/vb/ - /b/ but with video games

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Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 02:20:37 No. 1590
The general undertones of /vb/ are rather kafkaesque and not very /b/-coded. I suggest that you move towards discourse that is more /v/-core, /b/-core or maybe both. Maybe hints of elements from the /co/-core and /g/-core subgenres will also make for a nice addition. The inclusion of Hispanic (Latin-x) and West African people into the fold would also enrich the general discourse of this board.
>>1590 I second this motion. Either compete with your own board, or mine, or make an alliance for a board inbetween us both.
>>1590 LOL. LMAO, even.
Nun pussy
Post more of this kind of image
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>>1625 >Made me laugh >Made me cum 10/10
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>>1590 >>1625 Mental illness smut, Chris-chan tier.
>>1677 It's not because jack off to this that they want to fuck their own mom. Can you imagine if all gurofags became serial killers? Preposterous.
>>1677 Whatever fag
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>>1678 Anon a mommy fetish is not remotely comparable to guro, why are you even making this comparison that doesn't help you Do you draw porn? It's usually NSFW artists who make this argument, nobody naturally thinks "oh but what about people who get hard over murder? ever think about them huh??" as a response to anything besides those exceptionally with high porn exposure
haha what if tails was a girl haha
>>1709 Not him but I draw both guro (without suffering) and porn and yet I want a cute gf with large hips to have kids with and NOT to cut her nipples off
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>>2160 ...
>>1685 Funniest gondola I've seen in years
>>1591 Vamp you are the worst fucking mod ive ever seen, get fucked, also having tea.
>>1678 Why did Chris Chan end up fucking his mom anyway? He finally managed to lose his virginity with her?
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>>2306 Kiwifarms trannies pushing him to do it and his own lack of sex life and delusional mind driving him over the edge. Chris would still have a hard life if those freaks didn't obsess over him, but at least he would be much better than he is off now. Shit stopped being funny the exact moment they started pretending to be his friend.
>>2309 Anon what on earth is this, I know you didn't find this on 8moe
>>2313 TERF brainrot and one of the few actual funny things women were able to provide to the world.
>>2314 I don't see what's funny about that video. It's 2005 internet ADHD with ultra niche internet references.

>>2315 >It's 2005 internet ADHD with ultra niche internet references Yes, that, shitting on trannies and the animation is what makes it funny.
>>2309 Are they really girls? I've thought a few times that they could be self-hating MtFs.
>>2324 Apparently a lot of the popular youtube content creator "girls" in the space are MtFs. I've only learned recently that Gooseworx (the one behind digital circus) and Xploshi (some animator) are that.
>>2328 I also recently learned about Gooseworx, though at this point I'm not surprised. I used to follow artists on twitter and many were MtFs or transitioned over the years.
>>2309 Fukken amazin'
>>2328 Are they really? That would explain their autism when it comes to animation.
>>2352 https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LGBTPlusCreators Expand the web animation section. Also >they
>>2355 Yes, you can use "they" to refer to two plus people together, that's what the fucking word is for. Unless you're implying they're not people.
>>2356 i thought you were replying to >>2329 oopsie teehee xd lol XP :D
>>2356 >Unless you're implying they're not people. Not him (I think) but I'd use "it" instead, or "these things" when referring to several people
>>2363 Alright, i'll believe it
>>2156 dicks
>>2306 >>2309 >Why did Chris Chan end up fucking his mom anyway? wasn't like the daughter of a fed the one that convinced him to do that?
>>2401 I thought she was a fed herself. A pretty one, too.
>>2403 The daughter of a glowie and a golem, but hey, the government making their people retarded as possible is just a conspiracy.
didn't that bitch have foot fungus
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Friendly reminder that most Sonic fans are pedophiles & pedophiles are often right-wing nuts who think their godjesus told them to be pedophiles. Doxxing them & getting them rid from society is the only option.
>>2597 That explains the milkers. I can save her and her foot fungus
>>2698 Nah mostly left-wing, the fetish ones are furries. >>2703 Nice body but mid face.
i'd hit

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