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Valve's next game leaked - Deadlock Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 11:11:06 Id: 976c04 No. 969360
Formerly known as Neon Prime, even more formerly known as Citadel. The screenshots we have aren't great, but it shows the previous rumors were true. >what is it? A third-person MOBA, basically. Two teams of six fight for control over a large map. PvPvE. The maps are huge and you travel around them on skyhooks similar to Bioshock Infinite. Previously it was a sci-fi game loosely based in the Half-Life universe as the Combine, but was reportedly reworked after negative feedback. Now it's.. I don't even know what it's going for, it looks extremely generic. The rework was recent, they filed a trademark for Neon Prime not that long ago. It supposedly has a bunch of references to Valve's other games, but is entirely non-canon to their other franchises.
Edited last time by Mark on 05/17/2024 (Fri) 11:34:46.
Other things I forgot to mention >game might get announced at Summer Games Fest >game is in closed alpha, possibly over 1000 people have access >the screenshots are possibly quite old and from multiple different builds, which is why the UI changes between them >the game's current aesthetic is closer to a fantasy-steampunk mix >there are a lot of screenshots coming out, it's just these four that are getting spread the most because they're the ones Valve leakers have directly confirmed to be legitmately
>Lets just make what everybody else is making and fail at it Bravo Valve!
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>>969361 Forgot to post mine.
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>>969361 >>969367 >Half-Life 3 was rebooted and shelved 4 different times >Left 4 Dead 3 was cancelled because of office politics >this game survives six years of development
>>969365 Remember when they tried and failed to do this with that Dota card game? They fucking do this instead of fixing TF2 I am so fucking livid holy fucking shit
>>969377 They can't monetize TF2 anymore so they don't give a shit.
>>969360 >>969361 The newest game by Valve I bothered to play was Portal 2. Suffice it to say I'm not too optimistic about anything they put out over a decade since then and especially with all of the retarded office drama and shit that's come to light. If I wanted to play a good Valve game I'd just play a fan made source mod for something else. Also it just looks really bland, you could have told me those screenshots were from a gmod game mode and I'd have believed you
The more digging being done the more legitimate this appears. A twitter handle, @playdeadlock and a website, deadlock.com were both registered on the same day last month. The rebrand must have been very recent.
>>969383 Last good entertainment software release by Valve was the Orange Box. And that's that. At best you can expect something decent but gimmicky like Half Life Alyx, and even that shit ended on a sour note.
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>>969386 >tfw Half Life Alyx was actually Half Life 3
>>969379 Nigger all they do for TF2 these days is a cosmetic pack release every 6 months or so. They even have the community make their maps for them.
>>969386 >Last good entertainment software release by Valve was the Orange Box. Absolutely not, that's contrarian absolutism. Even if you don't like Portal 2 I have my issues with it personally they've made a lot of good smaller projects nobody ever talks about like Alien Swarm and Desk Job, there's also Alyx. My issue with Valve is their extreme multiplayer focus from Dota 2 onward. Here's every major release from them from the last 12 years. >Counter-Strike: Global Offensive >Dota 2 >Artifact >Dota Underlords >Half-Life: Alyx >Counter-Strike 2 All but one of them are competitive online games.
it's like a mixture of valorant, smite, and overwatch at the same time nobody wants this
>>969395 >nobody wants this Which means there's a good chance Valve will go through with releasing it.
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>>969395 Valve is on a roll of making games nobody wants. Of their last few games the only ones with an actually positive reception were Alyx and Desk Job. You'd think they'd take the hint.
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Looks really generic. Why are they making this? this kinda third person MOBA shooter hybrids almost never work out. I know smite was a big success but monday night combat and battleborn flopped. kinda hard to tell from the screenshots but I really dont like how you have these colourful characters in such a drab environment.
>>969397 I think they're at the point now where there's nobody at Valve who really knows how to make a video game (or at the least a good one). The talent that made valve successful is all long gone and everyone who is there is operating off of celebrity status and internal favoritism. It's less of a game development studio and more like a game idea collective, just subsisting off of endless whales and residual royalties from microtransactions and being the biggest PC game distributor. Somebody should go through the staff list and see what games each of these people actually worked on, and if any of them were successful.
>>969392 I don't think they can make meaningful TF2 content anymore, the voice actors are past their primes or dead and cloning their voices with newfangled tech would start a shitstorm they don't want.
>>969386 L4D2 was the last proper good game. Portal 2 was fine, the humor was hit or miss but they did try (and fail) to turn it into TF2 with gay cash shop cosmetics so I do not respect it.
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>>969360 >A third-person MOBA DoA, even Day of Defeat will be remembered, while this piece of shit don't
sorry por doubleposting This also reminded me of the artifact debacle... Anybody even remember Artifact?
>>969414 They should have made these things female, with large breasts. At least people would have cared a little bit.
>>969360 >a fucking hero shooter Bleh. >was reportedly reworked after negative feedback I can only imagine what a mess of game design this will be. >>969376 Clearly something is very wrong over there. >>969414 >Anybody even remember Artifact? Name sounds familiar, but I'm drawing a blank.
>>969417 >Name sounds familiar, but I'm drawing a blank. See >>969397 Oh and let's not forget Vale's Dota Chess clone.
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>Vulva makes a new game >it's MOBA slop
>>969361 I probably wouldn't mind that much if they actually made other games than esports shit. They just put out CS2, can we have something else?
>>969376 Hopefully, it will have been worth the weight.
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>>969361 Maybe it doesn't suck, but i'll never be installing steam. >Previously it was a sci-fi game loosely based in the Half-Life universe as the Combine, but was reportedly reworked after negative feedback And now it looks like a hybrid with half-life buildings and TF2 signs. And dota tier looking cast.
>>969423 Have you seen how Gaben looks like now? He's still jolly, but he's half his wait now.
>>969426 We hope it was worth half the wait.
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>>969360 >Valve's next game leaked Neat, I wonder wha- >A third-person MOBA, Never mind.
>>969425 I'm noticing that they are looking VERY diverse. I am sure everyone is excited to pay for cosmetics that these characters can wear!!!!
>>969360 is it me or they are trying to pull an overwatch and these european city assets are from some failed half life project?
