/vb/ - /b/ but with video games

Just like 4chan's /v/ :^)

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Ghost Screen
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Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 14:09:06 No. 663
Dead board.
don't say that
YOU are dead
>>668 iz not big surprise
>Just like 4chan's /v/ :^) >2 pph
(13.75 KB 236x353 Kagura cute.jpg)

>>663 This is true
>>863 That doesn't make you any less gay
Does that mean I'm a ghost?
dead again
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posting in a dead bread board
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niggers have killed us >>>/b/457643
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>>1413 i don't know what to post about
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>>1416 Post about your vidya waifu, perhaps?
>>1418 vidya is not a good media to pick a waifu from, they make all the broads ugly as sin
>>1419 Are gacha vidya?
>>1419 Modem, mainstream 3D ones perhaps, but there are literally decades of older/more niche games to choose a waifu from.
>>1426 alright then, recommend a couple of good old games to pick my waifu from preferably not jrpgs
(48.29 KB 426x600 shermie-king-of-fighters.jpg)

>>1423 They barely count as a game. The best way to play a gacha is just to look at the .jpgs. >>1434 What about fightan games? Here, try this French girl for size.
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Post your cutest Kaguras
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What a cute loveable retard
>>1588 >>1589 that's an anime, are you allowed to post that here? i don't want to get in trouble
>>1595 What in the absolute fuck does that even mean?
>>1596 we are on /vb/ not on /a/, anime is for /a/
>>1597 /a/ is fucking dead because these motherfuckers prefer to concentrate discusions about stupid retarded bullshit in /v/ instead of fucking offe and talking about actually something in /a/
>>1597 /b/ already allows everything, including video games. Technically every other board has no reason to exist. This board is everything plus extra video games? Its poorly defined because its a shitposting board. Therefore basically no rules.
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dead! dead! dead! dead! dead!
(999.70 KB 640x640 dead board.gif)

d e a d b o a r d e a d b o a r d
Post then
>>3312 On it, doing my part so /vb/ doesn't die.
(2.40 MB 1920x1080 OWNED.webm)

Face it This is your fate You have been OWNED
Benis in Bagina.
never post in this thread again
>>3529 haha whoops.
>>3529 Always post in this thread forever.
>>3667 Pretty good but watch this: NIGGER
>>3668 How about for some action? NIGGER
>>3670 (((NIGGER)))

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