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Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 20:26:43 No. 19
Play Onirism, /vb/
Onirism is an average game with a batshit insane fanbase.
>>22 >batshit insane fanbase I heard "degenerate", "pedo", "shill", and other stuff, but that's the first time I heard someone call the fanbase "insane".
Looks like a pedo game, is it fun?
The Lily skin that someone made for Carol is really nice.
>>22 I've seen it shilled literally twice in however many years it's been out. Just 10 more years of early access and it'll be perfect
>>26 It's a good shooter that needs optimization. Enough content for several hours so it's worth, but it's not finished.
>>43 If the dev doesn't faint from overwork like last time.
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>>26 It's actually a monster girl game.
pour vous
>>159 Est-ce que se faire prendre faisait partie de ton plan?
>>173 planter ce jeu, sans survivant!
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>>26 Its an actually good 3rd person shooter with good movement and weapons, reminiscent of ps2 titles before tank controls became staple of tps. If people actually played games here they'd talk about it more
>>263 We had a whole ass thread in /v/ I must have been behind half the posts over there, but it was pushed off the catalog.
>>263 The artstyle and music remind me of PS1 platformers.
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No. I just want porn.
>>263 >english voices Thank God they made it so that the game can have French Audio and English text.
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>>288 You're missing out but you do you.
>>292 Truth is, I don't have enough computer.
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>>269 oh youre the nigger who recommended me, thanks! We had good traction and activity in that thread but after few weeks it slowed and due to "one thread only" rule, it stagnated and only bumped once a week, staying months on the catalog; most people didn't want to see same thread with only 2 new posts. Good thing you're still around >>274 It reminds me more of ps2 platformers with its fluid movement and no delay between animations. The platforming is just jump anywhere, unlike having specific grabbable ledges and paths.
>>301 its a unity engine shit, how crappy is your laptop?
>>301 It runs well on a 2060, how shit is your rig?
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>>306 >>308 10 year old craptop. Nvida GeForce 950M, Intel i5, 8GB ram. I can't even run some "kinetic" visual novels like Train Loli without the thing overheating. Also, my keyboard can't handle 3 key inputs, and will drop one if I try to do something like shooting while moving diagonally in Touhou.
>>312 Yeah, you should upgrade, 10xx or 20xx rigs should be affordable enough by now.
>>318 I have more important things to save for first and I plan on spending a few thousand on something that will last me a decade whenever I buy a real computer.
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Some of the old outfits are getting updated. The French Touch is getting a rework. New one on the left, current one on the right.
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big titty Emily
>>367 big titties is not suited for spider, mommy titties are fine
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>>870 Damn, that's cool as shit. I guess I'll finally dive in.
>>870 the mad frenchies actually did it
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I claim this board for cunnyposting. The only way to stop me is to shitpost more often than I do.
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4 extra weapon slots and weapon hotkeys confirmed.
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>playing pedoshit le kys
>>1549 Why does this feel like Serious Sam rip off including beheaded kamikazes?
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>>1618 Serious Sam II is one of the main inspirations for Onirism, and it already shows with the enemy designs and a few sections of the game.
>>1606 >le redditspeak Kill yourself, you ugly sack of niggershit. Not bot, I swear! :^)
>>1606 >Muh pedos Nigger, where?
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>>1679 >>1606 Oh, boy here we go! I do so love controversial topics!
>hurr loli is pedo Incorrect. Loli or lolicon is a genre of porn and a fetish. Lolis are fictional little girls, they are the subject of the fetish known as lolicon. Lolicons are those who enjoy "lolicon", they are sexually attracted to fictional little girls and the ones that could be called "pedos". In other words: loli porn = fictional CP lolis = fictional little girls lolicons = pedophiles attracted to fictional little girls Therefore "lolicons are pedos" is the correct expression.
>>1691 Who are you quoting?
>>1694 Socrates.
There's not much porn of Emily yet.
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>>1697 >They're not for milk >Negress spidergirl lactates grape drank
>>1700 >Calling Emily a nigress Rude
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yo onanism is fucking fire bros
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QRD on the Meadows update >one huge terrain now between the Inferno Valley and the Treetops >2 vehicles now available to travel the area: a slow unicorn with homing magic grenades and a fast but hard to master motorbike with chainguns >enemy density is a bit higher than usual, makes for some nice fights >new enemies inspired by SS: a harpy, a lizard witch who throws homing green fireballs, and a bigger version of the axolotl mechanoid with missiles. The mechanical rhino returns in a new form >The kamikawaiis now scream >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >new guns: a laser chaingun, a shotgun with a fixed horizontal spread that uses energy ammo, and a foam rocket launcher. Airsoft rifle is now in campaign mode >15 new outfits >One main objective: power two generators, one located in a corpo building and another in a power plant, both trigger an enemy wave >One side objective, find 4 keys scattered in the map, open a castle's gate and battle through a huge wave of enemies like in a Serious Sam game to get a one-time reward of 3000 pearls >has a goblinism joke >has a serious sam secret phone booth reference that also mocks Duke Nukem Forever <whole terrain has several huge holes where you can get out of bounds and fall off the map <no grand event besides the castle, like the battle of glalhalla or the train heist <still no new bonus levels, though it has been this way since the glacier <motorbike can be a pain to use and rolls down slopes when you leave it Overall 8/10, it's not Rust and Frost but it's really good.
