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NES/Famicom thread! Replacing the 72 pin connector for glorious memories Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 02:09:55 Id: 11fe1b No. 978520
I wanna have my NES working properly, and since the cartridge connection seemed pretty precarious (the screen had a tendency to go gray randomly and no cartridge connected well at the first try) I figured it could be the 72 pin connector. Is this gon' be easy? Or will it be impossible? Will my dreams come true? Let's see. Also, let's talk about the NES/Famicoim.
I opened it and fortunately things look good. No spiders, no baby hand skeletons.
Everything looks remarcablky clean. I didn't expect this, but fuck am I glad.
So, afer taking it apart I found the part which needs replacing. Please tell me there's no soldering needed. If there is, the project stops here for tonight until I can send it to a repair shop. I know soldering is probably easy, but I haven't learned.
This thread gives me ROB thread vibes. Good luck on your repairs anon.
>>978527 It's just a simple ZIF connector. Unscrew and remove the old one, slap the new one on. Most new make connectors are made so you don't even have to push down the cartridge anymore.
>>978533 Got it! It was stuck so it seemed to me like it was soldered, but I was able to take it out. Thanks!
>>978527 On the off-chance that you have no fucking idea what the hell I just said here >>978533 ZIF stands for Zero Insertion Force. The NES connector is literally a double-female-ended connector, they slide off both the main board and the cartridge with similar ease. So there's no soldering whatsoever. The original design was to try to make it more like VCRs of the time because the Video Game Crash of the '80s did its damage and trying to look not like a game machine to ease fears of "it's just going to be the same fucking games over and over again." Sadly the NES ZIF connector was a flaky piece of shit that was guaranteed to fucking fail over time. A more permanent fix would be to take a fucking bandsaw to the bottom portion and wire up a dedicated cartridge connector that requires a little bit of force and then mount it onto the cartridge tray. While I appreciate new model connectors so you don't need to lower the cartridge in the tray, it's ultimately a lazy non-fix of a flaw. >>978537 Good. Be sure to clean the pin headers with alcohol while you've got it off.
New connector, on. Let's re-assemble it all and test it.
OK, so the cartrisge fits perfectly. It's time to re-assemble it and test it, I guess. Wish me luck.
>>978551 Technically you can test it with the RF shield off and the plastic cover off. That way if it works you can then fully assemble it without having to worry about having to take it apart again.
(12.54 MB 478x850 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!.mp4)

>>978552 >you can test it with the RF shield off and the plastic cover off Yes, now that I think about it... And guess what! It totally works. It already feels way more stable. I know the video itself doesn't look too good, but the screen is crisp! The video doesn't capture the screen right, but trust me, this looks fine! I think I have most of the working ROMs that work for this flash cart. What should I play as a celebration?
>>978576 Castlevania 3. Waifu playthrough with Sypha.
(5.16 MB 478x850 Castl 3 yay ya y ay.mp4)

>>978578 Will give it a try! Would be cool since I've never played a Castlevania before.
As I said I never playes a Castlevania before, but it's fun! https://files.catbox.moe/qrken0.mp4
>>978520 Are you using an original connector from a donor console? There is a new aftermarket connector out there that's supposed to be better than previous aftermarket ones, maybe it's worth checking out: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=4lpCNMxGW3s (I don't own a NES, so I have no idea if it's any good, but the topic reminded me of it)
Protip: The Everdrive's PCB is thick enough that you don't usually need to push the cartridge down after inserting it. Also makes accessing the SD card a bit easier.
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With that FC you can play Disc System games, OP Some are very shocking to see, considering it's a Nintendo system.
Does an Everdrive hold all the games?
>>979631 The Everdrive website says it supports micro SD cards up to 32GB which is way way more than enough to hold the entire NES and famicom library.
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>>979658 There's also a wealth of homebrew games, and excellent ROM hacks. The only downside of the Everdrive is that it can't do the FUCKHUGE games like that Legend of Link hack that looks like Link's Awakening. You need an FX Pak Pro or whatever, but if you don't care about the very few games that need it, you're more than set with an Everdrive. I also recommend getting one for Genesis, as it works with Master System and 32X games (requires a 32X for the latter, naturally)

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