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Favourite gay character. Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 22:48:03 Id: a012b4 No. 979412
I am going to start with my 2 favourite homos. Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino. I find their relationship really cute. How Hijiyama will spend a good chunk of his story wondering if he is gay while Okino teases him.
>>979412 There's this one game called Slave Zero X that I've been playing where the main protagonist is gay, so probably that one. Other than that, Alucard from Castlevania is also a character I've grown to love, especially during SoTN and in the Sorrow duology. I should replay Sorrow in Julius mode since I really enjoyed those games.
Angry space cat lady. >>979420 Alucard isnt gay, thats entirelysomething netflix made up.
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Which ones get killed painfully? Those
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Very original choice, I know.
>>979412 The only good faggot is a femboy faggot.
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>>979412 While you could say the relationship between Volgin and Raikov is mostly played as a quick unexpected joke/twist. It actually does add more depth to Volgin as a character. If it wasn't for Raikov, Volgin would be a pretty 2-dimensional bad guy who's just Evil to everyone around him for the sake of being Evil, but you can see he has a genuine reaction of anger after he realized Snake must have harmed Raikov in some way. There is someone Volgin actually does cares about, and based on how you can interact with Raikov, the fact he feels he can just grab your junk and expect zero consequences. You can infer that the relationship between Volgin and Raikov is consensual and they both use their positions of authority to abuse their power, and sexually harass whoever they want, whenever they want. Perhaps Raikov is in the position of power he is specifically because he's Volgins lover, and it's nepotism. Volgin also seems to treat Raikov pretty well, he's a sadist when it comes to Eva, but Raikov body is in flawless condition when you strip him down. So perhaps Volgin only enjoy's being sexual sadistic towards women, and treats men differently, or maybe he only cares about Raikov's well-being. Volgin is a fun villain to watching being Evil, but this part of his character actually is interesting to think about to a degree.
>>979438 do you think they will keep the junk grab in delta? i wanna see that in hd. ha ha
>>979438 The game is using the exact same Voice Acting and cutscene motion capture from 2004. Pretty much the only thing actually being changed is the Graphics and the addition of modern Controls. Everything else is going to be the same, and Snake's Junk getting grabbed is literally how he gets captured. While it's possible, they could attempt to remove it, if they wanted. I'm pretty sure they're trying to be as fateful as possible to the original game, they've gone as far as allowing you to use the classic controls, and overhead camera. So I think they'll keep everything the same, since that's what people are expecting from this remake, They didn't censor anything from the Master Collection so it stands to reason this stuff will stay the same too.
>>979412 Op is always gay
The thing that makes japanese gay shit so dangerous it's that it can be likeable, you barely see people liking woke shit but everyone it's crazy about anime and others
>>979412 Whichever one is dead before the game starts, is never mentioned in any way, and which has nothing to do with the story or gameplay.
Is /v/ the fujoshi board now? Where are you people coming from?
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>>979464 >Where are you people coming from? FROM THE SAME PLACE EVERYONE DOES!
>>979464 Femboy summer
>>979412 kill yourself op
>Pink Morning Glory: Symbolises love, romance, gentleness, thoughtfulness, and gratitude. >Blue Morning Glory: Symbolises deep emotions, infinitive love, trust, respect, and honesty.
>>979512 >Bootleg Ash is a faggot luv wins again
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>>979512 >Misty lost What a joke.
>>979540 >Misty >May >Dawn >Latias He's broken a lot of hearts.
>>979512 >4th pic is that real? yaoi is a-ok for jap kids now?
>>979444 That's a girl with a flat chest and nothing will convince me otherwise
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OP sounds like one of these creepy fags who would write gay fanfics about his male classmates in secret. Maybe he's actually a woman and should post her unkempt bush. On a serious note, the fact that I can't remember any other fag besides Arcade Gannon from FNV, Da Vinci in Asscreed II and Tony Prince from GTA IV shows that I don't play many things that include gays, or you can't make them memorable just by making them gay. Lesbian sisters unrelated.
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>>979512 Goubros stay winning
>>979567 >>979512 Fake. We all know that Pikachu won.
I remember Angelica Rogner from Trails of Cold Steel being a raging lesbian.
Is this another instance of Mark editing the OP because he finds it funny?
