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Mouse Injector - Mouselook for Emulation Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 09:23:21 Id: 70e228 No. 944696
Over the last year and a half a game hacker by the name of Garungorp has been creating Mouse look support for "if my count is right" 102 console games. I just thought this was pretty cool, so I wanted to spread the word. The list of compatible games as well as the Mouse Injector itself, and files needed to help injector compatibility is all here. https://github.com/garungorp/MouseInjectorDolphinDuck He even made a 2 hour tutorial of him going through the whole process of creating a hack. https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=LLtaIrMyQBc You can find more clips of the injector in action in allot more games on his Twitter and Youtube page. https://twitter.com/garungorp https://www.youtube.com/@garungorp/videos The set up process isn't complicated, but it is specific. The emulator .exe must be named correctly for the injector to recognize it, and in the case for at least PCSX2 you need the compatible BIOS. v02.00 for USA, v.02.20 and for Europe and Japan are ones that work.
Dirge of Cerberus does have Native M&K support, but the Mouse look leaves much to be desired. The Mouse Injector is way better.
>>944696 Oh neat, thank you anon
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The idea of playing the original Armored Core games with a mouse is insane, those games were very limited by the PS1's controller and they have a weird as fuck control scheme as a result.
Thanks, didn't know so many games were supported!
Is this just joystick input from a mouse which clearly feels janky & not 1:1? I remember how weird these can feel last time I tried solutions like this.
>>944722 I'd say the gameplay in these webms speak for itself, since you can see some strafe jumping. I'm not knowledgeable enough about the process to describe things technically, but it's by no means simply emulating analog controls. It's comparable to the 1964 Goldeneye Perfect Dark emulator, or Prime Hack, but maybe not as in-depth with it's features.
>looks for executable >implicitly Windows only Meh
>>944817 If you look how it works, it's very much OS dependent. Super hacked together using hooks and injector scripts, you'd have to develop a seperate case specfically for Linux/BSD/Haiku, it's not something you could make platform agnostic in its current implementation.
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>>944696 Here is the fully list of games from the Github for anyone too lazy to click, and you can look closer at pics to see more detail. There is 62 with a rating of Good, 26 Fair, and 3 Poor that's 91 games, I don't know how I pulled the extra 11 out my ass when I first tried counting them Dolphin NTSC only 007: NightFire Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Die Hard: Vendetta Geist Medal of Honor: European Assault Medal of Honor: Frontline Medal of Honor: Rising Sun Metal Arms Serious Sam: Next Encounter TimeSplitters 2 TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Trigger Man Turok: Evolution N64 GoldenEye: 007 (USA) Sin and Punishment (J) 007: The World Is Not Enough (USA) SNES Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (USA) R-Type III: The Third Lightning (USA) Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (USA) Untouchables, The (USA) Wild Guns (USA) PS1 007: The World Is Not Enough (USA) Alien Trilogy (USA) Aquanaut's Holiday (USA) Armored Core (USA)/(Japan) Armored Core: Project Phantasma (USA) Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (USA) Baroque - Yuganda Mousou (Japan) Brahma Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9 (USA) Codename: Tenka (USA) Delta Force: Urban Warfare (USA) Disruptor (USA) Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (USA) Echo Night (USA) Future Cop: L.A.P.D. (USA) G-Police (USA)
