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8chan Project: Genre Intelligence x Difficulty Chart Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 01:03:25 Id: 5508c6 No. 959529
Continuing from the bait posted here >>959452 This inspired me to get us started on a fixed graph which properly catalogues all video game genres. I took the liberty of listing them out myself and making this image you see here. Let me know if I'm missing any genres or if you think one genre should go somewhere else. Plead your case for each change you wish to make, every opinion should be considered. Also feel free to remake the image to your liking, I put this together pretty quickly and lazily.
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I enjoy pew pew game I am very smart
>negative IQ Outside of that you're going to need to adjust it for "reasonable" IQ levels even if you're taking the piss out of things. Bottoming out at something like 30 or 40 instead of like, 5 or -5. If you're trying to do a serious take on it you'll have to make the ranges even narrower too.
Anon, difficulty is an extremely nebulous and subjective criteria, along with there being different types of difficulty. Personally, I think this is a fruitless endeavor if you're actually taking it seriously beyond just meming.
>>959561 Oh, and I forgot to mention that multiplayer/competitive difficulty is often drastically different compared to singleplayer difficulty.
>>959529 Roguelike should be higher on the difficult.
FPS games of the days of yore required a bit of intelligence to accurately predict where your opponents might show up, when, and how they might behave, especially after being gibbed five times. Thanks to hand injuries, I can no longer wreck people's shit in Quake 3 and Quake 2, where I used to catch server network bans for "aimbotting" by playing when severely sleep deprived. The last time I played a more recent Fucking Piece of Shit was MW2, and I quit forever after beating everybody with almost 30 kills and no deaths, just LYING IN THE GRASS WITH NO COVER. It was then that I realized most players were retarded, and it would be the opposite of fun to stomp them into the ground in such a manner. Puzzle games used to be my favorite in the nineties. It felt nice, getting into a groove where all of the patterns revealed themselves to you, and just fit everything together like it was nothing. I used to set up "avalanches" in Dr. Mario for Game Boy just to hear the starman theme in it. Alas, concussions and age mess with one's ability to rapidly solve puzzles without actively concentrating on them. Never much cared for tactical games. Not because they were difficult, but because they weren't engaging to me.
>>959561 >>959563 This is taking averages into account. In no way does this mean every game of the listed genres are of that particular IQ level or difficulty level, but on average, it is.
>point and click That's a bit broad. I wouldn't compare Monkey Island to Life is Strange even though they both fit the category. What about Sam and Max vs Gone Home?
Visual novel should be way lower IQ RTS should be higher difficulty Beat-em-up should be higher IQ. MMORPG should be lower IQ.
>>959529 If we're taking the meme seriously, Grand Strategy and RTS all the way to the top right, I lack the tism to understand what's going on in those games and RTS demands high APM, macro map awareness, and micro management to be competitive. Shoot em ups by comparison are usually just dodge and shoot, they just have a bigger rep for autists grinding out score so it should be moved left. Visual novel further left than where Shmups will be because it's just reading, and even twelve year olds can read. And move Fightan and Card games a little further right, those are my main genres and they both require a fair bit of ingenuity to git gud at.
>>959590 How do you explain black people and mexicans flocking the fighting game community? Not trying to insult you here, I'm just curious if there's a reason why a low IQ group of people love a game which you argue should be higher IQ
>>959595 >how do you explain niggers and spics Presumably because its the rawest essence of >violently punch, kick, and kill each other in video games. Plus it has IPs like Dragon Ball in there too to add to that. But don't forget, the Japs were the first ones to be good at them.
>>959595 Those are called flowchart faggots. You see the same shit in card games as well, except those are the types that blow their money buying a "meta" deck and losing to someone's fun deck because once the opponent goes off script, they have no idea how to respond to the "non S tier" fighter or some guy's "fun" deck. Sure, you see that happen across the board with various races but ratios don't lie, those two groups tend to fall in those categories.
>>959529 >trpg harder than rts Guess this chart made made for subhumans who can't do mental subtraction nor see enemy movement range.