>>979579 No, OP is being a genuine faggot.
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OP's blood test came back.
>>979430 >I actually forgot about Arcade. Don't know how I could, He was one of my favourite followers. >>979421 Was she gay? I had no idea.
My favorite gay character is you, the one reading this.
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>>979589 >Was she gay? I had no idea. If you play a female revan you can lezz her up, yeah. Thats the nice thing about being subtle and caring more about the character and its motivation that about what they get off to, unless you activly try you would never know Juhani liked chicks.
>>979421 >Alucard isnt gay, thats entirelysomething netflix made up. Yet he never spawned a vampirekin like his father, how curious. >>979438 Ah, Volgin is also a very good choice.
>>979556 Call him whatever you what, I don't think he'll mind.
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The Swordcraft Story girls.
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Honorable mentions.
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>>979665 Were the atelier girls actually lesbos or was that just like yuri undertones? I didn't get far enough in the game to know.

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More Atelier yuri.
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>>979697 Undertones varying from game to game. Some were straight like Escha from Escha and Logy but most of them don't have any males they're close to other than basic friends and they almost all have close relationships with their female friends. Ryza and Klaudia's relationship can come across pretty gay. They even have a slow motion running hug when they reunite in the second game. Klaudia's entire arc in that game is about her getting jealous about Ryza spending time with another girl. Still it never goes beyond subtext.
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>>979697 What do you call girls who take bathes together, sleep in the same bed, and grope other girls?
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More honorable mentions.
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>>979412 (YOU)
>>979697 Japaneses make a distinction between yuri and lesbos, if they don't have sex then they are not real lesbos
>>979748 They don't even think sex counts, anon. They believe any two women together simply don't count no matter what they do and two women together is just practice for a man. Yuri stories can still have sex. It's about tone. It's only "lesbian" if the work starts angsting about it and tries to get political.
>>979752 >They don't even think sex counts, anon. They believe any two women together simply don't count no matter what they do and two women together is just practice for a man. I mean, they have a point there.
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>>979748 >>979752 You could argue that handjobs and oral don’t count as sex.
>>979697 It's always yuri when both girls are hot as true to life lesbos (TLOU2) won't get your dick hard like rocks when they touch. Also muh male gaze.
>>979797 it's just helping a bro out, brah. just don't get too deep in those feelings, and it's a-ok
>>979804 Oh no, they still count as gay.
>>979804 It's always gay when it's men. That thing I said about women together not counting doesn't apply to men. Sex is real as soon as a dick is involved. That's why men being gay is way worse than women being gay.
>>979831 Sex is the penius entering the vagina, however one can still experience mental illnesses that make them attracted to those they cannot have sex with. All these other activities can be called sexual activities, but they are not sex itself. And no, pozzed definition changing doesn’t count.
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>Open thread expecting to see gay shit <Thread actually lacks gay shit <Instead is filled with fag shit Even being an unironic homosexual, you STILL manage to find ways to fuck it up!
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>>979885 /y/ >>> /u/
>>979888 checked now that's some nice homo caramel right there
>>979888 God Scaramouche was made to be topped
>>979937 has there ever been anyone made to be "sided"?
>>979888 If that's homosexual then I don't want to be straight.
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>>979963 Cuddled? Bow maybe.
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>>979980 Benis
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>>979932 Genshin boys are one of China's greatest contributions to the world.
This thread deserves a nuclear bombing
I expected more lesbian porn out of this thread.
>>980072 /v/ is a gay board. Deal with it, straggot.
>>980079 Die, queer.
>75 post and the obvious one is missing https://archive.org/details/gd_20220509 >>980068 I DON'T LIKE THEM PUTTING TWINKS INTO THE GATCHA TO TURN THE FRICKING ANONS GAY! >>980088 Hello friendly krautanon!
>>980072 I’d prefer a containment thread for pizza rather than having it spammed in other threads Gamergate
>>980107 I really don't like you using pizza to mean pornography. Thats a pedo dog whistle buddy. So. Explain to me real quick what the fuck that's about.
Really not looking forward to Faglus remaking P2 into goyslop for nigger-worshipping zoomer tourists.
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>>980093 >I DON'T LIKE THEM PUTTING TWINKS INTO THE GATCHA TO TURN THE FRICKING ANONS GAY! >TWINKS These boys are 5'3 on average. That's shota territory.
