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Kazuma Kaneko leaves ATLUS after 35 years, joins COLOPL Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 15:19:33 Id: 677508 No. 961040
Kazuma Kaneko, who is known for his character and demon designs across the Megami Tensei series, left ATLUS in 2023 after 35 years and has joined COLOPL to develop a new intellectual property. The news comes via a newly published creator interview with Kaneko, in which it is revealed that the new project is an original title that depicts a worldview created by Kaneko, and that the “game experience” will incorporate the latest technology. Actual details about the title were not revealed, as it is still in development. Because I didn't know who COLOPL was, they're a Japanese gaming company that's focused on mobile gaming and VR content. Some speculate that Kaneko will be working on an NFT game or some kind of mobile focused project. Personally I can't say I'm surprised considering that ATLUS is run by retards, but I figured this was worth a thread anyway since it's finally official. Fuck ATLUS https://archive.ph/a0PEN
Why is there hate towards Atlus they seem to be a lot better then some of their peers.
I hope to see this "COPE LOL" succeed in their endeavours. >>961044 I would assume it's due to their often low-quality output and bad translations. Most westerners only know them for the SMT series, but ATLUS is an extremely prolific studio usually releasing several games a year since 1987. They have four games slated for 2024 alone. Many of these titles are not exactly to a high standard. Quite a few of those infamous NES games like Friday the 13th and The Karate Kid were developed by them.
>>961044 The quality of their games, pandering to the west and changing the overall tone of their games. 2020's Atlus isn't the same as 90's or 00's Atlus, and it changed for the worse.
>>961048 I personally blame SEGA
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>>961048 This, I would say Atlus was one of the first victims of ESG. Atlus already had a reputation of pandering to weebs (you know, filling in a niche market) so it was pretty easy to corrupt it from within. Now the same thing has happened in games in general. Who's laughing now dudebros?!! Who's laughing now...
>>961052 SMT4 is shit so I don't completely blame them, they went public stock like retards two decades ago. This shit was evident from SMT4 and 5 playing like bad homogenized mobile games with the retarded difficulty spikes and retarded half-assed writing and toku bullshit partly pandering to women and idiots like Yamai who also quit.
>>961055 Yeah, that's also a good point. It seems like ATLUS in general was heading towards bankruptcy until SEGA bought them out. Shame they're both run by retards.
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Atlus ESG? Sorry mind showing some proof?
>>961044 >Strange Journey Redux >Persona 3 - 5 and their periphery games >SMT 4 - 5 >retarded staff shuffles that caused the company to bleed talent and lead to the creation of half-baked alternatives by said bled out staff >Soul Hackers 2 >Devil Summoner 2 >no new Ronde >no new Maken Shao >no new Growlanser >no new Trauma Team >Catherine 2 >Tokyo Mirage Sessions >lazy Nocturne Remaster >allowing Persona Revelations to reach market
>>961083 Ronde was probably just a contract game they shitted out for Sega after Devil Summoner 1, the last games Career Soft worked on were the Devil Survivor games.
>>961066 I hope you're joking fag, >>939797
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>>961083 Again how is this ESG?
>>961094 >owned by Sega Nuff said
I'm asking in good faith.
>>961083 >no new Ronde Anon, of all the reasons to dislike Fatlus, that is not one of them. It was so bad that when demos were released, pre-orders were being canceled.
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>>961040 Interesting news. I just hope the game won't suck or have some shitty gimmick like NFT. >>961044 Atlus is a pitiful shell of its former self. Most of the big talents left the company long ago. On that note, I haven't seen any updates on that new game project Okada is supposed to be working on. I guess it's vapourware now, huh?
>>961094 Look again at what I'm replying to.
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>>961161 I'm asking what shit is pozzed in those and you haven't said anything, if you said something about sjweeb localisation fair enough. But you haven't given a meaningful explanation, I'm genuinely trying to be fair towards you anon.
>>961217 Buddy, he's not complaining that about ESG, he's saying they've been making shit games since the turn of the 10s, disrespecting their legacies with garbage like Strange Journey's remake, and being a mess internally like the rest of SEGA at large. And if you dare "it's okay because it's not political", you deserve all the bullying you get because that's giving a pass to equal garbage like Konami's pachinko obsession. Besides, they're not even innocent by that criteria; you should look into Persona 5 Royal and its built-in censorship of the Hawaii scene from vanilla to mollify the west.