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>>959578 He means adventure games, and I hate the fact I know what he meant. Anyone who called adventure games 'point and clicks' is either underage as fuck or a console only retard. Life is strange isn't really a adventure game nor is gone home, since both lack puzzles.
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>making a whole thread for that bait wew You'd probably have to do an actual study for this, otherwise it's based entirely opinion and personal taste. If I were to guess, you'd see higher IQs for genres like puzzle games and CMS. I've also noticed smart people oddly attracted to walking sims for whatever reason.
>>959674 Smart people are oddly attracted to Pokemon
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>>959529 Ah yes, VNs; the absolute high IQ game. And how come there are no tycoon/spreadsheet games? What are you? A normie?
>>959678 >>>/vb/565 if you desire more high test, high IQ scholarly discussion
Visual novels should be moved to the right some more, being the only genre completely devoid of modern predatory monetary practices.
IQ to do what and in what time? Talk about, like, buy, play, beat, 100%, master? Compete at a high level? Say compete, how high's high? By what rules? How do rules differ between games? What's difficulty? It's unlike IQ here, so isn't a typical idea of difficulty. Consensus won't work, midwits overestimate their IQs and judgments. You'll get "games I like are smart and hard" reinforced through samefagging. Your best insight's >>959595. You can estimate community IQ by demographic averages.
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>>959529 If we do "how much is the gameplay like an IQ test," where IQ tests are pattern-spotting, puzzle's placed best and visual novel's placed worst. Shoot em Up's very patterned but too trial and error to be so near puzzle. The end dots should be spaced out. Text-Based / Point n Click should move far left, Physics is in the highest-IQ majors, physics-driven genres like platformer should move far right. For example Celeste is like an IQ test. Action RPG, move far right. Fighting games, move right. Farming, far left. MMO's a social genre, far left. >>959674 Good points. Enjoyment isn't about IQ, high-IQs can mindlessly enjoy something and insecure low-IQs play up high-IQ interests to seem smarter.
This is retarded. It would make more sense picking one genre and compare games from said genre, or even compare different iterations of one franchise; but comparing genres as a whole is quite stupid.
You missed one though its nearly extinct: First person dungeon crawlers. Back in the day these games were notoriously hard and brutal, especially at low level.
>>959529 >>959582 >>959590 >>959692 >>959727 Visual novels are a "can you read" test, and only filter unlocalized regions and night-black gorilla niggers. They draw in otherwise filtered fujos. The only high IQ VNs are mixed-genre and high IQ in spite of the VN component, like Professor Layton. Smart people can like VNs but OP's x axis says "IQ required," so he's wrong.
>another My tastes>>>>>>shit>>>>>your tastes thread Sage and hide and reported
>>959674 >>959719 >>959735 Wrong, smart people only like smart things. I'm certified as a Very Stable Genius by my mom, and all day I do vector calculus just for fun. With one hand. The other tosses off my virginal penis as I moan, "Eeuungghh, I'm so fucking smart." This is the smartest use of my time.
>>959735 >game for literal children is high IQ Wew
Automation and real roguelikes are the highest IQ games by far.
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>>959739 How is Anon so smart? One day I will be as smart as Anon.
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>>959743 Tell me you never played without telling me you've never played: the post. Layton isn't a game, retard, it's a series of 9. They're sequences of literal IQ puzzles tied into a story. Layton players are usually 30-something. Children, who barely play Nintendo, can't beat Layton games if not gifted. Picrel's an example puzzle from Layton. Black can't move, white's ground, colors are boxes. Show your work to move the top box to the bottom. If you can't, take long, make excuses, or get help (different Id), oops! By your standard you're a shitter dumber than a child.
>>959721 Your way is more precise and creates less misleading data. >>959744 IQ and income correlation studies historically put r around 1/4 to 1/2. I wonder if the overturn of meritocracy through DEI has changed r and by how much? >>959751 I agree (and with puzzle games being high IQ) so this is an addition, not an argument. (I played only a few of the games.) Each had a 3-digit puzzle count. Most puzzles were dissimilar so clearing one may not predict clearing others. Someone who wins that grid can still fail at Professor Layton games.