>>980235 >These boys are 5'3 on average. That's shota territory. mh, Given that im 5'4, would you say im out of the territory?
>>980250 Depends. Do you look like a 13-14yo boy or like a hobbit?
>>980235 Those are fucking girls. Or asians.
>>980111 Editing posts isn't as funny as you think.
>>980259 Okay? And what the fuck does that have to do with the price of tea in china? Nigger tell me why you talk like a pedo. And it better be a good fucking reason.
Is futa gay? if so, what games that aren't hentai have futa?
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>>980257 The first and second boys are from not-Japan. The third boy is from not-China. The fourth boy is from not-Egypt. The fifth boy is from not-Germany. And this is how they look in-game.
Guild Wars 2 general thread?
>>980256 hobbit...
>>980261 None exist. Neither does futanari x loli. There's also a futanari loli drought. There's plenty of metaphorical holes that have yet to be filled.
>>980261 >what games that aren't hentai have futa? i think the dragon quest monsters joker series, as far as i know in japanese the monster are either male, female or hermaphrodite, it got localized to "+", "-" and "±" respectively
>>980265 Isn't a futa loli just a shota?
>>980269 i mean, they are rare(even more than cuntboys, i think), but male futa are a thing, so i'd say futa loli≠futa shota
>>980269 I'd say it's circumstantial. If one is born with both parts than it's a futanari from the start. Cock and balls drop from a loli; that changes the story. Pussy grows on a shota and nothing changes one iota. Unless, the story's focus is on impregnating your shota.
>>980269 In my opinion it depends what she grows into.
>>980260 > And what the fuck does that have to do with the price of tea in china? The fact that a mod edited the post to replace 'gay porn' with pizza and deleted the post replying to it which said that posting gay shit was /v/ culture, as you already know. Why did you do it nigger? Answer me.
>>980554 >No niggers on sight I don't think he would.
Trevor from Phantasmagoria 2 is both the first gay character I ever remember seeing in a game and one of the funniest. https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=VN-VHZkgUSs >>980261 I wouldn't say "gay" exactly because that implies an attraction to the same sex, but it definitely isn't straight. >>980259 >>980556 Aren't edited posts clearly marked as being edited?
I like them both because they both remind me of my own bf Anyways, this thread would be better off on >>>/vb/ because then it could be a porn dump.
Get this spam off the board.
>>980076 Sorry to disappoint anon but this is a SFW board.
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>Favourite homo
>>980594 We're here, we're queer, and you can't stop us. Your tears just turn me on. I'm stroking to you crying about gay posts while you suck my dick and get addicted to smoking cock.
dead board. Can't believe we have faggot threads now.
>>981099 4cucks /a/ board had daily faggot threads back in 2009 when it was the most popular board, think they exist to this day, I wouldnt know though, I dont watch anime, Im not gay
>>980743 ah, good choice.
>>981125 More like fage
>>980743 Now why would you post Klonoa on a fag thread, Anon?
>>981143 Klonoa's a cute shota, I want to eat his boypussy.
>>981246 >Eating ass Eww.
>>981309 At least he didn't describe his corpulent fetish and how Klonoa is so pure, any excretion coming from Kurokuro would be cleansing for the soul.
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>>981125 >sage in all fields You sound butt frustrated newfriend.
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Yesterday was Venti's birthday. Say something nice to him.
>>981349 I like his hat! And his color matched outfit is cute.
>>981351 And with any luck his carpet will match his drapes. Although to be honest my hardwood prefers the linoleum he has now.
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>the only Ash ITT is that Pokemon kid
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>>979412 SAMSON & ADON I'm guessing I mean. I don't know if they have been confirmed as bachelors or not.
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I guess this is as good a thread as any to ask this question, but how do you guys Interpret the Goemon Game Over Screens? Do you think it's as simple as >"Ha Body Bulider Oni's that's gay" And the punishment for getting a game over is going to hell and seeing something gay? Do you think the Oni are just trying to encourage you to keep trying to beat the game since they are said if you give up? It's truly a Mystery it seems, since when I translated the Japanese youtube comments they didn't seem to know what the fuck is going on either.
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>>981391 Manservice?