>>969440 They're pulling a Battleborn
>>969379 TF2 remains to be one of the most popular games on steam and literally prints valve money while they put absolutely zero development into it. The reality is that the way valve is ran is the developers only ever work on the things they are interested in, and none of the devs are interested in TF2. And for whatever reason they're interested in making a shittier soulless TF2 clone, and so they will make that. It isn't any deeper than that. >>969404 The game doesn't need meaningful content. Counter-strike doesn't get meaningful content and it's valve's golden goose. Literally all valve needs to do is fix the bots and competitive matchmaking modes with the systems that already exist in CS and the game would boom in popularity. The only reason TF2 doesn't get work done on it is because no one at valve feels like working on. By every conceivable way you approach it TF2 easily justifies being worked on and improved. Valve could increase the games revenue by 3 fold within a week if they gave a shit.
>>969442 Stillborn would still be alive today if the character designs more butt :3 had any asssthetic sense.
>>969441 oh dear what is even going on with valve? did everyone involved in hl2 left the company or something?
>>969447 >:3 I'm guessing you mean you mean more butt (♂), then? If so, I'm not sure the Warframe approach works for every developer.
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>>969361 looks boring
>>969360 >3rd person MOBA Steam taking retard of the year award for thinking people want to play 3rd person MOBAs. If I'm being honest, it seems more like they are trying to get a middle ground between overwatch/valorant + league of legends + smite. All 3 of which are shit.
>>969462 Monday Night Combat was really good, it's just too bad it fumbled the ball so hard
>>969464 >>969462 Valve made a TF2 gamemode called Robot Destruction that had MOBA elements and it was crazy fun until they changed the map and turned it into a permanent stalemate map like 2fort.
>>969462 People would play 3rd person anything if the character was a girl with a cut butt or a skirt and showed her pantsu. It will never have that from the ugly ass character designs.
>>969447 Paladins being alive today kind of proves your joke point here, anon. As low as that game's population is (and dominated by huemonkeys for some reason), it's still going today probably because hirez is actually willing to make designs with sex appeal across the board. Or, was I guess since that game all but in maintenance mode nowadays. Smite also proves this point too. I really do wonder what valve was thinking with this game though. I'll reserve judgement until I can actually get my hands on the game, as the quality of these games is very reliant on a good mix of map design, char kits, and gamefeel you can't quite get from watching, but this early footage and screenshots do little to make me interested. >>969445 You do realize 70-80% of TF2's online players are bots idling in the menu for case drops or doing similar behavior, right? The game gets actual player values in the 15-25k range. It's a far cry from one of the most popular by those metrics, though it does retain a strong player base for such an ancient game. TF2 does have a massive cultural impact even today, though, that can't be denied.
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>>969361 nigga
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>>969425 Nice renamon pic. >>969438 So Volvo is on the payroll on whatever diversity shit funding organization now? Just a question of time till their previous title gets the same nogging treatment.
>>969468 >You do realize 70-80% of TF2's online players are bots idling in the menu for case drops or doing similar behavior, right? 20k active players is still widely popular for a game that has been completely abandoned with unplayable matchamking for months at a time with zero updates and horrendous balance issues. If the game got a fraction of the attention that dota and CS have it would easily multiply its active players.
Game companies are ships of Theseus, I don't understand why people act as if having a brand name attached to them somehow means anything anymore. >>969393 ALIEN SWARM MENTIONED
So many genres to choose from and they go with ASSFAGGOTS This is so fucking stupid.
>>969468 >Paladins I had no idea people still play this game. But I dont think its due to the sex appeal - it looks like its appealing to the reddit/OW community which means they are likely gay.
>>969511 meant to attach this image instead of copying the 2nd one.
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>>969360 They better have some high-quality porn-bait characters or it'll be dead in the water.
>>969376 >>969383 >office politics drama Can I get a quick rundown?
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>>969537 It's honestly a bit hard to explain, but Valve doesn't have a traditional business structure. It's "flat". This sounds great, no bosses except for Newell, but if you know anything about flat business structure you'd know informal hierarchies start to form, leaving you with a company built like set of high school cliques. This is exactly what happened with Valve, reportedly seniority is a huge factor there and new hires have no power. L4D3 died because of a feud over which engine the game should use I believe? It caused several employees to leave. Pic related isn't about Valve but it's a good summery of the exact problems that arise from this kind of company.
>>969541 >This sounds great No one has ever thought this.
>>969541 What's that? You mean to say that universal franchise is explicitly and instantaneously turned into oligarchical oppression? Who would have guessed!
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>>969462 Following the same strategy as their previous games, to get new users staying within steam and microtransactions. These free or low-cost games are designed with asia market in mind. I don't understand how there hasn't been a competitor to steam.If it was a DRM free storefront it would push aside gog/steam and piracy.
>>969541 >L4D3 died because of a feud over which engine the game should use I believe? It was that fucking petty a disagreement and they couldn't sort it out? God, I can already imagine it was some fucking niggers who wanted Unreal or something. >>969542 I have, actually. I recall changing the structure to something like that was part of the motive for the Lab Zero/Future Club coup against Mike Z. Those who wax about it are either taken by the communist rhetoric or outright fantasize about it meaning they do less work but still get paid.
>>969541 They still get paid top dollar and don't take on many contract workers, so they're still more industrious than most companies doing employee churn.
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>>969360 >3rd person MOBA
>>969360 >Hero-based ASSFAGGOTS shooter I want to RAPE GABE NEWELL IN THE MOUTH for even wasting time in this shit instead of, God forbid, actually bring closure to Half-Life for once.
>>969632 If it's any consolation, if L4D3 had been released it'd be full of cosmetics, neon painted guns, cash shop and loot crates.
>>969666 CALM DOWN, SATAN.
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>Being this fucking late to the Overwatch clone craze I know Valve are lazy fucks that can't get anything done but Jesus Christ.
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>>969673 I'd like to believe we're being bamboozled and that it'll never come out, or be something different, but knowing Valve, it will definitely be either this shit or nothing.
>>969673 Why is everybody saying Overwatch? It looks more like Monday Night Combat, or as already described, TF2 mixed with Dota. Overwatch didn't invent the concept of a class-based shooter. I'm convinced the internet has never played Overwatch with how often unrelated games are compared to it. Not a defense of the game by the way, I still have no interest in it
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>>969695 >Why is everybody comparing it to the big popular thing that devs tried to ape the last years Gee anon I dunno, no idea
>>969695 >Why is everybody saying Overwatch? The retards get their opinions from shill spam and E-Celebs
this looks so bad... i mean, valve was never a bastion of good art direction or good taste in it, but man this looks like shit.