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>>961223 Well fair enough (even if I think Persona 5 while not god's gift to man isn't nearly as awful as some anons here make out to be) anon, I can understand why you guys aren't pleased.
>>961087 >>961139 I like Ronde, but I should have listed the lack of a new Devil Summoner. Raidou Kuzunoha hasn't appeared in a lead role in fifteen years, but there's enough material in the prequel novel and sequel manga to make more games. Last Bible is also worth mentioning. There hasn't been a new game in almost thirty years.
>>961040 >COLOPL Sounds like they make colostomy bags and cancer screening kits.
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>>967117 >Not posting the full context <COLOPL has announced mobile game "Project Mask" which will be developed by Kazuma Kaneko. <Alongside "Project Mask," the company has also announced they plan to release 5 mobile games, 10 console games, and 1 blockchain game.
>>967117 >>967120 First NFT scamming, now reduced to mobileshit. How the mighty have fallen.
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>>967120 >blockchain The Japanese fell for the crypto meme hard didn't they
>>961040 >NFT I hope he dies then.
>>969700 Anon you don't know the half it. The NFT game that paid Kaneko also got the Patlabor artist and Amano
How is it the Japanese succeed at so many things yet seem to fall prey to some of the dumbest and most blatant money making scams the world over?
>>969804 Their economy is in the shitter. Desperation for money and a likelihood of working until you die doing it the old-fashioned way causes people to take any shortcut to financial stability; pretty sure the manga Kaiji has a theme about this.
>>969804 Being industrious doesn't mean you're immune to greed
>>969804 Living in their own bubble where they can't do no wrong, being old doesn't mean infinity wisdom, in fact they get rusty and their brains start to shit themselves to the point of getting dementia and die 20 years prior before the body. That's the main issue with the japanese: They idolize fossils wether or not they gained enough acknowledge about life.
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>>961224 >even if I think Persona 5 while not god's gift to man isn't nearly as awful as some anons here make out to be It was shit. To summarize, >Combat's too easy, a much simplified version of older Persona games, and harder modes just ramp up how often you get fucked by RNG rather than change enemy behavior or something more creative >Puzzles are way too easy and the game is constantly holding your hand on top of this >The whole theme is about being rebels against society, but you're all goody two-shoes to a fault, and the theme is dropped towards the end for some other shit >Except for the fact that you brainwash bad people into being good, that's morally dubious, but no one ever questions the morality of this because everyone you brainwash is black and white cartoonishly evil >The only grey morality villain in a minor assassin character in some sidequest, who you brainwash without hesitation >Your guns are all toys that only do real damage in magic pocket dimension land because breaking the law for a good cause is something bad people do, not good well behaved rebels like you, who want avoid upsetting Japan's politicians with positive depictions of minors engaging in law breaking behavior >Constant unskippable pseudo-cutscenes to pad out playtime metrics in a game where you're supposed to go through NG+ >Tons of high level personas to unlock, but only a couple of superbosses in NG+ for you to actually use them on >Calendar makes you think there's another dungeon, possibly a good use for all those mid-to-high tier personas, and then there's a fucking time skip All it has going for it is some catchy music, which gets repetitive fast, waifufaggotry, and a stylish look. It's all dressing, no substance. No, making localizers asshurt does not make up for it being a bad game. No, I did not play P5R, and I sincerely doubt it is worth my time. I had many more complaints that at one point I had written multiple long form posts about this shit game, but it's been a long time now.
>>961044 Over the years due to Persona 5 mostly, they slowly stopped making many games they used to publish. They used to be very big with lesser known titles with porting them and translating with a smaller but dedicated fanbase. It all started to change when SEGA bought them where they focused on normalfags and they stopped doing niche games fully. This is also with them mostly changing the design to the games from being something fun with sexy girls to where the girls are all censored with the game giving you ways to instant win every battle. Even the smaller stuff with Vanillaware is pretty big with the events they have in Japan and isn't as niche. It really doesn't help that they are funding games like Metaphor, which has it's own diversity-based marketing since the protag is brown. The hate is because they are becoming like every other major gaming company when they used to be very niche.

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