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>>2276 >HOW ARE WE WINNING THIS HARD XBROS the sentiment is right but regurgitating meme words isnt the best way. You can just type "AHAHAHHA" in post and it'd enough for a thread subject back on topic, AHAHAHHA MICROSOFT ATE CHEWED AND SPIT OUT ALL THOSE STUDIOS
>>2277 Forget the layoffs and closures actually don't it's a figure of speech, what I find strange is how nobody talks about the Series X|S's terrible sales figures. Worse than the 2600, a console from 47 years ago. Sure it's doing better than the Wii U and Dreamcast, but comparing it to consoles that were objective failures isn't doing it any favors.
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Playstation and Xbox have killed themselves even before Nintendo has released their console. While Nintendo is going to release the Switcharoo 2 the most Sony will do will be a Playstation 5 Pro. Funny shit how PC went from being considered the weakest platform to the best in 15 years.
>>2280 Fucking minus8. Is the cyclops supposed to be a cacodemon?
>>2276 And you wouldnt beleive the reason they shut down studios Jew execs - not even once
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>>2290 >Released a successful game? Gotta shut you down for that, otherwise we'd have to support you
>>2284 Thought so too at first, but no, it's Mother Brain from Metroid.
>>2302 That makes more sense. Too bad he didn't keep the huge fucked-up womb haha
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>>2295 >>2290 motherfuckin suits thought releasing MORE GAMES would be bad for their pockets??? HOW? Are they even jews or diversity hire semi-jews who think their dev funds will come from their profits?
>>2332 They want more live service games even if they fail They'll risk everything for a Fortnite hit
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>>2327 You're sick in the head
>>2338 >outie Takes one to know one
>>2339 What did you mean by this?
>>2380 I meant that 1. the presence of a visible belly button means that you are also sick in the head (because you would know interesting arousing details regarding fucked-up bloated wombs) 2. I am currently greatly aroused by the picture you've skillfully edited to give the Mother Brain her rightful fucked-up bloated womb
>>2276 Did you know that Facebook's VR headsets have sold better than the Xbox Series? Bravo Phil
>>2528 If you put Facebook's VR headset on and play the Xbox Series you can fantasize you're playing on a real PC
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>>2528 Quest 2 and 3 are legit good and cheap VR headsets, they aren't just "facebook's headsets". Unlike xsex which don't even have games. Seriously is there even a multiplatform game that runs good on xbox?
>>2332 Those people are rewarded for thinking in trimesters. It's best to shut down a whole good studio to "save" some money now, even if it means not having a new product to sell in a couple of years.
>>2572 vr needs a killer app, feels like a gimmick
The good vr games are just vr mods for other games.
>>2572 My problem with Facebook's headsets isn't technical specifications, it's Facebook. I'd never put money in their pockets, and if given one for free I'd expect it to invade my privacy.
>>2276 Before the Microsoft's layoffs I saw so much Xbox shilling online, but despite that the Series X is one of the worst selling consoles of the last few generations, only beaten by the Wii U and Vita. You'd think Xbox and PlayStation were neck-in-neck when Xbox is dead last, and by a big fuckin margin. Goes to show you the internet is not real life. >>2663 That was supposed to be Half-Life: Alyx, but it didn't do anywhere near as well as Valve wanted so now they're pivoting to handheld hardware and "pancake" games again.
How many people even own a headset to play Half-Life: Alyx?
>>2817 Any PCVR-compatible headset can play Alyx, so tens of millions. How many people own Alyx is closer to 2 to 5 million according to Steamspy.
>>2833 More than I thought, I only know one guy who owns a headset. I guess they really did sell more than the Xbox Series, then.
>>2835 The Quest 2 alone was reported to have sold 20,000,000. https://archive.is/1BRlG If you combine all of them it's going to be well above the Xbox Series. You wouldn't know this as you don't see people talk about VR much.
Is Microsoft the new EA? Can't compete so just destroys?
When Calyx Legal opened a class action case against Fortnite some girlboss lawyer had evidence Epic Games hired psychologists to make Fortnite as addictive as possible
>>2854 Xbox Game Pass is the cancer that is killing gaming. Microsoft moved Office to the cloud with Office 365 six years ago and I just read a post they're billing subscription passes for fucking Solitaire. Eventually Windows as a whole will become cloudware where cattle will own nothing and be happy.
>>2861 >Whoa, I'm Klaus Schwab's top guy >Klaus Schwab chose me to lead the Great Reset >Okay, Schwab >I'll do it for you, Schwab >I'll bat for you, Schwab >I've got your back, Schwab!