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Technically bisexual, I know not very original but I geniuently think he's a pretty good character.
>>980068 I never played Genshin but I did jerk off to those fags a few times.
>>980093 there was a boku no pico onahole in japan at one point
>>981761 Saw an anon post it on old cuckchan /pol/ decade ago in a degeneracy thread. It was even advertised as you being able to "experience the actual scent of Pico" on the box.
>>981769 >experience the actual scent of Pico >ass onahole But he poops from there!
>>981870 Not right now you don't
>>981876 ...but does Pico?
>>981879 you sound like your boyfriend chewed up your cock
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For me, it's the Real Little Boy Anal Smell cologne.
>>982045 Do they sell lesbo pussy scented onaholes? It's for my aunt.
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>Come on, dumpling, don't be shy. Just do this one little favor for Uncle Crassius.
>>979420 >slave zero >mc is gay Is this a South Park reference?
>>982602 Mr Slave is the least gay character posted in this gay-ass thread.
Apparently Miquella is officially gay >now, and for Radahn no less.
>>982833 Was this a case of canonising fanfic?
>>982833 Is he gay or does he have a selfussy like his mommydaddy?
Kill all gay people Kill 43.735% of 8moe's population
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He's certainly not my favorite, and he's not a very memorable character in general, but there's Davin from Fallout 2. It's been awhile since I played it, but if I remember the he's a farmhand who lives with his father, a butcher. The most notable thing about him is probably that he can marry you. You can also divorce him, if you do so his father has a fatal heart attack.
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>>981740 While I think characters like astolfo represent something that is entirely unachievable for 80% of men, I do really like these kind of traps where they are completely comfortable acting like a fag and being cute without having to try and justify it in some way, theyre just having fun. Theres something charming about that kind of confidence.
>>982953 Sorry, traps and gay characters don't exist anymore. They are by all accounts women in every conceivable facet despite still having a cock and balls and also being male. Sexually confident characters don't exist unless they're women, and fun isn't allowed anymore. Yes I'm mad.
>>982958 Shut up anon they only stop existing if we stop making them!!
>>982969 are you saying we need to breed more women so they pop out traps?
>>982994 Impressive, you found a way to make fucking women gay.
>>983003 Well there was this nigger on Jewtube who managed to make heterosexuality look so gay he got bullied, so i'm not surprised.
>>982994 I was gonna say just learn how to draw your own traps but that works too I guess.
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>>982994 >"I Want To Become A Man, But My Faggot of A Father Wants Me To Crossdress!?" : A Slice of Life Comedy Manga by Anon-Sensei
>>981374 Shame SEGA erased his existence
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>>982922 This but unironically.
>>983005 OH, you are one of THOSE, behold vid related everyone, and judge e08cd2 accordingly
>>983069 Nah he's right, the guy comes across a massive fag. Making your online persona a blushing shota catboy who wears girl accessories (on top of him having a faggy voice) doesn't help him.
>>983074 >Making your online persona a blushing shota catboy I take it you haven't heard of Nick Fuentes.
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>>983069 >>983074 I think for me it just comes across as disingenuous. Everbody has a type and being like "oh I like all girls" is just lame. I don't think he deseved what he got, at least not for this, but it wasn't really people like us giving him shit, it was his own "team" as it were, because thinking women are sexy at all is evil. He cultivated that fanbase though, so to a large degree what happened to him was his own fault. I honestly think most of the narritive that he was bullied for being a faggot is significantly overblown as damage control to protect woke ideology and make it seem like it was our fault.
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>>983080 It's still so strange a military has a femboy furry as its mascot. I'd love to know what series of events lead that to happening, who's idea was it?
>>983080 Eh, I like all kinds of girls myself. There's some I prefer sure, but I could go for the opposite of my usual type if they have something else that intrigues me about them like their personality.
>>983080 nah, it was a pincer attack from both sides, rare sight, and honestly i think it wasn't deserved, although i agree that he certainly cultivated a part of said pincer, also as far as know that video is an animation of something he did off-the-cuff on a stream, and seemingly he does have an artist girlfriend who implied on some drawing she did that he fucks rather well, or so i heard
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>>983083 According to my furry weaboo friend, the creator (who is also a part of the Japan ASDF) entered him into a contest, and while there was a definitive winner, and it wasn't Omaneko they decided to just use all of them because they were all popular. I think to the broader internet Omaneko is probably the more well known one. He sent me a list of the potential mascots and I personally felt the one below was the best one for a military base.