>>2013 Goblinism makes my fucking dick hard solely due to the gameplay
>>2054 >>1549 >>2058 >>870 Seriously (lol) tho, this feels like serious sam but with actual design and effort put into it. Same movement, same weapons, same batshit number of enemies, fire away
>>2082 Shame Serious Sam became shit.
>>2083 SS4 was hot garbage. Siberian mayhem is ironically the better game purely because it has level design and enemy placement done to perfection
>>2083 The studio obviously isn't all that interested anymore, in fact I'd say they lost interest after Serious Sam 2. Their heart is in The Talos Principle now.
>>2082 SS2 is, like I said, one of the many inspirations that Onirism takes from, but you get direct references, either gameplay-wise or as an easter-egg to many other games, like Call of Duty, Resident Evil or Blood.
>>2083 Siberian Mayhem is great >>2085 Nail in the head, I expected 4 to be good since 3 was a rushed job made on a budget wearing the skin of a military shooter game.
>>2110 >I expected 4 to be good since 3 was a rushed job made on a budget wearing the skin of a military shooter game I wanted SS4 to be good, but once I heard about the "Legion system 100 000 enemies on screen" thing, I knew the bed was going to be shat on, and then it turned out it was just a horde of intangible characters used two times in the whole game.
>>2054 >>has a goblinism joke Wait, is there some other goblinism joke I haven't heard, or are they really referencing pic related?
>>2122 It's one of the cinematics, a Corpo guard looks at Carol and says "look, a goblin!". Carol takes it personally and beats the shit out of him.
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>>2114 siberian mayhem actually pulled closest to the legion system in just one part of the game. You have a tank and have to fight approx 500 enemies big and small. Before the engine shits itself. Its the best part of the game and very replayable
>>2187 apart from edf I dont think many games can pull off hundreds of enemies on screen as well as serious sam, and be fun
>>2187 Yeah, but in the tank section in SM, you COULD kill the enemies. The intro section in SS4 was just ghosts. Wow, splendid use of your dev time and money for fucking nothing.
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>>2187 Damn, I almost forgot redditmanshills could be half decent when talking about something he actually enjoys.
>>2511 Damn, that looks fucking amazing.
>>2516 The devs don't know if they should put a green cloud for the explosion since it's a broccoli, or make it orange because people might mistake it for a fart cloud.
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They are selling the Carol plushie now.
>>3106 CUTE
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>>3107 Personally, I would've wanted an Emily statue.
Is the game good or just shilled because of the loli?
>>3305 Both. This is a janky but really long and ambitious game with lots of side content that was done purely because the lead dev "was bored", but either the discussion remains about the game itself, or anons just only talk about Carol or the ATF mod.
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Reminder that there's a mod that make best frenchie vg loli into best skater slut loli.
>>3355 Avril Lavigne?
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>>3356 Andava's Lily. There's a few people out there trying to make fan games of her too, I hope one get completed.
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>>3359 >A Dindu What did he mean by this?
>>3363 She dindu nuffin she be goin to da skate park.
>>3363 All the nuffins that a din du did do if a din du din do nuffin.
Can I mod it to lewd Carol
>>3394 There is a mod on ATF, with lewd costumes and animations, but it doesn't lewd the moster girls too, and is therefore trash.
>>3394 There's a video where she's getting fucked by a monster, I assumed it was a mod.
The Carol plushie campaign is not going well, already had a time extension, and still having trouble getting 200 sold. The faggot plushie campaigns, and doing it too early when the game is still obscure is not helping. In other news, new gun was shown.
>>3363 shes like michael jackson
>>3539 Looks awful. Should've made it more life sized and with that sultry look she has in the OP image then I would've bought ten of them.
>>3541 >Should've made it more life sized and with that sultry look she has in the OP image Sounds like you want a sex doll, not a plushie.
>>3543 No I would only cuddle with her.
>>3553 >post about "Carol's sultry look" >only cuddle looking kinda sus
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I am currently seeding version 23.05 at a 50:1 ratio. Folks want to play it. Pirate, of course, but also pay the frog who made it if you feel like it for making an indie game that actually doesn't suck and for not completely losing his shit and deleting fucking everything when the players all turned out to be pedos. Good devs are a rarity anymore. 8a411f75
>>3563 Thanks anon, more people need to play the game.
Plushie news: The main dev and his friends and family funded the rest of the campaign, brute forcing it and reaching the goal. The plushies will be made.
>>3635 based
>>3635 Mental, good on him.
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Also >Mark entered the official Discord where cunny memes are definitely not allowed and immediately throws a "uoh cute and funny" with another guy
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make me
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The Steam Summer Sale is live, and with it, the price for Onirism will drop for the buyfags (current pirate version at >>3563). The summer update might also drop this Monday.
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One bad news, and one good news. The summer update will be delayed, but on the other hand, Crimson Tales has promised a bikini Hellene (pic related).
>>3699 I'll even throw in a third-round draft pick.
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>>3716 Look at 'em bounce!

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