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Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 15:41:54 No. 1405
What's your favorite videogame, Anon? Mine might be Ratchet and Clank 2. It's got a ton of great levels, weapons, replayability, lots of great humor and always brings back good memories of playing it years ago.
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I've never played Ratchet and Clank but I had a PS2 on which I mostly used to play Vice City. My favorite game however is DOOM II. There's so many wads left to play that I never get bored, and I can even replay them. Latest wad I've replayed is Ancient Aliens
>>1409 >never played Ratched and Clank Damn bro, you're missing out.
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>>1405 i can't pick a favorite game, song or a movie
>>1405 Witcher 1. My older slavic sister would put her hands over my eyes while collecting all of the sex cards back in 2007. Forever angry the entitled faggots who discovered the series with 2 or 3 shit on witcher 1 because its le clunky/jank. Just dresden my shit again
>>1405 Excellent taste, it s also my favorite Ratchet and Clank. Favorite game of all time would be Serious Sam the Second Encounter.
do you have a favorite game released after 2010?
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>>1409 I prefer Doom 1 to 2 honestly The new enemies are all pretty shit and so is the rushed out the ass level design.
>>1420 N...no? Because Ratchet and Clank 2 was released before 2010. That's not how "favorite" works. I have a lot of games I like from after 2010 but I wouldn't say they're my favorite.
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>>1424 I hear ya, but I still prefer Doom 2 because of all the Doom2-compatible wads and because the Archvile and the Revenant are hot.
>>1414 I agree, there's too much choice.
>>1405 What do you think of the other R&C games? >>1424 Doom 2's level design falls apart right around Downtown and never recovers. it feels like id just didn't give a shit after a certain point. >>1457 Do they give you boners?
>>1478 >What do you think of the other R&C games? They're fun. R&C 1 is a great game but misses a lot of the variety 2 has, 3 is okay (and I admittedly enjoyed it a lot more as a kid before the flaws became more apparent) but still a good game, Deadlocked is great but only focuses on combat while sacrificing variety and the only other one I played was A Crack in Time, which looked really nice when I played it and was fun but didn't feel as feature complete as it could have been.
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>>1478 >Do they give you boners? You know it.
>>1495 My number one issue with the original R&C is the weird combat, it feels like a platformer with guns thrown into it. From 2 onward it feels like like a real platformer shooter. Does the original even have strafing? I can't remember but I don't think so. >ACiT That's considered to be one of the best games in the series, fans usually argue over whether it or 2 is the best. You have to forgive them for the rough edges, the game was only made in 9 months. >>1513 Heretic had better art than gameplay. Was the armour compressing her thighs? She seems to have birthed two children and gained 40 pounds in the process of taking it off.
>>1515 I agree, and the ending was pretty disappointing, with an easy and underwhelming boss fight that was just a previous boss copy pasted several times. I really liked the powerup mechanic, however. Yes to all of that. The armor is purposefully very tight.
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>>1526 All of Heretic is underwhelming, it feels like a high-budget Doom TC which it basically is. Hexen on the other hand is really unique, as controversial as that game can be in the design department. If the HDoom creator were asked to draw the Iron Lich he would have turned her into an anime girl. So little creativity these days, to look at interesting and exotic designs and reduce them to the effectively same character in different outfits.
>>1530 >Baron and Mancubus behind the archvile Those monsters would in fight with the arch so you could focus with him using ssh; just defend your corner. If you are on the open field, stay away as much as possible, wait for them to start infighting and use rocket launcher or bfg to kill quickly the arch as soon as you have a clear shot. If it was the other way around (archvile in the back while all the other monsters are in front of him) it would be a fucking pain in the ass to control that mob.
>>1531 Based DOOM PRO. >if it was the other way around I'd circle around to go back to the previous situation :^) >>1530 It's actually so easy and exotic-compliant to edit sprites to simply add boobs that it's a wonder no one has done it before. Some did it with 'cocks' years ago
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>>1537 >I'd circle around to go back to the previous situation :^) Sure, that works if you are in the open, but if you are fighting in a hallway then it's a very scary situation to be in, you can kill the the barons, but then the arch would resurrect them.
>>1414 I have favorites but they change frequently, listing any favs would only be my favs at that exact moment. >>1513 I cropped this awhile ago and specifically thought of you. Maybe you'll get a kick out of it >>1547 If the average person saw you with a tat like that they'd probably think you were a Russian mafia member.
>>1554 Excellent picture, saved Not so excellent channel but it's not the first time a cute design emerges from a bad place.
>>1554 >Not editing "In a Nutshell" to "In a Nut" One job.
>>1619 >nut hell
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>>1405 I wanna fuck that idort
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>>1405 DMC1 and Ninja Gaiden Black are tied for number 1. Depending on my mood right now, I think DMC1 inch's just a bit higher. I truly love everything about that game.
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