>>959750 Cirno > Chen
>>959751 >Children, who barely play Nintendo As if I needed any further proof that you fags are low IQ
Only way not to get baited ITT is by giving (Me) a (You)
>>959796 I've seen this image doing the rounds lately. There are two things I find interesting about it >there's a noticeable dip with teens >there's an inexplicable soar at 22 I wonder what's behind both?
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Sorry for doubleposting It also makes me wonder how Nintendo will market the Switch 2. The Wii U was infamous for its embarrassing kiddie marketing while the Switch was generally family-orientated or neutral. Kids don't really play consoles much anymore, instead preferring mobile devices. Will they explicitly aim towards adults this time?
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>>959803 22's around when people finish college and suddenly have free time
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>>959807 > Wii U > Marketing What the fuck was Nintendo doing? Even the name made people think Wii U was an add-on for the Wii. Switch course corrected big time and sold insane numbers.
>>959803 The deep in teens is because that's when kids think they're "too old" or "too cool" for Nintendo products and instead shift gears to what's perceived as more mature. I even fell to this at around the same age, maybe starting at 12 or 13. I let go of my Gamecube and DS and picked up a playstation 3 to join my schoolmates on whatever was popular at the time (in my case, Call of Duty MW2, Killzone, GTA 4, and Infamous)
>>959529 >VNs >High IQ <Inb4 OP brings up a bunch of exceptions that are either other genres with VN elements or VNs that rely heavy on non-VN game elements These have to be the standard of the genre, not exceptions. I'd argue JRPGs are a little too high too unless you get into subgenres. I notice gachshit isn't on there.
>>959803 >>959828 You're over thinking it. What happened about 20 years ago? The fucking Wii.The 20 year olds are wii kiddies. What happened 10 years ago? The Wii U. No one bought the wii u, let alone as a xmas gift for their kid.
>>959921 The average age of Wii players was 29 years old a year after Wii released. From Reggie Fils-Aimé himself, end of 2007: >Our internal research shows that the average age of all Wii players is 29 years old. Core Wii gamers average mid-40s now. >>959828 might be onto something. I was once a teenager bullied off Nintendo by NPCs repeating marketing from Nintendo's rivals that it's for kids. Grew out of my people-pleasing wimp phase in my late teens, played Nintendo for decades since.
>>959852 Would gachas perform worst on this chart? They financially exploit retards and pay-to-win makes them easy.
>>959950 Gachas can be multiple genres so it is kind of a pointless categorization
Equating all opinions is obfuscatory because some opinions are more than opinion. "Blue is the best color" and "5+5=10" are opinions, yet "5+5=10" is more than. Nintendo as mostly a kids' thing is disinformation: an assertion of fact data show is objectively false. "Cirno is better than Chen" is preference, not right nor wrong as it can't be tested. "Shoot 'em ups" are a high IQ genre" is a mix of opinion (how high and how so) and hypothesis. "People who report a shoot 'em up completion rate of >= 3 have an IQ > 100" is a hypothesis and can be tested, the result finding fact. "Wii U sold worse than the Switch" is a fact data show is objectively true. All are opinions yet equating them is obfuscatory because most are more than, in ways that matter to the discussion.
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I'm just going to put this here. It feels relevant to the tread for some reason.
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>>959570 >I used to set up "avalanches" in Dr. Mario for Game Boy Makes me think of Kirby's Avalanche, the localized Super NES mod of Super Puyo Puyo. The Sega Genesis got it as Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. >age mess with one's ability to rapidly solve puzzles without actively concentrating on them Age hasn't disrupted my puzzle-solving much, but it's given me arthritis, slower reflexes, worse vision, and more obligations, so I can't git as gud at games as I used to. >Never much cared for tactical games. Not because they were difficult, but because they weren't engaging to me. I'm the same. Tried them, was good at them, but they weren't for me. The plots were good but I didn't find the gameplay gratifying.
>>959735 There is a massive difference between VNs and actual games with VN style dialogue.
Man, VNs really brought /v/ together against OP. Looks unanimous (except for >>959692) that they don't require high IQ.
