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Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 18:40:58 No. 2452
If she was locked up in a tower since childhood and had no one but scientists and songbird with her, wouldn't she turn out be retarded? How could she learn to speak or read, or know about humans or people living in Columbia? How did she get food or wear clothes?
Bioshock Infinite's story makes no fucking sense on several levels how did it take you over 10 years to realize this
>>2452 Because no one wants to play a game with a retarded girl as a sidekick in a flying city. They even changed her from a mysterious love interest to a disney princess daughteru >>2453 the best thing they did was let the visual designers do their own thing with the city then try to shoehorn a story into it. Imagine a hub world columbia to explore
>>2463 >no one wants (...) a retarded girl >deaf.webm
(766.62 KB 1157x872 1399766229326.png)

Posting this oldie. The fact this game still considered great by many and still gets positive reviews shows how blind and stupid people are when you have a "mature" story/themes. It's not even just the fact it's overrated, "overrated" usually implies it's at least good with a over positive reputation, but Bioshock Infinite is just flat out a bad game with no redeeming qualities except for maybe the visuals.
>>2479 >Bioshock Infinite is just flat out a bad game with no redeeming qualities except for maybe the visuals. Fuckers wanted to make a rollercoaster ride
My hecking steampunk waifu to go after my hecking steampunk game, zowmg epicz
(598.83 KB 1280x1707 Bioshock product.jpg)

>>2452 The only redeemable factor was the girl, at least they didn't make her into a mystery meat abomination
>>2542 instead she's just like my steampunk gf i found at steamcon dude.
>>2452 >>2469 In reality a child raised in a lab will have same suffering as child with neglect/bad parents. They'll be anxious emotional and mental wrecks who'll never feel safe with other people no matter if they did anything or not. And if they have dimensional warping or just any kind of strength/power they'll never be able to learn how to control it and it will inevitably make then unstable and destroy them. Just look at all the black kids who are raised with bad parents and go to prison. A simple way to somehwat fix this story is to have those scientist Lutece be her foster mother. She doesn't have to be good at it, just to make it that she taught her how to read and write, she taught her how use her powers and she taught her about the world. This wouldn't exactly make her non-retarded but atleast it gives an explanation how Elizabeth hadn't killed herself with her powers, and gave her curiosity about exploring the world.
>>2479 Are you me? I loved the environments but everything else was shit.

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