>>983086 Props to him having a gf who stuck with him through that, she's a keeper for him, even if I'd probably hate her lol.
>>982994 i look around and can't find the source, would you be so kind so as to share it?, thank you
>>983088 wholeheartedly agree on both points
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>>983089 You have a few keywords to work with. Panel 1. If Jewgle can give me it and the piracy site first go, you can get it, anon.
>>983080 >>983085 >>983086 Part of the problem with saying that you "Like all girls" is that it ignores what actually makes a woman unique and turns her into being nothing more than just another collectable. That you could replace her with any other doll, no matter how vastly different, and you would continue on without ever really noticing.
>>983094 From a weirdo fetish perspective the idea of just turning girls into little collectibles that I can turn back into real girls to fuck and the put back on my self is super hot... but I agree with your point.
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>>983093 ah, no wonder i didn't find it, thought it was a doujin, thank you
>>983095 You're Dingo aren't you
>>983099 yeah... its me...
>>983094 >what actually makes a woman unique What makes a woman unique is her actual identity and soul, this discussion is pretty much just referring to appearances, which women can change relatively easily, save for a few inherent physical attributes which are currently more difficult to do so with (but even still there are things they do to alter them). If what you can say is "unique" about a woman is shit like her eye color, height, hair color, measurements, or her hairstyle, it really doesn't mean much on its own. And if we're just talking superficial appearances, big fucking deal, that's a matter of taste. Your last pic related is a pretty damning example of this "checklist" style approach. You aren't enlightened just because you know what tags you like to search for on sadpanda. >oh you like both big boobed and small-boobed women? pick a side you autist, don't you know you're objectifying women?! And if you are referring to things like personality and heart, most of your pics related are just fetish material, not something you would actually want in real life unless you're retarded.
>>983105 >What makes a woman unique is her actual identity and soul, this discussion is pretty much just referring to appearances They're one and the same. Because of the fact that one can change how they look, from the clothes they wear to their body's physique (Within reason), how you look is a reflection upon one's identity and soul. Someone who takes care of their body though eating right and exercising has a very different outlook compared to someone who's a slob that never bathes. Just as much as a a lady who's running around in a low-cut outfit is displaying that she's a very different person from a woman in a business suit. As far as the aspects of one's self that you cannot change (eye color, height, hair color using your examples), you accept the fact that those parts are something that you cannot change, must learn to live with, BUT you can still make the most of them. The actual organ that is the brain or the heart may not look pretty, but they're essential in order for your body to function so we treat those aspects with the utmost care by giving them the nutrients they need and pushing their limits so that they don't become weak. The same should be true with one's biological aspects that you cannot change. While you cannot change the fact that you have brown hair instead of blonde, you can still style the hair in a way that looks pleasing or functional. >And if you are referring to things like personality and heart, most of your pics related are just fetish material, not something you would actually want in real life unless you're retarded. Someone is being judgemental.
>>983122 >how you look is a reflection of your identity and soul I'd say this is incredibly vain, but then we're already in the faggot thread so it's fitting.
>>983083 >a military has a femboy furry as its mascot They have TWO furry traps. This mouse is male too: https://www.mod.go.jp/asdf/omaezaki/1/kichishoukai/index2.html >Hamu ChunChun >Motif: "Nezumi Mound," a sightseeing spot in Omaezaki City >He is a member of the Chu Police Squad's Rat Squad. He has a strong sense of justice and protects the base. >He is small in stature and excels at espionage, but is not very athletic. He is not fond of cats. >He is a male.
>>983074 That guy is a tranny loving faggot. I for one am happy he got fucked over by his "allies".
>>983086 >>983088 Really? I've heard that his girlfriend is "Asexual"
>>983230 well per herself, with him she's is "Asexual" as well, "A sexual fiend" that is
(474.51 KB 825x1069 ScarryBusiestpeopleeverP7.jpg)

>>983213 Soon japan is going to have enough mascots like this to populate a busytown of gay furry traps.
>>983353 Don't threaten me with a good time, anon!

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