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>>2854 >I bough an Xbox Series >I bought a PS5 what a fucking retard
>samefag schizoposting
>>2861 I somewhat get it, as i got older i got less of an urge to collect shit and put on my wall now, hell i see those games as nothing more than code in a box tbh, if i felt autistic about it i would save the cover art and manual as a pdf and have the complete game in my hd.
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>>2883 t. retard
>>2861 >>2863 >If Klaus Schwab has a million fans, then I am one of them >If Klaus Schwab has ten fans, then I am one of them >If Klaus Schwab has only one fan then that is me >If Klaus Schwab has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth >If the world is against Klaus Schwab, then I am against the world
>Microsoft thinking about "letting other companies" make the next Xbox >The next gen Xbox will allegedly not be a single console but a Windows-based device that other manufacturers can make their own versions of. https://archive.is/VfrK0 Didn't Valve try this with the Steam Machine, and it was a horrible failure? If this report is true it confirms they're basically leaving the console space, the article goes onto speculate it's going to be a UMPC like the Steam Deck or Rog Ally. >>2898 I don't know why he's posting like a boomer on Facebook. That makes him look especially odd and out of place.
>>2928 They're definitely distancing themselves from their role in the console space. Phil Spencer said he entered into a 10-year commitment to bring Call of Duty games to Nintendo, which Microsoft later confirmed was a signed and legally binding 10-year contract. All Call of Duty games will come to Nintendo systems the same day as xbox, with full feature and content parity. Phil Spencer also said this February on the official Xbox podcast he's going to take four Xbox exclusives to the other consoles.
>>2928 The Facebook boomer poster has been shitting up /v/ and /vb/ for a while He tries to bait debates with purposely shit takes but people just laugh at him instead
>>2928 >>2942 They reportedly made more profit from their gamepass than their consoles combined, so they immediately doubled down on being a gamepass seller and thoight they no longer need consoles. The "consoles" this decision will lead to absolutely destroy xbox's brand value with normies
>>2956 its a schwabby future my friend
Xbox? More like Xcocks.
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>>2851 I too, bear the crown of imprudence.
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>spend millions on buying studios >shuts them down bc they aren't making AAA slop
>>3178 >Wojak nigger is a fucking retard What a surprise! Micro$hart bought Bethesda and Activision for Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Call of Duty. The rest is meaningless to them you idiot.
>>3194 It's not surprising. The only Thing EA makes is FIFA, Madden, SIMS 4 DLC and Battlefield. NFS ain't doing much Respawn is only around because of Star wars and Apex Legends making money. I'm already over the fact that I'm never getting a Titanfall 3, C&C is a corpse fans puppeteer to cope with, and Dead Space is sent to the Remastered blender. Ubisoft puts the same features in all their games they might as well just make a multiverse game. The Crew, a game no one cared about sparked controversy because of how those who bought the game can't use it because they remove the software from their accounts. Square Enix trying to make a good game that isn't a jrpg is like finding a needle in a haystack. Sony shutting down Japan Studio show that the only games they care about is mainly games like Last of us God of war and Spiderman 2. Bye-bye to any chance of a new Gravity Rush ever. Region locking content because they can't make a PSN account is also a dick move. Nintendo has made a lot of Mario games for the Switch than every other first party game combined. I'm still waiting for Metroid prime 4.
What percentage of Microsoft's total profit is Xbox?
>>2279 >what I find strange is how nobody talks about the Series X|S's terrible sales figures. Worse than the 2600, a console from 47 years ago. Making it worse, the world population 47 years ago was like half of now
>>3315 Roughly 7%. >>3403 And the percentage of gamers was much lower. >>3199 >Nintendo has made a lot of Mario games for the Switch than every other first party game combined. Are you counting main releases or all of them? Because they've only made three "real" Mario games for the Switch; Odyssey, Bowser's Fury, and Wonder. If you're counting all remakes and spinoffs there's about 25, but in that case you're including series like WarioWare and Luigi's Mansion, neither of which are Mario proper.
>>3178 It's not stupid, they know what they're doing. It's anti-consumer.
What a fucking horror show.
>>2956 They have around 30 million GP subscribers, that's more than all Xbox Series sales. From a business perspective it makes sense to pivot to the service that requires much less effort for better gains. >The "consoles" this decision will lead to absolutely destroy xbox's brand value with normies You right even though you shouldn't be. Most Xbox fans seem woefully unaware to the degree of which Xbox as a console has failed this generation. For some reason they still hold considerable cultural clout, probably because of the X360 days, so Microsoft making any perfectly rational attempt to divest in consoles is met with uproarious fury from the Xbox faithful. Did you see the reaction to Microsoft porting just 4 games to PS5 and Switch? Total hysteria, shocking behaviour for the age these people are.