[Expand Post]Hellnight (Europe) Hybrid (Japan, Europe) Iron Soldier 3 (USA) Jumping Flash (USA) King's Field (II) (USA) King's Field (Japan) King's Field II (III) (USA) King's Field III: Pilot Style (Japan) LSD: Dream Emulator (Japan) Medal of Honor: Underground (USA) Men in Black: The Series - Crashdown (NTSC) Note, The (Europe) Powerslave (USA) Resident Evil: Survivor (USA) Revolution X (USA) Shadow Tower (USA) South Park (USA) Uprising X (USA) PCSX2 007: Agent Under Fire (USA) 50 Cent: Bulletproof (USA) Armored Core 2 (USA) Beverly Hills Cop (PAL) Black (USA) Call of Duty 3 (USA) Call of Duty: Finest Hour (USA) Cold Winter (USA) Darkwatch (USA) Destroy All Humans! (USA) Destroy All Humans! 2 (USA) Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII (USA) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (USA) Global Defence Force (PAL) / Chikyū Bōeigun 2 (Japan) Gunslinger Girl Vol. 1 (Japan) Jurassic: The Hunted (USA) King's Field IV: The Ancient City (USA) Medal of Honor: Vanguard (USA) Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (USA) Michigan: Report from Hell (Europe) Monster Attack (PAL) / Chikyū Bōeigun (Japan) Ninja Assault (USA) No One Lives Forever (USA) Quake III: Revolution (USA) Red Dead Revolver (USA) Resident Evil: Dead Aim (USA) Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection (USA) Robotech: Invasion (USA) SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs (USA) Serious Sam: Next Encounter (USA) SWAT: Global Strike Team (USA) TimeSplitters (v1.10, v2.00) (USA) Urban Chaos: Riot Response (USA) Vampire Night (USA) PSP Coded Arms (USA) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (USA)
>>945168 I missed these on the PCSX2 list Eternal Ring (USA) Time Crisis II (USA)
>>944817 Just use wine lmao, stupid
>>944722 That Serious Sam webm looks like native mouselook, so whatever this hack is doing it's not just joystick-to-mouse. This thread is now going to make me play The Next Encounter for the first time. I love SS but suck at playing FPS with a controller.
>>945579 Just keep in mind the compatibility charts says it doesn't support vehicles, so you'll need to keep a controller handy just for those parts, based on gameplay footage seems you don't have freelook when driving a vehicle anyway.
>>945597 To be fair, It only makes sense to have a controller on hand when playing a game like GTA where the camera controls are fine with KB+M but the car controls suck.
I was expecting when I made this thread that it would have gotten more attention, but I guess not. Either way, if mods care I think it might be a good idea to just merge this thread to the Emulation Mega Thread >>919281
>>965815 I saw it but didn't reply as I just thought "Huh, cool." Are you Garungorp?
>>965940 Nah, Just when I first found out about this I got exicited and thought this project was really impressive. Thought that Garungorp deserved some recognition for the effort he put into this. Since this is something that's really easy to just not know exists. I only found out about this because I follow Vinícius Medeiros on twitter, who is typically sharing cool information like this about activity going on for older games.
>>965815 >>965968 The project is very cool and I've personally already used it, there just isn't a lot to say I guess? I tried out the console Serious Sam game with this tool. Honestly it's not as good as the PC ones but it was still novel to try out the one classic title I never played. Even on hard the game was obviously not balanced around KB+M, it's somewhat funny how much that breaks most console FPS.
>>965815 Oh, no it's got my full attention despite my lack of engagement in the thread, it's on my bucket list anon. I'm going to play the older Medal of Honor/COD console games, James Bond, DarkWatch, Mercenaries and Kings Field with this. I'm just finishing up RE3 and Yakuza 1 and 2.
>>965994 That's good to hear, I know that there are tons of people interested in what Mouse Injector offers, the tricky part is just making sure people actually know it exists.
>>965999 I just got so much choice these days, it's unreal. Like .webbum related
>>965968 >Thought that Garungorp deserved some recognition for the effort he put into this. As if there weren't enough bastardized pc ports of old console games already. This contribution is worse than nothing.
>>966007 >Stunt Rocks covers Axel F.webm
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>>966013 He did more than you'll ever do, nothing wrong with modifying 30 year old games replayed 100 times. You going to to bitch about reverse engineered PC ports too?
>>966013 What the fuck are you even talking about? Bastardized PC ports of old console games?
Yeah I used this a short time ago, played Armoured Core 1, phantasma & 2, Baroque & Metal Arms: Glitch in the system with it and it was really fun. Recorded fighting the final boss in 2 with it + a bonus funny mission start.
>>966137 Noice, I'll give it a try with with European Assault tomorrow if I have the time.