>>969413 Because of the cancelled Nazi update, in fact I think that was their first online multiplayer game that got put on-hold to this day. >>969445 TF2 remains relevant because of its polygon crap, thus lots of fucking bots take the majority of its userbase, they won't fix dick because of you've guessed: LODSA SPAGHETTI CODE >>969706 The guy who designed both Team Fortress 2 and Left4Dead is gone for good, now he sucking off to his overlords at Tencent.
>>969624 >I don't understand how there hasn't been a competitor to steam. Any prospective competitor is starting deep in the hole because Steam is benefiting from massive network effects and inertia. You're not overcoming that without money to pay for exclusive games, and you're not going to make the resulting storefront 100% DRM-free because the publishers you're going to have to make deals with for those games are going to tell you to fuck off if you try.
>>969771 >LODSA SPAGHETTI CODE Valve is a titan money printer. They could afford to completely reverse engineer their entire game from scratch if they had to.
So this is just Valve's Valorant? That's it? Valvorant? >>969393 >Alyx >good Alyx was a tech demo like 2. >>969541 Didn't GOD and Ion Storm have similar problems? Valve managed to beat the issue because it has Steam. While I don't know what the company's departmental structure is like, I think it could do with dividing itself internally into Multiplayer, Singleplayer, and Steam Development, like how EA restructured itself. Everyone would still answer to Gabe, but having a job title which designates the focus of your position pushes people to work toward this goal by creating expectations. I wonder if the EU or FCC will ever step in and demand that Valve split its game development/publishing and e-commerce sections into separate companies. Maybe whoever takes over after Gabe will do it on his own volition.
>>969695 Game design is more than just genre. Yeah it looks like MNC in terms of it being a MOBA. But it also looks like hero shooters like Overwatch and Valorant in terms of character design. >>969541 >they fell for the "worker co-op" meme >>969771 >they won't fix dick because of you've guessed: >LODSA SPAGHETTI CODE True, but also modders have been making a better TF2 for a couple of years now, if hobbyists could do it they could do it. They sell a computer with their own fucking Linux distro on it for fuck's sake, and also with their engines having the history that they do, they have the skills to unfuck spaghetti code. Or at least, they ought to find a way to get rid of the matchmaking bots in TF2 so people can play it like a normal game.
>>969511 >those "reviews" I wish there was a cure for redditardation
>>969673 Remember that they were late for the card game craze with Artifact, too. And it flopped harder than a fat boomer belly flopping into a pool from 20 feet.
>>969859 hero shooters are more accessible and popular than card games, but the market is saturated and im sure people are fatigued from years of overwatch. marvel rivals coming out soon doesn't help either.
>>969666 >actually bring closure to Half-Life for once. Anon... you realize that Gordon is going to die and Alyx, the half nigger, half slant Mary Sue, is going to be the heroine of Half Life 3, right? You don't want closure. It's the current year. It's not possible for the white man to be the hero in a modern game.
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>>969895 >Mary Sue A Mary Sue is a bad self-insert for a female author, for fuck sake. Stop using terms you don't understand
>>969898 no thats just a self insert. as far as i know, mary sues are female characters that are never wrong and perfect at everything.
>>969916 But how is Alyx Vance that? She fucks up a ton and is shown multiple times throughout the series to not be good enough to do stuff on her own, she'd be dead by the end of HL2 if it weren't for Gordon, fucks up so bad she almost dies in the episodes, then gets her dad fucked to death by a tentacle. I didn't play HLA so I can't speak for it but I can't imagine she's perfect like you're insinuating.
>>969895 I don't know, the end of Alyx made Gordon out to be quite strong. Alyx got kidnapped/hired by Gman, now it's up to Gordon to save her in HL3. That's what I inferred. Valve is a shadow of their former selves, but I don't think they're as backwards and fucked as Blizzard or Ubisoft.
>>969918 She's not perfect, or portrayed as an overly confident girlboss. Her biggest fuck-up arguably is IN HLA, since she's the one who frees the G-Man, who is a pseudo-antagonist the Vortigants clearly mistrust. Worse still, she cuts a deal with him to save her dad from dying at the end of HL2:E2. She's still "quirky" to make her more endearing, but HLA largely uses that as a foil for Russel's humor - who is even quirkier. If anything, she does have some kind of secret potential that makes her worth the risk for the Vortigants to stand up against the G-Man, but it's never really hinted at that I can remember. HLA ends with Alyx being abducted by the G-Man after her father is saved in HL2:E2 - and Eli passes the crowbar to Gordon (who you embody briefly) saying something like "time to get to work". So whatever that potential is, GMan wants to harness it for his employers - while the Vortigants want to keep that potential out of their hands. Almost certainly she'll be a pawn in future games that Gordon will have to fight to get back. Or she could be brainwashed and turned evil, and Gordon will have to fight her. In any case, yeah, I wouldn't say she's a Mary Sue.
>>969922 Is that a fucking Zoolander homage?
>>969933 That scene became a meme for a bit.
>>969898 Nah. I'll continue to use them correctly.
>>969468 Paladongs has slutty looking playable waifus, that's the remaining redeemable feature they got after axing the third person POV and replays. >>969820 But they won't because they don't feel like it, instead they just put the only coder to bust his ass with half-assed updates raping the game. >>969854 They're also sucking off Valve after the Deadlock leaks. >The game it's not even out and you're shitting on it Can't wait for the whiplashing release for them to shut the fuck up or defend Valve's retardness.
>>970002 Who is this guy? I like the cut of his jib.
>>970002 >video I like Darktide I think it's better now :(
>>969933 What confuses me more is the sped up version of that one I Monster song.
>>970070 Either tiktok brain rot or edited to avoid a copyright claim.
>>970081 It's not really a Tiktok thing, even the Silent Generation were speeding up music. See Alvin and the Chipmunks. Tiktok zoomers do seem to have a much more esoteric preference for what they chipmunk, though. I've heard that Crystal Waters song Gypsy Woman from like 30 years ago sped up and remixed more now than I've even heard the original song when it released.
>>970083 >a much more esoteric preference Besides all those Little Dark Age edits that were popular a few years ago, I have also seen a lot of Abba - Lay All Your Love On Me but slowed downed and reverbed.