>>959692 Have you seen how much they cost?
>>960366 No shit. They're just COYA picture books that are only liked because they have porn in it.
>>959719 Platformers are in a weird place. They average medium-high IQ but some 80s games like Ghosts'n Goblins, TMNT, and all three Ninja Gaidens get real brutal, or more recently the La Mulanas, then I Wanna Be The Guy spin-offs and Kaizo fan-games get fucking mental. The physics are like the language game frames use to communicate, the average frame is more eventfully affected by prior frames and more eventfully affects later frames than in most genres, so players who understand the physics can express mad skill even in vanilla platformers.
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos was released in the first half of 1990, I should've checked. Ah well. Those games were sick for the time. There's a game called The Messenger now that's like Ninja Gaiden but as a Metroidvania.
>>959529 what is the rationale for battle royale being ranked last on this? I mean yeah I get it Fortnite is queer but battle royales need awareness of what a shitload of people are doing and macro level risk management, beating 100 players isnt easy either
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>>960744 This bell curve using promotional art of Cape Mario flying in Super Mario World, to depict platformers as too simple for most people, is so at odds with how complex Super Mario World's flying actually is.
>>960744 >some namefag's graph At least it's a real graph this time, but this distribution makes no sense. It both doesn't reflect the actual popularity of these genres or their complexity. I don't even play fighting games and I can tell you they're very mechanically complex. FPSRPGs, outside of Fallout, are somewhat niche. They're certainly not bigger than games like GTA or COD. I think "Alex Kierkegaard" just has no idea what he'd talking about.
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>check the linked website out of curiosity >mfw Is this some kind of elaborate joke, a satire of video game personalities? This guy acts like a fucking lolcow and just as delusional. Dig around the website, it's really something. https://web.archive.org/web/20231128055818/https://culture.vg/ Where did you even find this, anon? 4chan, I'm guessing by the filename.
>>960762 Looking at his facebook page, he could be some kind of Maddox-type with a "fabricated" personality to share his game opinions under the protection of everything being satire
Would souls-like/metroidvania be considered genres since Rogue-like is up there
>>960744 >Marking entire genres as low quality This pic confuses me. Why is the left to right marked as quality when it says it is about complexity? Does he believe the entirety of the fighting game genre is equally complex? Even if it is just a average I have no idea how he would measure that. It is especially confusing since he put turn based strategy games as being "too simple". Action-adventure is already such a generic term it could mean anything from zelda to uncharted. Trying to reason out an average level of complexity for a genre so vague seems ridiculous to me.
>>960769 Without a proper explanation about 'complexity' and 'quality' it just comes off as a pretentious favorite genre list. >Action-adventure is already such a generic term it could mean anything from zelda to uncharted If you were being pedantically autistic about it, pretty much only Resident Evil and Silent Hill are action adventure games. There one of the few games that are just straight up play like an adventure game, but also have combat on the side.
>>960744 >MMO >Survival-building >4X Overworld <Too complex for most people
>>960921 Every adventure game has action in it. The original Adventure, on Atari, the game that the genre is named after, has action in it.
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>Farming games are more IQ than Battle Royale Fucking zoomers don't know 'bout my crops. Bitches luv sum' crops. please don't bully me for my facebook memes, I don't have any anon approved farmer memes ;_;
I want confirmation Roguelike in the chart actually means roguelikeas in it actually plays like the 1980s game Rogue how properly described in not the newest indie deck builder slop.
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>>960744 This chart is retarded, God damn. Some of the most complex shit is on the "too simple" side. Like, the whole genre of fighting games or shooting (which I'm assuming is shmups) should honestly be inverted on that chart. Also a dead genre like RTS being at all that popular? I guess I fell for whatever bait that is. Chartfags really are fucking retarded
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Fuck making a "serious chart", let's discuss how to make the best bait chart.
>>962881 That already happened with this thread
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Mobile games are pretty difficult, Anon. Wouldn't you say so?
>>962958 Absolutely, playing games with a touch screen? Truly hardcore.

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