>>966137 >Armored core If there ever was a place where mouselook isn't really worth the trouble it's when aiming speed is capped by the game itself (to a degree there are games that do this but to a degree where it's not as noticeable), it's already dubious in EDF but with AC where not only you have autoaim but there's some nuance as to how this autoaim works (double locks / edge locks)
>>966166 Maybe, but simply I had more fun with this than with the intended design of the game so it was worth the effort for me.
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>>966166 >it's already dubious in EDF You haven't played EDF with M+Keyboard if you state something as dumb as that. Frogger Velgata/Nix are fucking powerhoues with it. Besides using sniper rifles to shoot down flying enemies.
>>966174 EDF with mouse look is good until you have something that actively restricts your turn speed like the slower Vegalta / Nix or the Tanks / Railgun
>>966179 I don't see how it's the same with thumbsticks, reduced acceleration so you need to compensate and there's no tech issues with the Mouse sensitivity in that regard.
>>966180 It's less jarring to deal with variable turn speeds on thumbsticks to me
>>966182 Yeah but that's personal preference, for me it felt like ass on thumb sticks when playing 4.1 on the PS4. Then again the variable framerate probably didn't help the case either. Maybe I should give 5 a try with the gamepad and get a feel for it.
So I just tried it out with Medal of Honor European Assault, works like a charm and very simple to use. Thanks OP I'll try to capture some footage, no promises though, my OBS skills are lacking.
Got around to it, here's a quick demo Somewhat unrelated, but goddamn EA did not give a shit about the Gamecube port, worse textures and effects than even the PS2 version and runs worse than the PS2 version as well. It's to be the expected though, this was 2005 and barely anyone owned it. Even with OBS and Xmedia compression, it really does look that bad. It was never the best looking game, even on Xbox but damn the Gamecube version looks like complete ass.
>>966566 >Somewhat unrelated, but goddamn EA did not give a shit about the Gamecube port Low sales number + high devellopement constraints will do that
>>966668 Seems to a trend with pretty much all multiplat titles I tested, I think the issue was the Mini DVDs which also looked ridiculous when compared to that brick sized console that had like 1/4 of the filesize capacity of regular DVDs. None of those textures could fit in there raw, much less be loaded in.
Call of Duty Finest Hour on PCSX2 with the Mouse Injector The Mouse Injector is an Alpha with support for only a few games, and a somewhat archaic method of starting it up, but damn does it work well! Just raw input and no acceleration issues whatsoever.
Finished >Medal of Honor European Assault >Medal of Honor Vanguard >Call of Duty Finest Hour >Call of Duty 2 Big Red One They really did age like shit, moving to Darkwatch now
>>966007 Respect to people who squeezed any music out of a device that was only designed to beep on power-up.
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>>973290 >They really did age like shit Hoo boy, 2000s shooters sure did.
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>>973304 I wouldn't say that, plenty of great PC and console 2000s FPS. Just not those ones, those are pretty ass due to being rushed out the ass and essentially being copycat versions of the original PC games.
>>973305 >plenty of great PC and console 2000s FPS. My post originally wrote "A lot of those 2000s FPSes sure did" but I thought what I went with flowed better. There are of course still good FPS from the era like Serious Sam and Deus Ex. >Far Cry I actually really like that game, up until the second half where it becomes kind of an annoying corridor shooter. Even when you get put back on the islands towards the end, they're absolutely full of enemies and it's easier to avoid them or run straight past than try to fight all the mutants.
Garungorp's mouselook is another pc > console victory.
>>973345 It's really a shame that console FPS with M/KB support are a unicorn, I pretty much can only think of Red Faction 2
>>973363 And in Dirge of Cerberus' case it's not that well implemented, the native mouse support feels like it's still emulating the joystick, so you're better off just using the controller. The Mouse Injector is like night and day.
>>973363 Half life 1 on ps2 has KB + Mouse support
>>973372 Steam has it though
>>973387 Half life 1 on ps2 has a custom multiplayer mode and campaign
>>973394 Pretty sure you can play decay on PC by now

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