>>969361 >everyone wants one thing >make completely different thing instead Stupid.
>>969360 Is that a fucking old Native American woman? Was the idea of cool character design completely forgotten? I could get a sheet of paper, and still make a "diverse" character design ten times better than that in a fucking afternoon.
>>970182 You don't want to be an obese injun grandmother with fat saggy tits shooting radioactive arrows at niggers in fedoras?
>>970189 You had me at fat saggy tits.
>>970182 Give it a shot anon. See if you can get the attention of normalfaggots with it too. Could be funny.
>>970207 The only issue is I can't draw. I'm a writer first and foremost.
>>969415 >>970190 Arrêtez d'être aussi excité 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7.
>>970015 I forgot, but he definitely got his Jewtube terminated for kicking the hornets nest or shadowbanned. >>970055 Even the models of the female characters got dumped for both Valve SDK and Blender before anything else, not even a recreation of its maps for TF2. >>970182 >Ugly as shit character designs There's a reason on why even the late SMNC get its crap gets dumped from time to time, this new found tumor Deadlock doesn't have the appeal to attract the useful idiots from League of Legends, let alone the unmentionable Pay2Win feature that'll give erectile dysfunction to the few devoted Gaben's apologists.
>>969360 >It supposedly has a bunch of references to Valve's other games, but is entirely non-canon to their other franchises. Neat sounds like it might involve the The Library from Prespero. I'll give it a try if its free
I want it to be good only because I miss Monday Night Combat. You can always email Gabe at gaben@valvesoftware.com Tell him you want hot waifus in the games.
>>969400 >Somebody should go through the staff list and see what games each of these people actually worked on, and if any of them were successful. Could always check yourself; https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/people <most of them are canadian
>>970211 Je sauvegarde cette incroyable image pour la seconde fois, je tiens à te le signaler.
>>970311 >Il dit sur ce site êtes-vous perdu mon ami?
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>>969360 >Greytalon I'm going to call him Great Alan instead.
>>970325 Je suis perdu depuis octobre 2019.
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>>970330 saved
>>970362 I really don't like any of Balak's work. Everything they make is like a 4chan shitpost with a budget. He was also involved in that weird borderline postmodern Ubisoft show Captain Laserhawk. You have to be extremely online to even get most of his work, which I am but I still don't enjoy media like that.
>>970363 I agree, and you've articulated it well. The requirement to be extremely online and the references means it gets old really fast. Not directly related, but I also remember Balak being a raging SWJ, with characters from his show using pronouns and coming out as trans and so on.
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>>970211 >>970311 >>970325 >>970357 C'est dommage que /planche/ n'ait pas fait long feu. Enfin, une planche francophone, dans un imageboard quasi désert que presque personne en dehors des États-Unis ne connaît, c'était déjà foutu d'avance. Mais bon, bien essayé, je dirais.
>>970384 Bien dommage, en effet. S'ajoute à cela le fait que la culture des planches à images semble assez peu répandue en France. Toutes les vieilles planches, UF, acrim, etc. sont mortes avec leurs admins milléniaux qui vaquent à leurs occupations réelles. Mes pairs leur préfèrent les forums, reddit, ou, toujours assez rarement, l'IRC.
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>>969361 Pic related. >>969511 It's not just Paladins, these stupid fucking 'reviews' are found on almost all the popular games on Steam, and yeah, it pisses me off. It's the bastard offspring of redditards and zoomers. Every review you're almost guranteed to find stupid shit like this: >I'm gonna leave this cat ASCII here, give me free upboats and awards :3 <No. Fuck off. Copypasting is not praiseworthy >Nobody reads reviews anyway, so I'll just say I'm le homosexual xD <Yes people do fucking read reviews, fuckhead. That's how we judge whether to buy a game. If you really thought nobody was gonna read your review, why even post? >Hay u guiz, my best friend said if I get to 9000 upboats, he's gonna buy me a SuperGameComputerStation 3000 with 8000GB of RAM and an NVIDIA 9050, upboat me and help me out here okay????? XDDDDDD <The fact that people think retards like this are being real is staggering, and even if it were true, it's not a fucking review. Also, what kind of 'deal' is this? Who the fuck would buy you a new gayming PC based on pretend likes from strangers? >"I am a 40 year old man, probably one of the oldest people playing this game, and I bought this game for my 13 year old son, it has brought us closer together..." copypasta <This pasta isn't clever or funny. Who wrote this trash? Also, consider that this isn't even a real review: even if this were true, all you told us was about how the game affected your life personally, you didn't actually tell us about how the game was itself. If I eat at a restaurant, I could write a review about how it brought my family 'closer together' and we sat and ate and laughed at the table, but it wouldn't actually say anything about how the food itself was, would it? >>969854 >I wish there was a cure for redditardation There is: it's .45 millimeters of a primer & gunpowder solution, loaded into a steel apparatus, and injected directly into the head via trigger pull.
>>970428 .45 inches (11.5mm)
>>969854 The cure is calling people faggot and nigger, which has unfortunately been non-kosher for quite a while
Some footage finally leaked, but I can't be fucked to post it. It's just some guy jumping around.
>>969398 True, it looks so generic you basically can call it Valo-Over-Dota-Fort-Battle
>>970428 >Oops it's all reddit Valve sure take this shit seriously and bear in mind they're okay deleting reviews that sound "rightwing", these delusional cucks share the same thin skin of an albino.
https://streamable.com/gjm033 heres the short leaked link
another >>971405
also I found this funny. If we bully valve hard enough maybe they'll scrap the thing and redesign it
>>971406 That's a pretty cool TF2 mod!
>>971406 I'm seeing such a pathetic cope. "It's an early alpha!" No, according to Gabe and McVicker, two guys talking about this project for literally years now, the game has been in development since 2018 and will be announced soon. If you consider over half a decade of straight development an "early alpha" you must be a Project Zomboid dev. The art style looks so jank because Valve is only half way through a re-theming after negative feedback from Deadlock's original Neon Prime-era Combine theme, but the core gameplay is pretty finalized. This footage is from a closed alpha that's estimated to have over 1000 people.
>>971433 TF2 took over 9 years of development. I'm concerned the game might be rushed.
