>you could have learnt a new hobby or skill, or read a book
I have the skills I need to make my career already. I only spend further time on those skills when I have spare time at work, so that I'm being paid for it. When I have spare time at work but am less able to freely study my trade, I read books on my phone. As for more personally useful skills, most I would want would require owning a home and more space, and I won't be able to commit such skills to long term memory without actually using them, so reading about them is pointless until I buy a house. I already have a hobby, vidya. It's very fun.
>if you tell them you play games they will not have sex with you and will call you an incel
>this is because the average woman is a lying whore and is looking to gain social capital in any community
Then why bother with women? Are you that desperate to get your dick wet?
>you don't even have to play the game to experience it.
This is false unless it's a movie game.
>AAA slop now requires half a hard drive and a gaming rig that costs an arm and a leg to play
>microtransactions and attention milking
>>phone shit is designed from the get go to milk the maximum amount of attention and money from you. entire generations of children are being raised as ipad babies
>>entire industry is boiling the frog to get you to accept even more slop and consoom
Those games are not very fun, and can be ignored, as there's more good games compatible with cheaper hardware than you can play in a lifetime.
>indie slop is pixel shit, shovelware, or has gay or trannies in it
>most indie game devs rhemaselves are either gay or trannies or mentally ill
It's fairly easy to filter these out too.
>>old games are increasingly getting incompatible with modern systems and corpos are cracking down on anyone trying to play them. they'd rather sit on the ips and do nothing with them
Fuck 'em. They can try, but they will never fully succeed in stopping piracy. There are multiple game preservationist projects going on at any given time keeping games both available and functional, with the common exception of online multiplayer. Newer retarded generations may be stuck with garbage remakes out of pure ignorance, but anyone who's an actual enthusiast can find and play the vast majority of older games.