/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Axel-Rosered Vore Anonymous 08/10/2022 (Wed) 13:21:14 No. 17360 [Reply]
It's rare for him to draw, but there are few pieces out in the wild. Edits are also acceptable.
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A one time experience all of them Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 03:01:45 No. 46822 [Reply]
A one time experience
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Cute comic, I like the multiple endings, but the title and cover are kind of misleading. It makes it seem like they are having a quick hookup but in the comic they act like long time friends
>>47250 It was supposed to be a bad ending but somehow later the artist made a good ending and says that it was the real ending.
the disposal sceene one is just edited, someone made it and it's not the artist

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Gooseworx's vore art Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 00:12:34 No. 6167 [Reply]
Does anyone have access to Gooseworx's kink account, I know it has some good vore art in it so if anyone can, would you please leak any of it. https://twitter.com/gooseworse
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Bumper cars!
>>6259 Any proof that "The Goose" actually made this?
>>36725 Really fond of the ribbon lass. Never seen her because I haven't watched the show but I love the design.

Clown Vore Thread Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:05:43 No. 40694 [Reply]
A vore thread with clowns as predators
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We Need A Archive Or Website For One Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 10:30:32 No. 35309 [Reply]
Seriously, we can't rely on 8chan to provide one, the archive the site has sucks donkey dicks. It doesn't allow you to actually see the images or use any of the links, we are only provided with the text written in the thread. Don't be stupid and believe these threads will always be here, they sure as fuck won't anything here will be subject to deletion once the thread vanishes and is placed into that trash bin 8chan calls an "archive" If we are to save deleted artworks, we need a dedicated Archive of some kind, I am not in a financial position to provide my own server/website to do this, so this has to be a community effort.
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>>35313 Seconding vorebooru, though I agree it needs a bit of an overhaul: https://vore.booru.org/
>>35336 Hey bro links dead

Star Wars Vore Thread Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 13:26:56 No. 1632 [Reply] [Last]
A thread about Star Wars related vore
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Scrounged together this deleted Ergos sequence

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Miia Vore Comic Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 12:08:24 No. 46837 [Reply]
I’m search for some old Extra comics send by Varu in the past, but I’m more interest on Miia Comic, anyone have the complete comic by now? (Page 1 - 16)
First time i actually saw this pages.
>>46978 Like most of Varu's work, really
>>46837 yeah, you wont be getting these. Short of someone having directly asked for these from Varu, you won't find them. Varu requires you spend 2 pay periods subbed to their Paetron to request any previous comics, and will directly email all patrons the new pages weekly. Varu's extremely autistic about their anti piracy measures, and does regular checks for someone leaking their stuff, and then perma blocks anyone who leaked it, because it's really easy to tell who leaked it normally. Either you spent months subbed normally, getting every page of a new comic and then released it, or you are the singular person who just asked for that full comic within the recent months.

Tharja Vore Anonymous 09/25/2021 (Sat) 04:11:49 No. 1131 [Reply]
A thread for Tharja vore pics, if you find any post them here.
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>>37454 Enjoy some slight alts/edits of this one too
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Supervore Archive Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 19:50:49 No. 44128 [Reply]
I'm sure this has been done before, but didn't see a thread anywhere. Looking to see if any other degens out there has a collection of their stuff. Specially, looking for the Tara and Suzie's Thanksgiving video. Searched far and wide, at this point the real video is the friends I made along the way Most of their stuff is on kemono: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/12208576 Tara And Suzie's Thanksgiving vid preview: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/12208576/post/23732496
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>>46795 google base64 decode, paste it into there
>>46672 What the fuck, how the fuck am i terminated again already? This shit makes no sense
>>46907 Eres un negro

Dragon Pred Vore Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 01:04:59 No. 46012 [Reply]
Show me cool artwork with dragons as preds.
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>>46032 Those first two pics look like ThatKeiGuy's

Vaniliaz_ Archive Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 02:11:47 No. 25291 [Reply] [Last]
Vaniliaz_ has purged everything they made. Was any of it saved? https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCWOQk-3wAy8IAavYSyPEyOg
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>>46866 Knew it was too good to be true
Well then, they're a scum that deserved to be pirated for all they make just for that
>>46885 I really doubt they're actually Japanese. Think they just tried to fake their death and backpedalled on it for whatever reason, really scummy if you ask me.

Classychicken Art Anonymous 03/08/2023 (Wed) 16:45:45 No. 26701 [Reply]
Thread for Classychicken, an artist I love but seemingly no one knows they exist lol, doesn’t even have a Kemono page up.
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>>34777 (Checked) Thanks! Can someone update it as well?
Could someone update the kemono? there’s literally nowhere to see the rest of the vault girl comic
>>46880 Bump

wind.fy patreon animations? Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 10:00:51 No. 46406 [Reply]
anyone got the mewtwo CV animations from here? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=89132049
(28.99 MB 1920x1080 luca patron mewtwo.mp4)

(15.04 MB 1920x1080 mewtwo vcivcotry copu.mp4)

>>46406 i dont think its worth it but your welcome
>>46810 good stuff, thanks!

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MILF Thread Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 12:24:21 No. 46781 [Reply]
MILFs eating prey and turning them into MILF fat. Any MILF is okay as long as she is a mother, and is the one eating. However, the more mature and sexy the better.

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V tubers are a plague upon Vore Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 05:45:00 No. 45746 [Reply]
IMHO Vtubers have become the modern equivalent of the bearded vore terrorist only somehow even worse. A fair lof ot them are troons and have more or less hijacked a fetish for ego jerking (looking at you emmydook) and getting free art from their legions of simps.
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>>46665 Let's be real this fetish is never going to be mainstream, it is going creep people out no matter what you do. The bigger point is, why do you even care what other people think? So what if people hate it? Vore is just another weird and kinda fucked up fetish on a very large pile of paraphilias. I don't go around snot/vomit/diaper/whatever communities and mock them for being into something I think is disgusting. They can have their own little corner of the internet, just like I enjoy my little corner, and we all ignore each other like things are supposed to be.
>>46663 Tbf, this not an issue with voretubers, and is mainly a problem with one fucked in the head degenerate with a massive ego

Cardinal Chunder (Cardinal1Chunder) Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 17:15:35 No. 2413 [Reply]
Anyone have a picture archive link for former Deviant art artist Cardinal Chunder (Cardinal1Chunder)? Pics related and all I have, Thanks!!
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>>40629 holy shit that's amazing, not nearly enough edgar stuff
>>40629 Found this reposted on someone's Twitter by pure accident

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