>>971462 Well TF2 was a well designed game and still survives to this day
>>971496 Because they spent 9 years making it. This game has only been worked on for like 6
>>970055 Yeah that's nice but everyone knows best character is Torvald
>>971497 Kerbal Space Program 2 was worked on for 6 years before launch and it was the absolute worst launch to a game I've ever seen. To this day it still doesn't match the features of its predecessor, has bugs that guarantee your ship will be destroyed at some point, has RELOADING bugs that destroy your ship upon reloading a save, and is completely unplayable if you have more than one ship flying at once (sort of an important feature when building an INTERSTELLAR SPACE PROGRAM). Time "worked on" ≠ quality.
>>971778 What about that dungeon crawler by that one big ol' Aussie cunt? It was being worked on for like 20 years and then finally released in the form of a wet fart
>>971780 Grimoire. The game isn't even bad, it's just nothing noteworthy for the genre. If you want a good retro dungeon crawler also in development for a long time, try The Quest. Originally developed for some obscure PDA roughly 20 years ago, it's been ported and updated for years after.
Too big to post here, but there's now over 15 minutes of leaked footage. Lots of the heroes visible. youtube.com/watch?v=7BDMm3FuiHs Visually, the only one I dig is Yamoto, who's this tall samurai woman. There's also this weird short little dragon-kobold thing named Ivy? Some anons might like her. It definitely looks like Valve's take on a hero shooter, not sure if that's something I want but that's what it is.
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The logo with a bunch of character art compiled. Top left is the kobold thing I was talking about earlier.
>>971948 I like the kobold, she can get the D. I like the lightbulb robot too, don't see that too often (except Little Helper). The samurai is great, however. She's like a female version of Lupin's Goemon. She somehow stands out from the other characters, I don't know why.
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>>971952 The robot is Dynamo, he does a kind of Sonic spinball style attack from what I've seen, and the samurai is Yamoto who's probably my favorite of the bunch. You can see footage of them here.
>>971948 All these designs look really off, I feel like they're lacking in good detail. There also doesn't seem to be a coherent theme, I see some stuff that suggests some kind of Steampunk/Roaring 20s setting but there are too many incongruous elements. It looks like every character has a bunch of random crap bolted on to them for no particular reason.
>>971958 They're off because according to the leakers, they're literally not finished. The game recently went through a large reboot, which is why the name shifted from Neon Prime to Deadlock. I do agree on the lack of a coherent theme, though. I was thinking about why the TF2 mercs all fit together despite being so different, then I realized they all have coordinated styles and matching colors. The Scout, Demoman and Pyro all have totally different outfits but they share motifs between them; insignias on the sleeve with lighter colors on top and darker further down, ending in black footwear.
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>>971783 Sequel soon!
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>>971971 Yes! I was going to mention that also but didn't want to derail the thread too much, but since you've mentioned it I'll say it looks so much like Daggerfall even The Wayward Realms would blush. The interesting thing about it to me is how much it looks like what a 90s CRPG would have been if they had no technical limitations, rather than what a modern take on those games usually look like, as seen in releases like Islands of the Caliph.
>>971979 It looks so fucking comfy goddamn, I need to finish The Islands of Fire and Ice
>>971497 >Because they spent 9 years making it Correction: they spent 9 years during the days when internet usage demanded a modicrum of competency and the company wasn't complacent enough to let people get away with not working. It IS possible to make people work there, Gabe tardwrangled for the Steam Deck (and its failed predecessor the Steam Machine).
>>971971 >>971979 Sequel to Grimoire or The Quest? Because that does look pretty.
>>971998 Sequel to The Quest Betrayed, this one is party based though, not my cup of tea since I like going solo in games, but still It's looking good.
>>971406 >denying i hope they are not expecting this one to be a big success, because this type of mechanic drives 80% of the playerbase away.
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>>972038 Early speculation he was just taunting in the original screenshot are wrong, he really does use his hand to shoot. The animation is pretty nice, even if I have no interest in this game I do have to credit Valve's animation team.
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>>972042 I can't get over Ivy's STEN gun having two fucking magazines out the front, that's so funny.
>>972038 >>972040 >>972042 I'm sorry but this does not look valve quality, looks extremely bare bones with mechanics mish-mashed together just to say they have this mechanic . They put everything together in a blender and it looks the definition of appealing to every audience at once, which always ends up forgotten
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>>969360 >overwatch clone. O I am laffin.
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>>971948 >>972038 >>972040 >>972043 >This is what Volvo been doing all the time before releasing a new game out to the public This shit looks so fucking vile and horrendous. None of those characters look cool or sexy, they look like a bunch of rejected cast and that game is supposed to be a hero shooter goyslop of the year? What the fuck is Gaben smoking to allow this shit to be developed?
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>>971431 And the backscatter got buffed, but you have to download the equivalent of a new game in order to enjoy it. >>971585 Until they got rid of his ability to leech on enemy shields, now he's just another pushover along with Androxous, Samurai Guy, Skye, the vodoo bitch and many more. >>971966 Why not make it into a new Team Fortress spinoff but this time with all classes from the previous generations duking out in a purgatory like setting? Hell, it could work better on console since it's third person and borrow some shit from the workshop, it could crash the mannconomy worse than WTC but fuck it.
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>>972124 >This shit looks so fucking vile and horrendous. None of those characters look cool or sexy, they look like a bunch of rejected cast and that game is supposed to be a hero shooter goyslop of the year? What the fuck is Gaben smoking to allow this shit to be developed? Kelvin and Lash are alright, maybe warden, but the majority are ESG shit.
>>972155 What the Hell, did Valve took the artists who did Firewatch and Battleborn, and told them to make a knockoff Timesplitters roster!?
>>972043 Now THATS doublefeed allright.
>>972155 Why is a Stalker environmentalist on the roster?
>>972155 >Yamato more like Yamero NAAYYYYdeshiko lmao
>>972155 Forget about Yamato, Haze is my new waifu
>>972040 >Infernus >nigger >sets things on fire Black lives really DO matter to Valve!
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>>971859 It's more likely than you think.
What do frogs think about Victor in Tekken?
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>>972260 Never played Tekken 8, but I saw how he looks like, and the sword and whatever the fuck kind of tech shit is on his glasses is too much, the pistol and knife was enough. Also they should've made the gun look like a MAC 50 for extra Frog. Otherwise he looks cool. In terms of pure design, I prefer Shermie anyway.
