorry"
>>854418 They finally gave Mario a speedbuff, now he's decent. Imagine being the face of the game's cover just to be everyone's punching bag. >>854632 Specially during the first version of Mario Kart 8, where the characters were only allowed to carry 1 item, fucking cocktease. >>858943 Too bad they won't add hobos as obstacles. SATIRE? HOW DARE YOU!?
>Nintendo have announced that Mario Kart Tour will no longer receive any new content after the Battle Tour, which is scheduled to go live on October 4. All content that is brought to the game following this will be from previous tours. MARIO KART X IMMINENT
>>884413 >Mario Kart Tour No one cares, retard, this thread is for real Mario Kart games.
>>884445 >>884446 You somehow missed the all caps part at the end of the post? He told you the reason he thought this was worth mentioning, and it doesn't have to do with Tour.
>>884501 You're somehow a bigger retarded than he is. Nintendies have been sperging about Mario Kart 10 for over two years.
Hey, Mario Kart 8 experts. What stats am I aiming for when I spec a kart? In the past I usually tried to make stats a bit balanced, but now I try to push up speed and acceleration as evenly as possible, while also trying to keep traction and handling decent. Still, I'm not sure if I'm optimizing things like I should. Do they put tiers on this shit like Smash Bros?
>>884676 It doesn't matter online because you'll get raped if you have a high score than the average guy who recently started the game, the algorithm always reward the retard
>>884543 That has nothing to do with the post you're replying to, or the rest of the conversation.
>>854727 nah, baby wario and baby waluigy will fill those slots
>>854727 They actually gave shit on acknowledging past characters, but only through this cancerous gambling gacha phone app, Mario Kart Tour should be recognized as the: >Play retarded games, get retarded prizes Not to mention such characters get a bullshit advantage in certain tracks making it Pay2Win, of course being an official Nintendo product: <<They dindu nuffin' <<Wholesome company with no politics
>>884804 wtf, nintendo hire that man
FINAL DLC DROPPEDING TOMORROW. It's been fun, fuckers!
>>854418 >I would be surprised if Captain Falcon doesn't appear as a sort of hook for Wave 6 since they have a few crossover characters with stages This didn't age well.
>>903827 Yeah, I was sadly surprised. Oh well, at least I got F-Zero 99
>>903828 >F-Zero 99 You disgust me.
>>903827 But then again, random powerup Mario and random powerup Peach have their own slots, leaving Tour as the only Mario Kart with the roster that everyone wanted.
Playing Mario Kart Wii modded is honestly a ton more fun than Mario Kart Deluxe. It's a fact.
>>903830 I don't like the "idea/concept" of F-Zero 99 because of the stupid fad about "It's only available for limited time, then gone forever" like what happened to Mario 35 and Pac-Man 99. The game is incredibly good, but can piss you off from time to time when you're trying to get 1st place. >>915862 Which mod do you recommend the most? I just got the homebrew and the game and I'm all ready to see which one. <To use CTGP-R you need a Mario Kart Wii game disk. This one threw me off a lot
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>>915862 Playing GCN mariokart is still way more fun than anything after it if you ask me. DS was fine for a handheld game but Wii has no excuse for being so chinky feeling even if the online was fun. 7 and 8 are fucking boring. you know they wouldn't have checked out and just copied DS's gamefeel for every consecutive game if DS didn't sell gangbusters either. what about a mario kart with a fleshed-out single-player? new item systems? anything different about the core gameplay??? Double Dash is exactly the kind of innovation I wish they'd do more of. more fun new shit. like what's the point for me to buy your new shit if the new games are the same as the old ones but made with a shittier, more bloated development pipeline and nu-corporate mandated design. fuck that. When they experiment and innovate, good things happen. They got the controls/gamefeel best with DoubleDash. The weightiness of the karts is still 10 times better than any of the chinky videogame-y kart racing shit they've made since then. and using 2 characters is more interesting than 1. you could make something REALLY fucking interesting by expanding on that concept. like what if you drove an 18-wheeler around with little karts on it that swap out or something? something really crazy like that. man everything just gets worse doesn't it.
>>854418 How is the nodding scene for MK8? Is it comparable to MK Wii?
>>854418 Is Mario Kart 8 worth playing?
>>949195 For the WiiU, no. For the Switch, yes.
>>949199 This but backwards. Wii U yes, Switch no.
>>949203 >party game >to play with nobody else Peak /v/
>>884804 The baby characters always weirded me out, why make babies race?
>>949239 I always thought people chose the babies just to try to troll other players.
>>949239 I'd guess cuteness appeal, but there's already plenty of other options for that on the roster.
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>>949578 While Mario Kart Tour got the mole, rabbit thief and even fucking Donkey Kong Jr. on his original sprite model just to cater the hipsters, while in Mario Kart 8 DX they didn't bother to move the clone characters as alternative outfits.
>>903846 Is more characters inherently better when they mostly all play alike?
>>965739 >they mostly all play alike?
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>>965739 In order to spare the game from becoming a League of Legends trainwreck you have to limit balancing, for example in racing games, you have to bring: >Lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight <Lightweight fast but a pushover to the other classes <Middleweight, balanced for the newcomers <Heavyweight, high risk high reward >Everything else, like car models or character models can be cosmetic for personal choices. The main issue with Mario Kart is that one combo can easily overpower the rest, recent cases being Morton with the Blue Falcon, Waluigi the Wigger and nowadays Yoshi with the Teddy Bear ATV. Clusterfuck balance with the odds against you it's not fun and can easily crumble into biased match ups plus a piss poor anti-cheat algorithm infamous for killing Mario Kart online since the DS era

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