>>3526 Despite the hysteria it would generate, it's probably most rational economically for Xbox to follow Sega's path after the Dreamcast and become a multiplatform third-party software publisher.
Inb4 Sony proceeds to do all the awful shit that Microsoft did with the Xbox One, because they no longer have a real competitor in the console market and can get away with it without worrying about market share.
>>3592 It's funny how Microsoft has so thoroughly shit the bed that the first defence of Xbox can only be "BUT SONY-". The PS5 is the worst selling PlayStation outside the Vita, their grip on the industry isn't the same as it was during the 90s and 2000s. Platform warriors don't even count PC or Switch for whatever reason, probably because the "Sony will have a monopoly if Xbox dies!" narrative makes no sense if you do.
>>3593 >Platform warriors don't even count PC or Switch for whatever reason PC is Microsoft.
>>3600 >be Microsoft >dominate computer gaming for decades >jump into the console racket with more capital than the rest of the industry combined >engage in a bunch of anti-consumer business practices >watch as other consoles follow suit >quit the console industry just as it tanks >everyone is forced to game on either PCs or shitty little Nintendo handhelds.
>>3600 >PC is Microsoft. PC is Steam, MS owning the most popular OS doesn't really mean anything in the context of a PC.
>>3711 >PC is Steam, MS owning the most popular OS doesn't really mean anything in the context of a PC.
>>3714 That's obviously in the context of gaming you silly billy. PC itself is the platform, the conversation isn't about OS marketshare, it's about gaming platforms and within that framework what OS a PC runs on is irrelevant. Whether your PC runs MacOS (they're computers no matter what Apple's marketing says), BSD, Linux or Windows has no effect if you're buying games from Valve and GOG nonetheless. Under this logic, you could say the FreeBSD Project is a big gaming competitor because PlayStation consoles run on FBSD.
>>3719 It's important because the games won't run on Mac OS or whatever. People are partially buying the OS because of video games. And yes, that's beginning to change with Steam Deck and some similar things not running Windows, but it's a far way from really changing things substantially.
>>3719 >Whether your PC runs MacOS (they're computers no matter what Apple's marketing says), BSD, Linux or Windows has no effect Ah, found the stupid. Lel, anyone else remember when people thought that gamers would be tech-literate because they spent so much time on computers? The joke's on them. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-informationliteracy/chapter/personal-computers/
>>3721 >>3722 >still missing what I'm saying Wonderful. I'll simplify it. Microsoft owning Windows doesn't mean they "own PC" and does nothing to negate the failure of Xbox and Microsoft's entire gaming division.
>>3600 >>3612 >>3711 >>3721 What is happening here? Xbox fans pulling some "A-ACTUALLY MICROSOFT STILL WINS!" cope because of Windows? Those aren't the same thing and you know it.
>>3726 If anything it's not trying to make things look positive for MS, it's trying to remind people who very likely are still using products from this shitty company to stop.
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>>3743 Everything Microsoft makes is fucking terrible, it's insane. Even normalfags seem aware of this. I think MS is only popular out of people's inertia to change.
>>3744 Microsoft has not made a decent operating system since Windows 2000 Pro. The big trick is that people do not actually buy their products. Companies do. Windows gets packaged with company computers, and built into the computers that computer-illiterate people like >>3723 buy from retailers who get them from manufacturers in bulk. And since chip manufacturers like Intel design their chips to benchmark the best while running Microsoft software, the game studios in turn design their games to run the best with Microsoft software. This builds a big three-way co-dependency between Microsoft, chip manufacturers, and game studios where, no matter how poor each of their products are, they keep working together, because that is how their businesses are designed to run. Then you have Apple OS, which is largely self-contained and thus an afterthought to chip manufacturers and game studios. You have Linux distros, but the new Red Hat is turning every OS that they control into Microsoft-style dogshit. You can break out of it with some of the non-Red Hat OSs like Void, but you had better know your way around a command prompt and be able to compile software. Not many people can do that, largely because they have been using godawful operating systems their whole lives that assume that their users are retards, so they become a vanishingly small demographic that no company trying to sell games or computer parts targets. Thus Microsoft rules gaming and computer manufacturing despite making nothing but absolute shit for the past quarter century.
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>>3747 >Microsoft has not made a decent operating system since Windows 2000 Pro. What's wrong with Windows 7?
>>3747 Originally I wrote out a long point-by-point breakdown of your post, like how "Apple OS" doesn't exist or what OS hardware is being benchmarked on not magically changing how it communicates with the databus, but a realization struck me. >biggest gaming platform is mobile >most popular mobile OS globally is Android >Android is based on the Linux kernal >Linus Torvalds rules gaming Linuxchads literally cannot stop winning. >>3834 It's Windows :^)
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