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>>972265 > Also they should've made the gun look like a MAC 50 for extra Frog. Shouldnt that be a MR-73?
>>972266 Actually, that works even better.
>>972228 The edge, the sicilian THE NEGROID >>972265 And there's King
>>972040 These character designs suck ass.
>>972155 I think Haze and the robots are the only ones that look even somewhat passable. Every one of them just looks so incredibly generic, like a rejected design off of a sheet of concept art.
>>972155 Infernus is fine too, looks likea Bakshi character, like if Wizards and Coonskin had a baby.
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>>972040 It looks so slow. I don't think the character designs are all that bad though.
>>972155 I don't like Kelvin at all. He's not overtly "ESG shit", sure, but the hair/beard combination makes him look like a hipster faggot. Lash is fine but doesn't look like he belongs in the same game as the rest of the humans. Haze is the only good design here. There are a few tolerable ones (Infernus, Seven, Warden) that could work as middling members of a better cast but are totally inadequate to carry one this shitty.
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>>972038 >>972040 The fact that he's running around with fingerguns as if he were holding an actual gun looks unbelievably retarded. Why not just have him run like a normal black man until he's ready to fire his peaceful protest blasts when attacking? >>972043 >Those fucking vines on the gun for no reason I get that her(?) thing is ivy, but come on. >Magazine housing being THAT far down the barrel and >2 magazine housings on either side of the gun Ejector ports don't work that way. The Sten's ejector port was supposed to be on the opposite side of the gun's magazine housing, not behind the magazine housing. I think realistically, if you tried to fire this gun, if it even fired at all, what would happen is it might fire once, and then the spent casing would be stuck in the barrel. >That fucking FAMAS G2-inspired tirgger guard. France was a mistake.
>>972735 > vines on the gun for no reason that's german watercooling tech
>>972038 So it's an actual assfaggots game as evident by the creeps in the footage. This shit is going to be the flop of the decade.
>>972439 Haze and Infernus look like token blacks from a diversity mandate. Seven is middling, the execution falls short of the concept and its face needs work.
>>972826 People would rather play RTS where you only control 1 unit than a third-person shooter with the same mechanics, it's a crazy world.
>>972869 Funny you say that. There was a game that was exactly this that I played years ago. Savage XR. Asymmetrical 32-player two-team RTS where each team had a commander and the other 15 on each were soldier units. Soldiers would basically defend the workers and would try to accomplish differing objectives (changed based on map type, with most having a special victory condition of destroying the other team's base) with the commander's guidance, while the commander placed buildings, guided workers and upgrades, and doled out buffs if the situation needed them. Very interesting and very autistic game that I'm surprised I don't here or see more people being nostalgic about, for how unique the premise was and how damn fun the game could be with a full lobby. Was never good enough to do the commander party myself but was pretty good playing as a beast footsoldier or sniping people with the coil rifle that humans could get if the commander decided to research that instead of chemical weapons.
>>972893 Well and that was based on mmo pvp modes and unreal tournament rpg mutators a bit.
>>972893 I think Fantasy Earth Zero also played kind of like that, though more like its sequel? The structures you see in the first image are created by players spending resources they earn in the match (matches were 50v50), the one that is just a big cube served as cover and a vantage point since you could jump rather high in this game. You could also use that resource to transform into large monster Siege Units like the Troll in the background of the second image, otherwise you'd play as your class (such as the Archer pictured in the foreground). There were monster maps as well where you could grind experience and earn money for consumables and equipment, I think certain constructibles generated monsters who would either guard the area around their spawner or creep out to assault things. Soundtrack was a high quality but slightly boring orchestral affair, this game had weird cosmetics.
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Now now that it's been a few weeks and literal hours of gameplay has leaked, how do you all think this game looks? I think it's.. alright I guess. Not something I would play personally. I like some of the character designs.
>>972925 Not a fan of ASSFAGGOTS so I don't see myself getting too into this, also not expecting much fan content of value coming from this except perhaps from Infernus since he is literally some kind of Nigger Devil. I figure it'll do slightly worse than DoTA did on launch, like raw numbers will be higher because the market is larger now but proportion of targeted demographic grabbed will be worse. We'll see the typical down-trend in players as time goes on but it'll get surges when new characters release and for seasonal events, won't be a star earner but will be worth at least some investment on Valve's end. What I'm wondering is how cosmetic monetization will perform and if this will spur Valve to drop all support for TF2, dropping TF2 would be dumb but I feel like the people behind this are actually trying to work against Valve and replace something they see as problematic with their own thing. Last part is just a gut hunch so very likely incorrect though.
>>972893 Reminds me of Empires mod, I liked that game.
>>972925 I think this game looks great. I should do a Richter run. Deadlock, on the other hand, looks gay.
Supposedly the game is quite active now, literally thousands of people in a totally unannounced semi-closed beta. If you can find the right address you can email it and ask for an invite.
https://archive.ph/FWfqu The Fall of Valve >When the Sweet Baby Inc. story broke and the list of clients that have self immolated with their assistance was first published the only one that gave me a truly sinking feeling was Valve. When Larry Fink and his buddies first noticed that video games were a thing during the lockdown, they began their usual tactic of taking over an industry by buying fifteen percent of it, I really didn’t care that much about most of them. 2K, Ubisoft and EA going super woke was only going to provide me with new reasons to laugh at them. >But Valve? The company that owns Steam? That was very worrying. My rule on stealing games is, ‘only if no one is willing to sell it to me.’ Stuff like Wolfenstien (2009) or No One Lives Forever. But if Steam goes superwoke I’m going to have to revisit this policy. Steam has an effective monopoly on PC gaming distribution, sure there are a few other distribution sites out in the wild but they are to Steam what CrunchyRoll is to Netflix. >After the initial panic I had to step back and ask, wait a minute, Valve is barely a gaming studio at this point, I mean is Sweet Baby Inc going to fuck up Half Life 3? Is there going to be a TF3 with trans characters? What is there for Sweet Baby to infect? >We now know the answer. Here’s the description of Valve’s newest game Deadlock: >“Arin Fairfax, the eldest heir to Fairfax Industries has been living in hiding for the past 5 years after being shot and left for dead on their 18th birthday. Arin doesn’t know who is trying to keep them from taking control of their parent’s company… but in the avarice fueled viper’s nest that is Fairfax Industries it could be anyone. Taking on the name ‘Pocket’, Arin desperately wants to keep their true identity a secret… not only for their own protection; but because they want to forge their own identity separate from their parents.” >Ooooh, good. >Deadlock appears to be a Source engine version of Overwatch and before you say, isn’t that TF2? Here’s the “leak.” https://invidious.privacydev.net/watch?v=X7eQnNY_nrE >Arin’s gameplay starts at about the 10:00 mark. >From John Trent at That Park Place: >“Sweet Baby Inc.’s goal is to inject diversity into games. Their About Us section read, “Founded in 2018, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative development and consultation studio based in Montreal and working around the globe. Our mission is to tell better, more empathetic stories while diversifying and enriching the video games industry. We aim to make games more engaging, more fun, more meaningful, and more inclusive, for everyone.” >“In fact, the company’s CEO Kim Belair made it abundantly clear she was trying to take over the video game industry with her activism . She said in an interview with InclusionFX back in 2021, “In 2018, one of my best friends and I, we teamed up and we founded a company. The original desire was just to write together. We wanted to write with the two of us and a friend of ours and we wanted to write games. But we realized that as a unit we realized we were capable of doing for others what had not been done to us, which was to support us, empower us, to lift us up, to value our talent, and to help build our skills.” >“Belair also previously claimed she would do this by taking over well-established franchises because she believes that gamers would accept whatever slop major companies attempt to feed them.” >What she has mostly done is destroy the AAA franchises even faster than the Woke destroyed Hollywood. The thing about Hollywood is that you have long established and beloved characters like Luke Skywalker and Indiana Jones that people want to be saved. >That simply doesn’t apply to triple AAA games. If I know in advance that Doom Guy is suddenly demanding pronoun respect I’m just not going to buy or play Doom Inclusion, it’s not going to happen. Gaming distribution doesn’t have anywhere near as labyrinthine financing structure as Hollywood. If a game bombs, it bombs and there is no real way to soften the impact. Gaming isn’t a matter of Go Woke Lose Ten Percent of your Market. These guys do go broke overnight and it doesn’t matter because there is always somebody else who will pop up to take their place. The AAA market is on life support thanks to companies like Sweet Baby and if Valve wants to join them it will be inconvenient for a while but ultimately monopolies always fail without government support anyway. >Something Larry Fink and his friends can’t understand is that gamers aren’t movie goers, its not a passive experience, you don’t just sit and watch unless you are playing something from Don’t Nod. We’ll drop the franchise in a heartbeat and never look back. >Forcing inclusivity into gaming is the fastest way to one shot a studio that I can think of. If programers suddenly get a list of documentation requirements that ban words like “Master” and “Slave” or “White List” and “Black List.” The 20% who do 80% will jump ship immediately and the studio will end up dropping a bug riddled mess like Red Fall. >If Valve collapses, we’ll immediately go someplace else.
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>>973494 This article is nothing but GG thread tier spergery.
>>970055 So Paladins died for the Switch, surprised it didn't happen early, all the shit unlocked is probably saved if you log in to the PC version, but fucking HIREZ who are just incompetent as Valve.
Valve has finally filed a trademark for Deadlock.
>>974294 I really wonder who this is being marketed to, maybe they're hoping to pick up the overwatch crowd? But then how is that going to be profitable when overwatch wasn't?
>>974297 Specifically I bet it's the Valorant/Apex Legends crowd. They're making the same mistake as they did with Artifact, though.
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>>974294 Can't wait for them to finally shut this garbage down!
>>974294 >Deadlock More like dead on arrival.
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>>974386 Can't wait to see those tranny hackers leave TF2 just to focus on raping that miscarriage considering CUNTer Strike 2 got also fucked beyond repairing due to VAC sucking cock.
>>974685 I still don't understand what Valve was trying to get out of CS2. CS:GO worked fine and was popular, why fuck everything up for everyone and then just give up?
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>>974719 >CS:GO worked fine
>>974743 This. It improved after some hitboxes updates but the game still had massive hitreg issues on 64 ticks servers (like the ones used in matchmaking) at the end of its life. Spraying and even tapping with the USP was much more reliable on 3rd-party 128 ticks servers like FaceIt. The other main issue was the acceleration of the player models. Peeking an angle was really strong in GO and CS2 compared to just holding it (tagging and lag compensation also play a role). Cheaters are mentioned a lot but they're another kind of issue that every popular FPS games are facing. I know CS2 isn't good atm but GO wasn't either.
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>magic + tech universe >artstyle is a mix of "wow reelizm" and flashy particle effects WASTED POTENTIAL
>>974873 According to >McVicker, who's been a surprisingly great source on the game probably because Valve gave him an invite, the world isn't so much "magic + tech" as the regular real world being invaded by spirits from the afterlife. The real world previously fended off these invasions easily, but now the supernatural forces are growing more advanced (maybe? I'm not clear on this part) and the battles began to become deadlocked right around the 1930s.
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Also it was revealed that Uncle Dane leaked a lot of what we know of Deadlock today, and he got caught and banned by Valve for it.
>>975136 (forgot another image)
>>975136 >youtube shill leaks game >gets just deserts lmao
>>975136 Faggot deserved it lmao. Fuck that prick and his bullshit sparking the mass hatred of random crits. Alongside his stupid competitive autism and wanting to turn TF2 into a no-fun-allowed borefest with class limits and other unfun horseshit. I do have to give him the tiniest iota of respect for having the balls to leak this shit though.
>>970083 >Alvin and the Chipmunks
>>975146 >defending random crits Found the reddit nigger.
>>975150 >Hating random crits found the real reddit nigger.
>>975151 >n-no you Yup, typical of a tranny who wants meritless gameplay because their estrogen addled brains need gacha dopamine hits for doing no work.
>>975152 Nigger, have you seen reddit, jewtube, or the general normalfaggot TF2 space for the past half-decade? It's been hip and cool to hate on random crits for years, and it's easily the normalfaggot perspective because "muh balance" and "RNG bad" amongst other parroted arguments. There's a case to be made against random crits, mostly down to the damage ramp-up mechanics, but most normalfags don't understand that and instead just parrot the arguments spouted by their favorite fag influencer, "random crits bad because bad." I like the chaos and randomness they bring, personally. Can't handle your precious 12v12 hat simulator having a bit of RNG and some snowballing mechanics?
>>975155 >It's been hip and cool to hate on random crits for years Don't care and don't know what niggercattle think. Just know that you're a tranny who wants meritless gacha gameplay in an arena shooter. >Can't handle your precious 12v12 hat simulator having a bit of RNG and some snowballing mechanics? You even talk like a condescending woman. Randomly winning an engagement in a shooter when you should have lost is bad game design. It's the equivalent to a pawn randomly nuking every piece is a 9x9 radius based on a dice roll. You can say that's "fun" in the sense that everyone at the party watching you play will think it's funny. But it's also objectively terrible game design. >but when I'm a drunk retard with friends we laugh at it Cool, and 99% of the other times when people are just casually queuing into a public server it's just annoying. In the vast majority of cases it only serves to be this archaic mechanic that doesn't map onto how anyone plays a shooter in 2024. Kill yourself gacha tranny.
>>975152 >>975150 >defending Bethesda's "earn a crit and save it up for later" You were born after 2000. You're not even human, never mind a video game player.
>>975175 Who are you quoting?
>>975182 Piss the fuck off.
>>973512 I especially like the insinuation Valve will collapse at the end there, as if they aren't the richest company per employee in America. >>975182 This meme should have died in 2009 when it was still kind of funny and made sense. Even normalfags know what greentexting is now.
>>975150 random crits are based tho
>>975277 >This meme should have died in 2009 when it was still kind of funny and made sense. Even normalfags know what greentexting is now. The "meme" is pointing out that he's strawmanning, not that you don't understand he's strawmanning.
>>974873 >Established an iconic artstyle in which everyone took a piece of it <By just forgetting about it and repeat the same mistake that their rivals did <It's all rejected Dreamworks/Pixar characters >>975146 He definitely made the skial servers look a walk on the park, too many faggots that got their game hooked up their asses 24/7 and start oozing with autism.
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You know how Deadlock was originally Neon Prime and set in the Half-Life universe? Somebody who has an invite dug around the files and found the game still has Neon Prime-era assets. They remade the newspaper from HL2, you can see what looks like a high-quality Breen model.
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>>980508 And before you say "That's probably an Alyx leftover", no actually! They did remake the newspaper in HL:A too, but it's much higher quality. The one found in Deadlock's assets is also slightly different, note how the caption under the image from Alyx's version is missing. You can also see the Breen image is different, he's lacking the podium, but it does look like they're using the same underlying image, just colored differently.
>>970055 Can't believe such a hot design was wasted on an overwatch clone.
>>980598 >repeating exactly what was said is a strawman But that didn't happen
>>980638 >He's for earned crits and against random crits Go ahead and quote where I said I was for earned crits. I can wait.
>>980558 >The healer character just to get assraped by flankers <Just like Christina Vee getting cummed and dumped by her fellow prettyboy voice actors from the union I like seeing characters reflecting what their actors are, it's worth mentioning that the one who voiced the Milhouse looking rabbit is having streak of bad luck and will never have a protagonist role besides the shit-tier champion who has like 2 or 3 skins.
>>980671 Thanks for admitting you're not against random crits, then. Your entire post history is nullified.
>>980868 I am against random crits.
>>980558 I'm pretty sure Paladins came out first. It's definitely a clone/successor of Smite though, even down to the third person camera it used to have as another anon in the thread mentioned and the game functioning much more like an ASSFAGGOTS/MOBA than a fps. And yeah they had some pretty good artists working on it, hell, they still do even now with the newer skins and promo art even as the game is dying. >>980782 >Christina Vee How does that hack even still have a job at this point? I'm still pissed for her complete butchery that her role as Charlotta Fenia was in the Granblue games. Bitch couldn't even stay in character half the time, and the other half she was putting on this posh, highborn, pseudo-british accent that's a terrible fit for the lowborn and rowdy knight captain. Doesn't helped I was forced to listen to it against my will because of how the fighting games handled VA options with each player using their preferred voice type (gave you more motivation to kick someone's ass when they were using the awful eng dub though). Guess she either has dirt on someone, knows whose dick to suck to keep a job, or both.
>>981074 Smite came out first in 2014, Paladins started development the same time Smite released closed alpha in 2012, Overwatch started development around 2013 but got announced first, and Paladins was in Open Beta until 2018, but considering how many trash and obvious underdeveloped aspects of the game still exist, I'd say it's still in beta. >as the game is dying I have zero clue what the fuck they're doing. They've got people who certainly love the concept of the game considering how much they advertise it, but nobody's admitting to playing it, those that are get pissed with every balance update as with most MOBA tards, their patches have slowed to a crawl, and they're juggling it with like 5 other live service team based pvp games because Hi-Rez has brain damage and can't design fun games to save their lives. Best you can say about Paladins is "it exists and it's not 100% Overwatch", same thing will most likely happen with Deadlock.
>>981096 Paladongs could have filled the gap that TF2 for console left, but surprise surprise: They couldn't fix the game and kept on clogging with shitacular champions unbalancing the game beyond salvation, repeating the same mistake as Loadout: >Fun until it was updated At least it outlived the Counter Strike-like game. Did Tribes suffer the same fate?
>>981159 Tribes was before my time, so no fucking clue. All I've heard is everybody on /v/ that posts about it hates Hi-Rez exclusively because they killed Tribes. >outlived the Counter Strike-like game Oh yeah, Rogue Company, I forgot that one. Yeah just have TWO mediocre hero shooters running at the same time to offset the failures of your first one, SUCH A WONDERFUL IDEA! Like I said they're a one trick pony: copy popular multiplayer games and add Hi-Rez jank! They're lucky they're not AAA or at least in the limelight (outside of EXTREMELY dumb shit like adding ads to Smite or teasing AI voice lines), their reputation can also be summarized as "they exist and they're not Blizz/Epic/Valve" but they easily have controversies of their own once people start digging.
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>>981161 There was also the Fortnite spinoff borrowing shit from Paladins and the Paladins phone game. ALMOST FIVE OF 'UM Leaving the original Paladins as the only live game that still has some traffic due to hackers raping TF2 and Blizzard being total cancer. They conceived Smite 2 because fuck you for being loyal, will be the same shit, not sure if they're going to replace the first one or leave it there to rot.
Gay-sports slop

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